As a programmer, I also want to make games in a different world

Chapter 136 Fox Carrot: Only Difficulties Will Arouse Players' Desire to Conquer! 【3 in 1】

Chapter 136 Fox Carrot: Only difficulties will arouse players’ desire to conquer! 【triple】

The city of Madeilin was defeated,

The news that the city of Wales was attacked by the demons and fell,

Soon spread in Santa Mar,

"Have you heard? The city of Wales was attacked and turned into a demon domain overnight."

"Many old nobles were killed over there, and the Colosseum was also turned into ruins. It's just too miserable."

"Since the brave man appeared, he hasn't lost a few battles. What happened recently, is he always defeated by the demons?"

If before,

Humans can't beat the demons, that's something that everyone thinks is normal.

But now it is different, they have so many brave men,
And every hero is an existence comparable to a demon king, with more powerful new weapons, chariots, fighter planes and other powerful magic props.

They will lose?

How can this be? !
Are they going to fall back into the control of the demons?
This incident made the people of Saint-Mar City panic,
In particular, the killing of the old nobles in the city of Wales caused rumors to spread among the surviving old nobles.

Criticize the brave for giving up the defense of the city!

"Master Sage."

In the sage's mansion, Bai He stood in front of Su Mu and sighed: "We have never given up defending Wales City."

"We went to attack Madeilin City, but we failed to attack..."

"Master Sage, please don't blame the butcher. I dragged him to attack the city."

Hearing this, the butcher immediately stood up and said, "It's not Bai He's fault. The occupation of Welsh City was ultimately my mistake."

Hearing the two of them sing together,
Su Mu only felt a very headache at the moment.

"Butcher, do you understand your identity?"

Su Mu raised his eyes and looked at the butcher: "You are the viscount, the lord of the Welsh city!"

"The residents of the Ni territory were slaughtered, and you didn't appease the residents, but ran to me to ask for forgiveness?!"

Su Mu slapped the table furiously,
Perhaps in their eyes, Dumfries is just a game,
But the function of resurrection can only be limited to this group of players!
Those dead old nobles will never appear in front of them.

Hearing Su Mu's words, the butcher felt stuck in his throat and didn't know how to react for a while.

And in Santa Mar,
The person who can't accept this the most is actually Yulia,

She was staring wide-eyed at the moment, grabbing King Lemon's neck and shaking it for confirmation: "What did you say?"

"The demons not only defended the city of Madeilin, but even captured the city of Wales?"

"This is impossible! Absolutely impossible!"

The Demon Race successfully defeated the Human Race, which was a good thing for Yulia.

but no,
This battle was won under the leadership of Balco,
Julia would never admit it,
I will never admit the fact that the demons have become stronger after I left! ~
She can't take it!
at the same time,

Lixia is still preparing various materials for the Sky Garden,
Up to high-quality cement, down to reinforced wooden piles,
All are materials for building statues of goddesses.

Although the sacrificial scale of the Hanging Garden has begun to take shape, she can still use this matter to wander around the city for a while.

During the days of St. Marie's wanderings,
The news of the brave's defeat naturally also reached her ears.

"This is the price of failing to prevent Balco from advancing into the Demon King."

"Although brave men are very creative, they will eventually get tired of dealing with them, so they must plan ahead."

When Lisha muttered,
Suddenly someone tapped her on the shoulder,

He heard the voice again: "What are you mumbling about?"

what? !

Lixia exclaimed at this time, shrunk her wings and jumped away.

"Damn, why are you reacting so badly?"

Lixia looked behind her and saw Fox Carrot looking at her with her hands on her hips.

She thought it was Mengcha's astringent batch who came to post the post again,

I saw it was a fox radish,

Then she breathed a sigh of relief: "Why do you make no sound when you walk?"

Fox Luobo touched his nose and smiled: "It's normal."

He is a thief, stealing from Saint Eve every day. If he had made a sound when he walked, he would have taken over the prison.

"Prisoner, I didn't expect you to be released from prison. Are you visiting the city of Saint-Mar?"

