first minister

Chapter 183 Ingenuity, take the initiative to attack

Chapter 183 Ingenuity, take the initiative to attack

Imperial Palace, Wanbao Building.

The name is a building, but in fact it is a contiguous courtyard, in which there are various treasures of the royal family, as well as objects collected by Emperor Chongning to show his martial arts and martial arts, and the flourishing chapters. Among them, the seven-story building in the center is the core, visiting the most precious treasures, so it is called Wanbao Building.

Standing in the open square in front of the building, Emperor Chongning listened to the report of the general supervisor and young supervisor who was in charge of supervising the construction of the Wanbao Building. He frowned and said in displeasure, "Why do you need 80 taels? Last year you asked for 200 million taels, and I have already paid you 200 million taels in full!"

The official on the opposite side shivered and knelt down on his knees, terrified, "Your Majesty, we must never dare to fill our pockets. Last year, we estimated that we needed 200 million taels, which was calculated on the basis of a five-storey building. But now it is adjusted to seven floors. It involves the stability of the building, and the surrounding buildings will be raised to match the height, and the budget will be greatly increased."

Emperor Chongning waved his hand impatiently, and the small official on the opposite side hurriedly got up and left as if he had been pardoned.

He turned his head and looked beside him, "Gao Yi, what is the quota for the next year's palace?"

The eunuch beside him said calmly: "If you return to Your Majesty, the household quota is 160 million taels in total, of which 90 taels are used for rebuilding the Winter Palace."

"That's only 70 taels."

Emperor Chongning sighed, "Huangzhuang's annual income is nearly 20 taels, and the internal treasury can enter 30 to 120 taels. The total is 30 to 60 taels. However, the palace expenses, courtiers' rewards, and palace repairs usually need about [-] taels a year. There is still a gap of more than [-] taels in Wanbao Tower. When will my Wanbao Tower be repaired, and it will be admired and worshiped by future generations!"

The great eunuch Gao Yi lowered his brows and looked down, and did not speak.

"Concubine De went back to Sishui Prefecture last year and helped me get back 10 taels of income. Do you think I should send two more concubines back to the hometown to visit relatives?"

Gao Yi's complexion changed, he hesitated to speak.

Emperor Chongning waved his hand, "Okay, I'll just tease you casually. The matter of Concubine De is a last resort, how can I follow suit."

Gao Yi hurriedly cupped his hands, "Your Majesty is wise."

"What about Fu?"

Gao Yi shrank his neck, and remained silent again.

"Okay, I know, the center will not agree, and if I add the Fu, the officials will scold me to death."

Emperor Chongning sighed, "What's the use of sages! I, the ninth-five-year-old, have to be trapped by money!"

Gao Yi looked indignant, "Your Majesty is so tolerant of state affairs that he is stretched out of his own expenses. There are so many puzzles between the ruling and opposition parties. It is really too ignorant."

"Forget it, don't blame them"

After hearing this, Emperor Chongning felt much more at ease, "Their position is too low, and they know too little information, so naturally they don't know what I have done for the world. It is said that those who don't know are not guilty, and I don't blame them."

He walked forward, "But this Wanbao Tower, I must repair it, and summon Wei Yuanzhi, Minister of the Ministry of Household Affairs, into the palace."

Gao Yi hesitated for a moment, then whispered: "Your Majesty, it's New Year's Eve now"

"I almost forgot about this." Emperor Chongning shook his hand, "Since that's the case, let's talk about it during the first court meeting in junior high school, and remember to remind me to keep it."


"Let's go!" Emperor Chongning turned and walked out.

"Where are we going, Your Majesty?"

Emperor Chongning paused, "I've been in Changle Palace these days, let's go to Zhaoyang Palace today."

Gao Yi smiled and said: "Concubine Shu must be very happy."

Emperor Chongning smiled indifferently, and was about to take a step when a small yellow door came in a hurry, "Your Majesty, Empress Defei sent someone to report that Xia Jieyuan of Sishui Prefecture has something to ask to see His Majesty."

Xia Jingyun?

Emperor Chongning frowned, thinking of the handsome young man who knew his thoughts well, he hesitated for a moment, "Take him to the imperial study."

"Grassman Xia Jingyun, I pay my respects to Your Majesty, long live Your Majesty!"

"You don't need to be too polite. In addition, you are already a Juren, so you don't need to call yourself a grassroots man, you can just call yourself a minister."

"I have a side, which can make a precious mirror, which can reflect the details of people, and is clear and transparent. Now I want to present this side to your majesty. I hope your majesty will accept it."

As he spoke, Xia Jingyun took out a small box from his arms and held it up high.

The chief eunuch Gao Yi took it and handed it to Emperor Chongning.

Emperor Chongning did not open it, but stretched out his hand to hold the box, and said calmly: "You are not a lucky person, why do you do such a lucky thing?"

Xia Jingyun said frankly: "I am indeed not a lucky person, and I have considered this recipe, Your Majesty."

"Well, let's talk about it."

Xia Jingyun straightened his body, did not dare to look directly at Emperor Chongning, and lowered his head slightly, "Your Majesty spent a lot of money to build the Wanbao Building. Although your Majesty has a vast land and hundreds of millions of people, the government taxes and taxes cannot be fully used by His Majesty, and the people are weak. Unauthorized tax increases may be hindered by the central government.

"However, the rich and powerful in the world use the imperial power to act, show off their power, occupy fields, seal off mountains and forests, take plunder, and greedy. These people act extravagantly, and they don't have the virtue of treating the people as their own, and they don't understand that your majesty regards the world as the most important thing. They act recklessly and cause chaos in the world. It is really hateful."

