first minister

Chapter 430: Coercion and inducement, the overall situation is finalized

Inside the large tent, the tables were arranged in two opposite arcs.

There are three desks placed in the arc on the left side. The royal family of the Xue family is Zheng, and Xue Fenghua, the prince of Liang Emperor Xue Rui's grandfather, is sitting in the middle. On one side is Yuan Xiantao, the head of the Yuan family, and on the other side is the head of the Pei family. The imperial envoy Pei Shisheng.

On the right side of the four table tables, the head of the Yelu family, King Dingxi Yelvshi, the head of the Murong family, King Andong Murongchui, the head of the Wanyan family, Wang Pingbei Wang Wanyanda, and the head of the Yuwen family, General Huwei, Yuwen Yun, are lined up in order.

Three up, four down, one civil and one military, clearly differentiated.

If the former head of the Yuwen family, Zhongjing Wang Yuwenyong, was still here, this room could really be said to be full of old foxes.

It's a pity that Yu Wenyong died, and Yu Wenyun, who succeeded him, was not enough for this occasion.

But it was precisely because of his lack of perspective that he tore a hole in this gathering that was supposed to be shrouded in darkness and concealed.

After sitting there for a long time, he finally couldn't help it anymore and said, "King Dingxi, everyone is here. If you have anything to say today, just say it."

At this time, how can we let King Dingxi make the decision?

Xue Fenghua, who represented the Xue royal family, smiled and said, "For today's discussion, Your Majesty asked me, an old man, to give you a few words. Please listen to it."

He took out a piece of paper from his sleeve, slowly unfolded it and read: "Thanks to everyone's support for my success in becoming a great treasure this time. The so-called great joy should be rewarded generously. I am not a stingy person, and I will not do anything ungrateful. The rewards are as follows: five military states under the head, 80,000 households with food and settlements; five special princes, ten earls, and five governors; a quota of 20% of the goods traded with the Southern Dynasties; a quota of 40,000 soldiers."

Xue Fenghua read out a series of rewards eloquently. To be honest, even if the people present were all the top dignitaries in the world, their eyes couldn't help but light up when they heard these things.

The seven surnames that rule Beiliang are not as simple as occupying a few positions. They control everything from top to bottom, from inside to outside, from the economy to the military to the politics of the entire Beiliang.

Their tribes are spread throughout Beiliang;

Their disciples and allies all hold high positions;

Their industry has already penetrated into every aspect of this country and the life, old age, illness and death of every citizen.

And behind every item this time, almost all represent Tianliang’s interests.

Everyone knew that this was the bait thrown by His Majesty, but they still couldn't help but want to bite it.

After all, this piece of meat is only so big, and whoever takes one more bite will be able to live a better life in the future.

Not only Yuan Xiantao understood the principle of sailing against the current, but also the rest of the people.

In their view, Wanyanda is now taking a chance, perhaps because the Wanyan family has been hanging at the back of the car, and the gap between them and the other families is getting wider and wider.

Xue Fenghua saw that everyone was clearly breathing heavily. He twirled his beard and tried his best to hold back his proud smile, "These rewards are the sincerity shown by His Majesty in following the strategy of seven surnames sharing the world. Please make your decision." .”

After saying that, he quietly waited for everyone to bite and pull him, waiting for the power and interest structure to come to an end again, and waiting for the throne to be further strengthened.

Although Yu Wenyun was young and energetic, he had no experience in dialogue at this level. Although he was ready to make a move, he had to suppress his thoughts and wait for the situation to change.

Yuan Xiantao, Murong Chui, Wan Yanda, Yelv Shi, etc., all have scheming personalities and are not in a hurry at all.

Pei Shisheng was older than Yu Wenyun, and about ten years younger than the other old guys. He looked left and right and chose to remain silent.

Seeing that the situation seemed to be getting tense, Xue Fenghua definitely couldn't allow it, so he took the initiative to speak and opened a hole in the silence.

"King Pingbei, you are always in the north, and this time you have come all the way from afar. How about you speak first?"

"In my opinion, not so good!"

A voice sounded slowly, and everyone followed it. The person who made the voice was not King Wan Yanda of Pingbei, but King Yelvshi of Dingxi who was personally handling the matter and liaising with all parties!


Xue Fenghua stared dumbfounded at this loyal and brave minister who protected His Majesty, and at this minister whom Your Majesty now trusts the most, "Ding Dingxi King, who are you?"

