Chapter 181

The scene turned in an instant. Li Pingbao and others held sharp weapons, guarding the emperor's side, and at the same time controlled the audience. No one dared to move the entire hall.

Wang Bin's head on the ground and the body of the military officer just now told them that whoever dares to move will die.

Those who just wanted to watch the emperor being dragged out were all trembling now.

Shi Miyuan and Xia looked at each other in shock and fear, and cursed in their hearts at the same time: "I've been fooled."

Today, Zhao and Rui are going to take it all together.

No one could have imagined that the emperor would suddenly attack on the wedding day.

The senior military officers of the capital are all in the imperial city, and unless someone can get the soldier talisman, they can send troops to rescue them.

But now, even if troops are sent, they may be killed first.

"Why did it become like this?" Shi Miyuan was very unwilling.

Just when Shi Miyuan was shocked, scared and regretted.

Quan Yong and Li Pinghu at the Li main gate outside had rushed into the Nangong gate with a large group of armored soldiers.

Li Pinghu held the imperial decree and the military talisman, and shouted as he charged: "By His Majesty's imperial decree to clear the king, all brothers lay down their weapons, or they will be killed."

"On the side of the emperor of the Qing Dynasty, the government is in charge, the ruler and ministers are determined, and the people are safe."

"God bless Zhao Song, long live Your Majesty."

The armored soldiers ran in, shouting rhythmically.

Soon, the voice of God Bless Zhao Song and Long Live Your Majesty rushed into the Nangong Gate.

In front of Nangong Gate, there are two groups of people confronting each other.

One is from Wang Bin and Fang Gang's Imperial City Department, and the other is from Yang Yuehu, Xu Youzhong and others.

But Wang Bin and Fang Gang were not there. Their subordinates saw corpses strewn all over the steps at the entrance of Daqing Hall, and people were stabbed everywhere, and they didn't know what happened.

Yang Yuehu led people to stop on the corridor bridge, yelling that His Majesty is cleaning up treacherous ministers, so don't act rashly.

There are not many people on both sides, and there are less than fifty or sixty people on both sides.

Originally, people from the Huangcheng Division came from all directions one after another, but as soon as Li Pinghu and Quan Yong's armored soldiers entered, the Huangcheng Division was not from Yang Yuehu, and they immediately dispersed.

"Yang Yuehu." Li Pinghu shouted after entering.

"The end is here." Yang Yuehu stepped forward immediately.

"I'll give you 500 people, and bring your people with you. Immediately control all the personnel of the Imperial City Division. Anyone who resists will be killed."

Outside the palace gate, Li Pinghu had arranged for cavalry to guard it, but the inside still needed to be cleaned up.

"No." Yang Yuehu laughed, turned around and said to his confidantes: "Today is the day to get promoted and get rich. Let's go."

Everyone laughed and turned to call the ministries.

In the Daqing Hall, it was very quiet at this time.

Everyone knows what happened.

Because the voice of "God bless Zhao Song, long live Your Majesty" is getting closer.

Quan Si, Li Pingbao, some of them surrounded the emperor with weapons, some blocked the door, and some stood behind the military officers in the palace.

None of the military officers, including Xia Zhen, Zheng Fa, and Fang Gang, dared to move.

The opponents are all young and strong, and they have daggers. They are unarmed, which makes them stabbing them close, and they will die ugly.

At this time, Xia Zhen was fine, only fear in his heart.

But Shi Miyuan was very unwilling and regretted.

He looked at Zhao Yurui with a complicated expression, and couldn't believe that Zhao Yurui could plan such a thing.

Where did the little emperor get his troops to enter the imperial city?This was what Shi Miyuan couldn't understand the most.

I made him the emperor, and he just crossed the river and demolished the bridge?
Shi Miyuan definitely didn't expect that Zhao Yurui moved so fast, and just a few days after killing Zhao Mian, he suddenly attacked him.

Only at this time did he faintly feel how scary Zhao Yurui was.

This kind of thing must not have been planned in a day or two, and he didn't know anything about it, which shows how terrifying Zhao Yurui is.

Just when he was struggling with pain and fear in his heart.

The sound of "Huacha, huacha" was getting closer, and soon they reached the outside of the hall, and then Li Pinghu, Quan Yong was fully armored, and rushed in with a large group of elites.

Teams of armored soldiers rushed into the hall, and everyone gasped as they watched.

Brand new armor, bright weapons, elite soldiers.

The aura of the imperial army is incomparable to theirs at all, and they are the elite of the elite at first glance.

