Chapter 202

As his relationship with Tony Stark warms up, Xu moves back into his large home in New York City.

When the professor carried the cardboard box back to his home, he couldn't help but feel a little emotional. With Stark's various dramas on Capitol Hill, the outside world has also seen clearly the nature of Raymond Xu's upcoming reuse.

In the field of power, the reputation of Gwen Stacey, a little undergraduate, is nothing compared to the desire of all forces to make a pot of gold from Raymond Xu - therefore, Even the Office of the President of Empire State University rarely sent an email inviting a meeting to Raymond Xu through Helen Zhao.

This also proves that in the United States, the so-called political correctness is nothing more than a fragile fig leaf in the face of real power. Bureaucrats and tycoons are fully prepared to pursue their endless desires at the expense of a single person.

In addition, in a sense, the attack launched by Kingpin and Sitwell on Raymond Xu, combined with multiple weaknesses, seemingly defeated Raymond, but actually exposed his terrifying strength. ——

Within Stark Industries, Professor Xu has thousands of fans. Even if he leaves his job, his words and deeds will be enough to affect the company - this is something no one could have imagined. Americans tend to think that if you take Tony Stark's money, then you are Tony Stark's person.

As for Xu establishing his own team in Tony Stark's company through a series of personnel reshuffles and winning over people's hearts, they had never considered it.

On the other hand, the unusual silence of the Director of National Intelligence and IARPA, the secrecy of all intelligence agencies on this matter, and the news that the Spear Bureau was willing to keep Raymond Xu through diplomatic channels made everyone realize that , while he was reorganizing Stark Industries internally, he also conducted long-sleeved "diplomacy" externally.

So much so that now they can't attack this Asian "common" because he really is "common"!

What's even more amazing is that Xu seems to have an inexplicable relationship with the spider woman, because during his "downfall", the spider woman was almost single-handedly responsible for helping him collect all the elements for a comeback.

From Obadiah's fall to the present, through this incident, people have realized that his roots have been deep-he is no longer a pawn in this game, but an upright player.

The bureaucrats in Washington are carefully testing Raymond Xu's opinions on handling many matters after his return, including of course his final attitude towards the Gwen Stacy incident——

Although he has previously expressed his attitude of protecting Gwen even if he sacrifices himself, one thing these Washington bureaucrats understand best is that for public figures like them, saying it is one thing, but doing it is another. Another story.

Of course, regarding Empire State University’s question, Raymond Xu replied——

“The enrollment and withdrawal of students should be treated in a fair and just manner, and students’ personal freedoms should not be interfered with or basic human rights should be violated in the name of political correctness.”

——It seems that he said nothing, but in fact he said everything.

Of course, in addition to the lot of troubles Gwen is facing or about to face that he has to solve on his own, he also has imminent things to do.

Wilson Fisk is "dead", but this "death" is only a temporary "death", more accurately, the death of his substitute... Now, he must seize this precious opportunity for Gwen to take responsibility for the murder. , turning the death of the substitute into his own death, and even the death of Kingpin Order.

After taking a short rest on the sofa, Raymond rubbed his sore temples. The exhaustion of the past few days made the professor feel that he was going to have cardiovascular and cerebrovascular problems, but he quickly regained his strength.

IARPA hired him as a senior consultant and therefore assigned him a special car. After Raymond sighed, he dialed the phone: "There is a summit forum at the Four Seasons Hotel downtown today, right?"

FBI agent Jimmy Wu on the other side of the phone was stunned for a moment, and then nodded in response: "Yes... but you also know that it is more of a gang building in New York City than a business summit forum!"

"Then what would I do?" Raymond gently threw a word to the FBI agent, and then put down the phone. The special car is already waiting for him downstairs.

The professor put on his windbreaker, raised his fingers, and sang the tune of his hometown dialect: "The green dragon gnaws at the moon and the white light condenses, it can conquer the blood of war and turn red..."

The man's tall figure disappeared into the closed elevator door, leaving only his low chant:

"I have tried all kinds of tricks, but still in vain...!"

----split line----

In the middle of the dance party, gangsters or middle-level men danced with their arms around the beautiful bodies of women who were trying to achieve success - ballroom dancing has certain implications.

