first minister

Chapter 462: New trend in the center, decision in Beiliang

"That's the way it is."

When Xia Jingyun finished telling what happened one by one, Jun's face was full of sincerity, "This is really the daughter adopted by Jiang Yuhu."

Ordinarily, this detailed, comprehensive and logical process can be called a convincing and convincing one, but seeing Xia Jingyun holding the child so skillfully, the child recognized him so well and slept soundly and sweetly in his arms. It looks like something is not quite right.

Xia Jingyun was so anxious that he looked at Xia Yunfei with a speechless expression, "If you don't send Maid Guanyin to the bamboo forest, why are you taking me here?"

Xia Yunfei spread his hands and said, "Guanyin is a virgin and can't be handed over to me. The second master heard her cry so sadly that he couldn't bear it, so he asked me to take her back to the house first. He can come over later and get familiar with her slowly."

Xia Jingyun was stunned after hearing this, "Then bring it yourself! Do whatever you want for me!"

Xia Yunfei glanced at Su Yanyan and the other girls, "I don't have that many people?"

Xia Jingyun had a look of despair on his face, "Did you do this on purpose? When you return south, will the nanny and servants be missing? Do you still need to bring them to me?"

Xia Yunfei chuckled, "Just tell me whether you miss Maid Guanyin?"

Seeing Xia Yunfei act like that, Xia Jingyun knew that it must be Jiang Yuhu's prank, but he was still a little helpless that Xia Yunfei, a thick-browed and big-eyed man, also followed suit.

But then I thought about it, Jiang Yuhu is not as boring as Baiyunbian, who will simply do stupid things. Maybe Jiang Yuhu is deeply in love with Guanyin, thinking that there are no women in the bamboo forest, so I hope that my wives and concubines can help take care of her. Consider it.

Thinking of this, Xia Jingyun looked at the girls and said, "You see, this really isn't mine."

After understanding the general situation, Xia Li took the initiative to step forward, looked at the baby in her arms, and smiled at Su Yanyan and others, "This little girl is so good! Look at it!"

His mother-in-law had already spoken, and Su Yanyan and others, who had originally taken the opportunity to sound the alarm to Xia Jingyun, naturally stopped holding on and immediately stood up and surrounded him, and then everyone involuntarily overflowed with motherly love.

After everything settled down, everyone handed the children to the wet nurse. Feng Xiuyun sent his personal maid to put the group of people in a safe place. Xia Yunfei also sat down directly. This time the family was really reunited, drinking and chatting. What a pleasure.

The summer night and color came very late. When darkness enveloped the capital, everyone dispersed. Su Yanyan and Qin Li held Xia Jingyun's arms, and walked slowly towards the backyard.

"Husband, is that child called Guanyin Maid?"

"Well, my name is Jiang Wugu."

"It sounds pretty good, but Jiang Yuhu can't come up with such a name."

"Ahem, I took it, but it's really not mine."

"Then husband, do you want one of yours?"

"Or, you can have two."

Xia Jingyun stopped and looked left and right.

Under the night, with his gently biting teeth, bold eyes, and soft and sweet eyes, many basketball terms flashed through his mind at the moment.

Standing stick singles, holding the ball with both hands, hitting people with the ball.

And on such a night worthy of celebration, how can one care about one thing and lose the other? Rouge and Feng Xiuyun must also take care of it.

While Xia Jingyun was beating eggs all night long and the girls were eloquent, in the night market of Zhongjing City, Yelu Caiqi and the maid were holding hands, looking around with curious eyes, looking around happily.

"Miss, look at how good this juggler is!"

“Look at this jewelry, it’s so beautiful!”

"Miss, it smells so good. What is that? Let's go and taste it!"

Everyone wandered around until late at night, when they took a break and then returned to Honglu Temple with unfinished business.

"Miss, this Zhongjing City is really much more prosperous than our Shangjing City!"

