first minister

Chapter 195 Before the court meeting, after the court breaks up

Chapter 195 Before the court meeting, after the court breaks up

"Disregarding the laws of the country, allowing sons to commit crimes and kidnapping civilians' daughters, but if they don't obey, they will wantonly abuse, torture and kill, disregarding human life, that's the same crime!"

"As a minister of the Ministry of Rites, if you don't respect the etiquette and law, keep an outhouse privately, gather in a private village outside the city, and make offerings to its filth and disorder, the crime is two!"

"His nephew privately sought a ghostwriter, deliberately provoked conflicts among the states, and deceived his son to gain fame. His fame should have been abolished. However, the Ministry of Rites covered it up and ignored it, causing public opinion to be raging and scholars to be noisy. Three crimes!"

"These three crimes not only violate the laws of the country, but also arouse the anger of the people. As a minister of the Ministry of Rites, the prestige of scholars in the world is the most important, and the crimes are even more serious! Please investigate thoroughly, Your Majesty!"

Zhou Yinglong's resonant voice echoed for a long time in the empty hall.

Manchu civil and military, accompanied by eunuchs, all eyes watching the nose, nose and heart, in the motionless body, the heart and eyes are alive and kicking.

Censor Zhongcheng's expression suddenly became gloomy, obviously very dissatisfied with Zhou Yinglong's unruly participation in the concert. Although this practice is also in line with the regulations of Yushitai, in the eyes of His Majesty, it may be that he, Yushi Zhongcheng, has a weak control of Yushitai.

Emperor Chongning sat high on the stage, holding the memorial that Zhou Yinglong handed over in his hand. He didn't open it, but squinted his eyes, looking at the distant and small figure of Yushi in his field of vision.

"I am frightened!"

Shi Dingzhong hurriedly followed the rules, holding the wat board with both hands, bowing his waist.

"Your Majesty, Shi Shangshu has always been loyal to the country. It is well known in the world that this person has heard gossip from nowhere, and he used it to criticize an important minister of the country. I ask your majesty to punish such people who make such lies and invite fame! Set the record straight!"

Shi Dingzhong was able to hold the position of minister of the Ministry of Rites, so he naturally had a few of his own people under his command, so he immediately stood up to refute Shi Dingzhong.

And the first move is the familiar method of the court, who caress, let's muddy the water first.

"Your Majesty! This person is just a censor, and at this grand court meeting, wantonly biting important officials of the court to become famous, with sinister intentions, and even disrupting the order of the court! Your Majesty, please punish this beast severely!"

"Your Majesty, the Spring Festival is just around the corner. What is the intention of this person to criticize the Minister of Rites who presides over the affairs of the Spring Festival? He must have the intention of destroying the grand ceremony of the imperial court. I suspect that he is a spy of Beiliang. Your Majesty asks him to be sent to the Black Ice Platform for careful interrogation!"

Immediately, two of Shi Dingzhong's henchmen stood up to excuse and fight back, but unexpectedly, no matter whether it was the British Duke Lu Rusong who was rumored to be flirting with Shi Dingzhong secretly, or the prime minister Qin Weizhong, who was the head of the hundred officials and was supposed to take care of the six departments, they remained as motionless as an old monk in meditation.

Even because of the feud between the Shi family and Xia Jingyun, the whole line of Concubine De was offended, such as Wei Yuanzhi, Minister of the Ministry of Households, and Wang Ruoshui, the left servant of the Ministry of Rites, etc., were also silent, as if they had nothing to do with themselves.

The incident happened suddenly, the leader did not speak, and the people below did not dare to move.

As a result, after a few Shi Dingzhong's iron rods fought back vigorously, not only did there not appear the hustle and bustle that one would expect to impeach a minister, but fell into a strange calm.

The few ministers who came out stood there blankly, with cold sweat bursting out of their backs, not because they guessed anything, but because they couldn't guess anything.

At this moment, Emperor Chongning spoke.

"Shi Qing, what do you have to say?"

Shi Dingzhong's waist was about to break, and he straightened up with difficulty, "Your Majesty, today is the opening of the new year's court meeting, and it is the time for the renewal of the country's vicissitudes of life. I don't want to spoil your Majesty and the noble spirit of the ministers with my own affairs. Please allow your majesty to write a letter tomorrow to defend yourself."

Emperor Chongning said directly: "Quite!"

"Your Majesty!" Zhou Yinglong was obviously very dissatisfied with the result, and said loudly!
"Zhou Yinglong, do you still understand respect and inferiority? Resign from me!"

Yu Shi Zhongcheng gave a cold drink, and Zhou Yinglong retreated back to the team with a face full of unwillingness.

