Chapter 127 King Wei Wants to Eat Empty Pay?

Then the income from lake fields and employment fields in the nine major incomes are stored in Fudu Warehouse, but it does not mean that they are for their own use and have many uses.

Employment land was originally a subsidy for officials. After Zhao Yurui was sentenced to Qingyuan Mansion, he also had employment land. If there was no land, he would be given food.

But usually officials can’t run out of it. For example, like King Wei, there are more than [-] acres of land. Jiangnan now produces three or four stones a year. Liangzhe Road, including Qingyuan Mansion, now has two crops of rice. After six or seven stones, he would definitely not be able to use them up.

In the past, officials could sell what they could not use up, but now it is no longer possible. The inexhaustible storage warehouse is considered the country's property.

Hutian in Qingyuan Prefecture was established during the Zhenghe period. It was originally used to receive Korean and Japanese envoys. Later, when there were too many, it was used as Dinghai military rice.

After talking about this, Mo Ze said: "After the Dinghai Navy moved to Xupu, the income from the lake fields was used for disaster relief and polder development. Now the king of Wei has moved it back to the Dinghai Navy. In the future, this income--" Mo Zezhi Heck, it seems that he doesn't want to give this income to the navy.

"How many?" Zhao Yuju asked suddenly.

He is now a Dinghai county lieutenant, so of course he can ask about this matter. If he can't get this income, Dinghai county will be responsible.

The three of Mo Ze didn't expect that Zhao and Ju would meddle in their own business when King Wei didn't make a sound.

The three of them looked at Zhao Yurui together, and Zhao Yurui was also looking at his brother in surprise.

Zhao Yuju said directly: "If you can't get this income, we will bear it in Dinghai County, and Rui, this is a heavy burden for the people and officials of Dinghai County."

Sure enough, Zhao Yurui had a look of embarrassment on his face. He disturbed his head, as if he was very annoyed by this kind of thing: "These local affairs are really troublesome, why don't you discuss with Mo Changshi and the others? Yurui wants to—"

"Yu Rui, you are the governor of a government, how can you think about making money every day and ignore government affairs?" Zhao Yuju had a look of resentment.

Zhao and Rui originally wanted to get up and leave, but they had no choice but to sit down when called by their elder brother.

Opposite Mo Ze and Nie Zishu saw the behavior of the two brothers, and they both cursed in their hearts: "Midget your own business."

Zhao and Ju were obviously meddling in their own business, and wanted to ask about Hutian's income.

What Mo Ze and Nie Zishu meant, they originally wanted to take some of the Hutian income privately, and bring Cheng Yi along for greed.

Both were rather greedy officials.

Mo Ze used the name of corruption, and the history book commented on Nie Zishu when he came back from Sichuan as an official: "The return is full, and the fields and houses are soaked in Guangbao to play with toughness." It can be seen that he is more greedy than Mo Ze.

Now that Zhao and Ju broke the casserole and asked the end, Mo Ze had no choice but to say: "The lakes of Qingyuan Prefecture have more than 1000 mu of Dinghai Fengpu, Shenyao, and Dongqianhu, more than 7 mu of Guangde Lake, and more than 8 mu of Wanjin Lake. , a total of 15 mu."

"Ah..." Zhao Yurui was also shocked this time, she didn't expect that there were so many Hutian.

Hutian has already occupied a considerable proportion of tax revenue in the middle and late Southern Song Dynasty. He mainly refers to the low-lying paddy fields opened up in the lower reaches of the Yangtze River. Hutian was almost nothing in the Northern Song Dynasty. Because of the loss of a large area of ​​land and financial difficulties in the Southern Song Dynasty, Hutian began to develop fully. Among them, Jiangdong and Liangzhe Road have been fully developed, and many low-lying paddy fields have become fertile fields.

In the Southern Song Dynasty and Zhejiang Province, rice was ripened twice a year. In the Southern Song Dynasty, the yield of these fields reached three or four shi or even six or seven shi per mu. Even the Ming and Qing Dynasties did not exceed the Southern Song Dynasty.