"Well, Daliang is a vast area with sparsely populated areas and many grasslands and Gobi deserts. It is naturally not as prosperous as the Southern Dynasties."

"Miss, shall we go back?"

"Nonsense, how can you not go back?"

"Miss, do you think that now that the Northern and Southern Dynasties have negotiated peace, will there be a marriage?"

Yelucaiqi turned his head and said, "If you really want to stay in the Southern Dynasty, I will find someone to marry you to him tomorrow!"

She strode into Honglu Temple, then sat in the room, resting her chin on her hands, looking at the full moon above her head, in a daze, not knowing what or who she was thinking about.

The next day, Xia Jingyun went directly to the center without going to court.

Yang Weiguang still complained of illness, and at the same time handed the Queen Mother a new official announcement.

Xia Jingyun naturally knew all this for a long time and was not surprised at all. Seeing everyone else arrive, he sat down with them in the meeting hall and started the first meeting of the new central team.

"Everyone, now that the Central Committee has changed, whether it is the old man who is still in charge of the important responsibilities of the country or the new colleagues who have joined the Central Committee, while congratulating you all, I have to remind you that the livelihoods of hundreds of millions of people in the thirteen states of Daxia, one capital, On the shoulders of the rest of us. The more diligent we are, the better the world will be and the easier the lives of the people will be. On the contrary, the more bad we are here, the harder the people will be. The late emperor's dynasty , the heroes are rising together, the smoke is bursting, the roars of the desperate rebels and the miserable howls of the victims are still in my ears, so, everyone, we can't slack off!"

Xia Jingyun's words kicked off the conversation, but such words may have a strong impact and inspiration on ordinary people, but they did not have much influence on those who have experienced the ups and downs of officialdom and reached the top of the imperial officialdom. A real touch.

Each of them has his own firm creed in life, and will not be excited by a few words.

Unless those words can hit home what they are thinking and what they fear.

Xia Jingyun naturally understood this, so after the introduction, he calmly continued: "Anything unnecessary, you are all outstanding people, no need to say more. What I have just explained is my personal governing philosophy, you may not agree with it, But before you have the ability to replace me as Prime Minister, please do so. If you are unable to do so, I can replace you."

The domineering and murderous intent was revealed without any warning, making Zhang Caiming and Shen Shengwen couldn't help but be startled, and then became solemn.

Wei Yuanzhi and Li Tianfeng, who had witnessed Xia Jingyun's "blackening" the night before, secretly sighed that this day had finally come.

But fortunately, such changes are not necessarily a bad thing.

Bai Yunbian was silent on the surface, snorting sourly in his heart. He scoffed and studied word for word, silently chewing and savoring this passage to use it for his own purposes.

Xia Jingyun continued: "Now that we've talked about the fictitious things, let's talk about the real stuff. The biggest thing now is the New Deal. The New Deal is not decided by me just by patting my head, nor is it to highlight the Queen Mother's political achievements, but our Daxia has arrived It’s time to change! Just like a seriously ill person, if you don’t give him medicine, he will have no choice but to linger and wait for death! By then, the so-called power you and I will all turn into nothing under the swords and guns of the rebels or foreigners. In the clouds, the three-hundred-year-old state of Great Xia will also end in our hands! We are all sinners of history!"

At this time, Shen Shengwen finally found an opportunity to repay Xia Jingyun's trust and promotion in him.

He took over the conversation and said, "What Xiang Xiang said is true! Everyone, what Xiang Xiang said is not an exaggeration. Although everything is level now, the actual situation is not that good. But it is another story of the old military god. It's just a reenactment. These rebels don't resist and don't fight anymore, but those are just the brilliant achievements taken by His Royal Highness Prince Jing. The 3,000 people at Bishui Pass broke through to 50,000, and Xiao Fengshan and Lu Rusong were captured alive; the battle at Yinmayuan broke through 150,000 people. The elite of Beiliang fought so hard that the people of Beiliang did not dare to take the lead; when these people saw the might of the army, they were afraid, that's all." He nodded on the table and leaned forward, "But you guys, they are afraid, it's not that they are not afraid. On the contrary. Whenever His Highness Prince Jing's undefeated myth is shattered, or any other changes occur, they will rise up in unison, just like when the old military god passed away, and ignite the whole world again like a prairie fire. .”

