Conan: Developing business in Kexue World

Chapter 239 English Teacher VS Kansai Detective

Chapter 239 English Teacher VS Kansai Detective
"Ah? Are you mad at me? Because I didn't tell you about the stolen report last night?" Conan asked.

"Hmph." Dr. Ali hugged her chest.

Conan said helplessly: "Come on, don't be angry, doctor. What can I do? When I called yesterday, I heard from the microphone that she was beside you."

"You mean her? Are you referring to Xiao Ai?" Dr. A Li asked.

Conan nodded, "Well, if she knew that someone was snooping around, I think that guy Haiyuan would definitely tell me to stop running outside again."

It's a pity that Xiao Ai just came out of the basement to pour water, and now she was hiding in the corridor separated by a wall, so she naturally heard what they said.

Conan said: "Besides, I promised her before. I told her that if the situation is not good, I will deal with it myself, so she doesn't need to worry. So, of course, I can't let her worry about it."

Kenta had a different opinion, "You hide everything from Xiao Ai like this, and there are obvious flaws in your actions. This will make her think more wildly. It's better to tell Xiao Ai clearly."

However, Conan still stubbornly insisted on his point of view.

Put this question aside for now.

Dr. Agasa looked at Conan a little worriedly.

Conan asked: "By the way, where did Huiyuan go?"

Dr. A Li bent down and whispered: "She is in the underground research room now."

The three turned to look at the entrance to the basement.

"In short, Haiyuan must not let Haiyuan know about this matter." Conan said: "Actually, she is not as strong as she looks."

Behind the wall, Xiao Ai folded her arms, knowing everything she should know.

What a fool.Xiao Ai thought to herself.

Conan pondered, and said, "However, I'm still a little worried. The person who stole the report sent it back to the Metropolitan Police Department afterwards."

Dr. A Li guessed, "They probably returned it after seeing it and finding it useless?"

Conan was speechless, "If you read it, why don't you just throw it away? Why do you want the police to notice that you have not kept the data carelessly."

"That makes sense." Dr. A Li held his chin.

Conan said: "The only possibility is that they did this to declare that we all know what your situation means. Or..."

"They want to lure someone into a trap." Hattori Heiji suddenly answered, "What about the person they want to lure the snake out of the hole? Kudo, I think it should be you."

Conan replied stupidly: "Yeah, I guess so."

"However, what I can't figure out is, if this is a trap, why is it so troublesome to go around in such a large circle?" Heiji sat on the table.

"That's right." Conan stood on the ground.

The two of them, one tall and one short, were holding their chins and thinking.

Three seconds passed~
"They have many ways to lure me out..." Conan suddenly recovered, and looked at Heiji with one eye.

"Why are you here! Heiji!!"

Conan's reaction was great, causing everyone to laugh.

"Haha, of course this worrying guy asked me to come." Heiji pointed at Kenta and said with a smile, "He said that I am your best friend, and I can definitely help you here."

Kenta touched his nose: "Hey, one person counts short. I heard from the doctor that you seem to be annoyed by something recently and can't figure it out."

Dr. A Li also said: "Since the other party is engaging in such pretentious actions, it will be difficult for us to deal with it."

Heiji said: "Doctor, you don't understand this. How could Kudo come to you to upgrade his equipment if he didn't have a clue about such an important matter?"

Heiji closed his eyes, "He will come here, which means that he has grasped some important clues, or he has found a way to fight back."

"Right?" Heiji jumped off the table and leaned over to stare at Conan.

Conan remained silent, Heiji stuck out his finger and drilled into Conan's head.

"If you don't speak, does that mean I'm right?"

Conan was speechless, opened his hand, and said, "Hatto, didn't I say before that I fought against those people at the Kubado City Hotel before?"

Heiji nodded, "You said that you and the girl named Haibara were investigating the case of one of them, an old man named Pisk."

Conan said: "Yes, that's right. In fact, ever since then, I've been wondering why Pisk would hold that banquet handkerchief that shouldn't be in his hand when the police were taking statements."

