I Am Gwen's Spider-Man Mentor.

Chapter 176 Conscientious Choice

Chapter 176 Conscientious Choice
After all, Gwen still didn't agree to Raymond's literal "murder and arson" plan that day - Spider-Woman was still a hero on the order side, but the plan proposed by Raymond felt a bit like Robin.

Once she does that, it means that almost all the education Gwen Stacey has received since she became Spider-Woman—and even since Gwen Stacey received the words and deeds of her father.

So this is more or less a major test of conscience. Gwen's habitual self-doubt and self-hatred repeatedly tore at the girl's heart, so much so that Spider-Woman, who was originally confident in meeting the challenge, was not even sure whether she was the right person when she heard the end. Really ready to take on the challenge.

When Raymond revealed the plan, Gwen's first reaction was to jump out of the window and declare that she had nothing to do with him anymore.

But somehow, when he actually opened the window and jumped out without saying a word, leaving only Raymond with a decisive figure, his words echoed in Gwen's mind repeatedly, like Like a racing car crashing in a closed venue, it hurt the girl's heart.

In a daze, Gwen, who wrapped herself in the suit and hid under the mask, seemed to have returned to that night when Raymond said those words to herself——

That night, Raymond sat in front of Gwen, looked directly at him with his black eyes, and asked: "Is Kingpin important to you... to Spider-Woman?"

The girl just lowered her head and pondered for a few seconds before giving her answer: "It's important...of course it's important. As long as the Kingpin is defeated, it means dismantling a criminal empire...In any case, this is something with endless benefits, and I believe it now." My volunteers can keep order after a criminal empire has been toppled!"

——This is how Gwen has grown up. She did not say "perfect order", but only "not bad order". This also means that the girl has realized that even with the help of Spider-Woman with super powers, It is also difficult for her to create a perfect society all at once.

So, for Gwen, as long as people can "live normally", that's enough.

Raymond just smiled. He stood up, sat on Gwen's bed, and held the girl's hand: "No, according to you, it's not Jin Hui who is important to you."

"Not important?" Gwen frowned and argued: "How could it not be important? Kingpin is the mastermind behind all gang crimes in New York City. Even you..."

At this point, the girl's voice lowered: "...Isn't it also because of him..."

"So..." Raymond patted the girl on the shoulder, "It's not that he is important to you, but..."

Raymond became serious, his black eyes and blue eyes collided in the air, his lips opened and closed, and he said softly:
"It's important to you without him!"

"Is it important to me without him?" Gwen frowned, "But isn't this nonsense?"

Raymond shook his head: "If you think about it again, what difference does this sentence make?"

Gwen fell silent - Gwen was talented, so Spider Woman's understanding was not bad. In addition, she had been with Raymond Xu for a long time, and she understood Raymond Xu's thinking habits to some extent.So she just thought for dozens of seconds before tentatively answering:
“The Kingpin is not important to me because, essentially, this person is not important to me… and the absence of the Kingpin is important to me because the order that the elimination of the Kingpin represents…is important to me. ?”

Raymond was silent for dozens of seconds because he was just trying to be mysterious. He didn't expect Spider-Woman to guess his thoughts directly - he couldn't help but look at Gwen with admiration.

"You said that there would be silver and bronze kings even if there were no gold kings... Okay... this metaphor is weird to me, but I can probably understand what it means... The gangs in New York City always need a leader, just The United States of America needs a president... Kingpin just happens to be this leader. Even if he is killed, someone else will become the leader. Maybe this person is worse and more vicious than Kingpin!

"Right?" The girl finally said in a show-off manner, and smoothly pulled her hand away from Raymond's palm.

Raymond stared at Gwen dumbfounded. After a long while, he said his first words: "Gwen...did you figure this out yourself?"

"Didn't you tell me all this, my mentor?" At this time, Gwen didn't realize the seriousness of the problem. She raised her hand and laughed, "You still want to use this to show off and eat my tofu. This is not good, my——tutor, sir~"

Raymond took a breath. Gwen Stacy has quite good talents in literature and philosophy, so her thinking ability can definitely be considered first-rate... Even he didn't expect that she could rely on her own Just a few words and some so-called "leading by example" brought the matter to this point.

But seeing the happy look on her face, Raymond also confirmed another thing - the girl just wanted to understand these principles. She had not yet figured out how much blood it would cost to actually apply these principles. cost!
----split line----

After Raymond put on his mask, turned up his hood, put on his gloves, and put on a pair of Martin boots, he hurried out the door - these days, in addition to being part-time Spider-Woman's "ambiguous partner" - yes, Gwen hasn’t forgiven him yet, so he’s not considered a boyfriend—in addition, he also works part-time as Gwen’s tutor and “nanny.”

