China Entertainment's Standout

Chapter 164 I’ll deal with Aunt Liu

Chapter 164 I’ll deal with Aunt Liu

"First he won the best screenwriter for Magnolia, and then he won the best actor crown for Golden Goblet. After two and a half years of debut, he has improved faster than riding a rocket!"

"At the age of 21, he has set many records in the film industry. Zhou Yutang's amazing talent has been realized."

"You started from scratch and spent hundreds of millions to buy a building. How much is Zhou Yutang's real worth?"

"Jiangdong Entertainment's "My Love from the Star" is Zhou Yutang's ambitious work!"

"Gao Yuanyuan and Liu Shishi left the scene sadly, Fan Xiaopang intervened forcefully to no avail, and the romantic and talented man's love affair regenerated."

"The fairy sister is true love. Zhou Yutang spent 8000 million to create a domestic urban drama with a super cast and is about to create an annual classic!"

Looking at the front page news of a stack of entertainment newspapers that Mao Xiaoyu bought in the office.

I just returned to the capital after the Magic City International Film Festival there. I first accepted a wave of exclusive interviews with important media, and then started to make headlines.

Zhou Yutang browsed through it casually, turned on the computer and browsed the news on major forums.

This super-large production co-produced with Liu Yifei continues to gain popularity, attracting the attention of countless people in the industry, and also triggering a crazy discussion among a group of people on the Internet:
"Since Zhou Yutang debuted, there have been scandals in every drama. This is a common hype trick used by this person. It is really ridiculous." Future master Lu Zongpingchuan.

"Haha, I just separated from Fan Xiaopang, and soon I got close to the fairy sister. Commander, please take it easy." Jiangdong Xu Sheng, a man who enjoys melon and fun.

"Here's a little news. In fact, Zhou Yutang has a girlfriend for a long time. It seems that in Shanghai, I saw her once while eating at a private restaurant. The two of them were very affectionate~~~" Lion kkk.

"It's not Tang Yan you're talking about upstairs, is it? Tang Yan is from Magic City, and she has a good relationship with Zhou Yutang." Tangtang has the most beautiful legs in domestic entertainment.

"Let's all retreat. Zhou Yutang is a nice person and can get along! He knew that Qianqian was in a bad situation recently, and he even took her to film. If you don't want to worry about it, I will support you." Unintentionally intervened.

The "My Love from the Star" project was announced on the day the company moved, and it already aroused a lot of discussion.

There are big projects every year.

Every major entertainment company launches its own S-level projects almost every year to enhance the status of artists and increase the company's influence.

The large projects of Jiangdong Entertainment Company are particularly attractive.

Big projects invested by other film and television companies in the industry may fail, but Zhou Yutang never fails.

The excellent reputation accumulated from consecutive hit dramas has created an undefeated reputation for Jiangdong Entertainment Company.

When the audience saw that it was produced by Jiangdong Entertainment and written by Zhou Yutang himself, they subconsciously felt that it must be a high-quality film.

In addition to the 8000 million investment project, Zhou Yutang, who just won the Golden Goblet Award for Best Actor, stars in the project, and the heroine is Liu Yifei, who has not had a new work in more than a year.

"My Love from the Star" hasn't even started filming yet, but the media has already hyped it up to the sky.

"Sister Shuang, the company of "Star You" accounts for 60% of the share. Enlight and China Film each invested 20%. The cost budget is 6000 million. The preliminary preparations are completed and filming will start in early July. This time, Chen Xi will be the producer."

"You trust her so much?"

"You don't trust people who hire you, and don't trust people who doubt you. She has potential worth cultivating. The shooting period of "Star You" is about two months. How is the negotiation with the commercial advertising department?"

"Armani, LV, and Mercedes-Benz have concluded sponsorships, and several beverages and vitamin health products are still following up. At present, we can attract almost 3000 million advertising investments."

"Speed ​​up the progress and continue talking. If we don't have the ability to do anything, the department manager will be replaced directly at the end of the year."

Zhou Yutang was not satisfied with this result.

