Late Tang Dynasty: I

Chapter 271 Shi Pu's Shock

Chapter 271 Shi Pu's Shock

Shi Pu was in a trance for a while, and his mind was sure. The imperial court pacified Guanzhong, Sanchuan, Henan, and Hezhong, so many places, and set up a Zhaoyi Jiedushi. Others did not set up Jiedushi, and it seems that there will be no Jiedushi in the future. Made it.

Then the existing Jiedushi must be abolished, which made Shi Pu quite worried.

After all, the hereditary system set up by the imperial court is too tempting, so father to son, son to grandson, just like the emperor will last forever, and even has the power of life and death in a town, and the territory is smaller than the emperor.

Thinking of this, Shi Pu frowned slightly, thought again and again, and said: "Your Majesty, the states in the south of the Yangtze River have already been designated as square towns. I think that there is no need to use Taoism to govern the state. You can send the kings to the towns to serve as vassals, as the imperial court. , is a policy for long-term stability!"

For more than 100 years in the Tang Dynasty, it has been constrained by the vassals and towns. Shi Pu did not mention sending sages to the vassals, but the clan and royal relatives to the vassals. Firmly grasp the vassal system.

Shi Pu was a Jiedu envoy, and he knew very well that if the kings took over the feudal domain, they would realize that within a town, one word can decide life and death. That would be difficult...

His heart can be punished!
"What does Sun Gong think of the words of the king of Shijun?"

Sun Wei shook his head the most and said: "Your Majesty is asking about the way of the state, and this minister is also thinking about this matter. I am stupid, and I really don't know what the county king said!"

What an old fox!The only one who can fight is Zhang Chengye. His Majesty the Emperor is the ultimate fighter, and he hasn't had the chance to play yet.

"Mr. Zhang thinks, is there still a feudal town in the south of the Yangtze River?"

Shi Pu frowned slightly. What he said was that the clan kings established feudal vassals instead of setting up feudal towns... Well, that's what they meant, but that's not what they said!

"Your Majesty, I think it's okay not to set up feudal towns, but to imitate Guanzhong and Sanchuan, take mountains and rivers as the basis, and make adjustments with intersecting canines. Each road cannot be independent, and the imperial government's decree can also be spread to the ends of the world."

Shi Pu looked at Zhang Chengye, quite annoyed, and said: "The feudal town is also the feudal town of the Tang Dynasty, if there is another dispute on the border, what should we do?"

"The imperial court will naturally send a large army to suppress the rebellion!"

"The Tang Dynasty has a vast territory, how many troops and how much food is needed, can you calculate it?"

Zhang Chengye said with a smile: "There are towns in the north for defense, and there is nothing wrong with the south. It's okay not to set up a feudal town!"

Shi Pu said: "If you don't consider the problem from the perspective of the overall situation, even if you manage a region well, it is insignificant. If you can't formulate long-term national policies, temporary wisdom is also insignificant. What's the matter? The reason why I suggested setting up a feudal town to guard the court is also for the sake of long-term stability!"

Li Ye said: "Even if you set up a town, you have to draw a boundary. I also have some ideas and bring them up for you to discuss. I plan to split Huainan Road into two, Huainan East Road (now Jiangsu), Huainan West Road (now Anhui), and Huainan West Road (now Anhui). As for the meaning of criss-crossing, move Runzhou, Suzhou, and Changzhou in western Zhejiang to Huainan East Road, and Xuanzhou in Xuanshe Town to Huainan West Road..."

Shi Pu cupped his hands and asked: "Your Majesty, a town spans the north and south of the Yangtze River. I'm afraid it's not easy to guard it. I'm stupid. I don't know what it means to be intertwined!"

Li Ye looked at Zhang Chengye. Zhang Chengye was very familiar with this matter, and Zhang Chengye was also involved in the division of the administrative divisions of Liangchuan and Hanzhong.

Zhang Chengye explained: "When you return to the county king, the so-called canine teeth mean that all natural dangers such as the Yangtze River, the Yellow River, and steep mountains cannot be exclusive to one town. Inside……"

Shi Pu's back was covered in cold sweat. If such a division is made, even if a feudal town is set up, what can it do? For example, the Huainan East Road mentioned by the emperor, half is in Jiangnan and half is in Jiangbei. In this way, the army of the feudal town will also be split into two parts. Instantly cut in half.

