I Am Gwen's Spider-Man Mentor.

Chapter 167 Burning Light

Chapter 167 Burning Light


Of course Raymond had missed her for many days, but when he saw the living Spider-Woman in front of him, his first reaction was to turn around and run away.Therefore, Raymond immediately changed from a surprised expression to a look of indifference. Before Gwen jumped down from the roof, the professor turned around and tried to leave.

"Hey!" Gwen called out to him after jumping down from the eaves. The girl walked straight towards her boyfriend - or ex-boyfriend, deliberately suppressing her voice to sound teasing, but it also exposed her immaturity. The nature of the temptation: "Ray...Raymond, don't you want to see me?"

Raymond paused as he left. It wasn't that he didn't want to see Gwen, but to this day, he was really ashamed to see Gwen.

He defeated Obadiah, made friends with the Spear Bureau, overthrew General Ross, and overwhelmed SHIELD... This series of victories gradually made Raymond relax, underestimate the enemy, and become complacent.He began to feel that he could play politics, and felt that his own methods would be able to solve the problems that Gwen Stacy had been worried about.

But the enemy is not a dead thing that can be subdued. They will only deal a fatal blow when you relax.Kingpin's strategy for SHIELD was not complicated, but it carefully captured the professor's weakness - Stark was the weakest link in his strategy.

And why can the other party accomplish all this almost unimpeded?
It’s not because of his cooperation with Kingpin that he allowed Kingpin’s Alchemist Company to assume the security tasks of Stark Industries in New York and asked Kingpin to help him handle the dirty work besides asset mergers and acquisitions - therefore, Kingpin Only then did he have the opportunity to penetrate into Stark Industries.

When using Kingpin's "Poison Blade", he can certainly help you solve many problems, but like a slow poison, his ambition is also seeping into every gap, which will eventually hurt you in turn.

Don’t you know this?Have you not thought of these possibilities at all?No, I just don't care, because I underestimate the enemy.

More importantly, Gwen reminded herself again and again that all the quarrels between the two of them, whether they were together or not together...except for the daily flirting between lovers, almost All related to the cooperation between Raymond and Kingpin.

Gwen expressed her worries over and over again - worried that the professor would be corrupted by Kingpin, worried that Raymond would no longer be the same Raymond, worried that Raymond would be dragged into the abyss by Kingpin, but she never took it seriously. .

He evasively answered that his behavior would help Gwen. In fact, he was not sure whether such a dangerous behavior would eventually "come to light", so he could only use the fact that his purpose was good to try to convince the girl - but Obviously, after Gwen witnessed Raymond's deception with her own eyes, she no longer dared to trust him.

For their breakup, he was also the main person responsible.

So just out of the psychological need to save face and evade responsibility, even though he misses Gwen, Raymond doesn't want to see Spider-Woman now.

"No..." Raymond tried to answer "I don't want to", but when he opened his mouth, he realized that he couldn't say anything.His shoulders were shaking slightly, and he held it in for a long time without saying what he wanted to say - in the end, the professor just tried to leave in a hurry.

Gwen shot out spider silk and stuck it on Raymond's back, and the girl pulled him with just a little force.Gwen wanted to ask him whether the rumors about him being fired by Stark were true or false, but as she was about to speak, she thought that asking now might hurt him, so she changed her sentence:

"How are you?"

"Don't you expect me to be bad?" Under the pressure all day long, in front of the person he trusted and loved the most, Raymond finally broke down unprepared, "Now this is your predicted destiny, are you happy? "

"How could I be happy?" Gwen's voice became urgent, "How could you miss me so much?"

"Otherwise, waiting for me on my way home when I have lost everything, isn't it just to laugh at me?"

"What's wrong with you..." In Gwen's impression, Raymond is a person who never loses control of his emotions. He can remain rational in the face of any situation, let alone get angry with himself like this - he can't even speak loudly Very few.

Raymond fell silent, and the professor who had just burst out suddenly felt regretful again - what does Gwen have to do with this matter?With Gwen's character, would she come here just waiting to laugh at him?
But Raymond's poor self-esteem prevented him from lowering his head at this moment, so he remained silent for a while, and then whispered softly for a long time: "I'm sorry..."

"I know you are sad now..." Gwen approached him, and the girl gently opened her arms, indicating that she could at least provide him with a hug: "If necessary..."

