first minister

Chapter 402: Hugging you from left to right, what a joy it is

Originally, according to the current normal process, the man would go to the woman's house to welcome the bride and then connect to his own house.

But if he does this, Xia Jingyun will not only be in trouble, but it will also be difficult to decide which house to go to first and which house to go to later. Even no matter how he decides, it will easily cause displeasure.

Fortunately, Concubine De made comprehensive arrangements for him, sending a highly respected and powerful person to welcome Xia Jingyun on his behalf, and then directly brought the two girls to the palace, perfectly solving the problem.

In this case, Concubine De will simply be a good person and do it to the end.

Xia Hengzhi, Xia Li, Su Yanyan's parents, and Qin Li's parents were directly invited to the celebration in front of Huangji Palace.

Jin Zhong personally took up the role of master of ceremonies with great honor.

Not to mention Xia Jingyun's parents who came from a humble background, even a top-notch family member like the second daughter's parents never expected to have such a glorious moment in his long life of being disliked by his father, so that he looked down upon his uncle-in-law more and more. The more pleasing to the eye.

After three bows, the three people's eyes met. Xia Jingyun's eyes were filled with unbreakable passion, and the two women's eyes were filled with deep affection.

Whether it is deep love or deep affection, it is the happiness that finally comes after knowing each other, falling in love and missing each other.

The green waves of Dongting are swaying, the warm jade is humming under the eaves, Longshouzhou's life and death breakout, Liancheng County's determination, hundreds of miles of running in exile, scenes of the past pass by in this silent gaze.

Then they all merged into the gently raised corners of the mouth.

After the ceremony, the three of them thanked the Queen Mother and Her Majesty together and walked towards the palace gate.

(PS: The process of weddings has been different in every dynasty. For this fictional world view, we will just use the one that everyone is most familiar with. It will be explained in one stroke. Everyone understands it. Don’t blame me, Wu Gang.)
Outside the palace gate is an open square with an unobstructed view, which is used to prevent people with ulterior motives from approaching the palace walls.

At the edge of the square, there is an obvious dividing line on the ground, which is where officials usually go up and down their horses.

The two brides' carriages and Xia Jingyun's horses and toilets were parked here.

At the other end of the line at this moment, Xia Jingyun's relatives and friends, as well as relatives of the Su and Qin families, were all waiting.

Behind them, there were endless onlookers watching the excitement.

Jingzhao Yin Su Yuanshang personally led the government officials of Jingzhao Mansion to stand ready and nervously maintained order.

There is no need to mention his responsibilities. Considering that he is from the Su family and has such a relationship with Xia Jingyun, if something goes wrong in this matter, he will really be shameless.

When they saw Xia Jingyun and the two women walking out of the palace gate one after another, the crowd immediately burst into excited noises from front to back.

Not only did the two girls not wear red hijabs, they didn't even use fans to cover their faces. They wore phoenix crowns and Xia pei, and they were walking so elegantly.

This was what Xia Jingyun meant. Originally, according to the rules, although the bride did not need to wear a red hijab, the bride was required to cover her face with a fan. However, Xia Jingyun directly said that my wife is beautiful and fragrant, so there is nothing shameful about it.

When others still talked about rules, Xia Jingyun replied at that time, "Rules are made by people. From today on, these are the new rules."

And looking at the current situation, today's wedding may really become a new rule that countless couples will imitate in the future.

As for the respect for women hidden in Xia Jingyun's decision, I'm afraid it will be left to future generations to comment on.

At this moment, the people on the roadside were just watching the procession of welcoming the bride slowly passing by amid cheers.

The girl from the Su family is so beautiful, as if the aura of the eight hundred miles of Dongting landscape has gathered in her body, as beautiful as the mountains and as agile as the clear water;
The eldest lady of the Qin family is so beautiful. She is so noble that people can't help but look up to her, but there is no condescending arrogance. In addition to her gentle jade-like beauty, she also has a bit of elegance and elegance that lasts forever.

What kind of person must be able to marry two such beautiful women at the same time?

When their eyes fell on the man riding a white horse walking in front of the car, all doubts disappeared.

The groom sits on a tall horse, his tall and handsome figure showing a proud demeanor;
The most attractive thing about his unparalleled handsome face is his pair of eyes that are as bright as stars;
And the most intoxicating thing is the smile as warm as the spring breeze at the corner of his mouth.