Then set up the government office in a place close to other towns in a day's journey, what can be used to resist it.

If Wuning Town and Xuanwu were set up in this way, and the Xuanwu army would come every day, Xuzhou would have been breached by this time.

This method is too insidious, I don't know which bastard came up with it, Shi Pu hated it deeply, but still with a smile on his face, he cupped his hands and said, "Your Majesty is wise."

The next thing is simple. The remaining states in western Zhejiang and eastern Zhejiang will be merged into Zhejiang Road. Below Zhejiang Road will be Fujian Road. Further south will be Lingnan Road (now Guangdong Province). Guiguan and Rongguan will be set as Guangxi Road. .

Annan and Yongguan were set as Yunnan Road, Qianzhou Observation Mission was set up as Qianzhou Road (now Guizhou), Hunan Observation Mission was set as Hunan Road, Jiangxi Observation Mission was set as Jiangxi Road, and Eyue Observation Mission was set as Hubei Road.

Zhongzhou in Jingnan and Fuzhou in Qianzhou were assigned to Jiannan Dongchuan. The reason why these two states were assigned to Jiannan Dongdao was the same as the reason why Shanzhou was assigned to Jingzhaofu.

That is, Guanzhong, Hanzhong, and Liangchuan are the basic plate and foundation of the Tang Dynasty. The steepness of Tongguan and the danger of Chuanjiang can only be enjoyed by Guanzhong and Liangchuan. Hanzhong controls the Central Plains, and Liangchuan controls Jiangnan.

Instead of taking out a piece of land from Guanzhong and handing it over to Hezhong Prefecture, and giving Xichuan a piece of land to Jingnan Management, that would be putting the cart before the horse.

"That's about it. The increase or decrease of various states and counties, I hope you will consider it carefully. By the way, you should also take into account the various ways of escorting taxes, especially the importance of water transportation. Think twice!"


Before he finished speaking, he heard Xiao Huangmen hurried forward.

"Your Majesty, the concubine Xian is about to give birth, and this servant is here to report!"

Concubine He Shu gave birth to a son for him half a year ago. He was still in Caizhou at the time. Now that Li Youtong is giving birth this time, it is the first time he accompanied the birth of the child.

"Lead me there quickly!"


Li Ye smiled and said to the ministers: "My dear friends, I will bid farewell first!"

"Congratulations, Your Majesty, His Majesty!"

"Same joy, same joy!"

When Li Ye came to the wing room in the backyard, he heard Li Youtong's heart-piercing call, which made His Majesty the Emperor very worried.

In this era, the death rate of women in childbirth is still very high. Even if the medical treatment of later generations improves, some people still die from accidents. His Majesty the Emperor sincerely hopes that Li Youtong will be safe and sound.

"His Majesty!"

Li Ye heard Li Youtong shouting, and hurriedly wanted to enter the wing room.

The female officer has never seen such a posture before, and she has never seen the emperor enter the delivery room, so she stepped forward and said: "Your Majesty, the delivery room is a place full of blood. I may offend Your Majesty. Please leave for a while!"

"Youtong, I'm right outside!"

"His Majesty!"

Li Ye felt that Li Youtong was a little weak when speaking, and the physical exertion must have been quite a lot.He hurriedly ordered the female officer to say: "Hurry up and use some sugar water, and use some sugar water for Concubine Xian!"

His Majesty the Emperor is also a little confused. Even if he has the world, he is powerless in this matter. He can only meditate on God's blessings. I don't know how long it took. He only heard "Wow!", which shook Li Ye's flustered emotions Checked back.

"Youtong, are you okay?"

The female officer walked out of the door with a smile on her face, and saluted: "My servant congratulates Your Majesty, the empress has given birth to a prince, mother and child are safe!"

His Majesty the Emperor couldn't hold back any longer. At this time, he still had the usual calm and steady demeanor, and he no longer cared about the blood rushing into the body, separating the female officials, and entering the delivery room.

In the delivery room, Li Youtong was pale, lying on the bed, resting with his eyes slightly closed, while the lady Wen beside the bed was wiping the child's body.

"Youtong, how do you feel?"

"Your Majesty, look at our baby!" No matter how weak Li Youtong was at this moment, he still raised his head slightly, like a proud little rooster...

(End of this chapter)

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