Hogwarts: Where are the Pokémon?

Chapter 121 Magic spell protection, boy

Chapter 121 Magic spell protection, boy

"Phew—it's finally resolved—"

Watching the three monsters attack each other and fall down, Ron breathed a sigh of relief, as if all the bones in his body had been pulled out, he collapsed on the ground.

"It's a pity to let that guy get away—" said Hagrid angrily.

Solved, but not completely resolved.

At this time, the place where the black wizard was originally was was empty. They could only say that they barely survived the attack of the other party, and they didn't catch the poacher at all.

Although they had saved the unicorn this time, Hagrid was still very upset that the criminals could not be brought to justice.Harry was also annoyed at not being able to unravel Snape's true colors.

"Forget it, as long as you're fine." Hagrid was only troubled for a few minutes, and then breathed a sigh of relief, "Fortunately, I have your help. Pokémon, isn't it?"

"It's really powerful, but don't forget that we are their trainers." Ron said.

"But th—why did that man hurt the unicorn?" Harry asked strangely.He was going to say Snape, but changed his mind.

Thinking about it carefully, if it was really Snape, then there should be no reason for him to do this.

Magic ingredients for unicorns?

But the school would have provided some of these things.

"That dark wizard is drinking the blood of a unicorn." Firenze and Ronan walked over slowly.

They were both centaurs, but very different in appearance.

Ronan is older, with a beard on his face, and his hair is all red.And Firenze looks much younger, his hair is platinum blonde.

"Harry Potter, do you know what unicorn blood can be used for?"

"No idea," said Harry, taken aback by the odd question, "we only used his horns and tail in Potions."

"It's because killing a unicorn is an extremely brutal thing," Firenze said. "Only someone who has nothing and wants everything would commit such a heinous crime. The blood of a unicorn Can last your life, even if you are dying, but you must pay a heavy price for it. You slaughtered a pure, weak and helpless life to save your own life, so the blood from its blood touched your lips From that moment on, you will have a half-dead life, a cursed life."

Having nothing and wanting everything didn't sound like much to Snape.

"If you have to be cursed for the rest of your life, you might as well die."

"That's right," Firenze agreed, "unless you're just using it to prolong your life so you can drink something else—something that will fully restore your vigor and mana—something that will Your immortality. Mr. Potter, do you know what XZ is in school at the moment?"

"Firenze, you shouldn't tell them this. We have sworn an oath and we will never disobey God's will. Don't we see the omens shown by the movement of the planets?" Ronan said sternly.

But it was too late, and with the existing information, Harry was able to guess the "truth".

"The Philosopher's Stone! Of course—the elixir of life—" He clenched his fists.

Of course he can think of who has been waiting silently for so many years, eager to make a comeback?Who is clinging to life, waiting for the moment?

"It's Voldemort—"

"Don't mention that name Harry!" Ron said panicked, but Harry ignored him.

At this moment, Harry was more excited than before, his eyes seemed to be burning, and his scar was in pain!

The man standing behind all this is Voldemort!

And Snape, he was working for Voldemort!
After figuring this out, Harry couldn't bear it anymore. His scar seemed to be tearing in pain, as if something was about to pop out of it!
And the hallucinations from ten years ago seemed to appear in front of his eyes, and the terrifying green light enveloped him!

No, it's not an illusion—

At this moment, everyone relaxed their vigilance because the battle was over, but who would have thought that Quirrell did not actually leave, he just hid himself and waited for the opportunity——

A moment to kill Harry Potter.

And this time is now!

"Avada Kendawa—"

A green light that could take away life burst out, passing through the dark jungle in an instant, and attacking Harry!

At this moment, as if time slowed down, Harry saw "Snape" holding his wand in the dark, Ronan and Firenze were full of doubts, it seemed that this incident was not what they expected, he Seeing the worry and panic on the faces of Hagrid, Ron, and Hermione, Hermione almost cried.

Pikachu was jumping towards him, trying to block the move for himself, but even the flash of lightning was too short to catch up.

I'm afraid I'm going to die, this curse is exactly the same as the one that killed my parents ten years ago.

Harry closed his eyes, silently accepting his impending death.

Now he only hoped that Ron and the others could escape, and that they could guess that the dark wizard was Snape.

At least Dumbledore should know that such a dangerous person is at Hogwarts.

But unexpectedly, there was no pain in death, and he didn't even feel a little bit, so that he wondered if he was really killed.

Just as he was hesitating whether to open his eyes, he heard Hermione's cry of surprise in his ear.


"I knew you would come!"


Harry snapped his eyes open.

In an instant, he only felt his eyes being stung by the dazzling green light, and a tall black figure stood in front of his eyes, propping up a green barrier for him.

The terrifying death curse was thus blocked by that barrier.

"This is impossible!"

"How could someone use the Iron Armor Curse to block the Killing Curse?"

Quirrell feels that his three views have been refreshed. He knows that Xia Lin is very strong, but can he block the death curse?
This is too outrageous, right?
"Iron Armor Curse?" Xia Lin sneered disdainfully, "This is a magic spell for body protection, kid!"

"You all back away." He said casually, and the next moment, he took a step forward, and the magic power of the wand began to push!
The magic spell protection is a new spell formed by the fusion of the power of keeping and the power of the armor spell.

Although the Iron Armor Curse's defense is not as good as defending, it also has a characteristic that defending does not have, that is-curse rebound.

Now, Xia Lin combined the different characteristics of the two moves. Driven by the powerful magic power of the iridescent wand, the death curse released by Quirrell rebounded instantly!

The suffocating death curse reflected away, causing Quirrell to change color.

Fortunately, he reacted quickly. The moment he saw Xia Lin, he had no intention of staying and fighting.At this time, he cast his apparition and left without hesitation.


With a crisp sound, the terrifying death curse was emptied.

(End of this chapter)

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