first minister

Chapter 327 Choice

Chapter 327 Choice
Late at night, Xia Jingyun looked at the sleeping Concubine De, slowly got up, and planned to get dressed and walk out.

Suddenly, a piece of warm jade was pressed against his back. Before Xia Jingyun could take any action, he heard Concubine De's words, "Don't move, let me hold her for a while longer, so that this feeling can be engraved more clearly in the memory."

Xia Jingyun sighed when he heard this, knowing Concubine De's choice and why she took the initiative at that moment.

"I'm sorry. I was too selfish."

These words, coming from Concubine De's mouth, made Xia Jingyun feel even more ashamed.

Many things in this world are often like this, absurd and unreasonable, because no one can be as cold as a machine. There will always be emotions or instincts bursting out beyond reason, and these things are what makes the world so charming.

"It's me who should say I'm sorry. I don't even know what to do."

Xia Jingyun's words came to his lips, but he swallowed them back. At this time, it seemed even more inappropriate to talk to a woman about the difficulties of dealing with the aftermath.

"Heaven knows, Earth knows, you know and I know."

Concubine De slowly helped Xia Jingyun put on his clothes, then put them on herself, and regained her composure, "Go and stay with Xiuyun. Let's have a good discussion together tomorrow."

Xia Jingyun hesitated to speak. Concubine De smiled softly and reached out to caress his face, "I'm fine. I'm used to being alone in the palace."

Xia Jingyun sighed, stood up and left.

In the empty room, Concubine De sat with her knees in her arms, her chin on her knees, and she was lost in thought.

The only proof of the absurdity in the middle of the night was the mattress beneath her and the smell in the air, but it was destined to be recalled repeatedly for the rest of her life.

She, who had always followed etiquette, pulled him, who was always aboveboard, into doing something that was neither etiquette nor aboveboard at all.

But she has no regrets at all. She is also a human being. At this most vulnerable moment, meeting the man who is willing to put himself in danger for her makes the pain in her heart that she longed to meet before she was married become clear and painful again.

She entered the palace at the age of 16 and had no background. She first stayed in the palace cautiously and fearfully for three years, until one day she seized the opportunity.

Talented person, beautiful person, Jieyu, Zhaoyi.
Step by step, she gave birth to a prince, and finally became a noble concubine. There was no joy in her heart, but only more worries every day, and she became more and more cautious, as if walking on thin ice.

The love that had once sprouted completely died after recognizing His Majesty's true face.

She thought that this was all she could do in her life.

However, she met Xia Jingyun.

Then, one by one, one by one, the emotions still grew tenaciously despite the suppression.

And she thought she could suppress this forever.

But with this crisis, at those seemingly dead-end moments, she thought a lot.

Those thoughts, those unexpected emotional impulses, amplified in this dark room with no one around, made her make a bold choice at that moment that she had never imagined.

She really wanted to spend the night with him, but she knew that was impossible.

Not to mention his perfect match, not to mention the expectations he carries.

It is only said that if she retreats, Xia Jingyun's ambition, his ambition to manage the world and benefit the people, will lose its guarantee and support;

But if she stayed, as the former emperor's concubine, the prince's biological mother, and the possible future queen mother, she would be lonely again for the rest of her life.

She was not bold enough to think that at that time she could ignore etiquette and the world's opinions without scruples.

She made a choice, even if that choice hurt, even if that choice meant sacrificing herself.

Even if this is just after the tenderness.

But this is her, the supreme imperial concubine who can fight her way through the harem on her own.

If she really said she wanted to regret it, now she began to worry about Xia Jingyun.

I'm worried that if this matter is exposed, it will have a bad impact on him.

I am even more worried that because of this story, such as Morning Dew, his peace of mind will be affected, and he will have some unexpected thoughts.

I hope what I just said has been clear enough.

She lowered her head and let the tears of regret fall silently.

"I explained the situation clearly to my sister."

In the courtyard, Xia Jingyun looked at Feng Xiuyun, "What else do you have to do these days?"

He understood Concubine De's words. At this moment, his passion retreated. He felt a little regretful and a little sad, but naturally he couldn't reveal anything.

Feng Xiuyun looked at him and smiled softly and said: "No, after escaping that day, Mr. Lu took us to several places and finally settled here. We hardly know about the changes in the outside world. Those things are all Mr. Su and Mr. Lu are in charge."

Xia Jingyun nodded, "The prince and the others have been chic enough these days. It's time for us to fight back. Just stay with me and wait."

Feng Xiuyun hummed, and suddenly said softly: "Your Majesty, your Majesty has actually been quite miserable these years."

Xia Jingyun turned his head in surprise, but Feng Xiuyun waved his hand, "It's nothing. It's getting late. Let's rest first. I'll meet Mr. Su and Mr. Lu tomorrow. You still have important things to discuss."
[Since ancient times, emperors have succeeded to the throne and established the empire, and they have governed the world. They must establish Yuan Chu and Mao Long as the foundation of the country, so that the Mian Zong Society can rest without borders.I remember Hongxu, look up to my ancestor Mollie, and entrust me with the most important things.Chengyi Yanqing, Duanzai Yuanliang.

Linjiang Wangtai, the eighth son of the late emperor, had an extraordinary appearance and beautiful talent.This is to carry out the ceremony, obey the public opinion, and tell heaven and earth, the ancestral temple, and the country.

On June [-], the first year of Taichu, he was given a book of treasures.He was appointed as the emperor's younger brother and took the throne in the East Palace!With a tens of thousands of years of tradition, with the heart of the four seas! 】

The next day, an edict exploded like thunder throughout the capital.

