Chapter 180
It was night, on the bank of the big river, Chen Jin and Gu Leyou talked all night.The next morning, the Taoist bid farewell and left.

He said that the next meeting will be after Chen Jin has finished the exam.

During this period, I will not disturb Chen Jin's study and homework.

It's nice to have such a friend.


Time is like an arrow, time is rushing, July is over, and it is August in a blink of an eye.

In the Qian Dynasty, the date for the examination was basically fixed. The examination started on the eighth day of August, and there were three examinations, each three days, for a total of nine days.

The test lasted for nine days, and the intensity can be imagined. The test is not only about academic and literary talents, but also about physical condition.

Those who are in poor physical condition can't hold on at all.

Among the imperial examinations at all levels, the exam is also recognized as the most difficult, so there is a saying that "golden candidates, silver Jinshi".

"My lord, you are going to the examination hall to start the examination tomorrow. I am here to wish you a successful start and a safe and smooth journey."

Chu Xiucai said with a smile on his face.

Chen Jin took a look at him: "You look good."

"Young master helped me a lot and gave me a talisman. My whole family has worn it. From now on, I can sleep well and feel refreshed."

Chu Xiucai said happily.

That day Chen Jin gave him the Three Talismans, so he went to Izumo Temple the next day and asked Gu Leyou for one.

For Chen Jin's sake, Gu Leyou didn't take any money.

Whether it's Chen Jin's talisman or Gu Leyou's, although these amulets are not treasures, they are used to calm the mind and have some magical effects, but they are different from the fake ones made by marketers.

What's more, Chen Jin burned Chu Xiucai's house down with his magic thoughts, and in the next year or two, the evil spirits would not be able to corrode again.

Living in such a "new house" naturally feels comfortable and safe.

"That's good."

Chen Jin said calmly.

For him, doing this kind of thing is just a piece of cake.

In fact, he didn't want to get too entangled with Chu Xiucai, and it was for the good of the other party, so as to avoid retaliation by the Wang family in the future.

But as Gu Leyou said, what should be said has been said, what should be done has been done, and the following things are beyond his control.

Chu Xiucai was afraid that he would disturb him, so he didn't sit for long, and after talking for a while, he left and went home.

"My lord, do you want to stay in the examination institute for nine days?"

Xiaoqian asked curiously.

"Three exams, three days each, after each exam, you can go home that night, and go to the second exam the next day, and so on."

"Oh, that's how it is. But every three days, if you go in, you can't come out. What about eating and drinking?"

Chen Jin said with a smile: "So you have to prepare dry food for me, enough to eat and drink for three days, otherwise, I will starve."

Xiaoqian's eyes widened immediately: "Eat three days of dry food? How much is enough?"

Ordinary scholars don't have a big appetite, so dry food is good to prepare, but Chen Jin, with his eating method, nine meals in three days, even if the ingredients are loaded in a car, it may not be enough.

Chen Jin said: "In special times and special ways of eating, of course we don't want to overeat. All in all, as long as dry food that is not easy to perish, such as moon cakes and dried meat, will do."

He has never worried about eating and drinking. After all, he is a person with a pot of heaven, so he can bring a lot of things.There is also a gourd, a magic weapon, which has a huge capacity for both wine and water.Other candidates brought water into the dormitory, and they probably had to drink it up in a day or two, and finally they could only drink the water stored in the examination house.

But the water is not clean.

It was because the examination institute where the exam was held was opened every three years, and it was usually closed and left unattended. One can imagine the environment inside.

If you drink unclean water, you will get sick easily.

In every exam, it is not uncommon for candidates to suffer from sudden illnesses. In all states and places, some candidates even died of illness on the spot.

The weather in August is even less friendly.

Chen Jin is a monk and knows spells. In addition to eating and drinking, he can also bring in various scriptures and copy them.

As long as he wants to cheat, he can even communicate with Su Xiaowen...

But with Su Xiaowen's temperament, he would definitely not agree to do this.

Finally, what Chen Jin was wary of was that there would definitely be a Confucian Temple saint enshrined in the examination hall. Although it was a small one, who knew if there would be any moths?

On this point, compared to other ordinary candidates, Chen Jin will be specially targeted, and he must be more careful not to reveal his identity.

After listening to Chen Jin's words, Xiaoqian immediately started to make arrangements, mainly pancakes.

The real flatbread with meat is as thick as a palm, round and big, and the main thing is that it has a big weight.

In the afternoon, Liu Yuan came, holding an object shaped like a mallet in his hand: "Mr. Chen, this is what my brother Guanzhu asked me to give it to you."

Chen Jin asked: "What is it?"