"God bless Zhao Song, long live Your Majesty." Li Pinghu and Quan Yong knelt down when they came in, and said loudly, "The last general is ordered to bring ten thousand elites to King Qing's side. Long live, long live, long live, Your Majesty."

Zhao Yurui also breathed a sigh of relief.

Finally turned around, but immediately reminded myself that it wasn't enough.

Controlling the people at the scene does not mean controlling the world of Song Dynasty.

"Zhou Dan, Zheng Qingzhi."

Zhao Yurui said loudly.

"The minister is here."

Zheng Qingzhi and Zhou Dan stood in front trembling.

Just now Zheng Qingzhi and Zhou Dan also stood up to support Li Zhixiao, but later saw that the situation was wrong, and immediately retreated.

"Ge Hong."

The emperor called again.

Ge Hong didn't stand up just now, but he didn't support the emperor either, and remained neutral.

He would hear him being called, so he had no choice but to stand up: "The minister is here."

"To draw up the decree, to sign Ge Hong, a member of the Privy Council, as the Privy Council envoy, and to be promoted to the right prime minister."

"Take Li Zongmian as the secretary of the Privy Council, and Wei Liaoweng as the clerk of the Privy Council and political affairs."

The latter two deputies of the Privy Council were originally Shi Miyuan's confidants Xue Ji and Xuan Zeng.

Zheng Qingzhi and Zhou Dan were stunned for a moment, and immediately said: "Observe the order."

Behind him, Niu Bao took out a blank imperial decree and pen and ink, as well as the seals of the emperor and the empress dowager.

Empress Dowager Yang didn't even know when her great seal had arrived at the Daqing Palace, her face turned pale and she dared not say a word.

Ge Hong didn't expect that he would suddenly become a privy envoy, but he was not from Shi Miyuan, and his official position was more honest, but also smarter. When Shi Miyuan gained power, he didn't offend Shi Miyuan. Now that the emperor gained power, of course he followed suit. with the emperor.

"Ge Hong, where are the other two left talismans (soldier talismans)?"

"Xu Fengnian, the general of the former army in front of the hall, and Ye Chunlei, the general of the Weiwu army of the infantry division."

"Designation—" Zhao and Rui Fei said quickly.

Li Pinghu was promoted to be the commander of the Qiansi Army in front of the temple, and he took back the soldier talisman.

When the emperor was speaking, Hu Song and a few servants behind him brought up a lot of things, and then pushed all the wine and vegetables on the wine table to the ground and piled them up.

Everyone took a look, come on, the great seal of the Privy Council, the great seal of the Ministry of Education, related documents, the blank imperial decree of the Imperial Academy, and everything that needs to be used have been moved by the emperor to the Daqing Hall.

Zheng Qingzhi and Zhou Dan wrote the imperial decree on the spot, sealed it on the spot after writing, and then went out of the palace directly with the other half of the military talisman and the imperial decree.

Quan Yong stepped forward unceremoniously, and found another soldier talisman on Shi Miyuan's body.

Everyone works on site, and the efficiency is extremely fast.

The emperor ignored everyone and issued imperial decrees one after another. In just half an hour, dozens of imperial decrees were written.

One after another, people from the Imperial Academy were called out to write imperial edicts.

He moved Xueji to the order of Zhongshu, and promoted Qiao Xingjian to be the servant of Zhongshu.

Zhongshuling was the chief of the Zhongshu Province, but in the Southern Song Dynasty, he was famous but had no position. Zhongshu Shilang was the deputy chief, but he really held the power of the province.

The Privy Council was in charge of military officers, and the Zhongshu Ministry was in charge of civil servants. The heads of these two departments were immediately replaced by Zhao Yurui on the spot.

Xuan Zong is a minister, which means that he has a name but no real position. Chen Guiqian is Zuo Silang Zhong (the left division is in charge of the Ministry of Officials, the Ministry of Households, and the Ministry of Rites), and Chen Guiyi is the right division of Lang Zhong (the right division is in charge of the Ministry of Military Affairs, the Ministry of Punishment, and the Ministry of Industry.)
Before these two positions were Yu Zhu and Lin Jie, also known as Du Siguan, who were extremely important power departments in the Southern Song Dynasty.

Qifu Deng Ruoshui was Minister of the Ministry of Officials, Wei Liaoweng Zai was Minister of the Ministry of War, Xu Yuan was Minister of the Ministry of Industry, Du Fan was Minister of the Ministry of Households, Yang Changru was Minister of Rites, and Li Huang was Minister of the Ministry of Punishment.

Everyone at the scene silently watched the emperor issue the imperial decree one after another, with strange expressions.