Prime Minister Wan Wenbi stood in the palace, looking out the window, silent.

The staff behind him looked at his back with emotion.

Do you think he did not do well? He had been deputy prime minister for several years, and now he has become the head of the civil service, with one person under one person and more than ten thousand people. He was once the prime minister;
But you say he is doing well. In the past, he was just a yes man under the powerful Prime Minister Qin Weizhong. He did not dare to have any objections and had no power. Now he has become the Prime Minister, and the Deputy Prime Minister has become Xiao Fengshan, so he became He became Xiangrui who stood in the position of prime minister, but still had no power.This old man, who had survived Qin Weizhong's ups and downs in officialdom, naturally wanted to seize power. The path he hoped for was the British Duke.

Now, only the British Duke can compete with Xiao Xiangguo, who is His Majesty's uncle and is a master of both literary and military skills.

If the British prince wants to expand his power in the DPRK, he must also need to expand his influence in the civil service. It is almost expected that the two parties will hit it off.

But just when Wan Wenbi was about to leave office and visit the British government today, this edict gave him a blow.

His Majesty conferred the title of Prince Linjiang as the Crown Prince.

The amount of information in this is not small, it can be regarded as removing another layer of disguise for the speculation of the late emperor's mysterious death, and at the same time, it also laid a layer of hidden dangers for the future of the court.

But no matter what the future holds, for now, or to be precise in the last month or two, there will be no open confrontation between the British Duke and His Majesty.

The British Duke has to pay for His Majesty’s debt!
A few months later, when His Majesty, with the help of Xiao Fengshan, slowly stabilized the court situation, it was too late for many things.

Wan Wenbi sighed softly, "It seems that the overall situation has been decided, and it is useless to work in vain."

"Brother Ziyuan, don't hesitate. Your Majesty has issued this edict and tied the British Duke to his chariot. Our choice is only between Your Majesty and the British Duke. There is no other way out. "

"Brother Xuanling, Concubine De is certainly kind, and Xia Jingyun is indeed talented, but now, the overall situation has been decided, and they can't afford to make trouble. I'm going to join the British public. You should also think about it. In the officialdom, there are only so many positions, one step at a time, one step at a time, so you have to hurry up!"

"Brother Zize, are you serious that everything is a foregone conclusion?"

In the Hanlin Academy, Xu Dapeng looked at Zeng Jimin with a haggard expression, and his eyes were full of exhaustion and helplessness.

Zeng Jimin originally wanted to make fun of you, brother Gao Yang’s absolute believer, don’t you believe in Gao Yang, but when he thought about the current reality, he felt helpless in his heart, so he had to go against his will and said: “Gao Yang is not an ordinary person, we can’t see through it. Given the situation, maybe he can think of a way."

Xu Dapeng was perked up after hearing this, "That's right! Gao Yang can always create miracles, maybe this time he can come back in a way we can't think of!"

Zeng Jimin:
Are you so easy to coax?
"My lord, I made my decision that morning."

In Jingzhao Mansion, the staff stood beside Jingzhao Yin Han Xueming and spoke softly.

The decision he made was to let Han Xueming capture Xing Shigu, the captain of the Jingzhao Prefecture, as soon as possible and surrender to Xiao Fengshan.

With the fall of Wei Yuanzhi and Wang Ruoshui's betrayal, the complete collapse of De Fei's family has begun.

If a signal is given from above, people below will naturally follow suit and follow suit.

Many memorials flew out from Lantai and from various ministries and were presented to the central government and His Majesty. What they received in exchange was the loneliness of the imperial concubines and other officials, and the cries of their relatives.

Xing Shigu, as a person who is more or less ranked high in the line of virtue concubines, unexpectedly escaped this storm.

Because, above him, there is Jing Zhaoyin who firmly protects him.

But now, can it still be protected?

Han Xueming said calmly: "Do you think Captain Xing is a good official?"

The staff member stomped his feet, "Sir, now is not the time to discuss whether you are a good official!"

Han Xueming answered the question inappropriately and looked out the window, "Yes, such a good official, why can't he be used?"

He turned around and waved, "Go to work."

The staff member sighed, shook his head and walked away. At this moment, he was already thinking in his mind whether he should also plan a way out.


Walking back to the alley, he saw the lady leaning on the door and looking at her.

Since the incident, Madam has been doing this every day, obviously it doesn't help, but she always wants to feel at ease.

Xing Shigu stepped forward with a smile, "I have a clear conscience and nothing will happen to me."

It has nothing to do with whether you feel guilty or not. The lady wiped the corners of her eyes and said, "Let's go in and rest. I bought a roast duck tonight."

Roast Duck Xing Shigu looked at his wife, understood her choice and comfort, and smiled with relief.

"What about nan nan?"

"Go out and play."

In another alley not far from this alley, several little girls were laughing and making fun together.

A young man walked over and took out a few small salesman's things in his hand. "Uncle, can you teach you how to sing a song? If you learn how to sing, I will give these things to you."

"Okay, okay!"

Every child's eyes lit up when they looked at that thing.

The young man chanted softly: "The sun and moon are in the sky, the phoenix and the fox are circling the lonely pine. First a son kills his father, and then a brother kills his brother."

The children chanted along, then took the gifts and left with satisfaction, jumping and singing.

"The sun and moon are in the sky, the phoenix and the fox circle the lonely pine. First the son kills his father, and then the brother kills his brother."

The clear children's voice resounded throughout Zhongjing City in a short time.

 One chapter first, the next one will come later.

  PS: Thank you to the two great men Qie Ting Feng Yin and Wen Di Zhu Bo Zhao for their generous rewards.

(End of this chapter)

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