"Ham, authentic Jinzhou ham, marinated for three years, fermented very well, suitable for sliced ​​and eaten raw."

Liu Yuan explained.

Chen Jin took it and weighed it. It weighed more than 30 catties, which was quite heavy.

Open it immediately and see that the ham has been processed, the trident bone has been removed, and the moldy skin on the surface has been peeled off, revealing the beautiful ruby-like snowflake flesh.

good meat!

Bringing such a piece of ham into the dormitory for the exam, while cutting the meat and drinking at the same time, it is simply a supreme enjoyment.

Sure enough, Taoist priests understand themselves.

Chen Jin smiled and said, "Liu Yuan, thank you senior brother for me."

Liu Yuan went back to the Taoist temple as a chief inspector.

The big ham and pancakes, and some other food, are more than enough.

The night passed quickly, the next day was bright, and I got up early: "Xiaoqian, you don't have to see me off, I can go by myself."

Xiaoqian said "Yes", and said obediently: "I wish you success, my servant."

Everyone loves to hear beautiful words, and they feel more happy after hearing them.

Chen Jin went out, opened the Invisible Method plus Shenzhou Travel package, and soon came outside the examination institute.

I am no stranger to this examination institute, I have stepped on it before.

Today's big exam, there are even more early passers-by, and there are people everywhere.

Jiangzhou is an important town in the south of the Yangtze River, with a strong pen and ink culture, a large number of literati, and thousands of candidates for each exam, bustling with people.

There are so many candidates, plus family members who sent them to take the exam, at first glance, they are all people.

However, in terms of order management, the official still has a set, although there are many people, but orderly.Candidates don't even dare to violate the regulations, they will be expelled, and it may even affect the future of their lives. How can they die?

Queue up for body searches and file in.

With few things in hand, Chen Jin quickly passed the customs, took the number plate, took a seat according to the number, and came to his own dormitory.

Look at the house, it's dilapidated, not only small, but also dirty.

Allocating numbers is entirely based on luck. If you are lucky, you will be fine. If you are unlucky, like Chen Jin, you need to do it yourself.

I have been a human being in two lives, and I have taken so many exams, but I have never encountered such a situation.

This just represents the embarrassment of the status of the students. If they pass the exam, they will enter Beijing in the spring of next year and enter the Gongyuan Examination, and the salary will be much better.

Chen Jin didn't care. After cleaning, he sat in the cellar.

After waiting for a while, all the candidates came in, and the gates were closed, and they were not allowed to enter or leave.

At this time, candles, stoves, and charcoal fires began to be distributed.

These things are for candidates to cook water and cook.

After the distribution was completed, after a while, the examiner and the invigilator entered the venue, ready to issue the test questions.

Chen Jin had a calm temper and waited quietly, but he was not as quiet as he seemed in his heart.

Just as he entered the examination hall, he saw a statue of a saint standing upright.

The statue of the god is well shaped, with a tall crown and a broad belt, with a vivid face, quietly watching all the candidates entering the examination hall.

Chen Jin controlled Yuanshen's thoughts and restrained them all without missing a single point.

But when I walked by, whether it was an illusion or a guilty conscience, I always felt that the eyes of the saint looked down and fell on me, lingering.

Even now that I sit in the dormitory, the feeling of thorns on my back still lingers.

After thinking for a while, Chen Jin took out a piece of draft paper, picked up a pen and wrote the word "Mie".

Write it down and burn it in the stove.

In this heart, it seemed that a thought that should not have been suppressed, and then became stable.

Waiting for the exam...


Izumo view.

The two assistant viewers, Su Yun and Nie Feng, were there, and Gu Leyou sat at the head, holding a ledger in his hand:
"Okay, all the accounts are written here, clearly and exactly."

Su Yun and Nie Feng looked at each other and asked, "Brother, what are you doing? Why does it feel like we are going to separate the family?"

Gu Leyou coughed dryly: "We agreed at the beginning that every once in a while we have to settle and divide the accounts."

Nie Feng smiled and said, "Brother, we can all trust you."

Gu Leyou waved his hand: "As the saying goes, brothers and sisters settle accounts clearly, let alone a business partner? Now that the accounts are clarified, you won't be able to blame me later."

Nie Feng frowned: "According to senior brother, will this business change?"

Gu Leyou chuckled: "In this world, what will not change? For example, the business of your bodyguard agency, such as the official documents and letters of Suyun Post House, etc. Chaos will lead to disaster. Although the city seems to be safe, who knows? After a while, Mrs. Wang didn't like us anymore, and when he hit us with a stick, we got bruises and swollen faces again."

