As a programmer, I also want to make games in a different world

Chapter 140: Temptation from the Demon God, Buff is upgraded to Demon God’s Favor [3-in-1]

Chapter 140: Temptation from the Demon God, Buff is upgraded to Demon God’s Favor [Three-in-One]

"Boss, is it time to destroy the teleportation array of the White Flag Fortress?"

Qingfeng was so anxious that he stuttered: " you sure, boss? Have you read the messages on the forum?"

Do not you know why,
[Dumfries] Now enter the [Dawn Crisis] event,
All players cannot be resurrected.
Some players even lost their lives participating in this event!
Who knows when the next resurrection will be,
If you hang up now, you may be forced to quit the game within a few days!

"Boss, if all members of the Blood Wolf are killed in battle, during this blank period, the Blood Wolf will lose its status as the number one guild!"

The Blood Wolf Guild has been operating to this day.
It's not something that can be accomplished overnight.

But if all members withdraw from the game, even for just three days, they may lose their position as the number one guild!
"Boss, before the follow-up news is released, the next chance of resurrection may be three days later, or it may be three months later!"

We knew it from the time the internal beta quota was released.
The official has no similar time plan at all, it is completely random!

"But if we don't destroy the teleportation array, what will happen to the hinterland of the human race?"

“Both the Imperial Capital and Saint-Mar City may be invaded by demons!”

Especially the imperial capital,
That place is the capital of the human race, but it has the smallest military strength!

If the monster bypasses the front line and hits the imperial capital directly,

Everything is ruined!

"Boss, think twice!"

"Boss, think twice!"

After the blood wolf members left the battlefield, they were all advising Bai He.

Seeing this scene,
Bai He swallowed his saliva, he opened the forum lightly, and sent a message to 'Dair A' in private.

[Bai He: Brother, how long will this event last?When will the next Easter come? 】

Seeing this private chat,
To be honest, Su Mu was very disappointed.

[To A: You shouldn’t ask me. I said that the NPCs in this game are completely automated. Compared to the game, Dumfries is more like a real world. 】

[: Dawn crisis means that if this crisis is not overcome, dawn will never come. 】

[: The hope of getting through this crisis lies with the players, and the official has no right to interfere. 】

【: We don't want to end this game, and I was convinced last second that the blood wolf you lead is the last dawn of Dumfries. 】

[: You once promised me that Blood Wolf would fully cooperate if necessary. Do you want to turn to me for help when I need you? 】

Saw the response,

The white crane seems to be stuck in its throat.

After three seconds of thinking, Bai He suddenly shouted: "Reorganize the team immediately!"

"Immediately destroy the teleportation array of the White Flag Fortress, at all costs!"

"Any factors that will threaten the safety of the sage will never be allowed to exist, and Dumfries will never stop serving!"

don't wait a while,
Bai He then formulated a plan to [Destroy the White Flag Fortress Teleportation Array].
Currently, Blood Wolf has a total of 130 members.

There are currently 93 survivors.

Divided into two groups,
A group of 80 people teleported to Xueling Town through Qijia City, and feigned an attack from the outside of the White Flag Fortress.

The other group is a death squad of 13 people.
Taking advantage of the feint attack, rush to the White Flag Fortress through the teleportation array and destroy the teleportation array.

"Boss!" Qingfeng said hurriedly: "The city of Saint-Mar is under attack!"

"The monster's goal is very clear. They concentrated their forces and only attacked the city of Santa Mar!"

They are going for the sage!
When I heard about this incident,
Bai He's face became even more ugly.

Demons!Damn demons!Once again, we took the lead from their blood wolves!

"Where is the Killing Temple? They have returned to support Saint Mar, right?" Bai He asked anxiously,
After Qingfeng nodded in response, Bai He's face became slightly better.

"Butcher, hold on until I destroy the magic circle!"

Bai He suddenly ordered: "This operation is not only aimed at the White Flag Fortress, but also the teleportation arrays hidden in the Demon Realm. Destroy them all for me!"

"No one left!"

get orders,

The Blood Wolf members raised their arms and shouted, the second battle has officially begun!
at the same time,

Saint Mare is also being attacked by monsters.
The most frightening thing is that this group of monsters are all armed with Type 97, and even throw MK2 grenades to attack.