"Do you want me to be your tour guide?"

Fox radish as a tour guide for her?

Lixia's eyes brightened: "Okay, the architectural style of this city is very strange, I really can't understand it."

That's right,

She can't understand most of the items created and developed by the brave.

There is no way to ask around on the street.
If Huluobo could explain it to her, Lixia would love it.

Then the two of them set out on the road together,
Fox radish explained from the 97 style on the street to the anti-aircraft missiles on the city wall,
From strange villa buildings to high-rise buildings in the outer city.

Not only the current scene, Fox Carrot even gave Lixia a look into the future of Saint-Mar City.

With the fusion of technology and magic, it can definitely develop into a super science fiction city that does not exist in the real world!
Li Xia was really taken aback by the fox radish,

But after she shook her head to calm herself,

She sighed again: "I don't know if this city has a chance to develop into what you said."

"The front line just suffered a defeat, right?"

"The battle between the brave and the demons becomes more and more difficult. I am afraid that before long, the brave will be completely defeated."

hear this,

Fox Luobo smiled: "Why do you think so?"

"Isn't it?" Lixia stared slightly: "Facing a powerful enemy, the more you fail, the more you will lose confidence."

"Looking at the current situation, one day, the brave will completely lose the idea of ​​resistance."

no no no—

Hu Luobo shook his head when he heard the words,
"You don't understand players, oh no, I should say you don't understand heroes."

"If this battle is too easy, then we will gradually lose interest, but once the difficulty is raised, we will be refreshed!"

"I have to say that the official strengthening of the demons this time is indeed a wonderful move."

In the eyes of the fox radish,

The reason why the demons became stronger must be the secret tricks of the officials.

But that's perfectly fine,
Players who like leisure, just continue to farm and keep healthy and visit the red candle area, that’s all.
Those players who like to challenge are really interested at this time,

Only a dungeon or battle with difficulties is worthy of being attacked!
"Just watch, brave men will always challenge difficulties again and eventually overcome them." Fox Carrot raised the corner of his mouth: "Welsh City will be recaptured within three days."

"Well...Three days may be too much talk, maybe I have to call back tonight."

Hearing these words, Lixia, who was following behind him, was slightly taken aback.

'A brave man, do you really have these qualities? '
'Based on observation during this period of time, they have strong combat effectiveness and outstanding creativity, but they just like to go to the red candle zone very much. '
'Creatures like this, can they like to challenge difficulties? '
'I'm afraid that sooner or later I will drown in the gentle village. '
But as Fox Carrot said,
The white crane was angry, and the butcher was even more angry.

When the two walked out of the sage's mansion, their faces were frosty,
At the same time, he issued orders to various ministries.

"Blood Wolf belongs, return to Qi Jia City immediately, sort out the armaments and materials, and dispatch them all!"

"The Blood Wolf Guild has lost the trust of Lord Sage. This time, the demons must pay the price in blood!"

"The Killing Temple listens to the order, and immediately go to Qijia City to gather. Everyone must not be absent, even novices who have just entered the game must participate in the battle!"

"The lost city, we must take it back with our own hands!"

All along,
Baihe all takes "saving money and making more money" as its core.

Make sure that all members of Blood Wolf can earn income so that they can pay off their debts.

But today is different,
The purpose of the blood wolf is only one word [kill]!
"Qingfeng, send me the Nightingale helicopter immediately, and also call all the blood wolf fighters from the Platinum Airport, and gather in Qijia City."

"Open the arsenal on the third floor of the military base. All armaments can be used without limit. In this battle, we must build the reputation of our blood wolves and let it be engraved in the bones of the demons!"

"In addition, send someone to record this battle, make a promotional video for me, and recruit people for Blood Wolf."

Bai He is really going to spend a lot of money this time.

The third floor of the Blood Wolf military base is a closed arsenal.

The things inside are by no means as simple as rifles and grenades,
Instead, he cooperated with Platinum Star and bought out various new weapons that other civilian players simply cannot afford.