This is today's bridegroom official, the number one scholar in three consecutive years, the founding Marquis of Jianning, an important minister in the central government, and the Minister of Household Affairs, Xia Jingyun.

At this time, he was only 21 years old.

Who can say that such a person is not worthy, and who dares to say that he is not worthy!

The procession circled along the imperial street, and the dowry procession of the Su and Qin families also merged in one after another. There was a lot of traffic and a cloud of servants. The entire procession stretched for several miles.

When Xia Jingyun and the two ladies finally arrived at Jianninghou Mansion, both the Su and Qin families had their dowry transport vehicles ready to go.

The scene was so grand that these people had never seen it before. More and more onlookers rushed to follow the team and watched this unforgettable scene.

As Xia Jingyun and others entered the mansion and performed a series of rituals of offering tea and changing greetings, guests also arrived one after another at this time.

Naturally, guests' gifts will not be sung loudly, but the dowry items are different.

The stewards of the Su family and the Qin family who were responsible for delivering the betrothal gift started to talk about the dowry of their eldest lady at the top of their lungs. It involved face and future status in the Xia Mansion. Naturally, no one wanted to be left behind. .

If you give me ten thousand taels of gold, I will give you ten hectares of fertile land;
If you give me a street of shops, I will give you a collection of thousands of books.
Not to mention the astonishing number, just the units behind the number are enough to make people stunned.

Everyone was shocked by the financial resources and heritage of the two families, but also felt extremely envious of Marquis Jianning and the Xia family.

Although Marquis Jianning started from a humble background, with the support of these two families, even a small family could become the top family in the world.

But when they came to Jianninghou Mansion, they realized that their previous ideas were still shallow.

Xia Yunfei, the newly promoted Marquis of Xing'an, wearing the same festive red robe, stood at the door to greet him, silently reminding everyone that the Xia family was a super family with two marquises.

When they entered the Marquis Jianning's Mansion, they saw that the house was noble but not conventional, the furnishings were luxurious but restrained, they would not pile everything good in front of others, and there would be nothing that would make people laugh. The exquisite furnishings and arrangements all reveal the nobility and calmness that only a well-established wealthy family can have.

The last bit of arrogance stemming from their origins disappeared in everyone's hearts, and they were completely convinced.

Feng Xiuyun, who was managing and arranging all this behind the scenes, had long known the array of guests. Coupled with his delicate identity, he went all out and thought hard. He had already thought of various joints and opened up different places in the house in advance. There is a place for banquets, and special guests are set up to welcome guests.

Amidst the roll call, the guests entered like flowing water.

"His Royal Highness King Jing, the sixth son of the Northern Liang Emperor, and His Royal Highness the Crown Prince of Zhennan, Beiliang, are here!"

A loud shout instantly silenced the noisy venue, and made the faces of everyone in Beiliang twitch, who already felt humiliated and painful.

It was the first time in his life that he came to the capital of the Southern Dynasties that he had longed for. It was with this attitude and with such eyes that King Jing Xue Yi looked stiff. After presenting the congratulatory gift, he went there with the dumbfounded Xue Wenlu under the leadership of Zhi Ke. A separate room next to the main hall.

It's not rude, but also somewhat protective.

After all, Feng Xiuyun didn't want anyone who drank too much to trouble the Beiliang people and bring unhappiness to this good thing.

Xue Wenlu sat in the room, waiting helplessly for Bai Yunbian's arrival.

Just like what he said, it was a mouthful of sticky phlegm that you couldn't get rid of if you touched it.

But as he sat and waited, Bai Yunbian unexpectedly did not appear.

Just as they breathed a sigh of relief, a loud shout came from outside.

"General Tiance, without the commander of the army, His Highness Prince Jing is here!"

Jiang Yuhu's movements have always been the first focus of Beiliang intelligence. Upon hearing this title, everyone in Beiliang trembled subconsciously and shrank unconsciously.

Outside the main entrance of the Hou Mansion, Jiang Yuhu, dressed in brocade clothes like a noble prince, stepped forward. Amidst the greetings from everyone around him, he just nodded lightly as before and walked into the mansion. The entourage in the bamboo forest behind him presented congratulatory gifts. .

Looking at that proud back, everyone couldn't help but whisper.

"It is said that His Highness Prince Jing and Marquis Jianning have a close relationship, and it seems to be true!"

"Isn't that right? Prince Jing came all the way from the north to attend the wedding of Marquis Jianning. Who else can have such treatment?"