"At that time, there were seven suspects who were isolated by the police for interrogation, and Pisk did not expect that the handkerchief would be found on him during the police interrogation."

"That is to say..."

"There is also a person from the organization in black at the scene." Kenta answered, "Didn't Xiao Ai say before that she vaguely sensed a creepy aura in the banquet hall?"

Heiji also agrees with this guess, "It should be his companions. They know that they will be interrogated by the police. That is to say, the person who handed that handkerchief to Pisk is very likely to be interrogated by the other six." among the suspects being interrogated."

Conan raised his head: "The suspects besides Pisk are six people, Mika Nanjo, Yasuo Sanbe, Yoshiharu Taru, Naoya Tarumi, Naomichi Maikura, and Chris Wingyard. All six are celebrities who often appear in the media. However, since then, there is only one person who announced his retirement and disappeared.”

Dr. Ali was surprised, "Who is that?"

"Chris Wingyard," Kenta replied.

Conan was taken aback, "You have been paying attention to this matter."

Kenta hesitated, "Since Xiao Ai said it, I let the future pay attention to it."

Conan said: "That's right, that is, Chris Wingyard, a well-known Hollywood actress and movie star."

Xiao Ai, who was separated by a wall, suddenly looked ugly and was shocked by Conan's words.

Dr. A Li couldn't believe it, "Chris? That new-generation actress with a prominent family?"

Heiji asked: "Is that the big beauty whose father is not young?"

Conan's forehead was also sweating, "Well. She is the only daughter of the actress Sharon Wynyard. Although I did a lot of investigations, this woman is the most suspected of the six people, although I don't want to believe it."

Conan took out a note from his pocket and said, "So I want to ask the doctor to check this."

"What is this?" Dr. Ali took it and found that it was a website address. "Web address?"

Conan put his hands in his pockets and said: "Yes, this is the website opened by fans who hope she can come back. I hope the doctor can enter this website and help me collect some information. About her experience, whether it is good, habit, or Die-hard fan profiles are fine too."

"If I use this child's appearance to go online to investigate her information on foreign websites, not only will it arouse Xiaolan's suspicion, but if I do this, I will be suspected by the other party."

Dr. A Li said: "I will try it for you, but what do you want this information for?"

Conan said: "Be prepared for a rainy day, maybe it will come in handy at some point."

Kenta said: "Doctor, do you want me to help?"

Dr. A Li shook his head, "I can still do this little thing."

Heiji suddenly said to Conan: "Isn't there already one? Isn't there a suspicious foreign woman by your side?"

Conan waved his hands in a panic, "Please, don't talk nonsense, how can there be such a person?"

"Really?" Heiji looked like you were talking nonsense.Dr. Ali thought for a while, "Heiji said, it must be Teacher Judy?"

Conan was surprised, Heiji also turned his head and asked, "Judy? Who is that woman?"

Dr. A Li said: "Don't you know? She is the new English teacher at Kenta's school."

"A new English teacher?" Heiji said to himself, thinking.

Conan hurried to the doctor, pushed him and said in a low voice, "Please, how can you tell him about this?"

Conan has always been very resistant to dragging the people around him into the duel with the black organization, and even Kenta is often concealed by Conan.This is all because Conan does not want people around him to be in danger.

Over there, Heiji had already announced happily, "Okay, I'll go see that English teacher now."

Conan is absolutely down, I knew it!

"Do you know where she lives?" Heiji asked.

Dr. A Li said: "Just ask Xiaolan, Xiaolan and the others have been to Teacher Judy's house."

Heiji leaned over to look at Conan, and said with a smile: "If everything goes well, maybe you can get that kind of medicine that makes your body smaller on the spot."

Conan squinted at him, with a reluctance on his face, "Do you say it's enough, don't underestimate them!"

Heiji stood up straight with his arms raised and said excitedly: "If you don't want to go, you can stay here."

"Damn it!" Conan scratched his head irritably, and now more and more people are involved in the case.

Behind the wall, Xiao Ai poked his head out and glanced at them from the corner of his eyes, not knowing what he was thinking.



In the evening, Conan, Heiji, and Kenta came to a building.