According to the output of six stones, only Hutian income, Qingyuan Mansion has nearly one million stones.

Zhao Yurui immediately said: "So many? Can the Dinghai Navy's food and rice be guaranteed?"

Mo Ze had a bitter face: "Wei Wang sounds like a lot, but he still has to get rid of a lot."

"Excluding the regular tax of more than [-] shi, the surcharge is also calculated as more than [-] shi, and [-]% of the land rent is removed (if the government's cattle and farm tools are used, the land rent can reach [-]-[-]% to [-]%)."

"There are also expenses for entertaining Japanese and Korean envoys."

Mo Ze deducted seven times and eight times, and finally said that last year, he entered the warehouse of Qingyuan Mansion for [-] shi.

Zhao Yurui almost jumped up when she heard that.

But he held back anyway, and couldn't help but look up at Moze, because Moze was holding the ledger in his hand.

Sure enough, Zhao and Ju asked to see the account book.

Mo Ze had no choice but to pass it to Zhao and Ju.

Last year, Hutian earned [-] million shi annually, and the final storage was [-] shi.

Excluding the taxes and the income of the common tenants, there is not even a tenth of it. Of course, there is still a part of it as entertainment expenses, which is used on foreign envoys. This is a unique place in Qingyuan Mansion. There is no way. This is the place where Koryo and Japanese envoys must pass.

After Zhao Yuju saw it, he immediately handed it to Zhao Yurui.

Zhao Yurui glanced at it for a while, and saw from the corner of his eye that the total production of Qingyuan Mansion last year was 10,000+ stones, and the total number of fields was more than 230 million mu.

According to the calculation of double-cropping rice, the minimum output is more than 1000 million shi.

When Zhao and Rui saw more than 400 million stones, they felt that the data was outrageously false.

The area of ​​cultivated land in the Southern Song Dynasty was about 700 million hectares, and the total output was about 12-50 billion shi. The total output of later generations reached 20 billion shi in [-] years, which was not even a quarter of the Southern Song Dynasty per capita.

Qingyuan Mansion was the ten largest prefectures in the Southern Song Dynasty at this time. Its economic population was in the forefront, and its grain output could only be more than 400 million shi.

However, during the Lizong period in history, the surface data output of Qingyuan Mansion has been fluctuating around 430 million shi.

As for the real output, at least now no one knows.

Because in order to avoid taxes, many officials, generals, and wealthy businessmen will try to store land and underreport production.

The production capacity of Hutian reaches five or six shi per mu, because it is government-run and it is inconvenient to make fakes.

At this time, Zhao Yurui glanced casually, returned the account book to Mo Ze, and said, "Now the Dinghai Navy has 6000 to [-] people."

"At least [-] shi must be guaranteed every year."

"How can you use so much?" Nie Zishu immediately exclaimed, his expression was a little excited, and he even quoted scriptures.

At this time, the population of the Song Dynasty was also quite small. During the reign of Emperor Taizong, Wang Yucheng said: "If there are ten thousand monks in the world, it is extremely frugal to eat one liter of rice every day and one bolt of silk every year."

Wang Bo of the Southern Song Dynasty said: "Although a certain person is useless in the world, in 76, he ate two hundred and seventy-eight shi rice, which can be called a lucky person in ancient and modern times."

Fang Hui said: "For a family of five, each person eats one liter of solar eclipse, and eighteen stones a year."

Look at the rations of ordinary people in the Song Dynasty, which is also the standard for the poor.

According to this standard, Nie Zishu said that the Dinghai Navy has 6000 to [-] people, and it is enough to eat [-] stones a year.

Zhao Yurui seemed speechless.

But Zhao and Ju were dissatisfied and said: "Nie Tongpan is talking about ordinary poor people, and King Wei is talking about Dinghai Navy."

"During the time of Renzong, Fan Zhongyan, the magistrate of Suzhou, once said that ten thousand people will be served in spring, and they will eat three liters."

"Those who do hard work are at least three times as many as ordinary people."

"The king of Wei said that fifty thousand shi is not enough."

