Chapter 429 Meishan Dharma Teaching
As I said before, looking for ghosts that can act as yin officials is no worse than yin.

As long as Yincha has a sense of bravery and morality, he can pass the test.

As for the yin officials, they must be able to read and break characters, and understand writing and ink, and some yin officials also need to be proficient in calculations.

The requirements are much higher than the Yin difference.

Ling Yaodong searched Dongsheng Town for so long but couldn't find it.

After all, ghosts are not necessarily described after death.

If there is no extraordinary obsession, after death, people will be directly sucked away by the power of reincarnation and enter the underworld instead of staying in the world.

There are very few ghosts that can stay in the world.

There are even fewer ghosts who can read and write.

And among the less educated ghosts, there are no ghosts that can be recognized by Ling Yaodong and transformed into Yin officials.

Therefore, for the past six months, the positions of Yin officials under Ling Yaodong's command have been vacant.

Ling Yaodong would rather lack than abuse.

Anyway, he can take care of the affairs of Dongsheng Town by himself, so he can continue to wait.


this night.

Ling Yaodong is in the spirit realm space, drinking by himself in the backyard of the three halls.


A messenger came to report, "My lord, a white-clothed Taoist priest appeared in Tianguling and attacked me. Because the opponent's magic power is not low, Captain Li Tie specially ordered me to come back and report."

Ling Yaodong frowned when he heard the words, "Why is this Taoist priest in white waiting to attack you?"

"Master, I don't know! We are just patrolling Tiangou Ridge normally, and we have never provoked the other party! Who would have expected the other party to attack suddenly!"

"Have you reported my name?" Ling Yaodong frowned even deeper.

"Captain Li Tie told the other party that we are the local servants under your command, but the other party did not stop, and a colleague was injured by the Taoist priest."

"Hmph!" Ling Yaodong was a little angry. The so-called dog beating depends on the owner. The underling did nothing wrong, and even reported his name, but he didn't stop.

This is hitting him in the face!

Ling Yaodong stood up immediately, and said, "Show your car, order soldiers! Follow me to Tiangou Ridge, and take a good look at how powerful this white-clothed Taoist is!"

"Yes!" Yin Cha replied repeatedly.

As Ling Yaodong's order was passed down, the entire spiritual space immediately moved.

Erhuo returned to his position by accident, under the leadership of Li Wulang, there were a total of 27 people standing behind Ling Yaodong, all of them looked solemn.

Ling Yaodong was expressionless, and walked out of the spiritual space with a ghost, stomped his feet, [Earth Escape Technique] was activated, and a red look came out, wrapped around Ling Yaodong and a group of ghosts, walking quickly underground, within a few breaths, Ling Yaodong came When we arrived at the place where the incident happened, it was also Ling Yaodong's Longxing place - Tiangou Ridge.

When he came over, he happened to see Li Tie, the chief of fire, being subdued by a Taoist priest in white with a Tai Chi picture embroidered on his chest. .

And not far behind the white-clothed Taoist priest, there are two Taoist priests wearing one red and one blue clothes, with the same Tai Chi picture embroidered on their chests. They also have mana, but Ling Yaodong feels that they are not as strong as the white-clothed Taoist priest.

Next to the blue-clothed Taoist priest, stood a big-bellied woman in blue, holding a god's amulet in her hand, which said "Magong Linxiang's Spiritual Tablet"!
Behind her, several coolies carried a finely crafted brown-yellow coffin.


Taoist priest Zhong Fa in white stared at the [Dark Eclipse Sword] in his hand with bright white eyes.

He thought they were a few wandering lonely ghosts, and he just took them away, which could just be used to refine his own rotten spirits.

Zhong Fabai is actually a disciple of Meishan Dharma.

Meishan Dharma is a folk Dharma religion that originated from the Meishan area in Southwest Hunan, centered on Xinhua, Yiyang, Loudi, Xinshao, and Lengshuijiang. Zhang Wulang.

This Dharma practice system is very complete, and there are yin and yang methods. Its rituals have a wide range of uses, such as curing diseases, repelling evil spirits, eliminating disasters, suppressing rampages, attacking, self-defense, fighting, fighting, performing, expelling evil spirits, praying for blessings, etc. There are everything from confinement, relocation to the altar, and conquest of souls.But throughout the entire Meishan Dharma teaching, the most important spell is the [Five Rampant Dharma]!
In Meishan magic, any ritual is inseparable from [Five rampages].

Wu Rang, also known as "Wu Rang God" and "Wu Rang Soldiers and Horses", is in charge of the soldiers and horses of the Yin Division of the Five Routes and Five Battalions in the Nuo Hall, in order to wipe out evil spirits and monsters for the Lord.

The brave, ferocious, and mighty gods of Wuzang have wide eyes, eyebrows like flames, and grinning teeth, vividly displaying their envious and vengeful character.

Regarding the origin of the five rampages, according to the records of Xuanhuang's law, one is the generals and soldiers who died under the command of Emperor Xuanyuan. At that time, Emperor Xuanyuan sealed the souls of these generals and soldiers who died in battle with the order of the Nine Heavens Xuannv. Fengdu went up to the mountain to give them the ability to live forever, but in return they lost their sense of autonomy and could only obey orders and talisman orders. Since then, they have become the most widely used strange soldiers in Taoism and witchcraft.And the other team of Wu Rang is the remnants of the six-hole heavenly demon that Marshal Zhao and Zhang Tianshi subdued in the Dragon and Tiger Profound Altar. Into the large army of Wu Ran's soldiers and horses, but these Wu Ran did not stay with Emperor Xuanyuan's Wu Ran, but with Liudong Tianmo under the command of Beidi.Therefore, "Beiyin Fengdu Black Law" records: Anyone who drives the six-hole heavenly demon and its subordinate demon soldiers and war ghosts must be enshrined in the canopy marshal to suppress them, otherwise the demon soldiers accidentally injure the people, and the judge will be punished with death.

No matter which way the five rampant soldiers and horses are in the heaven, they are all under the name of the Arctic Exorcism Academy under the command of Marshal Tianpeng, because the Arctic Exorcism Academy actually belongs to a special forces unit in charge of Fengdu Hell. Guard the Demon King of Fengdu in the Tiewei Mountain of Fengdu.And the great god kings in the North Pole Exorcism Academy, such as General Nine Heavens Sha Tong, Yi Sheng Zhen Jun, You Sheng Zhen Jun, all have countless great god kings who live on Tiechao Mountain in Fengdu under their command.The so-called King of God is the commander who manages the five rampant troops.

of course.

The legend goes like this.

Whether it was the monks of the Meishan Dharma teaching who put gold on their faces, the entire practice community is not clear.

after all.

At present, there is no such powerful rampant in the oldest rampant altar of the Meishan Dharma.

These rampant soldiers were all sacrificed and refined by later generations. They are all generations of Meishan masters and Meishan water masters who conquered ghosts outside. !

(End of this chapter)

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