I Am Gwen's Spider-Man Mentor.

Chapter 127 Spider vs. Giant

Chapter 127 Spider vs. Giant

Along with the girl's contempt and ridicule, the red giant who tore open an entire wall began to become more and more furious.He pulled off a steel bar exposed in the wall on the spot, used it as a javelin, and threw it towards Gwen and Zhao Hailun who were standing at the door——

The slender spider girl hugged the beautiful doctor who was taller than herself. As if she was the dominant party in a pas de deux, Gwen carried Helen Zhao around in a circle with her skirt flying, and easily avoided the red eyes. Fatty still comes with the "javelin."

Then the girl stood still and looked at the red giant in front of her with provocative eyes: "Sir, I mean, fighting may require more skills."

Helen Zhao was still in shock and still hugged Gwen's slender waist. Only then did she recover slightly. She leaned her upper body forward, leaning on Gwen, and asked tentatively: "Are you Gwen?" Stacey?”

A normal person should ask "Gwen, are you Spider Woman?" at this time, but Helen Zhao, who was hit by cognitive shock, obviously did not come back to her senses, so her first suspicion was - "Spider Woman, what's wrong with Gwen?" Are you ready?"

Gwen felt helpless and funny when she heard the beautiful doctor's concern for her. The girl rolled her eyes, patted Helen Zhao on the back, and said softly: "Hold me tight in a moment."

Hearing this, Helen Zhao tightly hugged Gwen's waist with one hand and hugged Gwen's shoulder with the other hand - "Don't strangle me!" Spider Woman said.

The red giant looked at the two people on the opposite side who were completely out of control, and his anger grew more and more. He pulled off another steel bar: "Where is Raymond Xu?"

Gwen pointed at herself with her free hand: "Do you think I look like a man who takes too many hormones?"

The red giant stopped talking nonsense with this mean-mouthed spider. He rumbled towards Gwen like an angry bull, with a vicious red light in his eyes, knocking down computers, tables, chairs and benches in the laboratory along the way. smash——

"Hold me tight!" Gwen emphasized to Helen Zhao again.

The spider girl let out a breath, shot out a web of silk at the corner, and pulled herself over. While completing the turn in the air, she curled up her knees and kicked out of the corridor.

This set of actions that were ordinary to Spider Gwen would be terrifying to ordinary people, but what surprised Gwen was that the girl thought that Helen Zhao in her arms would scream loudly——

However, the female doctor just silently hugged Gwen tighter without making a sound.

With the help of spider silk and the strength of kicking, Gwen came to the corridor while tossing and turning. Behind the girl, the red giant had demolished the entire laboratory and workstations like a building demolition machine. .

A black mainframe flew over. The girl tilted her head slightly. The mainframe smashed the glass behind her and then fell straight down.Gwen looked back and determined the height of the third floor——

"Dr. Zhao..." The girl looked at the red giant who angrily smashed open the last door and emerged from the door. She said to Helen Zhao who was holding her: "I'm going to throw you out of here in a while!"

The fat man lifted up a tensile testing machine - the thing weighed a ton.

"Ah?" Before Zhao Helen could react, Gwen pushed her downstairs.

Dr. Zhao, who was free-falling, suddenly thought about all the beautiful memories of the past 20 years. Just when she was about to meet the hard concrete floor with trembling body, a spider silk shot down from above and stuck to the doctor's chest——

Helen Zhao calmed down and looked up, only to see Spider Gwen hurriedly sticking the other end of the spider silk that was pulling her to the ceiling, and then the red giant spread it up.

The huge red giant, who seemed to be eight feet tall and eight feet tall, rushed forward and tried to pinch the ghost spider's neck and push her against the wall, but failed to control the strength. The two of them broke through the wall together and came from upstairs. After falling down, the spider thread holding the beautiful doctor was also broken.

Gwen and the red giant struggled and fell into the distance, but the tall and beautiful doctor fell heavily. Helen Zhao lay on the ground and could not recover for a long time - her tailbone seemed to be cracked. It hurts the same.

"Dr. Helen, are you okay?" A doctoral student who had not yet gone upstairs for work took Zhao Helen's arm and helped her up. The two of them looked at each other from a distance as they jumped up and down and circled around the red giant, using each other's arms at the same time. The ghost spider, whose webs were hanging on the ground, was in a trance for a moment.

Compared to most Spider-Men, Gwen's battle is an artistic performance.

After a long time, Helen Zhao said leisurely: "Xu, I didn't expect it to be like this. I really didn't expect it."

The doctoral student looked confused and had no idea what his teacher was talking about. Normally, Helen Zhao acted like a gentle big sister in front of everyone, so he didn't hesitate to ask:

"Does this have anything to do with Professor Xu?"

