Chapter 311
Zhang Yunqing, the former military envoy of Wei Bo's left chamber, and Xu Chuanzhen, the envoy of the right chamber, have been imprisoned for more than a year.

His Majesty the Emperor summoned the two of them in a side room.

Zhang Yunqing and Xu Chuanzhen knelt down on the ground as soon as they entered the door, begging for forgiveness.

"It's not impossible to forgive you." His Majesty the Emperor pointed to the desk next to him and said, "Just copy the words on the desk!"

The two walked to the desk. A written letter was placed in the upper right corner, and a stack of paper was placed in the middle. The pen and ink were already waiting.

When Zhang Yunqing picked up the letter and read it, he suddenly had mixed feelings.

According to the letter, they were all harmed by Luo Hongxin and deliberately weakened the power of the Yamen army. Luo Hongxin's purpose was to wipe out the Yamen army and completely control Wei Bo.

"Your Majesty has made an agreement with the towns that the position of Marshal will be hereditary and will not be replaced, and the Weibo government army is arrogant and lawless, fearing that future generations will be controlled by it, so we can only act first and punish the traitors, so that the Paul family will be rich forever... ..."


Zhang Yunqing could predict what would happen if this letter fell into the hands of the Wei Bo family.

"His Majesty!"

Li Ye looked at Zhang Yunqing and said, "How?"

"Luo Hongxin is really like that!"

Li Ye said: "Can't you see?"

His Majesty the Emperor shook his head. At this time, what is the point of telling the truth?

Zhang Yunqing let out a long sigh and said, "Your Majesty, how do you want to deal with us and the Yamen Army?"

Li Ye said: "Famous, famous, rich and noble, you can have everything you want!"


Li Ye said: "Whether you write or not, you can see for yourself. I don't want to harm people's lives. If you don't obey, you can only fight with swords. Although Weizhou City is strong, can it stop 30 troops?"

"Weizhou's affairs are settled. You two are heroes. I will give you titles to protect your children. What do you think?"

Zhang Yunqing and Xu Chuanzhen looked at each other and let out a long breath.

A year of hard labor has made them completely lose their temper. This is the only chance to regain their freedom!

Li Ye got the letter from the two of them and read it again. When he saw that there were no mistakes, he ordered the chamberlain to put it away.

Guo Chongtao said at the side: "Your Majesty, if this letter is handed over to Huangfuhui, Deputy Jiedu of Weibo, Luo Hongxin will surely die. Then the imperial court can enter Weibo in a legitimate way, and all the towns in the world will not have any objections."

Li Ye nodded and said, "In your opinion, when should we start doing this?"

"When Li Kuangwei is defeated, that's the day he plans to capture Wei Bo!"

His Majesty the Emperor nodded, Guo Chongtao first offered a strategy to Ping Lulong, and then offered a strategy to Ping Weibo, and they were intertwined.

Lu Long and Wei Bo Ruoping, Cheng Dejun is the only one left in Hebei that has a hard time...


In May of Jiashen, Li Kuangwei led [-] horse and infantry troops into Shucheng, Yingzhou, and confronted Lu Yanwei. Knowing that his troops were inferior to his opponent, Lu Yanwei set up camp in the southeast of Shucheng.

But Wang Normalan stayed in Lucheng, Cangzhou and stagnated.

Lu Yanwei sent an envoy to urge Wang Shifan to join forces with him, but Wang Shifan refused because of insufficient food and grass.

Only then did Lu Yanwei realize that he was the most active in the crusade against Li Kuangwei. The other vassals and towns were just showing off, but the imperial court subsidized him.

Now that the army was surrounded by Li Kuangwei, Lu Yanwei also wanted to cry without tears.

"Commander Jie, Youzhou is powerful and our army is weak. If we fight, we will risk destroying our army. It is better to seek peace!"

Lu Yanwei said helplessly: "We are running out of food and grass, morale is low, and I want to make peace. I don't want Jingzhou anymore, because I'm afraid that Li Kuangwei won't agree!"