These include air-to-ground, grenade launchers, mortars, long-range missiles and other powerful lethal weapons.
It also has fighter planes and tanks such as Black Hawk and Tiger.

"Demon Race, I will let you remember that if you provoke anyone, you cannot provoke the arms dealer."

"This will be a mistake that you should never make in your next life."

This battle,

Still with great fanfare,
But Baihe and Butcher are sure that they are fully prepared!

Twenty Nightingale helicopters soared into the sky,

Straight to the distant Welsh city,
The butcher even put on a white mask and looked at the members with a fierce look.
"Master Sage's favor towards us has dropped to the lowest level! You know what this means!"

"The demons have shamed us. As a player, we should never allow this to happen!"

"Take back Wales City!"

"Let them know who is the fighter, and only the fighter is the real owner of the city of Wales!"

After shouting,

The helicopter bay opens,

All the members carried parachutes, jumped straight from the sky, and attacked the city of Wales at night!

And the Nightingale helicopter flying at the front,

He also opened the hatch and sprayed a large amount of holy water below!

Undead, right?
Katie, huh?
You can't deal damage without holy water, right?
If you don't beat your shit out today, they will retreat in place!
Even surprisingly,

When members of the Killing Temple broke into the Welsh city,
Those monster fighters occupying the city also resisted at the same time, helping them fight against the undead? !
"You?" The butcher was surprised when he saw this.
But I heard those monsters say: "You are finally back, we don't want to go back to the demon race."

"We never want to live a life without enough food and sleep."

That's right,

Compared to Demon Realm, Wales City is simply a paradise,
Although duels are held every day, it is also a one-on-one confrontation,
Unlike the demons, they have to beware of monsters shooting arrows secretly at any time, and they can't even sleep well every day.

And seeing the tragedy in Wales,
The butcher clenched his teeth even more,

There are too many corpses on the ground, and they are all corpses of old nobles,

There are even slum dwellers employed by the Killing Temple,

He could have given them a better life, just dragged them out of the slums and fed them,
So they just died?
Can't be revived?

At this time, the butcher remembered what Su Mu said, he shouldn't ask for forgiveness.

At this moment, the butcher realized for the first time his responsibility as the city lord. These corpses on the ground were all residents who needed his protection.
But he failed.

"Attention all members, no enemy can survive!" the butcher shouted hoarsely.

Not enough healing potion?

Are all the painkillers done?

But this failed to put the members of the Killing Temple into decline, and instead made the battle more and more crazy.

Their adrenal glands soared like crazy, and they went to no man's land.

The battlefield is not only in the city of Wales,
The other seven Nightingale helicopters flew all the way to the south, aiming directly at Madeilin City.

But before they could fly over the city, they heard Bai He suddenly give an order,

"Nightingale has arrived at the target location, and immediately launched a military strike on Madeilin City."

Gave an order,
Then I saw a strange noise in the military base of Qi Jiacheng,

Several missile silos appear at the top,

Soon thirteen missiles flew out and flew straight to the south.

"Nightingale One, move."

Bai He ordered again, and saw the Nightingale helicopter flying in front of this column,
In the same way, he poured holy water on Madeilin City.

"Black Hawk, alert, fire at any time is allowed."

Just when Bai He issued the third order,

Then I heard roars coming from the city below, and Katis suddenly appeared with smoke coming from his body.
"Brave men, you actually dare to come back. It's just holy water. You don't really think you can defeat me, do you?"

But Kesty hadn't finished speaking,
Then I saw 21 black shadow ships attacking from the air.
The large-caliber machine guns concentrated on Katis, and at the same time, 84 missiles fired in salvo, aiming directly at Katis!

"Black Hawk One, air-to-ground launch."

"Black Hawk II, air-to-ground launch."



Bai He received feedback from the Black Eagles,

21 air-to-ground, precisely smashed into the city of Madeilin.

Countless small mushrooms flew across the sky, and the huge blast wave made Katis unstable, and he was hit by countless missiles.
Falling directly from the air to the ground.