Shen Shengwen was the Minister of the Ministry of War, and he was more convincing than Xia Jingyun when he said this. Everyone was solemn when they heard it. After all, this was not a trivial matter, it was a major matter related to their vital interests!

Xia Jingyun nodded, obviously very satisfied with Shen Shengwen's timely supplement. He answered, "Master Shen's words are also what worries me. If we want to achieve complete stability, we must let these people live safely. , only in this way can the refugees become obedient and good people, and can the huge hidden dangers hanging over the imperial court be eliminated. This is why the New Deal must be implemented, everyone! You must give the people a way to survive!"

After hearing this, Wei Yuanzhi naturally couldn't let Shen Shengwen be more beautiful than before, and said: "Xia Xiang, don't worry, we people will definitely perform our duties and implement the new policy."

Xia Jingyun hummed, "What I'm saying today is just to unify our thoughts with you. As for the practical matters, we will do our best after the general outline of the new policy is issued."

Zhang Caiming couldn't help but ask after hearing this: "Xia Xiang, is this new policy outline issued by your Majesty?"

Xia Jingyun smiled lightly, "You can also think about what things need to be reformed urgently. You can give your Majesty a report or discuss it in the center. I will also give you a report in a few days."

When it comes to this, it's basically the same. Everyone is an important minister in the central government. Even if Xia Jingyun is a powerful minister, he can't train them for a long time like he trains his son.

Everyone discussed some important matters at present and then returned to the workshop.

After everyone dispersed, Xia Jingyun picked up the pen and ink and stroked it on the paper, then threw the paper into a lamp nearby and burned it. He got up and left the central courtyard and entered the palace.

After entering the palace, he did not go to Changle Palace but went directly to Dongfang Bai.

Although the truth of some things has become clear, disguise or pretense still has its own meaning, and caution is also a necessary attitude.

The kind of behavior that feels unscrupulous now that you already know it. When you end up seeking death, don't blame others for changing their attitude.

In the Qianyuan Hall, Dongfang Bai, who was reading a book, saw Xia Jingyun and immediately smiled and waved, "Uncle!"

Xia Jingyun smiled and walked up, and Jin Zhong wisely stepped aside, allowing Xia Jingyun to push Dongfang Bai towards the door himself, while he himself fell far behind.

"Uncle, congratulations!"

"Isn't it a bit funny for you, the majestic emperor, to say congratulations to a minister of mine?"

Dongfang Bai chuckled, "The country has no prime minister in his early twenties, uncle is so awesome!"

Xia Jingyun said with a smile: "Uncle, I hope you will be even more powerful in the future, usher in a prosperous age that has not been seen in thousands of years, become a holy king that is difficult to find for hundreds of generations, bring peace to the world, and clear seas and rivers."

Dongfang Bai was silent for a moment and nodded slightly, "Uncle, when is the best time for me to set off?"

"Any time is fine. If you want to go out now, my uncle will discuss it with your mother and then make arrangements."

"Let's go now!"

Xia Jingyun smiled and hummed, pushing him towards Changle Palace.

When they arrived at Changle Palace, although Concubine De's body gradually returned to normal, she was still recuperating. When she saw these two most important men in her life, her beautiful eyes suddenly shone with brilliance.

Concubine De waved her hand gently, and the palace people all retreated in a wise manner. Only Nanny Yuan stood outside the palace door, not only to guard against people with evil intentions, but also to be ready at any time.

Concubine De looked at Dongfang Bai and asked with concern: "Is your leg feeling better?"

Dongfang Bai hummed, "Doctor Li just treated me again and said that he is recovering well, but it will take some time."