So during the day, in addition to collecting various intelligence information for Spider-Woman and doing all kinds of high-end work in the superhero world, he also had to go out to buy groceries!Of course, Gwen was a little worried about this, so she gave him an alarm that could directly contact Spider-Woman, and told him to contact her if he encountered danger.Of course, Raymond also showed his trump card to Spider-Woman - his modified personal shield.

"Ordinary gangsters can't get close to me, and I'll be careful even if I go out for just ten minutes!"

Now Raymond accepted all Gwen's admonitions - therefore, the professor who was on high alert today felt that more than one pair of eyes were staring at him as soon as he went out and just walked through a block.

He originally wanted to press the alarm that Gwen gave him, but when he thought that Gwen's mission today was to capture "Crossbones" Rumlow according to the list provided by the Spear Bureau, he sighed and pinched Siren's hand loosened.

——Gwen cannot be distracted at this juncture, and if the people behind him are just some little gangsters with no means, it would be a bit overkill for him to use a big killer like Spider-Woman, right?

He gently clenched the personal shield launcher in his hand, and clenched the P226 pistol in his other hand. He took a deep breath, wrapped his coat tightly and chose another route - he usually had to pass through an unknown place when going to the supermarket. A crowded alley, but today, Raymond decided to choose a road with many people.

According to his understanding of the NYPD, there might also be police patrol cars on that road.

As Raymond turned towards the busy street, he picked up the communication with Gwen - this was an encrypted message relayed by a military communication satellite, which no one could decipher:

"Did the operation succeed?"

"Not yet." Gwen was pressing the eye patch on the mask at this time, switching to thermal imaging mode, and displaying the lasers emitting heat sources in the room one after another in his eyes, "Rumlow's safe house is actually an abandoned factory, it's quite trouble."

"Then as soon as possible..." Raymond hesitated for a moment. After all, Rumlow was not an easy opponent to deal with, but it was obvious that he had to urge Gwen, so he thought for a moment and said: "I'll turn around and return the favor." I have a mission for you."

"Let me finish dealing with Rumlow first, Spider is offline!" Upon hearing that this task had not been completed yet, and that Raymond was going to throw another task to him, Gwen was upset and hung up the phone.

Raymond shook his head. With the peripheral vision of this moment, he saw that the footsteps of the people following behind him were also hurried. The professor thought about it seriously and left with a P226 pistol and two magazines. There happens to be a remote alley in the next block, which is enough to deal with these guys...

Seeing Raymond take the initiative to turn into the alley, several mercenaries behind him laughed and followed him faster.

After a few people walked deeper into the alleyway, the mercenary behind him took the initiative to stop the Asian man in front of him who was walking in a hurry, with hunched shoulders and looking useless: "Hey, there's something in front of us. Let's talk about something." Let’s talk?”

Raymond stood still, and the hand of the mercenary behind him had already touched the shotgun in his arms. He was just waiting for the man in front to turn around and give him a fatal blow, but he did not expect that Raymond would roll forward directly. , when he took out the shotgun, Raymond, who was lying on the ground, had already stretched out the pistol from his arms and aimed it at his chest——

"Bang bang——!" Affected by the tactical movements, the accuracy of his first two shots could be said to be average, and they only hit the man's upper body at a distance of more than ten meters. When the mercenary started to tremble, the first shot he took aimed at After three shots, one finally penetrated his central nervous system.

"IPSC, I'm used to it." Raymond smiled. When he was shooting target at the club, the coach forced him to "Two gun barrels and one gun head." It turned out to be a habit that he couldn't get rid of.

This winter in New York is a warm one. The rain that makes people feel chilly falls on the skin without restraint. It turns the reinforced concrete New York City into pitch black. In the raindrops, the sound of shotguns and automatic rifles is heard. The bullet pulled out a metallic thread of death and flew towards Raymond not far away like a whip cord.

Of course, the professor had no time to dodge such intensive strafing. The mercenaries looked at the direction of the projectile with a ferocious smile, until bursts of blue light appeared in their eyes——

Bullets fell one after another in front of Raymond. He patted the dirt on his body, stood up, and laughed at himself: "I am also stupid. I have a personal shield, why should I hide?"

The mercenaries looked at each other and quickly separated into two teams. The rear team raised their rifles and continued to shoot at Raymond, while the front team directly dropped their pistols, took out their sticks, or took out their sabers and held them in their hands. , rushed up like a swarm.

Raymond raised his pistol, tilted it across the body, pulled his left and right arms closer to him, locked the gun behind him, fired continuously with a calm expression, and stepped forward quickly——


(End of this chapter)

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