From beginning to end,

Bai He didn't pay any attention to Katie, as if she was just an inconspicuous idiot,

Today, no one can stop him from smashing the city of Madeilin.

That's right, it's crushing, not capturing.

This city is a disgrace to the Blood Wolf Guild, Bai He wants to completely wipe it off the map!
21 air to ground,

It has almost blown up the city of Madeilin into wreckage,
Countless monsters were buried in the sea of ​​flames,

Triple the force?
Can the undead be resurrected?
It was all nonsense, a wave of holy water was sprinkled and directly bombarded the city, and these monsters didn't even have a chance to fight back.

What is the use of more troops?

And when Katie's lay vomiting blood on the ruins,
The corner of her mouth even sneered: "That's all, that's all! I'm not dead yet, I'm not dead yet!"

But when she sneered, thirteen shooting stars flashed across the night sky,

They streaked across the sky and fell straight into Madeilin City.

It is the missile launched directly from Qijia City!
The cost of these thirteen missiles,

It would definitely wipe out 80% of Blood Wolf's savings, but Bai He didn't even bat an eye.

He continued to give orders through the team channel,

"All personnel, start parachuting into the ruins."

"Clean the scene and kill any living monsters found. No one will be left alive."

Monster slave?

Monster girl battle pet?
No, not at all, this time Baihe only needs to wash the land clean with blood.

Let the surrounding monsters thoroughly remember the logo of the Blood Wolf Guild,

If they see the Blood Wolf logo in the future, they will be so frightened that they run away!
Gave an order,
All the blood wolf members loaded their guns and made a neat clicking sound.

Then they lined up in an orderly manner and jumped off Madeilin City, airborne to the scene.

The monsters I saw, whether they were dead or alive, had two shots in the chest and one head in the chest, and they didn't feel sorry for the bullets at all.

This blood wolf battle,

The main thing is orderliness. From the beginning to the end, the demons have no power to resist and can only be reduced to lambs to be slaughtered.

As for Katis?
Bai He personally found her body, poured holy water on her body, and immediately took off her head.

"Katis, you will not be resurrected."

Then Bai He poured out another bottle of water of life and lit a fire for her.

When you see the SSS-level crystal nucleus material,
Bai He didn't pick it up either, but stomped on it with his heel, crushing it completely.

Completely eliminate the chance of Katie's resurrection again!

Didn't stay long,

Nelson immediately went to Balco,
The Hui reported: "The city of Wales was lost again, the city of Madeilin was razed to the ground, and, besides, Katdis died."

Unlike Yulia who can only be incompetent and furious,
But Balco sneered slightly: "Okay! Very good! The weapon of the brave should have this power!"

"Enough of the delay, we have achieved our goal."

Balco got up and brought Nelson to the old workshop of the Demon Race,

It used to be that only goblins could beat armor in this place,
but now,
But Talin's relative guards forged Type 97, bullets and Mk2 grenades here!

See the new equipment that has been mass-produced below,
Nelson's pupils widened immediately.

"With these equipments, the advantages and disadvantages of the human race and the demon race will be wiped out." Balco sneered: "Tell me, if they use this weapon to fight the brave, can they themselves withstand it?"

"So what if they will be resurrected, then arrest them all and seal them underground."

"The world still belongs to our demons!"

While imagining the future,

Balco turned his head to look at the shocked Nelson,
"Next time you lead a team to attack the White Flag Fortress, remember, the goal this time is to surprise the city before the opponent destroys the teleportation array!"

Bal can know,
There must be a teleportation array within the brave that connects all places.

When Welshtown was last captured,
They saw the destroyed teleportation array sign in the city.

But this time it's different,

They want to occupy the White Flag Fortress before the opponent destroys the teleportation array.

If he can directly attack the inner territory city of the human race through the teleportation array, just imagining this matter will make Barco extremely excited!

the other side,
In Santa Mar,
Images of the Blood Wolf Guild razing Madelin City to the ground leaked out.

The indiscriminate firepower, the demons who couldn't fight back at all,

And the ruthlessness when sweeping the battlefield.