Following his question, everyone in the room turned their attention to him.

Doubt, confusion, thinking, calmness, to name a few.

Yelvshi stood up slowly with a calm expression, "My point is very clear. This proposal is not very good. Not only is it not good for King Pingbei to choose first, but it is also not good for us all to fight like a dog biting a dog."

"Isn't this your suggestion?" Xue Fenghua was completely confused. Under the huge shock, his thoughts were temporarily disordered, and he asked such a stupid question.

Yelvshi said calmly: "This time I went to Lieyang Pass as an envoy and met and talked with the talents of the Southern Dynasty. I finally understood that our Daliang has strong bows and horses, and more than a million people who can control the strings. It is far better than the Southern Dynasty. Why is it so important to the Southern Dynasty?" In the battles, they always end in defeat. Even if they win a few small games, they will not get much advantage in the end. This is because the Southern Dynasties have the principles of society, kings and ministers, family and country, and in my country, the emperor has strong soldiers and horses. If you do this, how can you gather strength during a national war?"

After hearing these words, everyone had different reactions, but they all suppressed their words and watched Yelvshi's performance quietly.

"What I mean is that Your Majesty has killed his father and ascended the throne, and his position is unfair. It is better to depose him and make King Jing the emperor in order to uphold the order of the dynasty!"

He glanced at everyone, "After I have finished speaking, who agrees and who opposes?"

"Yelushi! Do you want to listen to what you are saying!"

The first person to stir up the crime was Xue Fenghua, the chief minister of the royal family. After calming down from his previous shock, he opened his eyes angrily and looked at Yelvshi fiercely.

The next people who expressed their opposition clearly were Murong Chui and Yu Wenyun.

As the two biggest beneficiaries of Xue Rui's ascension to the throne, it was impossible for them to agree to let Yelvshi do such a thing.

"King Dingxi, if you are going to abolish the establishment of the throne, you may have some misunderstandings about your own abilities, right?"

"If you dare to act like this, you are the mortal enemy of my Yuwen family!"

The two harsh words also gave Da Zongzheng Xue Fenghua the confidence to snort and look at Yelv Shi mockingly.

The head of the Pei family, Privy Councilor Pei Shisheng, looked at Yelvshi with a normal expression with interest. Fortunately, he had thought that Yelvshi was indeed a loyal minister of the country, but he didn't expect that he had such thoughts secretly.

The old fox really knows how to act!

I just don’t know what confidence this King of Dingxi has to dare to say such things and do such things.

If it fails, the clan may not be exterminated, but the death of the body is certain.

And looking at the current situation, can it be done with three people who are clearly opposed and one who just sits on the sidelines?

He chuckled, but the next moment, the smile froze on his face.

When entering the big tent, the head of the Yuan family, who was at the back and had been silent since entering, ordered Yuan Xiantao to whisper: "King Dingxi, after deposing the emperor, are you sure to establish another king Jing?"

Xue Fenghua, Murong Chui, Yu Wenyun, Pei Shisheng, etc. all changed their expressions. What does Zhongshu Ling mean? Does he still think this matter can be discussed?

Yelvshi smiled and said: "Yes, His Royal Highness King Jing is familiar with literature and history, and is proficient in poetry and books. He will definitely be able to revive the imperial court and inherit the late emperor's legacy of Guangxing culture and education."

After Yelvshi finished speaking, Yuan Xiantao nodded slowly, "Then I support King Dingxi. This court really cannot continue to kill like this."

"Yuan Zhongshu! What are you doing?"

"Brother Yuan, think twice!"

"Yuan, do you really want to test whether the sword in my general's hand is sharp?"

Yu Wenyun snorted coldly and tried to use the power of armor to threaten.

But immediately, he heard a cold shout in his ears, "My sword is not bad at all!"

Wan Yanda slapped the table and said in a deep voice: "I deeply agree with King Dingxi's proposal, and I am willing to be the pioneer of King Dingxi!" Boom!

Everyone in the tent seemed to hear a thunderous explosion in their minds.

They finally realized what King Dingxi really relied on!

It is this nominal enemy, Pingbei King Wan Yanda, and his 20,000 White Bear Army!

Today, outside the city, there are 30,000 crane-controlling troops and 20,000 white bear troops, with a total strength of 50,000. They can already form an overwhelming force advantage over the city.

