Conan: Developing business in Kexue World

Chapter 245 The Mirage in the Rain

Chapter 245 The Mirage in the Rain
(will be revised later)——
Chuan Sheng took a step forward and stood in front of Megure, "But Mr. Policeman, I didn't call Takai, 'You die now,' and what I said was all the truth. In this way, it shouldn't be considered a crime of murder." Right?" He spread his hands and looked a little drunk with a lazy look on his face.

"You're right to say that." Megure thought for a moment, and realized that it really couldn't be said that Chuan Sheng was guilty.

Chuan Sheng said impatiently: "That's fine, let me go back quickly, I really don't want to say the same thing a second time."

"Second time?"

Nakamachi said: "Actually, we were asked the same question before the police officers arrived here. A blond foreign woman, a dark-skinned teenager, and a young man wearing a pair of black-rimmed glasses. Children, three people.”

"Eh?" Mu Mu was surprised.

Takagi was surprised, "Masaka! Those three people are..."

"That's Masaka." Kenta on the side walked over with half a bottle of water in his hand. "Officer Megure, Officer Takagi."

He had been watching the crowd since the ambulance drove away just now.

"Brother Yoshida? Those three people are indeed the English teacher, the boy from Osaka, and Conan, right?" Officer Megure asked.

Kenta nodded, confirming their suspicion.

"Why do you always show up at the murder scene?!" Takagi complained.

Kenta rolled his eyes at him and asked me what I was doing, asking Conan and the others.

Two famous detectives and an agent, these people are all prone to disaster.

"Where are the three of them now?" Police Officer Mu Mu hurriedly asked.

Kenta replied, "It should be at the deceased's home."

Chika Shimoda also confirmed: "They asked me for the key to Mr. Takai's house, and they have been up to the 21st floor for a while."

Memu's expression changed, "It's broken. Takagi, let's go!"


Megure took Takagi and a team of policemen and hurried towards the 21st floor, followed closely by Kenta.

In front of Takai's house.

Heiji, Conan, and Judy stood one after another. The three of them moved in unison. They all crossed their arms, pinched their chins, and leaned against the wall of Takagi's house.

Officer Megu hurriedly hurried and saw them standing against the wall. He thought they had not gone in yet, and said in surprise: "Huh~ Fortunately, the three of you haven't opened the door and locked it in. Okay, let us, the police, handle this." Alright. You guys..."

Officer Megure was panting, but Heiji didn't take it easy at all, "What nonsense are you talking about? Of course we have already investigated it clearly."

Judy held the camera and smiled: "I also took a lot of photos."

The scene suddenly became quiet, and Officer Memu's standard beady eyes appeared, "Yeah, really?"

Officer Megure adjusted, opened the door of Takai's house, and asked: "Then, is the door lock of this door really locked?"

Conan nodded and confirmed, "This door is indeed locked."

"Then, this room is the secret room." Police Officer Meguro put on his slippers, touched his chin and walked inside, "I think we can use suicide to close the case."

Heiji walked past Megure and said, "We thought so at first, but after seeing the curtains of the room where Takai fell, we no longer thought so."

Pingci opened a door, and inside was the room where the deceased rested before his death. The arrangement of furniture in the room was very strange, and the big bed was placed against the window.

At this moment, the window is wide open, the wind is blowing, and the curtains are drawn out.A lot of the hooks on the left curtain fell off the sliding rod. As for the last three or four hooks, they supported the curtain and prevented it from blowing away in the wind.

Officer Memu came in later, and when he saw this scene, he was startled.

He walked to the window, pressed his hat, and looked down a little, "It seems like he did fall from this window."

However, he didn't see the hook, so he asked: "But, I think this curtain was just blown outside by the wind, right?"

Heiji said helplessly: "You looked up and saw clearly. The curtains were pulled by someone before, so the sliding rods were deformed, and three or four hooks fell off, right?"

"Yeah." Memu shook the curtains with his hand.

Heiji continued: "This means that he had pulled the curtains when he fell. A person who wants to commit suicide, do you think he would do this?"

Mu Mu was shocked, "So, he didn't commit suicide..."