To scare everyone who sees the image,
"Is this the brave man of the Blood Wolf Guild? It's simply too scary!"

"But fortunately, they are brave men. With them, we don't have to be afraid of the demons, right?"

"Sure enough, the previous rumors are all false. How could such a terrifying brave man lose to the demons..."

"I saw the demons when I was young, and this group of brave men is much more terrifying than the demons."

For a time,

The winds of rumors in San Mar have turned,

But it's still not a good word.

Lixia, on the other hand, stood on the side of the street in surprise and kept looking at the images played on the wall.

"Is it the same as what I said?" Fox Luobo said again: "If it doesn't pass tonight, they will recapture the city."

"A brave man can always solve a problem, or solve the person who raised it."

hear this,

Lixia nodded slowly: "Yes."


Lixia, who reflected, stared in doubt,
But I have to admit that the brave do have the power to save the world.

This battle was fought so fast that it almost ended in the blink of an eye, and the brave man even put Chi Guoguo's conclusion before their eyes.

[Don't provoke the brave! 】

"It's time for me to go back." Lixia responded to Hu Luobo, and then flapped her wings and flew into the sky.

Hu Luobo also waved goodbye: "I have explained so many things to you today, I only charge one magic item, it's not cheating you!"

Magic item?
What magic item?

"Eh?" Li Xia was suddenly surprised: "Why does it feel cool under the skirt?"

"Wait a minute, what is that white strip of cloth that the fox carrot is waving?!"


Lisha immediately went numb!
She just walked around the street with Huluobo, why was she stolen? !
Lisha swooped down immediately, still wanting to recover the thing,

In the end, Hu Luobo smiled slightly, and his figure melted into the darkness and disappeared.

It's night now, he is the home of a thief, can he be caught by Lisha?

no way,
After searching for nothing for a long time, Lixia could only return to the Hanging Garden in shame and indignation.

After changing clothes again,

She immediately built additional sacrificial buildings, and went to the pure man after they were built.

"Patriarch, the preparations for the sacrifice have been completed, and you can communicate with the Goddess of Light at will."

The pure man's eyes lit up: "Are you all ready?"

"Then the previous mission can be continued?!"

think of this,
The pure man stood up immediately: "You go to summon the Valkyries first, and I will go to see the sage first and then come back."

This communication with the Goddess of Light,
It may not be possible to decide the content of the next version,
But before communicating, Pure Man needs to determine what questions Su Mu wants to ask.
In order to avoid mistakes during the task process, resulting in failure.

Seeing the pure man looking for Su Mu, Li Xia couldn't hide her disappointment in her eyes.

"Goddess, I have observed the brave for a long time."

"They do have strong combat effectiveness, creativity, and more importantly, the determination to not admit defeat and dare to challenge."

"With them here, we will definitely be able to defeat the demons, and will not let the demons of the mainland fall."

Report here,

Li Xia changed the topic: "But my lord, after passing the test, I found that almost all brave men believe in sages."

"And the degree of belief in the sage is very deep, which is a big problem."

This group of brave men, who don't believe in gods but believe in Su Mu, is abnormal in Li Xia's eyes.

What's more, Su Mu is being targeted by the demon god, and he may become the new demon king at any time, so the brave should not be allowed to believe in Su Mu!

"The situation is critical." Miche, the goddess of light, finally said, "Go and preach to those brave men."

"Let them believe in gods and create a gap with Su Mu."

"It's best to start with a definite individual."

Hearing Miche's instructions, Lisha's eyebrows moved slightly,

"Don't worry, Lord God, I already have an excellent candidate for the missionary."

fox radish,
Let him worship the goddess of light first!

In fact, if you talk about the best candidate, it is definitely Mengcha who only knows Tie Tie,

Especially since the statue of the goddess was built, Mengcha has long been attracted by the goddess's appearance.

But she was ranked last by Lixia,
"No matter who you choose, you can't choose Mengcha's astringent batch, and you must never let him get close to the goddess, even if you have a conversation!"

 Master Kneeling Reader: 200 coins from Luanli!
(End of this chapter)

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