"Let's Get Married" can attract 3000 to [-] million yuan in advertising investment, and "My Love from the Star" has such a luxurious cast, it will definitely be much more.

If the company wants to make progress, it must continue to recruit people.
After thinking about it, Zhou Yutang pretended to mention something: "There is still a lot of room for maneuver in advertising. You will be responsible for following up. You can talk about cameras, cosmetics, etc."

In fact, it doesn't matter even if the agreement is not reached. Some products can be covered with adhesive strips on their trademarks. After the filming of the TV series starts and the later advertising is negotiated, these obscured trademarks will gradually be revealed.

Let’s look at the lineup of “My Love from the Star” again.

The male protagonist is Zhou Yutang and the female protagonist is Liu Yifei.

Yang Mi passed the audition for the second female lead. In the play, she was positioned as good best friends with the female lead. However, because she had a crush on the male lead, she was jealous of the female lead, so she was cleared in the end.

The main villain is Cao Ziang, the eldest son of the Cao Group, who has determined Qin Hao.

This is a very capable actor.

And he is professional enough. After getting the script, he often sends messages to exchange plot and character designs with Zhou Yutang, who is also a drama addict.

The second male lead is the young master of the Cao Group who has a crush on the heroine, and is also the younger brother of the main villain. This role was originally expected to be internally handled by Zhang Ruojun. Zhang Ruojun's acting skills have also improved a lot in the past two years, and he debuted as a warm man. , playing the second male lead in "Star You" is not inconsistent at all.

However, he passed Feng Xiaogang's audition the day before yesterday and will be joining the cast of "Earthquake" soon, so the schedule cannot be adjusted.

Zhu Yilong was also on the set of "Youth" and couldn't spare any time.

Other actors are just picky at home when they don't have any roles to film. Living with Zhou Yutang is a worry of happiness. There are too many roles to schedule.

Both Jiangdong Entertainment generals were unavailable, so in the end they had to hold an audition to select people based on their abilities.

Hundreds of actors came to audition.

The second male lead, Cao Zizhi, the youngest son of Cao's consortium, is also the younger brother of the villain Qin Hao.

After several stages of auditions, Wang Kai was finally selected.

King Kaikai is a Chinese drama graduate. He is quite handsome and has appeared in several TV series. He is very capable of playing the role of a warm-hearted man and a dog-licker.

In addition, Professor Zhou's good friend and brother Zhou Yutang found Tang Wei's sister's ex-boyfriend Tian Yu.

Tian Yu is a second-level actor in the Tianchao National Theater, and his acting skills are beyond doubt.

However, his character needs to be made older, so as to highlight Zhou Yutang's extraordinary youthfulness and the sharp contrast with the passage of time of mortals.

There is also Liu Zian, the younger brother of the heroine, who has a lot of roles, but he only has one request:
After all, Aunt Liu was able to give birth to a peerless beauty like Liu Yiren, so her younger brother would certainly not be too good-looking.

There were also a lot of people who came to the audition. In the end, taking into account comprehensive factors such as age and acting skills, Yang Yang, who was lucky enough, and Chen Xiao, who was from Huayi Company, had the last laugh.

Zhou Yutang selected Chen Xiao.

Chen Xiao is a student in the undergraduate class of the Chinese Opera Department. He is a cheerful and handsome guy with very solid basic skills, which is much better than his peers.

He played the role of Bi Shisan, a cold-faced and cold-blooded academic in "Classmates". He usually acts conscientiously and does not get into trouble. He has been praised by director Lin Yufen, and Zhou Yutang also has a good impression of him.

In addition, the rival of the heroine in the plot, another female star, is also very important.

I originally wanted to ask Zeng Li to make a cameo, but after she won the TV show Magnolia, Sister Li was connected to seven or eight endorsements.

There are even some top endorsements like China Unicom, and the upcoming announcements are so full that I can’t spare the time.

Zhou Yutang had no choice but to find Yan Danchen, a senior at the film school, through an audition.