The most important thing is that now their lives are all in each other's hands. If the generals really want to fight each other, will the one thousand timid Xue guards who come to protect them be enough to kill them?

So what if you, Murong Zhui, controls the Kyoto Guard, and what if the Xue family is timid and the Xue Guard is cowardly?

In this situation, at this moment, with Wan Yanda's support, Yelv Shi is the person with the most final say in the entire Beiliang.

But at this point, everyone completely understood that they had all fallen into Yelvshi's trap.

Wan Yanda must have hooked up with Yelv Shi a long time ago. His trip south was just to build momentum for Yelv Shi so that he could gain His Majesty's trust and successfully enter the capital.

The outcome of today's meeting was already determined the moment they walked out of the city gate.

Thinking of this, Pei Shisheng turned to look at Yuan Xiantao, with some incredible doubts in his expression.

Yuan Xiantao shook his head slightly, indicating that he was not a conspirator, but that he had guessed the inside story before them all.

When Wan Yanda's words silenced the entire venue, Yelv Shi smiled and said slowly: "Now, can you all listen to what I have to say?"

Everyone fell silent, expressing their dissatisfaction and helplessness with silence.

Yelvshi first looked at the Xue family's Dazongzheng, "Old prince, you are the Xue family's Dazongzheng, not Xue Rui's. The throne continues to remain in the Xue family, but one person has been replaced. As far as you and the Xue family are concerned, Why not? What's more, we have condemned the atrocities and eliminated the rationality of regicide in the future. Isn't your Xue family's throne more secure? I can't think of any reason for you to oppose me!"

The head of the Xue family was looking at Yelvshi, but he didn't expect that he could even say such a thing. The new king must be his puppet. The nominal imperial power is still there, but the actual imperial power has fallen away.

But then I thought about it, Yelvshi's words were not entirely without merit, not to mention that Yelvshi was not like Xia Jingyun of the Southern Dynasties. He was already this age, how long could he still be able to dance?

He threatens everyone so much, how can they stop harboring hatred in their hearts? When Yelvshi closes his eyes, isn't it the time of reckoning!

By then, everything will be back again!

When you are in court, you need to take a long-term view, endure the short-term losses, and plan for it slowly!

He turned his head bitterly, "Now that you have strong soldiers and horses, and a large number of people, what else can you say?"

Yelv Shi didn't say much, and then looked at Murong Chui and Pei Shisheng, "Prince Anton, Privy Pei, where are you two?"

Murong Chui and Pei Shisheng were silent for a moment and both admitted defeat.

There is no other way. If someone wins, he who knows the current affairs is a hero. What else can he do if he disagrees?

For the Murong family, a great opportunity was lost, but after all, the main body of the family is still there, and there are still opportunities in the future.

For Pei Shisheng, the choice is even simpler. The two families of Yuan and Pei are fighting in the court. Now, under the wise and wise eyes of their head, the Yuan family is the first to vote for Yelvshi. Can Yelvshi remember the good qualities of the other party?

Under such circumstances, if I don't agree sooner, I'm afraid I will really be suppressed and beaten by the Yuan family in the future.

So, after some twists and turns, six of the seven surnames in Daliang agreed to abolish the emperor and establish a new king.

The only one who is still stubbornly resisting is the new head of the Yuwen family, Yuwen Yun.

He glanced at Yelv Shi, with a bit of unwillingness and a bit of stubbornness, "If I don't agree, do you still dare to kill me?"

Yelvshi's expression remained unchanged and he hummed lightly, "I, Daliang, don't have to have the seventh surname, and the sixth surname is not impossible."

The eyes of everyone on the side suddenly lit up, and their eyes shone like hungry wolves.

Yu Wenyun said quickly: "Don't get me wrong, King Dingxi, I'm just asking."

He is reckless, he is domineering, but he is not a fool.

Now that the other party is sure of winning, if he wants to offend the other party, there may really be no Yuwen family left, so he has to give in immediately.

Yelvshi took out a silk book from his arms, which said the covenant to abolish Xue Rui and establish Xue Yi. He took out paper and pen and asked everyone to sign.

At this point, this seemingly clear-cut event has been completely settled so absurdly and easily.

But the problems before Yelvshi did not end there.

