first minister

Chapter 283

Chapter 283

What is Tian Huang Noble?

At this moment, Xia Jingyun had a deeper understanding.

Concubine De allowed him to beat Dongfang Bai, it was because of Concubine De's great wisdom, and also because Xia Jingyun was Dongfang Bai's uncle in name.

However, with Xia Jingyun's current status, he really can't do anything to Dongfang Tai.

Because the other party is the prince, the number one nobleman in the world.

He took a deep breath, walked to Dongfang Bai and squatted down, supported him and said with concern: "How are you, are you okay?"

"It's okay, he is used to being beaten by me, he can't die."

It was Dongfang Tai who started the conversation.

Xia Jingyun narrowed his eyes and gave him a cold look.

Dongfang Tai, who had never seen such a battle before, subconsciously took a step back with the undisguised look in his eyes that wanted to be a swordsman, and immediately stiffened his neck again.

Xia Jingyun, who kept this account in his heart, looked away, gently stroked Dongfang Bai's back, and said softly: "Why are you fighting? Tell Uncle?"

Dongfang Bai pursed his lips and did not say a word, but at this moment, a slightly childish voice sounded from the side, "His Royal Highness Jiaodong County King helped me to fight with Linjiang County King."

Xia Jingyun turned his head and looked at the drenched young man with some mud stains on his body. The scene of the Spring Festival banquet that day came to mind.

On that day, Xia Jingyun got the most limelight, followed by this country boy named Xun Feihong.

But on that day, although the young man was dressed in shabby clothes, his high spirited and energetic attitude and youthful spirit were far from the abject and shrinking attitude he is today, only a little bit of tenacity and tenacity in his heart can be compared.

Only then did Dongfang Bai explain: "These days on the mountain, Dongfangtai instigated Xiao Liangxue and Ling Fengde to bully and order Senior Brother Xun at every turn. I couldn't see it, so just"

Xia Jingyun patted Dongfang Bai's shoulder lightly, "You have done a good job, Uncle is proud of you, and your mother and concubine must be proud of you too."

Dongfang Bai was a child after all, his eyes lit up when he heard this.

Xia Jingyun got up and walked in front of Xun Feihong, looking at him, "Why didn't you resist? But because the other party is the prince, you dare not make a mistake?"

Xun Feihong pursed his lips and lowered his head.

"The other two are also from the noble gentry's family. Although you learn the teachings of sages, you inevitably feel a little inferior. You don't want to fight with them, but at the same time you want to cherish this hard-won learning opportunity, for fear of offending you." Something happened, and the three teachers kicked you out, after all, you have no money to manage, and no connections. Right?"

Xun Feihong bit his lip and said nothing.

Xia Jingyun sighed, "Do you still remember the question you answered at the Spring Festival banquet? Then, have you ever thought about why the three seasoned gentlemen didn't intervene when it was a matter of one sentence?"

Xun Feihong raised his head slowly, and looked at Xia Jingyun with some puzzlement.

"Life will never go well everywhere. When we encounter unsatisfactory things, things beyond our expectations, should we just accept our fate? This is a matter of sailing against the current. We should bravely hit the water and overcome difficulties in order to turn the bumps into a smooth road. .”

Xia Jingyun patted him on the shoulder lightly, and said softly with a smile: "Think about it carefully, you can be valued by the three old gentlemen, which shows that their expectations of you are extraordinary. You are welcome to come when you are free in the future Let’s go around Jiang’anhou’s mansion.”

As he spoke, he took out a waist card from his pocket, "You can just hold this card at that time."

Xun Feihong hesitated for a moment, took it under Xia Jingyun's encouraging eyes, and saluted him respectfully.

Xia Jingyun also said the same thing to Dongfang Bai.

After all, it was the royal blood, and he was much more transparent about these things than Xun Feihong. He immediately understood, and the faint resentment in his heart completely dissipated.

He whispered: "I'll go back and ponder with Senior Brother Xun to see if there's any way that won't cause trouble, but also clean them up!"

Xia Jingyun rubbed his head, "That's the reason. As long as the thinking doesn't slip, there are always more solutions than difficulties. Can a living person be suffocated by urine?"

Dongfang Bai was quite surprised to hear this vulgar language from his highly educated uncle, and immediately felt that it made sense.

After calming down the matter for a while, Xia Jingyun went to find the three old gentlemen to say goodbye.

Mr. Linxi took the initiative to speak: "Gao Yang, don't blame us. As you said before, a teacher is a teacher, so preaching and imparting karma solves doubts. But this is not limited to academics, but also to be a human being."

