Chapter 443 Liuyun Sword Immortal
The first person to fly out of the fog was Zuoqiu Lingzhong's paper bride. After they broke out of the fog, they flew towards the landing.

Then walking out of the mist was Taoist Zhenhai holding a yellow Taoist talisman.

Following him were Liu Yuyan and Taoist Mu Zhen.

Each of them was carrying large and small bags, their faces were beaming with joy, and they looked like they had gained a lot.

Needless to say, it should contain all kinds of magic weapons.

Although they cannot use these magic weapons for the time being, this certainly does not mean that these magic weapons are useless.

Each of these magic weapons from ancient times has incredible power. If you take them back and study them carefully, you will definitely gain great rewards.

Of course, the premise is that they can survive the arrival of the red moon.

Zuo Qiuling and the other girls flew to Lu Qian's side and surrounded him. Everyone excitedly chattered about their gains as if they were presenting treasures to him.

Ji Siyu also said regretfully: "If we could be given a little more time, we would definitely be able to pick up other good things."

Even Gu Qingcai didn't recognize this thing.

The surrounding fog dissipated, and there was nothing in the open space. Gu Qingcai, who was walking at the front, started walking faster. After a while, everyone arrived at the edge of the fog in front of them.

They all seemed to be withered, and the four leaves spread out flat on the ground.

The entire four-leaf plant was filled with a strange aura.

But at this moment, including Lu Qiannei, Zhenru Taoist and Gu Qingcai, their faces were calm and there was no disturbance.

After entering the fog, the field of vision disappeared again, and the surrounding area was completely white. Apart from the gray color, nothing else could be seen.

On both sides of the stone road, outside the fog, there are about eighty square fields like this, and there is one such plant in each square.

The stone road beneath my feet began to turn.

A cocoon almost as tall as him.

Through the thin fog, Lu Qian suddenly saw a blue-grey face appearing in front of him.

Taoist Zhenru winked at Lu Qian, and then followed behind with Zhenhai and Liu Yuyan.

Inside the field ridge, there is a huge big-leaved plant planted.

Is this a...cocoon?

If it were exposed to the outside world, this grand scene of magical treasures all over the ground would definitely make everyone in Dali go crazy.

Each of these fields is approximately one foot square.

However, these plants seemed to have withered and died, leaving only four leaves about the same height as an adult, spread out in all directions and spread flat on the ground.

"Let's go."

"What is this?"

This face was only about four feet away from Lu Qian's face, and the two faces were almost facing each other.

The backs of these leaves are spread on the ground, and only a little edge can be seen, which seems to be black; the upward side of the leaves is covered with scarlet veins like blood vessels.

At this time, the sword slave who was walking in the front had already stepped into the fog along the stone road under his feet. His figure was immediately obscured by the fog and disappeared from everyone's sight.

Gu Qingcai said: "It's definitely not a good thing."

There is only one pair of feet, and you can vaguely feel the stone slabs under your feet.

This cocoon stood on the ground, black and shiny, and seemed to be very hard.

No matter how good the magic weapon is, it must have a life to enjoy it.

After hearing Mu Zhen's question, everyone shook their heads.

On both sides of the stone road, fields and ridges were indeed opened up on the ground, and the fields continued into the mist ahead.

Lu Qian was really surprised when the dead face suddenly appeared in the flowing fog. However, he had experienced so many weird things, and he was not too shocked when faced with a corpse. He scanned it. After this face, his eyes immediately looked down.

Lu Qian walked last with Wang Yuanzhang and other girls.

Lu Qian couldn't help laughing after hearing this.

For this reason, I don’t know what kind of bloody storm it will cause, and how many fierce battles and plunders it will trigger.

Seeing this, Gu Qingcai still walked ahead, stepping on the stone road into the fog.

At this time, Zuo Qiuling suddenly sent a message to Lu Qian: "Sir, this fog seems to be blown away by the wind. Do you want me to blow it away?"

Just as Lu Qian was about to turn around, the fog in front of him suddenly began to flow, and a thin gap was revealed in the flowing fog.

Everyone set out on the journey again.

In the center of the four leaves is a ring the size of an adult's head. The upper end of the ring is covered with sharp serrations.