Heiji and Megure suddenly looked at Teacher Judy in surprise.

Judy pinched her chin, "This is a homicide case."

After Teacher Judy finished her cool, she started to pretend to be a nymphomaniac again, crossed her hands, twisted her waist, and said excitedly: "I think this is the secret room murder that we often see in movies or novels, right?"

Mu Mu narrowed his eyes and stepped forward and asked, "Teacher Judy, why are you here?"

Judy said: "Because my room is next door to this one. Those three people next to me came here to find me today. When I was about to walk out of the building to eat with them, Mr. Takai fell down, right?"

Megure and Takagi immediately looked at Kenta and the three of them, and the three of them could only laugh.

Memu continued to narrow his eyes and asked: "So, you don't know the secret room killing method, the secret room killing method, right?"

Heiji smiled and said, "No, I haven't figured it out yet. All I know now is that this murder may be related to the mark on the glass, but I'm not sure about the rest."

"Strange introduction?" Memu and Takagi stepped forward to check.

Takagi said: "That's right, this does look like something, the mark left by hitting the glass from the outside."

"What on earth could this be?" Memu was thinking hard when Chiba walked in with a stack of photos.

"Police Department! We have developed all the photos taken by Miss Shimoda." Chiba handed the photos over, "Actually, most of the photos are of the appearance of this building. But one of them was taken, a strange one I pulled it out. This is it~"

Chiba rummaged around for a while and saw that in the photo, Tao Jing was grabbing the curtain with one hand and falling outside with difficulty.

Megure and Takagi's eyes suddenly widened, "Isn't this Mr. Takai?"

Heiji said: "Let me tell you, he grabbed the curtain."

Judy said: "Oh, what else are you throwing out?"

Conan said: "Could it be his cell phone?"

Heiji carried Conan, followed by Judy, and the three gathered behind Officer Megure, discussing on their own.

Heiji said: "So, the mark on the glass is the mark of the collision of the mobile phone? Then why did he lose the mobile phone?"

Judy guessed: "I think he may have received some unpleasant phone calls."

Conan: "How is this possible?"

Mumu frowned when he heard this, and held it in for a while to see if they showed no signs of stopping.

Officer Megure suddenly became angry and shouted: "No Road Race!!! This is the job of our police! Ordinary people, please leave quickly!!"

The three were scolded and had to leave.

While walking, Judy spread her hands and said, "He is really angry."

Heiji was also dissatisfied and said: "Please, we have good intentions and want to help him."

Conan laughed dryly.Come to the door and meet Kenta who is playing with his mobile phone.

Kenta heard their complaints from afar and asked, "What's wrong? Are you kicked out?"

Heiji immediately started to quarrel with Kenta, and started complaining about Mugu.

In the house, after driving away these bad guys, Mu Mu finally breathed a sigh of relief, "Really, why do I keep encountering this group of people recently?"

Takagi responded awkwardly, "However, it is also true that we have slowly figured out the case during such noisy discussions every time."

"Huh?" Mu Mu frowned.

Takagi immediately shut up.

outside the house.

The three men and one woman did not go far and stood in the middle of the hall.

Heiji and Conan both had their hands in their pockets.

Heiji said: "There is one thing I just don't understand..."

Conan knew what he was going to say, "Well, you mean the method the murderer used to throw Mr. Takai out of the window, right?"

Heiji analyzed: "Miss Shimoda, who was taking pictures at the gate downstairs, could only use a flash to increase the brightness."

Conan thought: "There is nothing unusual in the text message Mr. Nakamachi sent."

Heiji said: "Finally, Mr. Kawakami who called the deceased."

Conan was puzzled: "No one would jump out of the window immediately when someone told you to die."

The two exchanged information word by word, but they didn't notice that Judy, who had her back turned to them, kept scanning them with her peripheral vision.

Heiji said: "It's Mr. Takai that I'm wondering about. Why did he smash his phone out of the window?"

Conan said: "The only possibility is that Tao Jing left something in the phone and didn't want it to break the phone when he was thrown away by the murderer."

Heiji said: "The last cell phone fell from such a high place, not only was it not broken, there was not even a strange signal."

