Chapter 293
The rice in Runzhou has finished harvesting, the rice in Huainan has just begun to be harvested, and the rice in Xuanwu is still filling grain, and it will take another month to harvest. At this time, it is ready to raise seedlings, and it is probably not possible to plant another crop.

Li Ye remembers that two crops of rice can be planted south of the Yangtze River, one crop of wheat and one crop of rice south of the Huaihe River and north of the Yangtze River.

In the north of the Huaihe River, one crop of rice, wheat, and one crop of beans is barely enough, but unfortunately there is no corn, otherwise a crop of corn would be perfect.

His Majesty the Emperor just wanted to know about the rice growth cycle in Henan, as well as wheat, beans, and millet, and whether double-crop planting was feasible.

During the planting period of the two seasons, the middle seedling raising can overlap for one month, which is actually more than five months, and the temperature is above [-] degrees.

In Xuanwu, the temperature is so high in May, if there is plastic film, seedlings can be raised in April in advance, but now, obviously, there is no such condition.

Of course, Li Ye also wanted to cultivate some talents through this process.

Datang's agricultural technology has a certain foundation, such as grafting, grafting pear trees on pomegranate trees, which is already very common in Datang.

Breeding, selection, and hybridization all need to be explored.

For this reason, Li Ye established the first agricultural college in the Tang Dynasty, and Dong Jianzhong, the junior supervisor of the Secretary for Agricultural Supervision, became the first head of the college.

Li Ye explained several directions for exploration, one is seed cultivation, and the seeds with outstanding traits are selected out in a targeted manner.

For example, those that ripen quickly, or those that have large grains and large spikes, should be selected in a directional way.

The second is the planting method. You have to try it in various situations. Which one is the best?How to pour it?How to fertilize?

Three, there are no more, and there is not much in His Majesty's stomach, and these have already been emptied.

Let's do it and see!

Bianliang, the residence of Xuanwu Jiedushi, the Yizheng Hall.

Zhang Chengye's face showed joy, it seems that the result should be good.

"Your Majesty, the summer taxes from the two Sichuan provinces have already been put into the treasury. This year is far more than the previous years. The total collected money is more than 130 million guan, 150 million stones of grain, and more than [-] bolts of silk. All the money has been remitted through the Datang Weaving Bureau to Chang'an.

All the grain, grass and silk cloth were returned to the warehouse. The minister thought that the grain and silk cloth did not need to be transported to Chang'an. The silk cloth could be used as salaries for officials and soldiers. "

Li Ye nodded. The distance between the two rivers is far away. To transport grain to Chang'an, basically ten stones is only one or two stones. Compared with grain, the loss of money is much smaller.

Unless there is a shortage of food in Chang'an, it is not cost-effective to transport food directly from Liangchuan.

There are copper mines in Liangchuan, which can be used to make money. It is also cost-effective to hire more craftsmen and consume food to make money.

The Datang Weaving Bureau is now also taking into account the role of balancing the stock of copper coins in various places. The imperial court remits taxes in the millions. These copper coins are remitted from Liangchuan to Chang'an. Chuan's warehouse, and then took it out of Chang'an's warehouse to the court.

If the currency cannot be balanced, it is still necessary to transport the money to Chang'an.

"How is the harvest in Guanzhong this year?"

Zhang Chengye said: "Dafeng in Guanzhong, Fufang, Jingyuan, Jingzhaofu, and Fengxiang have all had good harvests. Most of the taxes paid are in kind. In addition to the tens of thousands of hectares of fertile land in the army, a total of more than three million stones of grain and money have been collected. There are more than [-] guan, and as for the silk cloth, there are more than [-] bolts, and more than [-]% of the silk cloth is produced by Tang Zhi!"

"Caizhou, Huainan, Xuanwu, Hezhong, Zhaoyi, and towns in the south of the Yangtze River, the income tax and military income, excluding salt and iron monopoly income, a total of 1000 million guan. During the reign of Dezong, the two-tax law was implemented, and the summer and autumn were taxed together. It is only 1000 million guan, and now the Tang Dynasty has 400 million guan in just one summer harvest, and it is still possible to add [-] million guan to the autumn harvest."

Li Ye nodded. The time of Dezong was incomparable to the present. At that time, there were many feudal towns, and the taxes they received were handed over to Chang'an after the feudal towns intercepted the flow to meet their own needs. Now, the imperial court collects taxes directly.

Coupled with the army station, this is ruthless.

The basis of taxation in the Tang Dynasty is the improved two-tax law. No matter the royal relatives or relatives, they must be taxed. Now there is the basis of the land equalization system. As long as there are people, they can grant a hundred acres of land. This is the limit of what a strong labor force can cultivate. , and then the tax is calculated on the basis of acres.

Those who are far from Chang'an mainly use money, and those who are close to Chang'an mainly use food. However, no matter how they are taxed, the tax rate is about ten to one for land tax, and two to ten for business tax.

But military settlements are different. For Caizhou slaves and Sun Ru military slaves, it is enough to leave some hungry people for the harvest, and the rest will be received by the government. The tax rate is more than ten taxes and six to seven.

This is also the reason why Huainan, Xuanwu, and Caizhou can still receive 1000 million guan after wars and depopulation.

Among them, Jingzhao Mansion, Caizhou, and the military colonies in Huainan contributed at least [-]%.

Compared with Dezong's time, the burden on the imperial court was much heavier at this time. The imperial army and the state army combined no less than 500 yuan, and the military salary and rewards were no less than [-] million guan a year. If there was a war, the money would be doubled.

This is the disadvantage of the recruiting system. Most of the Tang's taxes are used to raise soldiers.

Just imagine, if there are 60 soldiers and the whole army goes to war, even if they collect 2000 million guan a year, after this battle, the court will go bankrupt immediately.

You must know that in addition to raising soldiers, there are tens of thousands of officials in the whole world to support, as well as clans and relatives of the emperor. This all costs money, and it costs two to three million yuan a year. This is after the baptism of Huang Chao. During the period, the clan was prosperous, and with the addition of redundant officials, 300 to [-]% of the Tang Dynasty's annual tax was not enough to support these people.

"Your Majesty, the salt in Hezhong and Liangchuan, and the salt and iron monopoly in various places, have received more than three million guan until now."

Li Ye nodded, and said: "Notify the Ministry of War to calculate the soldiers and state troops to see how much they need for military pay, and the Ministry of Officials to calculate how much salaries are needed for officials? The other ministries are also calculating where they need to spend money?"


Li Ye said to Zhang Chengye again: "The Datang Weaving Bureau will be opened in Jiangnan, Huainan, Lingnan, Lianghu and other places. For all the land of the Datang, every prefecture must set up a Datang Weaving Bureau, and the towns of Hebei and Shandong should also set up one. You can issue an edict to them."

Zhang Chengye frowned slightly, and said: "Your Majesty, set up the Datang Weaving Bureau in various towns, just in case..."

You must know that the Datang Weaving Bureau is in the textile business. The silk cloth is money, and the exchange business requires a lot of capital. Even if a town has a point, there should be hundreds of thousands of capital in the treasury. The taxes in the last few states have been reduced, and some people are open to money if they are not guaranteed.

Li Ye waved his hand, Jiangnan Dading, the imperial court has the second-third of the world, with 30 soldiers under his command, a gathering of famous generals, and sufficient capital.


If the people in the towns were holding the vouchers from the Datang Weaving Bureau, if the Jiedu envoy dared to do something, the people in the town might turn against him.

His Majesty the Emperor is very comfortable!

(End of this chapter)

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