Of course, Lu Qian discovered that the wind could blow away the fog, but since Gu Qingcai and Taoist Zhenru didn't do this, he was unwilling to act rashly. He immediately said: "Wait a minute, and then take action when I tell you to do it."

Then he saw a tall cylindrical object standing in front of him.

This is the face of a middle-aged man, with a gloomy look of death, but his eyes are wide open, and those wide eyes are full of despair and unwillingness before death.

Mu Zhen took a step forward and followed closely.

After walking several hundred feet further, Lu Qian suddenly almost missed the step with half of his foot hitting the dirt.

There is a tendon-like ridge on its hard skin, which looks a bit ferocious.

But if you look closely, you will find that the dark skin is made up of four overlapping and long narrow leaves.

At its uppermost end, the tips of the four leaves rolled outward, revealing a head in the middle.

The dead body standing in front of him was wrapped in four leaves.

Of course Lu Qian was familiar with these four leaves.

In the square fields on both sides of the stone road, there is one such plant growing in each field.

However, the four leaves in the other square fields are spread out on the ground.

And these four leaves rolled up, with a dead body wrapped inside.

When Lu Qian thought of this, he instantly felt cold all over.

Wasn't this corpse wrapped in these four leaves and killed?
There were four-leaf plants everywhere around him!

Just when Lu Qian felt a chill in his heart, a cry of surprise suddenly came from the right front.

That was Liu Yuyan's voice.

At this time, the thick fog flowed in front of Lu Qian's eyes, and the thin white fog became dense again, and the body close to him was once again obscured by the fog.

Liu Yuyan exclaimed, he must have encountered something.

But at this moment, Lu Qian did not dare to act rashly.

He carefully stepped on the ground with his feet and turned right on the stone road.

At this time, Taoist Zhenru's voice came from the front again: "Everyone, be careful, don't leave the stone road."

Needless to say, Lu Qian also understood. Those four-leaf plants in the surrounding square fields must be extremely dangerous things.

These plants may be dead. But the greater possibility is that it is sleeping.

Once they are touched or disturbed, it is difficult to say what disastrous consequences will occur.

Now, only the stone road under our feet seemed safe.

Lu Qian turned a corner and continued walking to the right. At the same time, he asked, "What did Liu Yuyan find?"

Liu Yuyan did not speak, but Taoist Zhenru calmly replied: "A corpse wrapped in a four-leaf plant."

Sure enough, the corpse wrapped in the four-leaf plant was not just the one he just saw.

Now that his vision was blocked, he had no idea how many objects were erected around him.

But these corpses are not scary. What is scary is the four-leaf plants.

Fortunately, they seemed to have no "smell" and "sight" and did not notice these visitors. Everyone walked cautiously for a while.

Suddenly, a bell rang melodiously in front.

Hearing the familiar bell, Lu Qian immediately stopped.

Sure enough, after the sound of the bell was heard, the surrounding white fog began to dissipate quickly.

When the white mist receded, Lu Qian felt a faint uneasiness in his heart.

This feeling of uneasiness started from the root and became stronger in an instant.

Even with it, his heartbeat began to accelerate.

Lu Qian looked back and saw Zuo Qiuling and other paper brides. Their faces were full of nervousness.

At this moment, as the second bell rang, the surrounding dense fog suddenly became thinner.

Then, Lu Qian saw pitch black things standing up all around, all over the place.

All of them are covered with four leaves standing upright, and only one head is exposed on the head.

At a glance, there are no fewer than dozens!

Then, Lu Qian saw that thirty or forty feet ahead, the stone road came to an end.

At the end is a square paved with bluestones.

In the center of the square, there is a pyramid-shaped platform.

At the bottom of the high platform, in front of the lowest row of stone steps, there is a wooden frame on the bluestone square.

On the wooden frame, there is a copper bell hanging.

On one side of the bronze bell, Gu Qingcai stood there, holding a thick wooden bell pestle in both hands, and was ringing the bell.

On the other side of the bronze bell, there was a skinny old man standing there quietly.

The old man was dressed in black, with a red belt, high white-soled boots, and a flat crown. His hands were tied in front of his lower abdomen, and he was looking at them with his head held high.

This outfit looks very unfamiliar and a bit weird.

His face was so thin that it turned black, and his cheeks were stiff, like a zombie that had been dried for a long time. However, his eyes were still black and he was staring straight ahead.