"It's really the end of the world. I never thought Saint-Mar would actually fall."

"Damn, it's a good thing we moved the teleportation array to the outer city, otherwise the losses would have been huge."

Yifeng District, Outer City,

street corner.

Janus and Kevin whispered helplessly,

One thing is that they are not good at using firearms, and they still use old-fashioned stainless steel swords.

"After this battle is over, I think it's time for us to practice marksmanship." Kevin muttered,
But I heard Janus object: "What? A spear? No, that thing is not in line with my beliefs. The God of War I believe in prefers long swords."

"Hey, it's the God of War who likes long swords, not you." Kevin frowned.

"I also like long swords." Janus raised his eyebrows and smiled.

Although the atmosphere is quite relaxed,

But the intensity of the battlefield is daunting.


There was a bang,
A paladin flew out from the street to the right of the two legion commanders.

Upon seeing this, Kevin quickly stepped forward and dragged the paladin to a safe corner.

"Has the support not arrived yet?"

"The monsters in the teleportation array can be killed continuously."

"Don't be impatient." Janus smiled: "Isn't this coming!"

Elvian is here,

She led her elf bodyguards and flew in from high in the sky, and all of her bodyguards were wearing body armor.
That combat power is completely comparable to that of the Blood Wolf Guild!
Although they do not have powerful missiles, planes, or tanks, their magic is beyond the reach of the blood wolves!
"Your Highness Elvian, our casualties are already high enough, let's end this battle quickly!"

Kevin shouted.

During this period,

Members of the Blood Wolf also launched a feint attack on the White Flag Fortress.
They deliberately triggered traps in the forest and quickly attracted the attention of the monsters in the fortress.

"Attention death squads, the feint attack plan has begun, and we are ready to attack the teleportation array at any time!"

Bai He sent a message through the team channel,
And the next moment,
The White Flag Fortress is filled with monsters.

The lines of fire from both sides were instantly intertwined.
Casualties are inevitable!
"Resurrection is not allowed now. No matter who is injured, you can't give up lightly. Grit your teeth and hit me!"

"Don't spread the attack. Our mission is to capture one city wall, just one!"

Bai He's order seems simple;
But the players who carry out the orders are doing it the hard way.

The number of analgesic injections is not large or even completely insufficient. In this case, the severe pain will make them give up.


On the battlefield, deserters appearing in the opposite direction,

Let Bai He grit his teeth suddenly.

"Damn it, what are you guys doing!"

"Excuting an order!"

Seeing this situation, Qingfeng quickly grabbed Bai He: "Leave them alone, the offensive cannot be stopped at this time!"

This city wall is about to be taken down, and we must not turn back because of deserters!

It was at this time,
Suddenly there was a muffled sound in the sky,
A fighter plane flew across the sky and aimed its machine gun at the top of the city wall.

"Air force? Do we blood wolves still have an air force?" Bai He was surprised when he saw this,
In the previous battle, the Air Force should have run out of supplies and was currently undergoing maintenance at the airport in Saint-Mar City.

The members of the Blood Wolf were out in full force, so they probably didn't arrange an air force squad.

"It's the pilot." Qingfeng glanced at the sky: "Boss, if we don't rush, we will have no chance!"

Qingfeng has worked with C license drivers before,
The two keep in touch frequently,

This time when he asked the C driver for help, the driver was undergoing a trial in some mysterious dragon realm.
But the C license driver asked the pilot to come over and help.

Of course, he was not the only one. The unmasked pilot also flew down from the sky and became an airborne soldier.

When he landed in mid-air, he had already put the wand in front of him and chanted high-level fire-attribute magic loudly.

[Advanced Magic-Ten Thousand Hellfires]!
Huge soul-eating flames poured down from the sky and immediately engulfed the White Flag Fortress!
"Charge forward! Capture the city!"

"Suicide Squad, come out!"

Bai He seized the opportunity and immediately led his team to attack the city. He turned his gun and pointed it at the city, and immediately cleared away the monsters guarding the teleportation array.