This is Concubine Yang in "The Love of the Tang Dynasty" and the great beauty Chang'e in "The Lotus Lantern". She also auditioned for Wang Yuyan. Zhou Yutang saw her audition photos and was very impressed.

When it comes to looks, Yan Danchen is definitely the best.

And he has been popular in the past two years, so he is a good choice.

The last important role is the mother of the big star Liu Yiren.

Zhou Yutang tentatively invited Aunt Liu for the first time, but she refused directly.

Sister Shuang found it funny: "Yu Tang, what do you think, do you really want Liu Xiaoli to play this role?"

"Nothing else, I think it's appropriate."

"She's very difficult."

"Don't worry, I'll take care of Aunt Liu."

Zhou Yutang is full of confidence.

He did it as soon as he thought of it, and made an appointment with Liu Yifei and Aunt Liu to have dinner with her the next day.

"Yu Tang, please stop trying to persuade me. There is absolutely no way I will take the role." At first, Aunt Liu was very resistant.

"Auntie, Sissi has been working really hard recently and has made a lot of progress."

Zhou Yutang was not in a hurry. His routine was very deep. At the beginning, he made some family arrangements to eliminate the barriers between everyone and weakened Aunt Liu's resistance.

I don’t know if it’s an illusion, but Zhou Yutang always feels that Aunt Liu has very complicated feelings about him.
On the one hand, he must be grateful, but on the other hand, he looks very closely at Liu Yifei, as if he is afraid that he will eat her.
Is this misunderstanding too deep?

Speaking of Liu Yifei, Aunt Liu's face brightened a little and she took the initiative and said, "I really want to thank you for Sissi's matter."

In fact, Zhou Yutang can probably figure out Aunt Liu's thoughts.

It's not that Aunt Liu doesn't want to act. She has an artistic background and has also played the role of the Queen Mother in "The King of Kung Fu".

However, after that appearance, the movie failed at the box office and received negative reviews, which dealt a heavy blow to Aunt Liu, and she has been disheartened since then.


Listening to Zhou Yutang praising herself, Liu Yifei pursed her lips slightly, feeling as sweet as a marshmallow melting in her heart.

It turns out that Xiao Zhou has seen all of his dedication and hard work during this period.

So, she also helped Zhou Yutang to persuade: "Mom, you can act too. Xiao Zhou's script is very good. I think you can give it a try."

"Sissi, don't follow this nonsense."

Aunt Liu was very moved, but still refused.

Mature women are determined, but they are much harder to coax than little girls.

Zhou Yutang spent a while and then directly used his trump card: "Aunt Liu, you don't want Sissi to rush into the public eye just after her first work returns to the public eye, do you?"


A look of worry suddenly appeared on Aunt Liu's face.

She was originally full of confidence in Liu Yifei. At that time, she felt that as long as she took a step further, she would really be able to break into Hollywood and completely rise to the top.

Unexpectedly, I fell straight from the clouds to the bottom.

Later, Aunt Liu learned what the rules of the game are and what the evil human heart is.

When Liu Yifei was at the height of her popularity, she was admired by countless people, but she made one wrong move in one movie, causing her reputation to plummet.

If Zhou Yutang hadn't come forward to deal with Huayi, she might have taken her daughter to Xiangjiang to avoid the limelight, because at that time no one in the entire domestic entertainment industry dared to cooperate with Liu Yifei.

Aunt Liu was always grateful to Zhou Yutang, but she also had her own thoughts: "Yu Tang, it's not that I don't agree, but that my acting skills are really not good and I'm afraid of dragging you down."

"Auntie, you can do it. If you are cast in the role, I'm sure you can help Sissi get into the role better. This is very important to her."


From dinner to supper, Zhou Yutang spent a lot of time talking, his mouth was dry, and he finally managed to deal with Aunt Liu.

Aunt Liu said that it was only this time, and in the end she reluctantly accepted the role.

In reality, they are mother and daughter. When they are brought in, they are acting in their true colors. There is no problem at all in bringing Liu Yifei into the play.

