first minister

Chapter 192

Chapter 192
Zhongjing City, Guozijian.

A young scholar walked out of the gate of the Imperial College slowly, saw a few classmates who had been waiting at the gate early, smiled slightly, and before he had time to salute and say hello, he was dragged directly by the arm into a tea shop not far away.

"Uncle Duan, you have worked too hard these days!"

The classmate sat down in a daze, and laughed at the same time.

The young man smiled calmly, "Spring is coming, I have to study hard!"

"That also requires a combination of work and rest. The teacher has said that one piece and one relaxation, the way of civil and martial arts, you have to come out from time to time to breathe, and your studies will be more advanced, right?"

The young man didn't argue, and nodded with a smile, "Is there anything interesting these days?"

"That's too much." The classmate smiled, "However, if we want to talk about the biggest topic in the past two days, it has to be the matter between Empress Defei and the three masters of Tushan, oh yes, and King Jiaodong."

? ? ? ! ! !
The young man's eyes widened suddenly, Empress Defei, the Three Heroes of Tushan, King Jiaodong County?
"what are you thinking!"

Seeing his expression, the classmate knew that he was thinking wrong, and quickly knocked a chestnut on his forehead, "It's the empress of Defei who wanted to ask for a teacher for the king of Jiaodong County, and she asked in front of the three literary figures in Tushan. As a result, the three great Confucians didn't show any face at all, and the empress of Defei sent envoys three times, but she didn't even see her face."

The young man smiled a little embarrassedly. Although he restrained himself and kept his etiquette, he was still a passionate young man. After reading alone for a long time, he lost his mind when he didn't pay attention.

He digested it for a while and frowned, "It shouldn't be. The three great Confucians are famous all over the world, and their virtues are even more praised by the world. How can they be so unreasonable? People come to ask with good intentions, and just don't want to politely refuse. How can it be a gentleman to behave like this?"

"Little brother, what you said is ridiculous!"

Before his classmates could speak, a middle-aged scribe at the next table directly began to criticize, "Concubine De is a harem woman. Relying on His Majesty's favor, she treats the world's elite and celebrities like servants, and treats such literary figures as the Tushan Three Masters. She thinks that she can come and go when she is called by her status in the harem. It is right that the three old gentlemen are not used to her! This is the character of our generation of scholars!"

The so-called those who are close to Zhu are red and those who are close to ink are black, and they are next to the Guozijian. There are also many scholars in this teahouse, and they all talk about these things clearly.

The young man still frowned, "Brother, this is wrong. The concubine De concubine is seeking a teacher for the King of Jiaodong, and the king of Jiaodong is his beloved son. How can she treat the three old gentlemen like slaves with such treatment? And if the concubine De concubine is really disrespectful to the three old gentlemen, how can she send envoys three times in a row? Moreover, everyone knows that Tushan has no elite soldiers to guard, and sending more than ten forbidden troops can force the three old gentlemen out. How can they be blocked by words three times? It just shows the respect of the concubine Defei!"

The middle-aged scribe's expression froze, and he was speechless for a while, so he could only say bitterly: "You man, these are the public opinions of the scholarly circle, recognized by the scholars! Concubine De is proud of being favored, defeated by the character of the scholars, and the laughing stock of the scholarly community! You insist on saying such dissenting opinions, in order to show your own maverick, and make yourself famous?"

The classmates at the side also quickly pulled his sleeves to persuade him: "Uncle Duan, what this brother said is not bad, it is indeed a scholarly public opinion right now, please stop saying a few words."

"Common opinion? Where did the public opinion come from?"

The usually gentle and refined young man was extremely stubborn in front of the truth, and he broke free from his companion's hand, "The teacher often teaches us that it is better to have no books than to believe in books. Can the so-called scholars' opinions compare with the sages' classics? Can we as scholars not have our own judgments, but blindly follow the so-called public opinions?"

"Hehe!" The middle-aged scribe sneered, "You have so much courage, why, you are the only one who is sober among the scholars in the room? You are the only one who is different? The rest of them are all fools, all responders, right? Or are you just a loyal dog under the wing of Concubine De, that's why you have such crazy and bizarre words, words that ignore the facts?"

Everyone in the hall also looked over, their eyes full of sarcasm, ridicule, contempt, and anger, full of unkindness.

"Uncle Duan, you still have to take the Chunwei exam, don't make trouble." The classmate advised in a low voice.

The young man clenched his fists, and the veins on his neck were looming, "What does this matter have to do with Chun Wei? Could it be that this world, this world, can't even accommodate such discussions? Can this literary world, this scholarly community, only have one voice?"



"You are also worthy of talking about the world and the literary world?"

"I know you. You are Li Zhiyi, that bookworm from the Imperial College! I want to talk to you about your words!"

The crowd rose up to attack, and the young people could only remain silent.

He's a fighter, but he's not a fool.

He was alone and weak, so he blushed, sat silently, and endured alone.

His classmate got up quickly and bowed his hands towards the crowd, trying to appease the anger.

But the crowd continued to talk "justifiable and unforgiving".

At this moment, a gong sounded from below.