Xia Jingyun nodded, "I totally agree with this point of view. They came here at such a young age and are isolated from the world. If they are empty of their talents and learning, their future life may be very difficult. The law of the jungle has been like this since ancient times. , In the future life and career, there is no teacher who can stand up and help them solve all problems, and they should learn to be self-improving."

Mr. Linxi said with emotion: "This is very true. We also have the same considerations. Therefore, as long as the fight is not excessive, we will not intervene for the time being."

Xia Jingyun smiled and said: "However, we must also worry about going too far. The mind is still very fragile at these times. If you are overwhelmed or feel resentful, it will not be worth the loss."

"Gao Yang don't worry, we don't know how to cherish this kind of rough jade, we should carve it carefully!"

Xia Jingyun looked at the other end, and suddenly his heart moved, "I also admire that Xun Feihong quite a lot, and I want to present him with a poem. I don't know if sir can do it for me?"

"Your poetic talent is beyond my expectations!"

A moment later, the three old gentlemen stood outside the door, watching Xia Jingyun leave. When he was about to turn around the mountainside, Xia Jingyun turned around, and the two sides saluted far away, saying goodbye.

Mr. Linxi turned his head and said: "Go and call Feihong over."

Soon, Xun Feihong, whose clothes were still damp and dirty, walked over quickly after just freshening up, and saluted the three gentlemen respectfully.

Looking at the young man in front of them, the three old gentlemen also recognized Xia Jingyun's words a little more.

After all, he is still a young man with an immature mind, too much is too late, once he is overwhelmed, he will be ruined.

Mr. Linxi looked at him, and said in a gentle voice: "In these days, none of the gentlemen and senior brothers intervened in what happened to you. Do you have any resentment?"

Xun Feihong cupped his hands respectfully, "Students are overjoyed to be able to study here, and it is something they have dreamed of. The rest of the things are all due to their own reasons. How can they be resentful and resentful, sir and senior brothers."

Mr. Linxi did not comment on Xun Feihong's thoughts, but asked, "Do you know who that person was just now?"

Xun Feihong said: "I heard that it is Mr. Xia, the champion of the new discipline."

"Then do you know the past of Mr. Xia?"

Xun Feihong shook his head, "Students are ignorant, please enlighten me, sir."

"This Mr. Xia was born in a small remote county in Sishui Prefecture. His family background is very ordinary. Last year, he was murdered by a traitor, his family property was confiscated, and his whole family was thrown into a labor camp. , not enough to eat, almost to death from exhaustion.”

Xun Feihong couldn't help but widen his eyes, showing shock.

"But he didn't sit still, he first thought of a way to improve the fortifications, in exchange for a temporary rest and sufficient food and clothing, and then took the opportunity of the concubine to visit his relatives, won the appreciation of the concubine, successfully cleared his grievances, and obtained the qualification for the scientific examination At the same time, at the critical moment of the rebellion in Sishui Prefecture, we assisted Empress Defei and Wudang Army to defend the city and suppress the rebels."

"One year has passed, and now he is the number one scholar in the new division of Lianzhong and Sanyuan, and he is also a fourth-rank high-ranking official who moves three times a day, an imperial envoy by the emperor's order, a brother-in-law of a concubine, and the top poet in the world."

Mr. Linxi looked at Xun Feihong after finishing speaking, and said earnestly, "Compared to him back then, how is your situation now? How did he strive for self-improvement, and how should you act?"

Xun Feihong bowed and said, "The student understands."

"Xia Langzhong also appreciates you very much. Before he left, he wrote a special poem and asked me to pass it on to you. It can be regarded as my teacher's expectation for you! Go back and change your clothes, so you can think about it."

With that said, he picked up the paper at hand and handed it to Xun Feihong.

Xun Feihong reached out to take it, but without opening it, bowed and stepped back.

Back in his room, Xun Feihong sat upright on the seat, and slowly opened the paper in his hand.

Several rows of strong and elegant handwriting came into view.

[Life is wrapped in thick cloth, and there is poetry and calligraphy in the stomach.

Complacent can still praise the world, and the imperial edict Huang Xinshi is like a crow. 】

This talented young man, with trembling hands and slightly red eyes, had a seed quietly planted in his heart.
Yunmengzhou, Sujiawu.

A carrier pigeon leisurely crossed the sky and fell into the pigeon house in Sujiawu.

(End of this chapter)

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