"That's good." Concubine De looked at Xia Jingyun again, "Yang Weiguang is in trouble again today. After you play out this scene with him, what are your plans?"

Xia Jingyun smiled and said: "Let's keep him under house arrest for now. We'll see if we can make an exchange with Beiliang in the future."

"Then after he leaves, the center will be short of staff?"

"When the new policy outline is released, there must be some undercurrents between the government and the opposition. Among these big families, there are also some who are aware of current affairs. When the central position is left, it can be their reward, and it will also divide them."

Concubine De nodded, "As long as you know what to do. In that case, you must have made a plan on how to deal with those people who are still being held in the Ministry of Punishment?"

Xia Jingyun hummed and whispered his thoughts to the two of them. Concubine De smiled silently after hearing this. Dongfang Bai joked: "With uncle here, I'm afraid they won't be able to compete no matter how many brains they have."

Xia Jingyun said sternly: "The current situation in the imperial court and my ability to deal with it seemingly with ease are all due to your trust and support, my sister and Xie'er. I am much better than those who have carried out reforms in the past and present." I have more confidence and have more means, and at the same time, I don’t need to worry about power struggles in the court. Therefore, the credit still belongs to you, I just did some small work."

Concubine De glanced at him faintly, "There are no outsiders here, why are you saying these high-sounding lies!"

Xia Jingyun laughed dryly and said, "Let's get down to business. Now that everything in the court has basically returned to stability, can it be put on the schedule for Xue'er to go out for a walk?"

When she mentioned this matter, Concubine De's heart tightened slightly, but when she saw Dongfang rolling his eyes at her, she sighed in her heart and looked at Xia Jingyun, "What do you think?"

"Safety is the first priority on this trip. Therefore, I plan to ask Shang Zhicheng to accompany me to protect Xi'er's safety. I will also bring fifty elite forbidden troops, and then let Lu Yi follow. He is from a martial arts background and is familiar with all kinds of disciplines. His martial arts skills are also good and will be of great use."

Concubine De nodded, naturally she was absolutely assured of Lu Yi.

"Then, Qi'er's trip is not just about sightseeing, so I want Xun Feihong and another young man to accompany him. Needless to say, Xun Feihong, that young man is the one I met when I was in Longshou Prefecture, Qi'er Born, but with dignified conduct and a sharp mind. The most important thing is to repay kindness and save the lives of Yan Yan, A Li and others. The three of them are similar in age, so it is good to have a companion along the way. At the same time, these two When people walk together, Xie'er can understand more clearly the sufferings of the people."

Hearing this, Dongfang Bai said sensibly: "Uncle, are you going to follow the example of the late emperor and find me Mr. Su and Mr. Zhao?"

Xia Jingyun smiled and said, "Uncle can't accompany you for the rest of your life. In the future, you still need to have people of your own age to accompany you!"

Concubine De suddenly understood, and her eyes looking at Xia Jingyun were filled with tenderness.

He didn't lie to me

"If Sister and She'er don't have any objections, I'll go down and make arrangements. We can get all these things done before the people from Beiliang come."

Concubine De nodded, "Thank you for your hard work."

Xia Jingyun smiled and shook his head. Dongfang Bai asked doubtfully, "Uncle, are you so sure that the people from Beiliang will come?"

"Whether they really want to discuss important matters together or not, they will definitely come, and they will come in a grand way."

Xia Jingyun said with a smile: "Come just come, the hole has been dug for them anyway."

In Beiliang, several carriages came slowly from all directions and stopped outside the gate of Prince Dingxi's Mansion.

Later, Xue Fenghua, the head of the Xue family, Yuan Xiantao, the head of the Yuan family, Pei Shisheng, the head of the Pei family, Murong Chui, the head of the Murong family, Wanyan Wang, the biological brother of Wan Yanda, the head of the Wanyan family, and Yuwen Chan, the biological brother of Yu Wenyun, the head of the Yuwen family. , each got off the car and silently walked into the gate of the palace. (End of chapter)

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