Nie Zishu planned to give Haijun one liter of food per day, while Zhao and Ju wanted three liters.

Nie Zishu was wrong, because the rations of soldiers in the Southern Song Dynasty were indeed between two and three liters.

It's just that he forgot that among the 6000 people, only more than 1000 are sailors, and the rest are family members. Moreover, Zhao and Rui reported too many people, only about 4000 people.

Of course, everyone was unwilling to quarrel with King Wei.

Seeing that Zhao and Ju were here today, Nie Zishu seemed to be fooling King Wei, so he could only recognize him.

But there was a problem with the communication between him and Zhao Yurui.

Zhao Yurui said 6000 people, including family members, there were about 4000 people, and he reported about [-] more.

Nie Zishu thought that Zhao Yurui directly reported the Dinghai Navy to 6000 people. From his point of view, King Wei wanted to pay for nothing?
Wei Wang is really greedy, just want to eat empty salary?

Nie Zishu thought about it, and asked cautiously: "What does King Wei mean, the Dinghai Navy reported five--six--thousands? There should be a real number, how much should the officials report?"

Zhao Yurui said carelessly, "Just report 860 people."

Nie Zishu and Mo Ze looked at each other, and cursed in their hearts: "It's really greedy."

However, according to Zhao Yurui's wishes, they reported the number of Dinghai navy and set the annual food supply at [-] shi.

This has far exceeded the general demand, and they all subconsciously believed that Zhao Yurui had taken the extra.

So Zhao Yurui unexpectedly obtained [-] stone grains from Qingyuan Mansion to supply the Dinghai Navy.

Later, Mo Ze continued to report a bunch of figures, and Zhao and Rui probably listened to it. Qingyuan Mansion’s business tax was 7 guan, tooth deed money was more than 90 guan, and how much was the wine. The entire Qingyuan Mansion’s income last year was [-]. How much.

After listening to it, I felt that I might as well open a few more poker rooms in Lin'an. There must be a lot of water here.

Finally, Mo Ze concluded that last year, he handed over 280 million shi grains and 56 guan to the imperial court. At present, Qingyuan Prefecture includes all counties, and the grain storage is 28 shi and 26 guan. Qingyuan Mansion, at least wait until the harvest of summer and autumn grain.

Zhao Yurui didn't say anything after listening, and remained silent.

As one of the top ten cities in the Southern Song Dynasty at this time, Qingyuan Mansion contributed so little to the imperial court throughout the year. How about the annual income of [-] million at the peak of the Southern Song Dynasty?

Having been in the Southern Song Dynasty for so long, the more he understands the Southern Song Dynasty, the more he feels that the chaos and corruption in the Southern Song Dynasty are rotten from top to bottom. If it can't be completely turned over and rectified, the Southern Song Dynasty is really hopeless.

Qingyuan Mansion only has more than 200 million mu of land on the books, but it must be more than that in reality.

On the books, there are only more than 400 million stone output, but in reality it is far more than that.

On the books, it only received more than 90 guan, but in reality it was far more than that.

At this time, the income of Quanzhou and Guangzhou shipping companies reached more than 100 million guan. How could it be possible that Qingyuan Prefecture, as the main port for trade with Japan and Korea, only had more than 30 guan?
Seeing that Zhao and Rui were silent, Mo Ze and Nie Zishu looked at each other and said with a smile, "If King Wei has no objection, let's sign together and report to the court."

This is Zhao Yurui's confirmation that after he came to Qingyuan Mansion, he only received 28 stone grains and 26 guan coins.

Zhao Yurui looked up and saw that Mo Ze and the others were full of ledgers. If they brought them over, they would be able to see them more clearly.

Forget it, I'm afraid they have already prepared fake accounts?

Zhao Yurui didn't want to compete with Shi Miyuan for power now, so she had to keep a low profile, so she readily admitted.

After wealth and food, there is personnel power.

Nie Zishu immediately asked, "Why did Lizhi County (Li Zongmian) change the head book and county lieutenant?"

(End of this chapter)

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