Elf: Opening plan flashing golden monster

Chapter 297 Mikri's Great Dream

Chapter 297 Mikri's Great Dream
In the auditorium, an old man with a stinky face pouted dissatisfiedly.


"It can't be said that. If he can use meditation to resist charming, at least this child has a very good understanding of skills."

Beside the old man, a smiling old lady said, she is quite capable of accepting new things, be it Mikri's dress or the gorgeous contest.

The old man opened his mouth to argue, but seemed to think of something, and finally shut up.

On the court, the Sakura Fish attacked beautifully, and the Deer Deer defended brilliantly.

But Mi Keli was overjoyed, the meditation field of the Sly Horned Deer was obviously prepared for the gorgeous competition, which showed that Ming had put his thoughts into it.

Mingzheng: I'm not, I don't, it's all due to the efforts of the Sly Horned Deer.

The gorgeous battle is still going on, Sakura Fish is self-reliant, and actively uses the rain, only the rain is its home field.

And the deer ring with sly horns walked slowly, came to the pool, stepped onto the water step by step, and approached the cherry blossom fish.

In an instant, the pressure on the cherry blossom fish doubled, but it didn't notice the transparent barrier under the feet of the horned deer.

Soon, heavy rain will fall!
The cherry blossom fish suddenly turned into a pink afterimage and disappeared in place.

With the help of heavy rain, the cherry blossom fish can even swim above the land, and the space is no longer limited.

But the Sly-horned Deer still stood still in the water, its golden antlers swaying slightly.

The crisp and pleasant bell sounded, and it turned into sound waves that shook the rain into ripples, which was very strange.

But this bell is crispy, but how can it hear so sleepy?
Skill, hypnotism!
Most of the hypnotic techniques of the frightened deer use the antlers to create hypnotic ripples.

But after evolving into a deer with horns, the materialized bell has added another way to perform hypnosis.


"Sakura fish, a new look!"

Mikoli's voice sounded, and the cherry blossom fish in the rain immediately moved, and layers of white light flickered all over its body, just like a dragon carp shedding its yarn, reborn!

Hypnosis is ineffective, but it gives Sakura Fish a chance to show itself.

However, the Sly-horned Deer's hypnotic appearance is too handsome, and the attack seems to be an understatement by the way.

This round, the deer deer scored a little more points, which perfectly verified the saying that the one who teases first is cheap.

Then, the Sly-horned Deer didn't move, its eyes flickered with blue light, quietly waiting for the Sakura Fish to attack.

Mi Keli discovered the idea of ​​the trick horned deer, the smile on his face remained unchanged, and he said loudly!
"Sakura fish, the fluctuation of water!"


With the addition of Qiuyu, the water system attack of the cherry blossom fish has also been greatly improved. The huge water wave roared out, and it collapsed on its own in the middle!

In an instant, nine water jets hit the Deery-Horned Deer like a tornado, and all directions were completely blocked!

It doesn't look like the slightest wave of water, it's almost like a nine-fold waterspout.

The skills of the weird deer have changed a lot, and the cherry blossoms are not bad!
"Take off! One hundred thousand volts!"

Mingzheng's voice sounded, giving the tricky horned deer a solution.

I saw that the deer with horns trampled on the water finally moved, and with all four hooves, it circled and ran towards the sky.

The Wave of Water Nine Dragon Scroll blocked all directions, but the gap directly above was difficult to fill.

At the same time, golden lightning shot out from the big golden horns of the Sly-horned Deer, resisting the waterspout that wanted to approach.

Golden Horn, Silver Body!
Heavy rain, thunder and lightning!
The sly horned deer is like a wild beast that refuses to obey the world and just wants to break free from the cage of reality. It is half handsome and half crazy!
What is the beauty contest looking at, isn't it looking at the charm of elves?
This shocking scene highlights the charm of the deer from every angle.

In an instant, Michalifang's score was buckled very much.

"Sakura fish, bounce!"

At this moment, Mikri issued an unexpected order.

I saw the cherry blossom fish suddenly dived into the water, then swung its tail suddenly, flew out of the water, and flew straight to the sky, surpassing the height of the horned deer almost instantly!
Then, the cherry blossom fish saw the position of the deer and fell from the sky!

Since there is a gap in the sky to escape, I, Sakura Fish, will be the last piece of the puzzle to intercept!
Waves of Water · Nine Dragon Roll is surrounded from bottom to top, and Sakura Fish · Bounce is locked from top to bottom.