Of course, Lu Qian had never seen this old man in black. He seemed to have been standing here all the time. He had been standing here for who knows how many years.

After Lu Qian looked at him for a few times, he looked around and looked around again.

Only then did he suddenly realize that the faces of the many corpses standing on both sides of the stone road were all facing them standing on the stone road.

The faces of these corpses are all blue-grey. They are male and female, old and middle-aged. Their bodies are tightly wrapped in four leaves, like a cocoon, with only a head exposed outside. .

Their faces were as stiff as corpses, but their eyes were all wide open.

Pairs of eyes looked at them with wide eyes.

All the eyes were full of despair and unwillingness before death.

There is also a sense of unyieldingness that is daunting.

Although, they are all in a cocoon.

Although, they have all turned into corpses.

However, at this moment, Lu Qian could still feel that each of them exuded a chilling majesty and arrogance.

That is, the pride that will never give in.

Seeing this scene, everyone present was stunned.

Everyone's faces showed surprise and suspicion.

Except Gu Qingcai.

Gu Qingcai rang the bronze bell, completely dispersing the surrounding fog, and then put down the bell.

Seeing the scene in front of him, his face remained calm, and he didn't seem to be surprised at all.

He just glanced at the old man in black standing not far away from him, then turned his head and cast his eyes on the fields in front of the square.

In the neat square fields, corpses wrapped in cocoons were "planted".

At this time, Lu Qian saw Sword Slave standing at the edge of the square.

Beside him, outside the bluestone of the square, there was a square field.

In that square field, there was also a corpse standing.

That was the face of a middle-aged man.

Although his face looked ugly at this time, with his thick eyebrows, straight nose, and starry eyes, it was still clear that he must have been a rare and handsome man during his lifetime.

Although he stood there motionless, even though his whole body was tightly wrapped by four leaves, an unruly air still arose spontaneously.

Although this body is bound, this will will not disappear.

Seeing him, Lu Qian inexplicably remembered this sentence in his mind.


Wang Yuanzhang, who was standing behind Lu Qian, suddenly shouted and flew out of the stone road towards Fang Tianli.

At this time, among the corpses, there were still many "empty" square fields.

Every one of those "empty" square fields has that kind of four-leaf plant.

Seeing Wang Yuanzhang's actions, Lu Qian was startled and hurriedly shouted: "Don't go!"

However, when he shouted these words, it was already too late.

Wang Yuanzhang had already flown across the square field, passing between the corpses, and arrived at the Qingshi Square.

Came to the body of the middle-aged man with a handsome face.

She looked up at that handsome face, and stretched out her hands tremblingly, as if she wanted to touch his face.

But in the end, she endured it.

She stood in front of him for a long time, then suddenly lifted her skirt and knelt down facing him:
"Unfilial daughter Yuanzhang is late."

Seeing this sudden scene, everyone present was stunned.

Gu Qingcai looked at Wang Yuanzhang and the kneeling corpse in front of her, with a complicated expression on her face.

Taoist Zhenru looked at Gu Qingcai and asked, "This is..."

Gu Qingcai looked at Wang Yuanzhang's kneeling corpse and said, "Yes, this one is Liuyun Sword Immortal."

Although, everyone has already made some guesses.

But none of them had seen the true appearance of Liuyun Sword Immortal. Among the people present, the only one who had seen this Sword Immortal was Gu Qingcai.

Hearing his personal confirmation, everyone couldn't help but be stunned.

They went through thorns and thorns all the way and marched hard until they finally met Liuyun Sword Immortal.

Although, everyone probably knew in their hearts that it was unlikely that Liuyun Sword Immortal would survive.

However, seeing his appearance at this moment, everyone still had an indescribable feeling in their hearts.

However, at this moment, what shocked them even more was Wang Yuanzhang!

Gu Qingcai looked at Wang Yuanzhang and said with a complicated expression: "It turns out that your honorable master is the beloved daughter of Liuyun Sword Immortal."

After that, he sighed softly, not knowing what he was sighing for.

"She...she is...the daughter of Liuyun Sword Immortal...?"

Mu Zhen stared blankly at Wang Yuanzhang who was kneeling on the ground, said something blankly, and then turned back to look at Lu Qian.

(End of this chapter)

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