After taking care of Aunt Liu, Zhou Yutang directly asked the crew to make final preparations before filming started.

In late June, the second and third seasons of "Welcome to the Same Window" were launched on Mango TV.

In conjunction with the Happy Camp recorded by the creative team, the ratings on the opening night exceeded those of the first season. This is also a positive feedback brought by the long-term good reputation.

In addition, the broadcast time coincided with the summer vacation, and many students who went home during the vacation turned into bullies and occupied the TV sets at home, contributing to a wave of ratings.

If the first season allowed everyone to see what it means to abandon the inherent routines of a youth school drama, then the second and third seasons are like a real picture, pulling the audience into it.

There are no car accidents and amnesia, nor terminal illnesses and abortions.

There is no rich second generation falling in love with Bai Qiongmei.

Some are just characters with different personalities but exceptionally realistic portrayals.

The male protagonist Lu Qiaochuan, who was criticized miserably in the first season, lost the arrogance of his freshman year and became more mature and responsible in his sophomore and junior years. However, he is still a gentle but gentle person. A kind boy.

Ren Yifan is still the shameless and invincible scumbag skateboarder in the universe, but he also met his true love, the senior sister, and his heart felt empty for that woman.

The carefree female man Zhong Bai is so soft and kind, letting the audience know that even female men in love can be shy.

Xiao Haiyang, a tough guy from the Northeast who no longer lives in prison and has moved on from his past love.

Bi Shisan, an almighty academic with a paralyzed face but strong tongue, and Lin Luoxue, a good girl who makes people feel distressed even though she is drinking green tea.

There are also Gu Yixin, who is dedicated to making money, and Li Shuci, who gradually becomes brave from a gentle little white flower.
This group drama continues the style of the first season. The theme of growth is mixed with daily fun and heartwarming things, and each character is portrayed in a profound and down-to-earth manner.

The audience can more or less find themselves or the people around them in this drama.

"It's still so joyful and carefree, but it also reveals a touching youthfulness."

"Don't let the needle poke you! Ren Yifan must be as scumbag as he is, and as affectionate as he can be."

"It is indeed a magical drama. Real college life is like this, silly and joyful. When watching this drama, I seemed to be looking in the mirror."

"Uuuuuuuuah, Lin Luoxue's growing up environment was too difficult. No wonder she feels insecure and wants to hold Tangtang in her arms."

"Doesn't anyone think the tomboy Zhong Bai played by Yang Mi is also cute?"

"Zhou Yutang will play an extra role for Li Yao in the fourth season! Li Yao is invincible in the world! Support Qin Bao and cut the black!"

"How many relationships has this old thief Zhou Yutang had to fall in love with before he understands youth so well?"

"Zhou Yutang, the god of youth dramas!"

Zhou Yutang skillfully switched on his vest and began to read comments in various online forums.

Season 2's Douban score is 9.2, and Season 3's score is 9.3.

The score is very stable.

However, the current number of people scoring are basically fans who came here after "Classmate 1", so the scores will be relatively high.

When more and more viewers watch it later, there will definitely be dissatisfaction, and the score will naturally drop by then, but no matter what, the lower limit is not estimated to be too low.

"Sister Shuang, how are the ratings?"

"After the first week, the highest ratings have exceeded 4.8, and the market share has reached 11.8, which is higher than the first season."

Market share refers to the ratio of viewers who watched "Classmates" to the total number of viewers during the same period.

With the development of the Internet, it is difficult to see ratings that can't break 10 as before. However, in recent years, survey data has become more and more detailed, and market share is also a very important statistic.

"It's not bad. It's barely a hit."

Zhou Yutang observed the ratings for the same period and nodded with satisfaction.

Follow this trend.

If nothing else, "Classmate" is basically invincible in the same period.

It can be regarded as a classic youth campus drama worthy of the hot reviews from netizens.

The so-called classic.

Just like "Want to See You" and "Those Years", even in a few years, some people will read it and feel good about it after watching it.

This show is worth it.

(End of this chapter)

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