"Don't mention coming back after traveling thousands of miles. When the grandson of the Duke of Lu got married to the daughter of Marquis Dingyang, he saw that Prince Jing was in the bamboo forest, so he sent the invitation over without knowing how high it was. Who knew that Prince Jing didn't even pay attention to it? , now these two families are still the laughingstock of Beijing! This is the difference!"

"We, Daxia, have both civil and military forces. It is a great blessing for our country to be able to live in such harmony!"

"Humph!" A cold snort suddenly sounded in the harmonious discussion. Everyone turned their heads and saw Bai Yunbian with an unhappy face, and their expressions suddenly changed slightly.

Bai Yunbian didn't pay attention to these people. He just hummed to vent his dissatisfaction, and then left with his head full of thoughts.

The Caobang family has a great cause, so they shouldn't lose this battle, right?
I can't think of it this way. How could I, a great man, put my hope in these external things?

But does thinking like this become self-comfort that you know you can’t compare with? What’s the difference between you and those mediocre people?

Not to mention that Bai Yunbian was boringly fighting with each other. After nearly 500 people poured into the Jianninghou Mansion and crowded the vast Jianninghou Mansion, they were already prepared, led by Mingyulou. The chefs from various restaurants in Beijing, under the unified arrangement of Cao Jie, the manager of the imperial kitchen, served their specialty dishes like flowing water.

After Xia Jingyun finished his work, accompanied by Xia Yunfei, he came out and toasted to everyone.

From the head table of Mr. Yiyun, King Cheng, Wan Xiang, Jiang Yuhu and others to the hundred tables away, Xia Jingyun went to toast in person.

As for the contents of the cup, it has naturally been replaced with water.

And with his current status, he naturally does not need to worry about what he is doing. Everyone else has left. Anyone who comes before Marquis Jianning toasts, who will leave, and who dares to leave?
During the whole process, it is worth mentioning that when Xia Jingyun walked into the room where everyone in Beiliang was and saw Xue Wenlu who had an aggrieved look and had to put on a smile, he couldn't hold back his laughter.

Fortunately, he immediately made amends and said: "Your Majesty, on my special day today, is it normal for me to smile?"

Xue Wenlu's eyes suddenly turned resentful.

"This must be His Highness King Jing. Thank you for coming. Today's reception is not good. We will have a good chat in Lieyang Pass in a few days."

At this time, King Jing was completely convinced by Xue Wenlu's words. Although Xue Wenlu said that he was even more unprovoked than Baiyunbian, many big devils spoke softly at the moment, but after seeing today's battle, how could he still If you dare to be presumptuous, you can only say a few polite words.

Xia Jingyun didn't say much and walked out with a smile.

By the time everything was done and the guests had dispersed, it was already brightly lit and the night was dark and cold.

Whether it is the guests who have left, the servants of the Xia family at this moment, or even Xia Jingyun's parents, uncles, aunts, etc., they are all curious about one thing:
Will Xia Jingyun ascend the east tower or the west tower first tonight?
This is not only related to the status of the two women in Xia Jingyun's mind, but also related to the power in the future house, and even the degree of cooperation between the Xia family and the Su Qin family.

Watching, curious, and worried, everyone was waiting for Xia Jingyun's choice.

On the west floor, Qin Li sat in front of the bed, accompanied by her maid, and whispered: "Miss, do you think the Marquis will come to us first?"

Qin Li calmly looked through the account book in his hand, "What? You can't wait any longer?"

The maid blushed. Although she did have some small expectations for the future, she also knew that it would not be her turn tonight. She immediately denied it, "This maid is just thinking about the young lady."

Qin Li closed the account book and glanced at her, "This is not something you should consider, and it is not even something I should consider."

She turned her head and looked at the east building across the lake from the window, and said softly: "This is the same as doing business. You have to weigh it carefully and make your move when you see it right. If you lose money, you can only blame your own bad vision. There is nothing wrong with it." tangled."

In the East Building, Su Yanyan was also holding a book and flipping through it. The maid Tingxue whispered at the side: "Miss, you are in the East Building, and you have met the Marquis first. No matter what, he will come to us first." Come this way?"

Su Yanyan looked at her, "What if he went to sister Li first? Isn't there any reasonable excuse?"

She closed the book and sighed softly, "A person will always find a reason for what he wants to do, let alone someone like him."