Hearing this, both Su Yun and Nie Feng's expressions changed, because this kind of thing is likely to happen.

Gu Leyou glanced at them, and lazily said: "This is the end of relying on others, so you have to plan ahead and prepare for the worst."

Su Yun sighed: "Who doesn't want to be able to do things independently, but they can't do it."

Nie Feng echoed: "Second senior brother is right, the Wang family is so powerful that we cannot resist it at all, we can only follow the trend."

The two are authentic Jiangzhou people, and their awe of the Wang family has been engraved on their bones since they were young.Once something happens, the first thing you think about is not to resist or fight, but to calm down.

Regarding this, Gu Leyou has long been aware of it, and he doesn't blame them. In short, he is not a fellow, and he will part ways sooner or later.

Before that, it is enough benevolence and righteousness to calculate the accounts clearly, not to be greedy for money, and not to take advantage of others.

However, Nie Feng was reluctant to make a clear distinction with Gu Leyou. He always felt that they were separated, so he quickly changed the subject: "Brother, Mr. Chen is going to take the exam today. You didn't send it for the exam? It is said that many people sent it for the exam." , say some auspicious words, it will be easier to pass the exam."

Gu Leyou said confidently: "With the talent and learning of a scholar, he can pass the exam no matter whether he is sent for it or not."

"That is."

"of course."

Su Yun and Nie Feng naturally agreed, since pretty words don't cost money anyway.It can not only follow Gu Leyou's wishes, but also please Chen Jin.

Chen Jin was so young that he was favored by the Wang family. He obtained the examination qualification in the first year of school, which is really beyond comparison for ordinary people.

Who wants to offend someone with potential and future?It is even more important to climb up on friendship, maybe it will come in handy someday.

Gu Leyou put down the account book: "Okay, the accounts are settled. In the next few days, I may have to go out for business. If I can't come back for a while, the Taoist temple will be taken care of by you."

Su Yun asked: "Where are you going, brother?"

Gu Leyou said vaguely: "I had a whim, and I did a calculation for myself. I figured out that there might be a chance encounter, so I have to go out and look for it."

Su Yun and Nie Feng had big eyes and small eyes, and they didn't know whether to believe it or not, but Gu Leyou did know fortune-telling, although he seldom got it right.

But in this situation now, I can only wish Gu Leyou smooth sailing and return home with fate.


Wang's main house, another courtyard.

The layout of this courtyard is a bit strange, there are rocks and rocks all over the place, but there are very few plants and trees, only a few plants, either plum blossoms or kapok.

On the edge of a bunch of rockeries, there is a Taoist temple with red tiles and red walls, which looks like a ball of flames from a distance.

On the plaque at the main entrance of the Taoist temple, there are three big red lacquered characters of "Chaohuo Temple".

Wang Zhixiang came to the Taoist temple, and after being told by the Taoist boy, he stepped inside and entered the hall to meet the owner of the temple, Ye Zhidan.

Ye Zhidan is another capable priest of the Wang family. Although he has not joined the Wang family for a long time, only in his early five years, he is highly regarded.

There is no other reason. Ye Zhidan was born in Chaoyang Temple and is an authentic Taoist disciple.

It is not surprising for Taoist disciples to be enshrined in famous families. It is not only respect, but also cultivation resources. There is nothing wrong with it.

Of the two great priests, Huang Banxian is proficient in divination and spells, while Ye Zhidan has practiced the "Chaoyang Real Fire Visualization Magic Lamp Method", and his strength is obviously superior.

Of course, different practice methods have different functions and uses, so they cannot be generalized.

After sitting down, looking at the bronze lamp placed beside Ye Gongfeng, Wang Zhi jumped in his heart, feeling eager to try.

Ye Zhidan, who was wearing a fiery red Taoist robe, said in a low voice: "The Patriarch is here, is there anything else to worry about?"

Wang Zhixiang said: "This matter is very important. After thinking about it, I still feel that I should ask the Taoist priest to go there in person."

Ye Zhidan said: "Yes, but you need to prepare in advance the reward for letting me do it."

Thinking of that expensive "remuneration", Wang Zhixiang felt a little pained: "No problem."

In the clan family, the status of enshrinement is quite detached, but it is different from those of the disciples and staff.

Looking at him, Ye Zhidan suddenly said: "Patriarch, have you ever thought about what will happen if the spell to seize luck fails?"

Wang Zhixiang nodded: "The half-immortal told me before... Hehe, in this world, if you want to get something, you have to take risks. In fact, in this matter, it is already very good, and it is worth it."

"You can do it if you think so."

Ye Zhidan only said this, and then kept silent.

(End of this chapter)

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