Looking at the dancing crowd, two men in suits sat down. They poured the Yamazaki whiskey from Japan. The orange-yellow body swayed slightly in the glass, and the gold-inlaid rim reflected the light of the luxurious crystal chandelier. Seven colors. "The task assigned by Mr. Kingpin..." The man on the left took the initiative to talk about the unspoken topic tonight. He coughed twice and did not finish the next sentence.

Hearing these words, the expressions of the people next to them all became stagnant. They all thought of the morning when Wilson Fisk's true form made an appointment with them - he asked them to find Spider-Woman's whereabouts, and to find Spider-Woman's whereabouts. Way to assassinate Raymond Xu.

Spider Woman is a superhero. Maybe when she took the initiative to bump into Kingpin, the fat man could have fought with him with his more than 100 kilograms of muscles, but now Spider Woman has hidden her whereabouts... There are eight people in New York City. There are millions of people, how are they going to find a little girl among eight million people?

...Maybe it's a boy? It's impossible to say this kind of thing these days...

Also, Raymond Xu...he's easy to find, but look, since he involved the "veterans" in this case and promised the Pentagon that they could carve up who-knows-how of SHIELD, There were some ruthless looking guys hanging around his residence.

The most powerful of these gangsters can recognize SEAL Team 6 or Secret Service agents.

If they had a ruthless man with such fighting prowess, they would have rebelled long ago and overthrew Kingpin, the so-called "underground emperor of New York."

Therefore, as long as they can do these things, they will not be the ones who still have to take orders from Jin Bin.

Everyone sighed - but although there was nothing they could do, Kingpin himself must not be able to do anything either... although the body of his double was still hanging around upstairs at the NYPD headquarters at One Police Plaza this morning.

Just when everyone fell into silence, there was a small commotion at the door. People made a "boom" and the voices of people talking became louder. The young men and women dancing in the venue also stopped, and everyone stared at the visitor who would never appear here with wide eyes.

Raymond Xu wore gold-rimmed glasses and stretched out his staff of civilization in an old-fashioned way, like Moses parting the Red Sea - the crowd suddenly parted, pointing out a path leading to the top bosses. of trails.

The music in the stadium also stopped, and everyone looked at this "mortal enemy" who should never be here.

"What?" Raymond looked around, tilted his head, shrugged, and said with a chuckle to everyone he knew or didn't know here, "Am I not welcome?"

Several "gangsters" sitting at the head chatting looked at each other, and then one of them took out a gold-plated "Desert Eagle" pistol, slapped it on the table in front of him, and incidentally shot several innocent people. The wine glass was squeezed down.

"Xu, are you tired of living?"

As if ignoring the huge golden pistol, the professor walked straight to the opposite side of the gang bosses, and then asked the waiter to bring a chair as if no one was there. Immediately afterwards, he dropped the chair so that the back of the chair faced the bosses and he sat on it.

"My girlfriend is very beautiful, her job is going well, she has many beautiful garden houses, and I haven't traveled around the world with my girlfriend yet... I still have a lot of things I want to do." The professor took a bottle of whiskey and sipped it gently. He took a sip, cleared his throat, and said:

"How could I ever get tired of living?"

"Do you know how much your head is worth to the gangs in New York?"

"Ten million dollars?" Raymond didn't even look at the gangster who was glaring at him. He just drank the wine in the glass and threw it to the ground aside - the sound of the glass breaking gave way. The silent crowd inside sighed in unison, and people took several steps back.

...The ladies in luxurious dresses, or the well-dressed gentlemen in tuxedos, all looked like frightened quails at this moment.

"But I don't think this business is worth it." Raymond went straight to the point. He knocked on his head and smiled contemptuously: "Besides, you don't have the ability to take this object off and give it to Wilson. Fisk.”

These gangsters were unaware of the confrontation and reversal that took place at the Williamsburg Bank Building that night. They looked at each other and responded in the tone instructed by Wilson Fisk: "Mr. Fisk...he is dead!"

"Ha!" Raymond sneered, "Come on, gentlemen. If he was really dead, my head wouldn't be worth this price now."

After that, he took a deep breath and smiled like ice water: "Tell me, how did Kingpin force you to kill me?"

(End of this chapter)

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