Jiedu judge Cheng Shaoxia said: "I would like to speak for Jieshuai!"

Lu Yanwei held Cheng Shaoxia's hand and said, "Then there is Judge Lao Cheng!"


The big tent of the middle army of Pinglu's army.

Li Kuangwei was discussing with the generals in the tent, when suddenly he heard Lu Yanwei's envoy arrived, Li Kuangwei smiled and said to the generals: "This must be here to seek peace! Let him in!"

When Cheng Shaoxia entered the tent, he saw the ferocious looks of the generals, and felt a little guilty. He bit the bullet and said: "Cheng Shaoxia, the judge of Yichang Army Jiedu, has met Li Jieshuai!"

Li Kuangwei looked unkind and said, "What are you doing here? Go and tell Lu Yanwei quickly. We'll see you on the battlefield!"

Cheng Shaoxia said: "I am following the orders of my family's Commander-in-Chief, and want to call off the war with Commander-in-Chief Li."

Li Kuangwei smiled and said: "It's you who entered my territory for no reason, and it's you who raised an army to attack. Now that I'm here, you want to retreat. Is this a place where you can come and leave whenever you want?"

Cheng Shaoxia's face froze and he said: "This is all in compliance with the imperial edict and is not the original intention of my commander, Li Jiedu, please take a closer look!"

Li Kuangwei said: "Huh, the imperial court! Jingzhou has been under the jurisdiction of Youzhou for 20 years, and now it is going to be assigned to Lu Yanwei. How can there be such a good thing? The imperial court is unfair, so Lu Yanwei may have such thoughts Well, now that I, Youzhou, have rebelled against the imperial court, as long as Lu Yanwei spreads his word to the world and advances and retreats with me, I can naturally let him live!"


Li Kuangwei said: "I can also kill Lu Yanwei and take Henghai by myself..."

Li Kuangwei is now riding a tiger and has no choice but to go all the way to the dark side. If he wants to turn the situation around, he can only subdue the court and force the emperor to restore his title. At that time, he can also borrow the donkey and agree to the court's offer. Recruit him and become a minister of the Tang Dynasty again.

For this reason, Li Kuangwei sent envoys to various towns.

"The imperial court is provoking a provocation and wants us to kill each other. However, the imperial court is reaping the benefits. If Youzhou is defeated, can you still enjoy the wealth and honor?"

"The imperial court is divided into two parts of the world: Jiangnan, Huainan, Henan, Guanzhong, Liangchuan, and Hanzhong. I have never heard of setting up vassal towns. It will be a matter of time for the imperial court to send troops to Hebei and Shandong. If we cannot unite as one and focus on outward , then there will be a danger of collapse!"

In fact, Lee Converse did stir up concern in the towns.

"In the fourth year of Dazhi, the imperial court ordered Xuanwu to withdraw from Huazhou, Zhengzhou, Caozhou, and Puzhou, and then launched an army to attack Xuanwu. Zhu Wen died, and Xuanwu became the imperial court. Now the emperor changed Bianliang to Bianjing. Why? Think carefully , please think carefully!”

It’s scary to think about it carefully!I didn't wait for Chang'an and went to Bianliang to build the capital. Isn't it just to make Bianliang's water transportation convenient so that I can attack them?

If this statement had been told to Lu Yanwei half a month earlier, he might not have jumped into it, but now...

Cheng Shaoxia said: "This matter is so big that I can't make a decision. I would like to ask Li Jieshuai to let me go back and show my face to Jieshuai."

Li Kuangwei nodded.


Cheng Shaoxia returned to the Yichang Army camp and narrated to Lu Yanwei.

Lu Yanwei regretted greatly after hearing this. He really shouldn't have interfered, and said: "I am really confused by Jingzhou's interests, but if I follow Li Kuangwei to rebel, what should I do if the court attacks me?"


After thinking about it, Lu Yanwei also shook his head and said: "The imperial court is hoarding food and grass in Dizhou, and the army is coming at night. How can we stop it?"

(End of this chapter)

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