Zhao Hailun stared at Gwen Stacy, who was flying up and down like a butterfly on the deadly battlefield centered on the red giant. At this time, the girl had already thrown away the large white coat used to cover her body, leaving only her beautiful Spider suit. "Yes." Zhao Hailun looked at Gwen's strong and elegant figure and said with a smile: "And not only yes, there is a big relationship."

At this time, densely packed armed drones were flying over the two of them. As soon as Gwen pulled away, the drone cluster began to fire at the red giant——

Raindrops of bullets and machine gun shells fell on the ground near Red Giant Ross, as well as the red giant's exploding muscles. However, the ammunition with a muzzle velocity of nearly a kilometer per second and a kinetic energy of tens of thousands of joules only seemed to hit the red giant's body. Just scratching an itch.

The crazy shooting from the drone gave Gwen some breathing time. The Red Giant's fist was surprisingly heavy - definitely much more exaggerated than Kingpin. According to usual experience, Gwen knew that his body must be bruised and purple now. It was just the combination of spider genes and adrenaline that prevented the blond girl from feeling anything.

"Adlers, thank you!" The girl endured the pain and "hissed" and squatted down, not forgetting to thank her "pet" who led the drone to help in the battle.

The drones over there were very attentive. They fired large-caliber machine guns at the red giants on the ground, directed the fleet to move, and replied to Gwen: "For you madam, always!"

When Raymond programmed the Adlers system, he deliberately stole Jarvis's words.

"Madam? Madam?" Gwen asked doubtfully, "Shouldn't you call me Miss?"

If Adlers were a person, then he must have puffed up his lips in embarrassment at this time, his eyes wandering around, deliberately avoiding Gwen's questions, but Adlers is not a person, it is just an armed man. The central control system of the drone swarm——

The programmer of the control system never taught it how to respond to its mistress.

Raymond Xu is inferior to Tony Stark in terms of programming. Jarvis can talk a little bit, but Adlers can only pretend to be silent at this time——

"Hello?" Gwen jumped, flipped backwards, and dodged the car smashed by the red giant. "Adlers, are you there? Hello?"

The drone was down again... Gwen was a little speechless, but seeing that the drone group was still helping her control the crazy red giant, she didn't say much.

"Damn spider, where is Raymond Xu?" The red giant used a big stone to smash down a drone that flew over his head, and roared at Gwen, "This is a personal grudge!"

Gwen looked back at the laboratory that looked like a demolition site, and then at the various schoolbags, folders, headphones, mobile phones and other messy things left behind by the fleeing crowd.

The girl stood up and tried to move her muscles, but when she stretched her arms, she realized that her whole body was in shocking pain. She took a breath to hold it in, and then let it out for a long time - this was Gwen using herself Will relieve pain.

Spider genes have enhanced almost every aspect of Gwen Stacy, but only her pain perception has not been greatly improved. During battles, she can almost only rely on willpower to hold on. In many cases, she not only has to rely on willpower to suppress the pain , but also to suppress his own strength to avoid directly beating the villain to death.

"This doesn't seem like a personal grudge to me." The girl spread her hands and shrugged at the red giant.

Ross stood still. Unlike Dr. Bruce Banner, Thunder Ross did not lose his mind after becoming the Red Giant. He looked at Gwen with a fierce look: "Are you Raymond Xu's student?"

"I kind of want to be his student." After staying with Raymond for a long time, Gwen's lying skills have become very good - after all, the circle of Professor Xu's students is too small and it is easy for others to find her.

"But it's a pity that I'm just a kind-hearted person passing by." As Gwen spoke, he looked around at the layout of the laboratory. The girl flew up neatly and kicked the red giant in the face with the help of the swing of the spider silk.

Roseburn looked down on this slender spider girl. Even though she was actually tied with him when she was tossing and turning just now, compared with his exploding muscles, Gwen was too small. Until the kick just now——

Spider-Woman almost kicked the Red Giant over with her full kick. Rose was so shocked that he no longer cared about the drones in the sky and let the bullets and shells hit him. He just stood up again with some effort. , looking at Gwen who was eager to try not far away.

"Finally, a worthy opponent!" Gwen moved her body, and the girl's fighting spirit became high. The almost full-force kick just now was also a test for the Red Giant. Most ordinary people could not withstand Spider-Woman's blow, but This time, Gwen can finally unleash her full strength.

Ross suddenly felt that the drones in the sky no longer shot those annoying bullets to tickle him - instead, those drones began to drop a large number of smoke bombs between him and Gwen - Ross looked at him intently The gray-white curtain wall was opened by smoke, and when I was concentrating on it——

Gwen, who was invisible, secretly climbed onto the giant's shoulders from behind:
"Xu told me, this scream is going east and west, stupid guy!"

(End of this chapter)

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