And in just an instant, 13 people rushed into the teleportation array with long swords, and immediately raised their long swords and thrust them into the ground!

[Advanced Magic - Explosion Curse]!
Thirteen long swords suddenly emitted red light, and then violently burst into the ground with molten flames.

The teleportation array was successfully destroyed.

"Success!" Qingfeng suddenly became excited: "Boss, we succeeded! The blood wolves were not completely wiped out!"

This battle is extremely difficult, and the results can be achieved at the lowest cost.

Nothing is more exciting than this!
"Retreat!" Bai He still frowned: "Take the naked driver, don't leave him here."

This white flag fortress is still the territory of monsters.
Even if they capture it by force,

They will be taken away again by monsters soon, and the forty blood wolves cannot be resurrected, and they will definitely not be able to defend this fortress.

In the current situation, all they can do is abandon the city.

After leaving White Flag Fortress,
Bai He immediately looked back at Qingfeng, pointed at him and issued an order: "Qingfeng, find out who the deserters were just now!"

"Boss, I'm not a policeman. I can't interrogate you. How can I investigate this?"

The breeze blows and scratches the head,

To be honest, he didn't want Baihe to punish those members in a fit of anger.

"No, the police only need to pay attention to evidence when investigating a case. They only need a list to vindicate betrayal." Bai He said angrily: "Make a list for me! Now! Now!"

"Don't cover up anyone. If the list is adulterated, Qingfeng, then write your name on it too!"

Bai He was angry,

He was really annoyed, it was time for Blood Wolf to fulfill the agreement with 'To A',
He will never allow and will never let the chain drop happen!
No one can enjoy the benefits of the [First Guild] but fail to fulfill their obligations, no one can!

And when Bai He led the Blood Wolf back to Saint-Mar,

When he saw the devastation in the outer city, the anger in his heart grew stronger.

"Feel sorry."

The butcher's voice came from behind Bai He: "Welsh City was also attacked. By the time we came back, the battle was over."

"I heard that His Highness Elvian led people to provide support, otherwise the battle damage would be even greater."

Npc will not be resurrected after death.
The butcher has a deeper understanding than Bai He.

But seeing the wry smiles on Kevin and Janus's faces, Bai He really didn't understand what kind of power could support them to put smiles on their faces.

"What a disaster." Janus walked up to Bai He and patted him on the shoulder.

"I heard that this group of monsters were sent from the White Flag Fortress. Don't overthink it. We are all warriors, and we know that such changes are inevitable."

"As early as when we became Paladins, we were already prepared to die for the Empire."

"It's not your fault, it's the monster, you understand."

After Janus finished speaking,
Kevin also came to pat Bai He on the shoulder, but he didn't say anything.

But the expression on his hesitant expression and the look in his eyes that seemed to say everything made Bai He couldn't help but avoid looking at him.

"Okay, everyone, cheer up, we still need to rebuild the outer city, and maybe we should strengthen the defenses against the teleportation array!"

Just as Xilu was shouting to cheer people up,
The outer city wall sounded the alarm again,
It made everyone's hearts tremble.

"Enemy attack! The Second Blood Clan is invading! Everyone, immediately enter a state of alert and start preparing for a counterattack!"

There was a shout from the direction of the outer wall,

The second blood clan led by Ruoslan came to the outside of the city!
"It's fatal." Su Mu stood weakly at the window, looking at the outer city front in the south.

In his [City] sub-column, you can clearly observe the current situation of the city.

[Monster Invasion-Ended]

[Vampire Invasion - About to Begin]

"Ruoslan, if you had come three hours earlier, I would have killed you myself."

"It's a pity that I don't have that ability now."

Su Mu had a terrible headache.

His strength is weakened by the disappearance of the Buff.
He is definitely not Ruoslan's opponent at this moment.

After receiving the news of the vampire invasion, Bai He also pulled the bolt of the Type 97 gun again, preparing to fight.

But when he turned to go to the city wall, his shoulder was held down by a small hand.

"Wait, it's not your task to resist the blood race."

A female voice came,
When Bai He turned around in surprise, he saw Su Po Dantao in heavy armor standing behind him.