It's like throwing a stone into the deep lake of Pinghu. Although there is a moment of turbulence, no matter how big the splash is, it will gradually return to calm, and then it will be as calm as if nothing happened.

Emperor Chongning and all the officials went through all the procedures of the New Year's Grand Court Meeting together, and then went back to their homes in peace, talking and laughing.

"Bastard! Zhou Yushi, do you still have this official in your eyes! Do you still have Yushitai!"

Yushitai, Yushi Zhongcheng looked at Zhou Yinglong coldly, "The impeachment of the six ministers is such a big matter, why don't you talk to me first? Why do you want to play it directly? You wanton wanton, you treat this court as your family's hut?"

Zhou Yinglong calmly looked at the absolutely important official who had entered the center, but his expression showed no fear, "Master Zhongcheng, which regulation of the Yushitai said that we must report to you first when we wait for the censor or the censor's memorial? Which regulation prohibits us from directly submitting the memorial and impeaching officials?"

Hearing Zhou Yinglong's words, Yu Shi Zhongcheng calmed down, squinted his eyes, and said coldly: "It has been like this for decades, no matter how many talents come and go, there is no objection. Zhou Yushi thinks that you are that extraordinary, extraordinary person?"

Unexpectedly, Zhou Yinglong's face remained unchanged, and he even snorted coldly, "It's been a rule for decades? It's a rule for these decades that made Yushitai fall to this point!"

He looked around and looked at the censors who were watching around, "Comrades, do you remember what the Yushitai looked like decades ago? Since the establishment of the Kingdom, the Yushitai has been the center and the court. Don't be disrespectful! But now!"

"This censor's platform is useless. The censors are no longer sharp swords to cleanse the universe, but loyal dogs fighting for power! Whoever wants to bite, let them out to bite, no matter whether the person is good or bad! If you don't want to bite anyone, just give an order, and collectively silence, even if the person is a heinous person! This is not what I said, it is what the officials said! It is what the people said! On such a day, is this reputation what we want?"

"Master Zhongcheng, you keep saying that it is a rule, and the lower official will ask, if I discuss with you in advance, can I still participate in this book?!"

Zhou Yinglong's awe-inspiring righteousness actually aroused many frustrated censors to empathize and share the same hatred, so that the censor Zhongcheng did not dare to commit public anger for a while! ——
"Who does Zhou Yinglong belong to?"

In the imperial study room, Emperor Chongning stood by the window with his hands behind his back and asked.

The head of Black Ice Terrace, Xuanhu, stood not far behind him, and respectfully repeated the information he had just urgently found. "This person is a second-class Jinshi in the sixth year of Chongning. He first entered the Imperial Academy, and then entered the Yushitai. He has been working in the Yushitai. Because of his arrogance, he doesn't like to make friends with colleagues, so his official career has stagnated. He has barely made any progress for more than ten years. He is humble and has no one to recruit. At present, there is no faction."

"No faction?" Emperor Chongning was a little surprised, turned his head to look at Xuanhu, and spoke more clearly, "For example, Concubine De, is there any intersection with him? Or the Su family?"

Xuanhu said with certainty: "No."

Emperor Chongning walked slowly, "In other words, this is his personal act? Isn't it a political dispute?"

Xuanhu hesitated for a moment, and said: "This person has been lonely for many years, and now I don't know where he got the news, so he chose today's opportunity to directly play the performance of His Majesty, in order to fight for his reputation. It is not a strange thing for Yu Shi to use his reputation as the basis of promotion."

"But the strange thing is, with his ability, how did he get such news!"

Emperor Chongning pointed out his doubts, "I remember that the female official in Zhaoyang Palace who committed suicide back then failed to find the person behind the scenes?"

Xuanhu said: "We are catching up to the critical period. The key person committed suicide directly, and the clues were broken. But we can basically lock it, and it is a big shot in Zhongjing City."

"I don't want to hear such words, I want the exact person."

Xuanhu quickly knelt down, "I am incompetent, please forgive me, Your Majesty."

"I don't even want to hear your words. You have to repay me with greater credit, instead of kneeling on the ground and asking me to forgive you!"


Emperor Chongning sat back on the couch, "Are the things he impeached true?"

Xuanhu nodded, "It's all true, not exaggerated."

"Okay, let's go!"

Emperor Chongning waved his hand, Xuanhu bowed and retreated.

He sat alone in the imperial study, picked up a jade ruyi, and tapped his knee lightly.

"Shi Dingzhong, Shi Dingzhong, are you loyal or not?"

(End of this chapter)

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