Just as the sigh fell, there was a burst of footsteps downstairs.

The maid on duty outside the door downstairs hurried upstairs, "Miss, the Marquis sent someone to deliver a letter."

The maidservant was dumbfounded. What does it mean to send a letter on this bridal night?
Think about the use of these cold letters to the bride during the wedding night!

Su Yanyan was also a little surprised, but still trusted Xia Jingyun and took it and opened it.

【Wish to be a winged bird in heaven.A troublesome lady comes to her husband's room to talk. 】

At the same time, Qin Li also looked at the letter in his hand, [I would like to be Lian Lizhi here.A troublesome lady comes to her husband's room to talk. 】

Not long after, when the two of them went downstairs and came to a monastery located between the two floors and facing the lake, they saw the brightly lit house. At some point, a eye-catching and festive sign was posted on the outside of the house. couplet.

[I would like to be a lovebird in the sky, and a Lianli branch in the earth. 】

Looking at the couplet, the two smart girls understood Xia Jingyun's thoughts almost at the same time.

Looking at each other, Su Yanyan took the initiative to smile and said: "Sister, let's go in together?"

Qin Li took the initiative to reach out his hand, took her and walked into the room side by side.

Pushing the door open and walking in, Xia Jingyun was standing in the room. He bowed respectfully to the two women and said with a smile, "Ladies, please be polite to your husband."

The sounds of people around gradually disappeared, and the candlelight was gradually extinguished, leaving only one, swaying like water beside the spacious and luxurious Batu bed.

Xia Jingyun looked at the two girls, and the two girls looked at him.

In this situation, the three of them all thought of that ridiculous night in Liancheng County that failed.

The determination and friendship at that time made everything better at this moment.

After a while, Xia Jingyun stood up naked, with his head held high, and blew out the lamp, and lowered the curtain to block everything out.

That night, he was deeply in love, and she was dumbfounded.

He goes deep into barrenness, and she reciprocates with springs.

The tent is dimly lit by red candles, and there are red waves inside the tent. There are white stripes in the waves, all of them are roads.

Even if the road is long and blocked, the whip will eventually break through.

The next day, early in the morning.

The Marquis of Jianning's Mansion woke up from the busy schedule, and the servants in the mansion were all whispering about the master's great achievements last night.

Our master just doesn't take the usual path. If you come first and you come first, he will call everyone together and everything will be done!

That's a neat move!
After learning the news, Mrs. Xia Li breathed a sigh of relief and understood her son's intentions better. If they were to marry equally, there would be no distinction between them.

However, she still muttered secretly, this guy is really ridiculous, he did this on his wedding night!
When the sun was about three o'clock in the morning, Xia Jingyun, who had been busy installing and patching the plug-in for most of the night, opened his eyes tiredly from the bed.

Qin Li and Su Yanyan have both left. As a bride, she has her own etiquette to abide by. Both of them come from rich families. These things are engraved in their bones. They are not as undisciplined as Xia Jingyun.

Xia Jingyun rubbed his waist and stood up. The movement in the room naturally alerted the maid who had been waiting at the door early, and she quickly came in to wash her.

Xia Jingyun also knew that the world was so unbearable that if he refused forcefully, these people might be punished, so he let them do it.

A moment later, as soon as Xia Jingyun, freshly freshened up, went out, he saw Su Yanyan and Qin Li returning hand in hand.

One word for Madam and two words for Husband, this grand celebration, this union of the three families, and this huge turmoil that affected the entire Great Xia government and the public came to a successful conclusion.
On the twelfth day of the first lunar month, just two days after their wedding, Xia Jingyun took Bai Yunbian, Honglu Temple Minister and his entourage on their way north.

In addition to the two thousand elites drawn from the patrol camp, there were also a thousand unqualified soldiers accompanying him.

And a jade tiger heading north back to camp.

At the same time, King Dingxi of Northern Liang set out from Liangdu to Lieyang Pass.

Three days later, in the Hou Mansion, Su Yanyan and Qin Li were sitting in the same room as before, with a letter that had just been sent in front of them.

The letter was written in the familiar and unique handwriting of my husband.

[Mountains are one step away, water is one way away, walking towards the bank of Yangguan, it is late at night and thousands of tents are lit. 】

[The wind is blowing, the snow is blowing, my hometown is shattered, my dreams are broken, and there is no such sound in my hometown. 】

(End of Volume [-]) (End of Chapter)

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