Chapter 278

Ge Congzhou defeated the ground in front of him and sent Liu Zhijun to pursue it. After seeing Sun Rujun charging into the formation, he fled in embarrassment.

Sun Shangying, the deputy general of the personal guard, sighed: "The famous generals in ancient times, according to the current situation, must predict the enemy's rear, and think too far, so that the offensive and defensive forces can be deployed as they please, just like the body and the arm. refer to."

Ge Congzhou frowned, looked at Sun Shangying and said, "Speak human!"

Sun Shangying rubbed her forehead and said, "Director An is a god!"

Ge Congzhou said contemptuously: "Bah, how could this commander not see it." He didn't hesitate at all. Because of the existence of Zuo Shenwei's army, the situation on the battlefield has changed immediately. Fleeing to the camp, this is the perfect opportunity to attack.

"All armies follow my general's order, regardless of priority, the whole army will attack!"


Hua Hong of Zuozhen Wujun, Wang Zhongshi of Xuanwu Army, and Ge Congzhou's headquarters all attacked.

Of the three infantry, only Hua Hong's troops still had a thousand cavalry. Hua Hong handed over the infantry to Li Fengjun, the lieutenant general, and led the cavalry in pursuit.

Follow the buttocks of the defeated army all the way to pull out the stronghold.

Generals Ma Yin, Liu Jianfeng, Zhao Dexun and others under the Confucian bandit's command were all terrified.

"Our army is defeated, and the rout is too timid to fight. We should stick to the camp and wait until the officers and soldiers are exhausted before attacking!"

Both Liu Jianfeng and Zhao Dexun nodded. In order to prevent the camp from being breached by the rout, they urgently ordered the camp to be closed. Archers climbed up the archery tower, and spearmen were deployed on the edge of the fence to look for opportunities to stab.

And under the city of Xuancheng, Yang Xingmi's army was also unstoppable. General Li Shenfu slashed Yao Kuan, the leader of the bandit army, and the morale of the bandit army collapsed, and they all fled.

Ge Cong Zhou's, Yang Xingmi's, and Anfujiang's troops approached Sun Ru's camp, while Liu Zhijun's and Chen Xiaojing's cavalry pursued Sun Ru's cavalry.

Even at this time, the officers and soldiers did not know that Sun Ru, the bandit chieftain, was among the cavalry of more than [-] men in front.

Sun Ru originally wanted to bypass the officers and return to the formation, but the situation in the army was not as he expected. The officers, soldiers and cavalry followed closely like a hungry wolf, insisting on tearing a piece of flesh from him.

"Brother, the official dog is after us, let's fight!"

"If you keep running, the horse will lose its strength. Now that the horse can still run, I will fight with these official dogs."

Sun Ru was overjoyed, being forced into a desperate situation, he could still boost morale, and immediately showed a fierce look on his face and said: "Fight, fight!"

The whole army stopped their horses and saw that the officers and soldiers were charging towards them without stopping. Sun Ru's cavalrymen all looked solemn.

Everyone is on horseback, with armor on their bodies, and the number of people is not too different. Now it depends on who is ruthless.


The Confucian thief cavalry accelerated.

Liu Zhijun's troops lined up in geese to attack the formation, while the bandit army lined up in a regular triangle to attack the formation, and they collided with each other while breathing. The chief general Liu Zhijun swung his sword and chopped down several people in the bandit formation.

Chen Xiaojing did not rush forward, their army was behind Liu Zhijun's troops.

The two armies rushed together.

Liu Zhijun's wild goose formation has a wider front and a relatively thin formation, while the bandit army has a narrower front and a thicker formation.

After one round, the bandit army smashed through Liu Zhijun's cavalry formation and rushed towards Chen Xiaojing's formation.

And Liu Zhijun's cavalry's wild goose-shaped wings flew on both sides of the bandit army. For a while, the sound of fighting broke out.

The formation of both sides has advantages and disadvantages. From time to time, some people fall off the horse, all relying on their momentum, but one side wants to earn military merits, while the other side is forced into a desperate situation. It must be known that the family members of Confucian thieves are with the army. , they can't afford it either.

So much so that the bayonet saw red in the first round, and after smashing through the formation, both sides breathed a long sigh of relief when counting their troops. In this confrontation, both sides lost more than a thousand people.

In front of the formation were all corpses of soldiers and horses, and the living were lingering on their last legs, screaming heart-piercingly, even so, the soldiers who fell on the ground were still struggling to swing their knives at the wounded soldiers in their hands, and hundreds of horses lost their lives. The master's horse, wandering in front of the formation, neighed from time to time, only piercing the sky.

Liu Zhijun's body was covered in blood, and he was also wounded on his leg. The wound was not deep, but it bled continuously. He didn't feel any pain when he was hit just now, but now, the pain from the flesh piercing made his left leg a little numb.He gritted his teeth and raised the sword in his hand again.

"Soldiers, you are soldiers of the Bian army. Your Majesty will not hold you accountable. Treat your parents, wives and children kindly. They have something to fill their stomachs now. You have the opportunity to earn military merits now, and seal your wives and children. At this moment, kill!"


It moved, the horses moved, and the cavalry of officers and soldiers was slowly accelerating, getting faster and faster.

Sun Ru narrowed his eyes slightly. He didn't know how many cavalry he had left after this round of confrontation?

But no matter what, he had no choice but to bite the bullet. If he fled now, he would be defeated like a mountain, and he would never be able to retreat. He looked at the soldiers around him, most of whom showed fear.

Despair spread in the army.

If you are defeated to death, so what if you win? The officers and soldiers have already encircled the army stronghold. With this few people, can they defeat the officers and soldiers?For example, the Zuo Shenwei army just now defended like a hedgehog.


Sun Ru shouted loudly.

The second round of confrontation was faster, both sides did not arrange any plastic surgery, just rushed towards each other, mechanically swung their knives at the enemy in front of them.

Blood was gushing all over the sky, and I didn't know if it was my own or someone else's. Everyone was covered in blood. There were only more than 300 people around Sun Ru, and many people were wearing it. He stuck out his tongue He licked the corner of his mouth, it was the unique smell of blood, he was familiar with it, and the smell was charming.

I remember that one year, Qin Shuai sent him to attack Luoyang. After the city was broken, his subordinates sent a lady from the official family. In the heart-piercing screams, he bit the woman's throat, and the gurgling blood poured into the city. In his mouth, the taste was very wonderful. In the end, he cooked the corpse and left the skull, and asked skilled craftsmen to make wine vessels and inlaid gold vessels.

Drinking with that wine vessel tastes very delicious, drinking blood is also a bliss in the world!

But does he still have a chance?
The two armies just looked at each other, and neither of them moved lightly. The fierce confrontation was very exhausting. Both sides took advantage of the rare peace to recover their strength.

Sun Ru rode his horse slowly to the front of the formation, and shouted to the officers and soldiers: "Who is your general? Can you come out and answer?"

Liu Zhijun stepped forward and shouted: "If you want to surrender, dismount your horse and put down your weapons, I can protect you from death!"

Sun Ru shook his head and said with a smile: "You can't protect me, I just want to tell you, the soldier is only for money and women, why are you working so hard!"

"The cunning rabbit is dead, and the lackeys are cooking. If you don't wait for me, how can you have a chance to make meritorious deeds? If you can't make meritorious deeds, how can you be a party leader, a local emperor!"

"Everyone retreats separately, how?"


(End of this chapter)

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