In an instant, the cherry blossom fish seemed to become the protagonist of the moment, but the deer with horns became a battle of trapped beasts.

Big points for the deer with horns!

Mingzheng watched the score change and had to admire Mikri's reaction speed.

Use and be used, suppress and be suppressed.

The gorgeous competition never aims at defeating the opponent, the complementary gorgeous battles and the wonderful performances achieved by each other will make the audience truly feel the true meaning of the gorgeous competition!

The two collide, and the world suddenly turns white.

The lightning dissipated, the tornado receded, and even the heavy rain was knocked out by the airflow.

The horned deer and the cherry blossom fish appeared one after another, and the golden horned fish tails of the two sides were touching each other, not giving in to each other, and they were still wrestling.

But in the end, the more powerful horn deer won, and the cherry fish flew out completely.

Points were deducted for Mikri's side.

But the continued heavy rain gave the cherry blossom fish a boost in swimming, allowing it to fly flexibly in the air and play with the deer with horns wantonly.

Ming Zheng was also deducted points.

The battle rose into the air, and there was no discussion in the auditorium.

It has to be said that compared to ordinary battles with the ultimate goal of defeating the opponent, the spectacle contest has a qualitative leap in viewing and viewing.

If it weren't for the gorgeous competition, who would have known that the cherry blossom fish could fly so high, and that the inside of the wave of water was a tornado structure.

Who would have known that the deer could be hypnotized by shaking the bell, and the leveling of the water could be achieved by a barrier.

After a short fight, 5 minutes passed quietly.

When the time returned to zero, the Horned Deer and the Cherry Blossom Fish could even fight for another [-] rounds, but the result of the match had already been revealed.

Who's winning?
On and off the court, all eyes were on the big screen, only to see that the remaining points of the two were almost identical.

Zoom in, still the same!
Just when the technicians in the background continued to zoom in and compare, Adam had already stood up and was the first to give warm applause.

Then, there were sparse applause from the auditorium. Although there were few, everyone applauded.


The deer blew, and the deer suddenly kicked twice anxiously.

In the next second, the momentum of his whole body changed suddenly, and he successfully transformed into an elite senior.

Ming Zheng's heart was happy, and he was about to come forward to praise, but he saw that the cherryfish on the other side also had two sounds of cherry blossoms, and also completed the transformation.

It's also an elite class.

"Ah ~ Ah in gorgeous, it is a testimony of growth, transformation, and fetters!
Ming Zhengjun, this is the testimony of our friendship, have you seen it? "


I see you are getting sicker...

At this time, Adam and the elders in the auditorium also walked slowly, and Mikri returned to normal in an instant, and even flinched a little.

One of the old ladies smiled and nodded to Mingzheng, and then pulled the old man with a less stinky face beside him to leave.

Then several eyes of encouragement and support came, and Mingzheng nodded patiently. After all, he didn't know each other, so he didn't bark anymore.

On the contrary, Mi Keli was a little flattered, he knew how stubborn and picky these elders who were good to him were.

How difficult it is to give him applause and support in the gorgeous competition.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help looking at Mingzheng again, with gratitude in his eyes, and he was about to sigh again.

"Ah yes yes, I understand! Can we wake up the ancestral hall?"

Mingzheng took the lead and interrupted the cast.

Michali pursed his lips, and his great interest was completely confused.

In the end, Mikoli hugged the Sakura Fish despondently and was wronged. The Sakura Fish couldn't help but roll its eyes, opened the poke ball and went back.

Mingzheng watched silently, and did not continue to answer until Mikoli returned to normal.

"Going to the elf center?"

"go with!"

Although Liuli Gymnasium also has elf recovery healing equipment, as long as the elves transform or evolve, Mingzheng is more willing to take some time to do a full-body examination, so as to avoid subtleties being overlooked.

Mi Keli followed quickly, and the two walked out of the glazed gymnasium together, and walked to the elf center by boat.

Yes, Liulidao Pavilion is located on the island of Huxin in the middle of the city. It can be said that it must not be in the middle.

But therefore, a boat is necessary, unless there are elves who can carry people across the river.

I have both, but I don't bother to bother my friends.

After getting on the ferry, Mingzheng looked at the well-arranged Liuli City in the distance, and was in a good mood.

"Yo Yo~"

Suddenly, several pink love fish sprang out of the water and jumped in front of the ferry.

"Yeah, it's my partner!"

Mikri said happily, and then ran to the side of the boat, and all the love fishes swam over.