Looking at the high-end apartments in the 24-story skyscraper ahead.

Heiji sighed: "What a tall building! Can I make so much money as an English teacher?"

Generally speaking, the higher the building, the more expensive the neon apartment is.

Conan looked up and said, "I heard from Xiaolan and the others before that this teacher's father is quite rich."

"Okay, you two who live in villas, don't be envious of those who live in apartments." Kenta was speechless, seeing someone just coming out of the gate, and hurriedly urged them to go upstairs. This kind of high-end apartment has a glass door at the bottom. They are all electronic cards. If you miss this wave, you will be foolishly waiting for someone to come out or go in next time.

The elevator stopped on the 21st floor, and the three of them came out one after another.

Heiji thought brokenly: "I see, room 21 on the 2104st floor, you need to go this way. Follow."

The three of them came to the corridor and walked a short distance to the door of Room 2104.

Looking at the 'Judy Santemillion' on the door plate, it seems that I came to the right place.

Heiji muttered, "Judy~~Saint~Saint Timion, this is it!"

Kenta smiled and said, "If Teacher Judy hears it, she will definitely correct your pronunciation again."

Conan ignored their fight, and said seriously: "Listen, you two, you are here today just to explore the way. Especially Hattori, don't mess around!"

"Okay, I got it." Heiji agreed, "By the way, what are we going to say after we see her?"

"Eh~?" Conan raised his head in surprise, "You haven't thought about it yet? You're the one who told me to come here!"

Heiji stared at Conan expressionlessly, "This is our first time meeting, so what's the reason?"

The corners of Conan's eyes drooped, and he said, "Really. Forget it then, let's go back. It would be bad if she suspects me." Saying this, Conan was about to turn around and leave.

Pingji immediately stopped, "You two! Wait, we've already said this, how can we back down?!" He raised his hand and patted behind him.


The three of them immediately stood on the spot, and Kenta couldn't help asking: "Did you do it on purpose, or did you accidentally?"

"Sorry. Sorry." Heiji scratched his head and laughed.

"Who is it?" Suddenly, Teacher Judy's voice came from the doorbell.

"Oops!" Heiji was about to hide, but was grabbed by Kenta and dragged back by the collar.

"You make trouble, you solve it!" Kenta grabbed Heiji forcefully.

Heiji was quick to wit, picked up Conan on the ground, and handed him to the doorbell.

"I, I'm Conan." Conan was asked by Heiji, so he had no choice but to answer.

"Conan? Oh, Cool Kid, Conan, what's the matter?"

"I, I'm playing with Teacher Judy~"

"Ok, ok! Wait for me first."

Phew~ Heiji breathed a sigh of relief and put Conan down.

Conan couldn't help kicking the guy, and when he heard Heiji's cry of pain, he retracted his foot in satisfaction.

Kenta covered his head, Conan was acting more and more like a kid.

Suddenly, the door of the next room opened, and there was a loud noise, and the three of them looked together.

"It's okay, don't worry, I'm not drunk at all! I can walk on my own. Nakamachi, let me go." This is a man with parted hair, who looks to be in his 30s.

"It's too dangerous, senior!" This one is younger, looks like 26, and looks fat.

The faces of the two were flushed from drinking, and one drunk was supporting the other.

Another woman walked out of the house. After she went out, she took the key and locked the door.

The woman apologized to the two: "I'm really sorry. He really made it difficult for you to come down."

"Don't say that, as long as Senior Gao Jin drinks alcohol, he will look like this." The man named Nakamachi responded.

"You can only see a person's true nature clearly when you are drunk." The man being supported said mockingly.

"Senior Kawakami, you still say that your wine quality is not good." Nakamachi complained.

"Less chatter..."

A group of people drifted away.

Looking at this scene, Kenta said happily: "Fortunately, I am the big boss and don't have to associate with seniors. This neon junior culture is really unbearable. The junior just now was obviously impatient, but he was still respectful. Keep talking and serve carefully."

Conan and Heiji were not ordinary people, so they didn't feel as deeply about this scene as Ken. They just sympathized a little and put the matter aside.

(End of this chapter)

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