Suddenly, Heiji's cell phone rang, "Who is this?"

"What time is it now?" He Ye's question came from the other end of the phone.


"What time is it now!" He Ye paused word by word.

Heiji hadn't figured out the situation yet, so he glanced at his phone foolishly: "It's eight o'clock, why are you asking this?"

"You idiot! What time do you think it is now! Big idiot!!" He Ye Zhaomao.

The sound was so loud that it could be heard from two meters away.

Judy asked Conan curiously: "Who called?"

Conan shook his head cutely, "I don't know."

Heiji finally came to his senses. It was Kazuya. What's so bad, I actually forgot all about my appointment with Kazuye.

"Where are you? You asked Police Officer Otaki to tell me that there was a store with good products, so you invited me out." At this time, He Ye was very well-dressed, but very angry.

"Sorry, I didn't go there today."

There was a lot of noise on the other end of the phone, which made Kazuye even more irritated. He asked loudly: "I mean Heiji! Where are you? Why is the signal so bad?"

It was over, and there was only one signal. Heiji looked at his phone, quickly looked up and looked around, and suddenly saw the balcony with the large floor-to-ceiling windows.

"Heiji? Are you listening?"

"Yes, yes, please don't look for you. I originally planned to rush there right away." Heiji put the phone back to his ear and walked to the balcony.

"Then tell me, where are you?"

Heiji opened the floor-to-ceiling window and came outside, "I'm not far away now, it's just Tokyo."

"Tokyo?!" Heye roared.

One for Osaka and one for Tokyo.Isn't this far?
Kenta was sweating after hearing this. He was really a genius for being liked by Kazuya like this.

Heiji looked at the night and replied calmly: "Yes, I originally wanted to go back as soon as the matter is done."

"What on earth are you talking about? Didn't we agree? Didn't we meet in front of Big Burger at seven o'clock tonight? The date I wrote on the note is absolutely correct!" Kazuya took his own Xiao Benben confirmed.

"Notes?" Heiji whispered to himself.

Conan was also thoughtful.

A casual remark from someone else can always bring new progress to the case.

The two of them were in sync, and they both suddenly realized.

Heiji immediately left Kazuha behind and ran with Conan on the balcony.Through the glass, the two of them saw the police from the Evidence Collection Division meticulously searching for details in the room where the sound was made.

Heiji said: "I understand, that's why!"

Conan also said, "That can't be wrong, the murderer should be him!"

Both of them knew the answer, but they started playing riddles.

Behind them, Teacher Judy turned her back to them, but turned her head away. Then, she took out the camera she had just used to take pictures in the room for identification, and took a picture of Conan and Heiji.

Kenta discovered this scene and did not stop it.

At this stage, from Conan's perspective, Judy is still a mystery, and he even suspects that Judy is a member of the Black Organization.

This is a rare practice moment, let Conan perform well and lay a solid foundation for becoming Director Ke in the future.

Otherwise, if he is too reckless later and is killed by the black organization in advance, Kenta will have to do it himself, which will not only be dangerous, but also troublesome.

The two famous detectives who understood the answer did not hesitate, and found Officer Megure the next moment.

"What? Experiment? Do you want to do it now?" Mu Mu was surprised.

"Yes, that's right." Heiji said with a smile, "As long as we rehearse all the actions that Mr. Takai and the three suspects did before he fell from the building, we may be able to crack this secret room murder case very easily. A murderous technique."

"Hmm..." Mumu sighed heavily, touched his chin and said, "But think about it, Ms. Shimoda has been taking pictures downstairs, and Mr. Nakamachi only sent a text message to the deceased. They were drunk and cursed Mr. Takai profusely, how could they kill someone?"

Officer Memu still doesn't believe these people are the murderers.

Heiji smiled and said: "Anyway, we'll know after we try it. But there is one thing missing in this experiment."

"If there's anything missing, just say it. No need to worry about it." Mu Mu squinted.

"There is still less wine." Conan suddenly explained, "Because Mr. Gao Jing was drunk and fell on the bed before he fell from the building?"

Takagi sweated coldly, "Although that is true, but who will play the role of the victim now?"

(End of this chapter)

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