The six ministers who had no real power in the Southern Song Dynasty were all replaced, and they were either dismissed by Shi Miyuan (such as Deng Ruoshui, Yang Changru), or people from Zhao Yurui. Among them, Xu Yuan, whom everyone had never heard of, came later. I know, he was originally a seventh-rank petty official from Dinghai Shipyard.

Shi Miyuan was very sensitive. Looking at the list of the six ministers, he felt that the emperor might want to change the system and use the six ministers to weaken the power of the prime minister.

The emperor did not know how many imperial edicts were issued that day, except for the transfer of Chinese and military officials in the capital.

Even more than a dozen imperial edicts were issued to all directions.

Including, Diao Cui and Zhi'an served as the envoy of Sichuan and the prefect of Chengdu.

Zheng Shun, the original Sichuan system envoy, was the Guangnan East Road system envoy, who knew Guangzhou.

Call Huainan West Road to pacify the counselor Zhao Kui, and Huaidong to appease the deputy envoy and know Yangzhou Zhao Fan to Beijing.

Tiao Huainan West Road system envoy Zeng Shizhong served as Liangzhe West Road system envoy.

Tiao Du Gao served as the envoy of Huainan West Road and transit envoy, the envoy of Yanjiang system, and the governor of Anqing.

Meng Gong, the soldier and horse prisoner in Xiazhou and patrolling the city, was called to Beijing.

Emphasize the strength of the brave army and command Yu Jie to Jiankang to guard Ma Junsi.

Wang Jian was summoned to command the Zhongxing Army to go to Beijing.

On that day, Zhao and Rui worked directly in the Daqing Hall, issuing 46 imperial decrees in front of hundreds of civil and military officials.

All the seals that should be used, whether it is the Privy Council, the Ministry of Education, or the Emperor and Empress Dowager.

After all the edicts were written, Li Pinghu came back to report that all the soldiers outside had been taken back. The capital is currently stable, each battalion is in its own station, and the gates of Lin'an City are all under their control.

At this moment, Shi Miyuan knew that the general situation was over.

Zhao Yurui sealed them all in the imperial city, issued imperial edicts and military orders with the fastest speed, and completely controlled the imperial city.

Unless someone is determined to rescue them at this time, and recklessly raises troops to attack, but at this time in the Southern Song Dynasty, it is basically impossible.

No one would send troops under the threat of rebellion and beheading.

Without military talismans and imperial edicts, none of the [-] forbidden troops in Lin'an City would dare to move, nor would they be able to move.

What's more, the generals above the command are all in the palace now.

Shi Miyuan also noticed that there was another imperial decree, which replaced half of the 5000 troops of the Imperial City Division, and replaced [-] soldiers and horses from Dinghai with the Imperial City Division.

Take Quan Yong's promotion of the Imperial City Secretary, Li Pingbao, Chen Feng, and Mao Tong as points.

With Li Pingxia as the commander of the Imperial City Division, Yang Yuehu, Xu Youzhong and other generals of the former Imperial City Division were transferred to the command of the Imperial Army one after another.

Feng Deshan was the commander of the infantry division and also the commander of the Dinghai Navy. (The navy is under control, which means that the Dinghai Navy may expand its army in the future, and the number of troops may exceed [-])
Then there were thirteen commanders in front of the palace, 21 commanders, five commanders in the guard infantry division, and ten commanders, a total of 49 senior generals. to myself.

After the replacement, each commanding and commanding level and above held the documents and imperial edicts of the Privy Council and each sent a team of personal soldiers to each battalion of the Forbidden Army to take over the battalions.

Li Pingxia, Quan Yong, Yang Yuehu, Feng Deshan, and Li Pinghu held the five Zuobing talismans first.

Another imperial decree stipulates that in the future, the military symbols will be placed on the emperor's side as before the Tang Dynasty, and will no longer be placed in the Privy Council.

All the Right Soldiers Talismans are collected to the Emperor of the Palace.

Before dark, Zhao Yurui basically stabilized the capital, and the next step is to stabilize the local bosses.

But the local bigwigs are mainly on the front line and in the northwest direction, and it is relatively simple in Guangdong, Zhejiang, Guangdong and Guangxi.

His imperial decree was rushed to various places this afternoon by [-] miles. Not surprisingly, after receiving the imperial decree, various places will respond one after another, and it is not known what happened to the capital.

Even if they knew, who would dare to violate the imperial decree?
Throughout the afternoon, Zhao Yurui took over the imperial guards in the capital and replaced part of the Imperial City Division and the imperial guards. All officials were locked in the Daqing Hall and could not move.

(End of this chapter)

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