One person shouted: "Mr. Tushan Linxi, Mr. Wan Lin, and Mr. Kongbi wrote letters. In order to express their gratitude for the benevolence and kindness of the concubine De and the King of Jiaodong County's desire to learn, they changed their old wish and scheduled a Spring Festival banquet to be held on the eighteenth day of the first lunar month to recruit five disciples from the direct line. !"

Following his movements, the four people behind him pasted a copied large white paper on the bulletin board outside the Imperial College.

As soon as the voice fell, the shopkeeper of the tea shop, who was afraid that everyone would run away, shouted with experience: "Everyone, don't panic! I have ordered someone to copy it, and it will be delivered to your table later!"

But at this time, the people in the tea shop were all dumbfounded.

Grateful for the benevolence and kindness of the concubine Defei?

Feeling grateful for the heart of Xiangxue, the king of Jiaodong County?

The agreed-upon foolish concubine in the deep palace is proud of being favored and arrogant, but what about three big fights in a row between the leading figures in the literary world?
The agreed-upon scholar is elated, but the silly prince is reduced to a laughingstock?
The most important thing is that they used this to slap a young man just now, scolding him so much that he couldn't lift his head, but now, how much fun he scolded just now, and now his face hurts so much!
"Uncle Duan, you are right!"

A classmate spoke excitedly, and deliberately raised the volume.

Everyone around fell silent, looking at the teacups and refreshments in front of them.

The young man was not happy, he slowly picked up the teacup, and drank the tea soup in the teacup slowly and carefully.

Then he took out a money bag from his pocket, slowly and carefully counted four copper coins, put them on the table, looked at several classmates, "Thank you for inviting me out, I'd better go back and study."

After he finished speaking, he stood up and looked at the audience calmly. No one in the audience dared to look at him.

He took a step, walked out of the tea shop, and walked back to the Imperial College.

He wants to go back to his own hut, before returning to the teachings of the sages, and has no nostalgia for the chaotic world of scholarly literature.

After he left, the voices in the teahouse gradually resurfaced.

"Actually, I also think that the concubine De concubine sent envoys to her door three times in a row. It can't be called dishonest. She didn't bully others every time. It can't be called inhumane. She is both sincere and benevolent. What the scholars said earlier was a bit too much."

"That's right. It's obviously a good talk about devoting oneself to study, but some people really don't understand how it came to be like this."

"Bitch! You two were the ones who scolded the most before, now you're pretending to be good!"

"Brother, don't spout blood, I was just bewitched!"

"Yes! I was bewitched by you!"

In the tea shop, the hustle and bustle gradually rose, and farces appeared frequently.

Several of Li Zhiyi's classmates looked at each other, and suddenly felt a sense of contempt and boredom in their hearts. Such a scholar, such a literary world, what is there to mess around with.

"Why don't I go back to study later!"

"Go together! Go together!"

Those of them who are older are nothing more than changing their impressions of Concubine De and the King of Jiaodong County in their hearts, but for others, especially those who have nephews at the right age, they are immediately rejoiced.

"Gouzi is just fifteen years old this year. He is talented and intelligent. He is planning to become a famous teacher. He never thought that he would have such an opportunity now!"

"My nephew is now fourteen years old. He is diligent in learning and asking questions. If he can become a disciple of the three masters of Tushan and be a senior brother with so many Confucian officials, he will be stable in this life! The concubine De concubine has done a great deed!"

"I haven't thought of the other level yet. With the words of the three old gentlemen, the king of Jiaodong County must have a stable entry. The person who will enter with him at that time will be the prince's companion!"

"Hiss! Makes sense! This is giving us ordinary people a smooth path to heaven!"

"As expected of the concubine De, it turns out that she not only thinks about the king of Jiaodong County, but also ordinary people like us!"

"Isn't that right? It's said that the concubine De concubine also started from a humble beginning. It's no wonder that she thought of us more. Thinking back to when she was in Sishui Prefecture, it is said that she also did a very good job. Those officials who clamored that the harem should not interfere in politics have nothing to say."

"Hey, I followed those ignorant people to mock her before, I regret it."

"Me too, if anyone speaks ill of Concubine De in front of me in the future, I will greet his whole family directly!"

In just a few hours, the wind has turned!
Concubine De and the King of Jiaodong County have changed from objects of ridicule to objects of praise.

This is the endorsement of Tu Shan Sanjie's reputation accumulated for most of his life, and this is the foundation of public opinion laid by the good reputation of the Concubine Defei.

This is also the result of Xia Jingyun's efforts to turn the tide for Concubine De's family again.
After a burst of jubilation in Jiang Anhou's Mansion, Wei Yuanzhi and the others had already left, and went back to celebrate the New Year with his family in peace of mind.

Xia Jingyun sat in the hall, stretched, yawned, and couldn't help muttering, "Today, I still can't read books, and I can't take the Chunwei exam!"

Everyone laughed together, and Gongsun Jing plucked up his courage and teased: "My lord, please be restrained!"

Xia Jingyun rolled his eyes at him, Feng Xiuyun blushed, Su Yuanshang shook his head and smiled, relaxed.

"Everyone, rest, I have other things to do tonight."

Xia Jingyun smiled and stood up, but the concierge hurried over at this moment, "Master, Mr. Gongsun, the King of Jiaodong County is here."

(End of this chapter)

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