And behind Supo Egg Tart,

There are also 40 members of the Pastors Association,

They all wear silver battle armor, hold 97 styles, and hang mithril short swords on their waists.

Even the bullets equipped have silver bullets.

"You know, it's during the Dawn Crisis event, and the player's task is to become stronger."

"Becoming stronger is the task of your main C team. The auxiliary work of resisting the vampires should be completed by our Pastor Association."

"When you become stronger and come back, it will be time for you to end this activity."

Su Po Danta stepped forward, pulled the gun bolt and walked towards the outer city wall.

The members of the Pastors Association behind her followed suit.

"Stop joking." Bai He frowned and glared: "The scale of this battle is huge, and we should defend against foreign enemies together!"

The enemies outside are not ordinary monsters;
They are vampires!
They also have the ability to resurrect and heal themselves, so they are by no means cannon fodder that can be defeated casually.

"Don't worry!" Su Po Egg Tart held up his right hand: "We are not fighting alone."

As if in response to her words,
Countless bats suddenly flew up from the north, following Su Po Egg Tart, and the leader was Rias.

"I never imagined that I would one day fight side by side with the Vampires."

Eve's voice also came from behind Bai He,
"Disgusting, really disgusting."

As he said that, he saw Eve leading the church troops to rush to the outer wall.

At the same time, I heard her shout loudly: "The evil god of blood, the sin of bewitching the great priest, will be repaid by your descendants!"

Bang bang.

Kevin patted Bai He on the shoulder again,

"I can't always understand what you brave men are saying."

"But you have something to do, right?"

After that, Kevin also led the Paladins to defend against the enemy.
"Don't worry, no matter what you do or how long it takes, St. Mar City will be waiting for you to come back safely." Janus left a word and quickly followed.

"Asshole." Bai He gritted his teeth: "Not only is Saint Mare safe, but you also need to be safe."

Then Bai He clenched his fist,
He suddenly turned his head to look at the blood wolf members.

"From now on, immediately disperse into teams of five and go to the various secret realms to seek the inheritance of the ancestors!"

"There are only two tasks, survive and become stronger!"

Hearing the order, the few remaining blood wolf members started to act one after another.

Qingfeng went to Baihe immediately,

"Boss, speaking of becoming stronger, why don't we go find a sage?"

"As long as he casts the Holy Light Technique, we will soon become stronger. Once we become stronger, we will be able to deal with this crisis, right?"

Players don't know that as they become stronger, Su Mu will become stronger accordingly.

I only think that the task of this event is to make the players stronger, and then repel these invading enemies.

Finding Su Mu and asking him to release the Holy Light Technique is indeed the best way to become faster.

But Bai He denied it instantly: "Let those gods send blessings?"

"And then let them suddenly abandon us at some point?"

"Give up. What we should be looking for is the inheritance of human ancestors, ancient magic, and the most essential power of human beings."

"Find ways to become stronger through those methods."

Right at this time,

The driver of the C photo, who is in the secret place of Shenlong, is also a little irritable.

"You don't understand! I have to give up this trial, the city of Saint-Marre needs me!" the driver with a C-photo shouted.

But Brittany shook her head,

"No, the only way for you to leave here is to pass the trial."

"You don't understand!" The driver with the C-photo was speechless: "If the sage dies, then we will lose everything."

"Nothing is more important than the safety of Saint-Marre City!"


The driver with C license was almost yelling,
"It's all my fault for taking away the croquettes. Brittany still doesn't know where the dragon cub is."

"If the vampires and demons attack the city of Saint-Mar at this time, Brittany will definitely lose control of her emotions and cause trouble."

"Press Santa Mare and you're done!"

hear this,

Brittany finally sighed,
"You don't have to worry about this, because the sixth level of your trial is to face off against the Golden Scale Dragon King."

"Your opponent is Brittany, she is in the Dragon Secret Realm at the moment."

"Now, defeat the opponent in front of you. As long as you pass the fifth level, Brittany will appear in front of you immediately."

As long as you pass the fifth level,
Can Brittany, an unstable factor, be recalled to the Dragon Secret Realm?