"But who are we?" Raymond turned around and looked at Gwen. He did not hug the girl. He just shook his head and said rather self-deprecatingly: "Couples? Friends? Still the same argument as that of a literary young man. , the so-called most familiar stranger?"

Gwen shook his head: "I don't know, but I hope you can stop being so depressed." "After all, what an ordinary person can do in this extraordinary world is limited." Raymond shook his head, " You are a superhero, you are Spider-Woman, you have your destiny, but it seems that I can’t participate in it.”

"How could it be?" Gwen took a step forward and leaned gently into Raymond's arms, "I am Gwen Stacy, and then I am Spider-Woman. My fate is no nobler than yours."

Raymond let out a long sigh, hugged Gwen politely and then let go. He looked at this remote and silent street and lowered his head: "I originally wanted to use Stark and Kingpin to The power to complete the 'Star Chain', and cooperate with the Divine Spear Bureau to form a unified force to fight against the threats from the universe... But this road has only been a third of the way before it was defeated."

Raymond walked forward slowly, Gwen followed him, and the two were silent for a while.Raymond then asked: "Gwen, your actions in Hell's Kitchen... caused a lot of trouble with the NYPD?"

On Spider Woman's mask, the big eyes flickered for a moment and then slumped. After a long time, the girl reluctantly replied: "Yes..."

"I tried your method... It's actually very effective. Most people are very courageous. As long as they are given a chance, everyone is willing to stand up and confront criminals." Gwen's voice seemed very low, "But I I didn’t expect that the NYPD would side with Kingpin.”

"You also expected this situation, right?" Gwen looked up at Raymond, and returned the nail that her ex-boyfriend had just pierced into her heart without mercy: "You also expected it, so more You should be happy!"

Raymond smiled bitterly. Spider-Woman, who looked heroic in front of outsiders, was just a sensitive and even vindictive girl in private.He shook his head: "Letting Hell's Kitchen... or more areas maintain this trend of insecurity will help the NYPD apply for budget from its superiors, and it will also help New Yorkers see that they need to sacrifice more to maintain law and order. public power and pay more taxes.”

Raymond paused. He looked at Moonlight with dull eyes, and the words in his mouth seemed emotionless: "As the monopoly of public safety across the United States, how can the federal government tolerate the emergence of challengers?"

"Spider Woman was supposed to be a symbol of people's yearning for justice, but now..." Gwen clenched her fists silently, "It seems that even this symbolic meaning is gone..."

The girl's back in the moonlight looked particularly lonely. She sighed softly, as if she had realized something, and then released her clenched fists.

"If it were me in the past, I might have advised you to do good deeds and don't worry about the future... But today..." Raymond raised his arms helplessly, spread out his hands, and shrugged: "I am like this now You look like this, who am I to advise you to 'do good deeds'?"

"Qualifications?" The girl frowned, "Why are you not qualified to persuade me? Why do you question whether you have the so-called 'qualifications'?"

"I am now..." Raymond was about to explain to Gwen, but was interrupted by Gwen: "I came to ask you what to do, but I didn't expect you to be defeated."

"Even if Spider-Woman's actions are useless, I will not ask the meaning of doing these things." Gwen turned to Raymond and put her hands on the professor's shoulders, "I won't know what to do. , but like you said, when I don’t know what to do, I will ask and learn.”

"Spider-Woman doesn't always know what to do, she just knows to do what she needs to do and do it well."

The girl's voice was firm and clear. Raymond raised his head and met those aqua blue eyes. He looked at her and continued: "Actually, what we get is not just failure, do you know?"

Gwen let go of her hand and smiled: "During the best period, I saw those Spider Woman volunteers. They seemed not to be afraid of anything they did, and they seemed to have strength in whatever they did, because they were participating personally. Things that will make your future better.”

Raymond looked at Gwen. The girl had her back to him. He had never seen Gwen's shoulders slump, nor had he ever seen her surrender to difficulties - he thought it was just a setting in the story. It’s the legend of the superhero Spider-Man.But Gwen Stacy told him personally that it was just a persistence she had never given up since she was a child when she was just an ordinary person:

"You know what? I see their eyes burning?"

Gwen turned around with a smile: "Since they haven't given up, how can I, who swore to protect them, give up? How can I withdraw? How can I quit?"

"It's easy to give up..." Gwen took off her mask. The girl's long golden hair was blown by the first bit of winter wind in the moonlight. Her eyes were shining and she said softly:
“But it must be cool to persevere!”

(End of this chapter)

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