Then, a large group of mud loach, lotus leaf boy, seal ball, and even carp king swam over, and they were all very familiar with Mi Keli.

"They're all your partners?"

Mingzheng couldn't help but said, the number is scary enough, but the types are not many.

"Well, a lot of them are mates I grew up with."

Mi Keli squatted down and stroked each one, but he didn't get sick anymore, instead he showed a rare tenderness.

"Before I set out to travel, [-]% of the elves I met were of the water system. They were free, beautiful, and kind, and they were also tenacious, persistent, and brave...

You said that there are so many magical and beautiful elves in the world, why can't the tyranny and evil in people's hearts be eliminated? ! "

Looking at Mikoli's confused eyes showing his true feelings, Mingzheng discovered that his deepest heart was so pure.

As if he didn't expect Mingzheng to be able to answer, Mikri smiled again.

"So, I want people all over the world to know their cuteness, understand their excellence, and fall in love with their charm.

The Gorgeous Contest is the best way I have seen! "

As Mikoli said, he lifted up a dull carp king, there was no dislike in his eyes, only tenderness and affection.

"So, if becoming a trainer can help me achieve my dream, then even if it is the championship, I will definitely fight for it!"

Mingzheng was stunned, this was the first time he heard Mikri talk about himself so seriously.

It wasn't even enough for him to be a master of splendor, but he spent his life trying to make elves understandable.

I have to say that this dream is so great that it is a bit shocking.

Mikri put the carp king back into the water, and waved goodbye to his little friends.

Turning around, he regained his hippie smile and hooked Mingzheng's neck.

"Are you intimidated by my great ideals, are you, are you?"

Seeing Mikoli's shy look, Mingzheng had a hard time linking him who just talked about his dream with the current Mikoli.

Mingzheng shook his head: "It's not bad, although I've never heard of someone with a louder tone than you."

'But there are more practical than you...'

Mingzheng didn't say a word for the second half, because he thought of Boss Sakagi.

There was a slight shaking, and the ferry arrived.

"Let's go, I haven't seen Joey for a long time, she must have another wall! I have to go and see!"

Looking at the coquettish Mikoli, Mingzheng shook his head helplessly and followed.

In the center of the elves, Mingzheng was sitting in the waiting area, waiting for the inspection results of the weird deer.

Mikri, who had just finished chatting with Miss Joy, ran over in a hurry.

"It's done, they have allowed me to take you to the Awakening Ancestral Hall!"

"Well, thank you!"

"Damn, don't say such polite words!"

Michali waved his hand without care, then turned his head and squeezed it beside Mingzheng, and asked quietly.

"You said recently...why haven't you found three or two new water-type elves?"


Sly-horned deer, steel-type Nian Meier, Suo Cailing and Sai Fuhao...

Not to mention, because of Mingzheng's appearance, many new elves were discovered.

Ordinary people may not be aware of it, but how can they feel that this is just a coincidence.

It's impossible to keep it a secret forever. Since Mingzheng opened the door to take Dawu to the Xicui area, he didn't think about opening it just this time.

"Maybe someday it will be..."

Mingzheng replied ambiguously, but it made Mikri show such an expression.

Ding Dong!

"The Sly Horned Deer and Cherry Blossom Fish should have been checked, let's go."



On the second day, Ming Zheng met Mi Keli early.

Under the leadership of Mi Keli, the two twisted and turned, and finally came to the door of the Awakening Ancestral Hall.

"Ding bell! Ding bell!"

Without any accidents, Suo Cailing found out as soon as he arrived at the Awakening Ancestral Hall, and ran to the bottom of the stone pillar in front of the Awakening Ancestral Hall.


Cailing appeared on foot, and the sound of coins falling was heard.

"Jingle Bell!"

"There are 30 coins at the door? It seems that you have come to the right place!"

Suo Cailing evolution progress, 537/999
Seeing this, Mi Keli was also very proud.

Mingzheng simply hugged Suo Cailing in his arms, and just followed Mi Keli into the Awakening Ancestral Hall.

The door opened, but no dust was lifted.

The inside is bottomless, with undecorated earth walls on both sides, and a series of oil lamps hanging on the walls, which can barely illuminate the road 20 meters ahead.

Mingzheng couldn't help but glanced at Mi Keli, why is this ancestral hall so strange?

"Don't worry, there will be no danger, I am the guardian of the Awakening Ancestral Hall!"

Mi Keli said with a smile, but he couldn't give Mingzheng too much sense of security.

Holding the poke ball in their hands, the two finally walked in.

door closed...

(End of this chapter)

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