Thinking about this,
The C-photo driver, who had been beaten just now, couldn't help but look at the Holy Wood Cologne behind him again.

"Very good, your eyes finally have fighting spirit."

The Holy Wood Ancient Dragon flicked its tail and roared, unfolding its giant wings that were tens of meters long.


When all players are trying their best to become stronger,
Su Mu will naturally not be idle,

He contacted the pure man immediately,

Let him lead the white-winged Valkyrie to the outer city to fight.

But this order was already issued when the monsters invaded. Now that the monsters retreated and the blood clan attacked, the white-winged Valkyrie was still missing.

This forced Su Mu to contact Pure Man again.
"Pure Man, what on earth are the White Winged Valkyrie doing?"

"I don't know the situation." The pure man was also puzzled at the moment: "They don't listen to my command."

"No, maybe, if I ask them to carry out the order of serving tea and water, they will still carry it out."

"But if I ask them to support the outer city, it's as if they didn't hear me!"

This is definitely not because the pure man is not interested in Su Mu's mission.

He also understands,

If the city of Saint-Mar is captured and Su Mu is killed, the game [Dumfries] will disappear.

He also doesn’t want to shut down the server of the game he just spent a lot of money on.

This is the sky garden he just built. He hasn't had enough fun yet. How could he let this world disappear? !
"Wait, I'm still investigating the cause of this matter."

With that said, the pure man looked at Mengcha who was rushing in and disheveled.

"what happened?"

Mengcha hasn’t figured out the situation yet.
Just listen to the pure man immediately give him an order: "Immediately go to support the front in the outer city!"

Upon hearing the order, Mengcha originally wanted to say something like 'OK, leave it to me',

But when the words came to his lips, they turned into: "I won't go."

Say these three words,

Mengcha was also very surprised and covered her mouth in shock.

"Wait, this is not my subjective consciousness." Mengcha quickly defended: "I'm going to support the outer city."

But when Mengcha turned his head and walked towards the outer city, his body suddenly stopped in place,

"Fuck! I can't control my character!"

"There is a higher level of control authority, someone else is controlling my body!"

"Is it official?" Mengcha frowned and felt carefully: "There is a female voice in my head giving me orders!"

The pure man clicked his tongue: "Isn't that voice particularly tight?"

"Ah? Gan, it's so pinched that it makes me feel a little uncomfortable." Mengcha frowned.

"It's the Goddess of Light!" The pure man immediately wrote back to Su Mu: "It's the Goddess of Light who is stopping the White Wings, she has control!"

This makes sense,
Mitche has far more control over his followers than the battle pet ring.

But obviously, Su Mu didn't want to hear this answer.

"Almost all the players' support has been taken away, and the White Winged Valkyrie is not allowed to lend a helping hand at this moment."

"Does she really want to kill me?"

"The God of War is also on her side this time?"

Damn it,

She also doesn’t want to think about who is working so hard for the human race!
The feeling of being betrayed by the gods made Su Mu almost out of breath.

Surprisingly, it was at this time that
A voice resounded leisurely in Su Mu's mind.

"Jie Jie, do you still believe in those hypocritical gods?"

"You clearly know, you knew half a month ago that Mitch wanted to kill you!"

"What? Are you still escaping from reality?"

"Poor man, you will know who can give you true power."

The voice in his head startled Su Mu,
He shouted: "Who are you!"

But no one responded.

It was just that Su Mu's Buff of the Demon God's Favor was now promoted to the Demon God's Favor.

And Celia, who has been floating beside him,

He stared at Su Mu more solemnly,

"Su Mu, the demonic aura in you has become stronger again!"

"You shouldn't hear the devil's voice tempting you, right?"

"No matter what the devil says to you, you must never believe his lies!"

"If you continue like this, you will degenerate into a demon king!"

Degenerate into a devil?
he?The Great Sage of Dumfries!
Will he degenerate into a demon king?
But why is it a demon king, shouldn't it be an ordinary demon?

"You, and that high-ranking Miche." Su Mu stared at Celia: "What kind of information are you hiding from me?"

When Su Mu said this,

Celia could clearly feel that the demonic aura on him became stronger again.

(End of this chapter)

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