After changing the emperor, the interests of all parties also need to be satisfied. If it is so simple to intimidate, after the head of the six-surname family returns and is no longer controlled by him, there may be another wave of trouble.

Wan Yanda looked at Yelv Shi, who had secretly formed an alliance with him during the late emperor's time to prevent trouble before it happened. He vowed in a secret letter that there was a way to solve the follow-up problem. Although he believed it, he was also a little curious and worried. ;

Yuan Xiantao also looked at Yelvshi, wondering what the first favorite minister of the late emperor's dynasty could come up with to truly calm people's hearts.

If you can't get it out and only have the advantage of fighting, you will have to think about the future.

In the field of power, support and opposition are never taken for granted and are always full of changes.

These two people who were considered supporters thought so, and the remaining four people who had no choice but to agree naturally thought of it as a joke.

You are indeed the most powerful at the moment, but the future is hard to say.

When dragons swim in the sea and tigers roar in the mountains and forests, your small force is nothing to be afraid of.

Yelvshi accepted everyone's gaze calmly and smiled slightly, "Everyone, I have another letter here. The person who wrote the letter is Xia Jingyun, Marquis of Jianning in the Southern Dynasty. Are you interested in hearing it?"

Upon hearing this, everyone present looked solemn.

After the disastrous defeat of Zhennan King Yinma Yuan, their attention to the Southern Dynasties became much more intense than before.

For this young man who is known as a civil and military man along with Jiang Yuhu, the God of Killing in the Southern Dynasties, everyone present has carefully read his resume and information, and they all know that this is a man who is destined to be extraordinary and is very likely to be in charge. A top figure in the Southern Dynasties who had been in power for decades.

Such a person is indeed qualified to be treated seriously by them all.

Yuan Xiantao laughed and said, "King Dingxi, such talents will definitely not act arbitrarily. If this letter can be shown to us, I would first like to hear its details."

Yelvshi nodded, looked at Yuan Xiantao who was so cooperative this time, gave him a reassuring look, and said with a smile: "This genius of the Southern Dynasties said in the letter that the Northern and Southern Dynasties have been standing side by side for a long time, and no one can Unable to completely annex each other, the two sides had no choice but to conquer and plunder each other for petty profits, and beat each other bloody. It was a waste of the lives of warriors and athletes, and a waste of national strength. He suggested that the North and the South should cooperate and move westward together. To the east, to the south, we attack and fight. Those places are full of rich lands, prosperous people, and weak armies. They are like undefended treasure houses, waiting for us to plunder at will. The vast land is not inferior to that of the Central Plains. Once If you get it, everyone can get huge profits, so why fight to the death for a small amount of money!"

"To put it simply, he suggested that we stop fighting each other. There are enough profits outside to support us, and each of our families can earn much more money than before. By then, your Yuan family's medicinal materials and Pei family's jade , the horse ranch of the Yuwen family, the fur blankets of the Murong family, etc., can be sold throughout the world and make a lot of money. Our expedition soldiers will open the way for the caravan, and the caravan can make a steady stream of wealth. Continuously losing back, there will be no war in the world, and the profits will be far greater than before."

"And he has sent people to survey all these places and draw up plans, and then he will come up with a complete and detailed cooperation strategy."

He looked at everyone with a smile, "Everyone, are you interested?"

In the big tent, there were several sounds of obviously heavier breathing.

After a while, while the three thousand soldiers outside the tent were waiting nervously, seven big shots filed out of the tent.

Xue Fenghua, the head of the royal family, turned to look at everyone, "Everyone, let's go into the palace together to see His Majesty."

Everyone hummed, and in order to show that they were not doing any tricks secretly, all seven of them rode their horses and walked slowly towards the upper capital.

On both sides of them were a thousand Crane Controlling Army and a Thousand White Bear Army, while the Thousand Cowardly Xue Guards followed behind them.

When they arrived at the city gate, the officers and soldiers guarding the city wanted to stop the Crane Control Army and White Bear Army who were accompanying them, but they were angrily scolded by Murong Chui and Xue Fenghua, the commanders of the Kyoto Guards. They immediately did not dare to move and moved out of the way.

The idea that seven surnames share the world has long been a consensus in Daliang. No one dared to block or doubt when these seven people made a decision at the same time.

They just entered the city slowly and moved forward.

Ahead is the palace, the emperor, earth-shaking changes, and the future that they are excited about. (End of chapter)

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