"Your Majesty has a way to collect the wealth of the world's dignitaries. Your Majesty will take it. First, you don't have to worry about the words of the foreign court, and second, you don't have to worry about the huge pen of the historian. It will be a good name for future generations and even for generations to come!"

Emperor Chongning stretched out his finger and pointed at the small box, "You speak so loudly, can you do it with just this mirror?"

Xia Jingyun nodded, "I have a plan in mind, but I still need your Majesty's cooperation. If this is done, His Majesty's worries will be easily solved, and at the same time, in the next few years, I will not worry about it!"

"tell me the story."

Xia Jingyun paused and remained silent for a moment.

Emperor Chongning understood and waved away everyone outside, leaving only Gao Yi standing aside.

Xia Jingyun opened his mouth to draw a big cake, "This treasure mirror can only be made by one person in the whole world, and it can be seen in every detail. The minister plans to divide the whole mirror marketing into four steps."

"The first step is to strictly control the output, make it into a rare treasure that is rare in the world, and sell it at an extremely high price. This price can only be afforded by the top dignitaries, and it will create a trend in Beijing. Buying this mirror is a symbol of the top dignitaries. Coupled with its attractiveness to women, it will definitely attract the dignitaries to rush to buy. In this way, these dignitaries will be willing to turn their assets into His Majesty's private property without being criticized by outsiders."

"At the same time, we can also order the merchants to sell Daliang, and do the same. We will also gather the wealth of the powerful and powerful in Daliang, and use it for our court, and use their wealth to counterattack the other place. This matter will be recorded in the history books in the future, and it will surely become a good story for His Majesty through the ages."

"Weichen has calculated that at [-] gold per side, we can earn [-] gold in the first year."

20 gold, [-] taels of silver.

Emperor Chongning's breathing was quietly rapid.

"After one year, when this thing has become the top rare treasure, I can expand the production and lower the price, so that the second-class dignitaries can afford it. Do the same thing and do it again."

"This year, we will strive to achieve an income of 30 taels of silver."

"In another year, when the preciousness of this thing has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people and everyone wants to own it, Wei Chen can announce that the key technology has been broken through and the output has increased greatly. At this time, those who bought it at a high price will have enough to show off and won't be too angry, and we can sell it to more gentry families."

"In the fourth year, when all the preparations are completed, we can open up production, fully supply, and sell mirrors to the whole world at a common price."

"In the last two years, the annual income should be no less than 50 taels. In this way, only through this mirror, after four years, you can earn nearly 150 million taels of silver. This is the most conservative estimate, but in reality it may be more. Moreover, this thing is fragile, and the replacement of the people in the future will have long-term income."

Emperor Chongning was a little dazed when he heard that. When the entire empire was at its peak, the annual income was only more than 2000 million taels of silver. Now that the state affairs are in decline, the annual income has dropped to only more than 1000 million taels. As the emperor himself, the Ministry of Households can squeeze out up to 200 million taels of silver for him every year.

How much can Xia Jingyun earn 10 taels a year just by relying on this thing?

He was moved.

However, he naturally wouldn't let outsiders see it.

"What you said has a complete plan, why do you need my support?"

"Your Majesty's lesson!" Xia Jingyun bowed respectfully, "The most important thing about this method is to strictly control the production and strictly abide by the secret recipe."

"Just imagine, when I sell this item at a high price of hundreds of gold per side, dozens of taels of silver imitations appear in the world. Who does Your Majesty think will pay such a high price to buy ours?"

"When we gradually release the supply and gradually control the price, in order to wipe out all the dignitaries, gentry, and civilians at all levels in the world, if some ignorant people rashly expand production, so that the supply exceeds demand, can our idea be realized?"

"The most important thing is that any secret will no longer be a secret after more than two people know it. The secret recipe must be kept strictly confidential, but I have no secrets from Your Majesty. I can't trust anyone else in the world, only Your Majesty. I offer this recipe to Your Majesty, not only to show that I have no intention of keeping secrets, but also to hope that Your Majesty can strictly keep this secret, so that our plan can be implemented smoothly."

He quietly changed his words, using each of us to shake Emperor Chongning's defenses.

Emperor Chongning nodded in relief, "I have understood your concerns, and I have also realized your loyalty. But is there anything left to do?"

Xia Jingyun said: "I went to the General Supervisor Cao's residence last night. I wanted to discuss this matter with him, and wanted to surprise His Majesty, but unexpectedly, Master Cao must ask me to hand over the secret recipe. I am willing to hand it over, but only to His Majesty."

"I see." Emperor Chongning hummed noncommittally, then smiled and said: "It's rare for you to enter the palace, go and see your sister."

Xia Jingyun didn't ask any further questions, and bowed to leave, "Thank you, Your Majesty, for your kindness."

After Xia Jingyun walked away led by a small yellow door, Emperor Chongning took the box and looked at it for a long time, but he didn't open it, so he put it solemnly into the Migeli of the imperial study and locked it, then sat back in his seat, "Gao Yi, let Cao Deli enter the palace."
In Zhaoyang Palace, Concubine Shu pointed to the maids with a look of joy, "It's right here, put a bunch of plum blossoms over there. Change the incense, this incense is too weak, that bitch Defei likes it, so I don't want it. I will change the curtain to pink for this palace."

"Your Majesty is so happy!"

Concubine Shu snorted, "Your Majesty has been occupied by that bitch Concubine De for so long, and today I finally remembered, I must seize this opportunity!"

After a long while, Concubine Shu sat on the stool, stretched her neck, her face was full of doubts, someone came to pass the decree just now, why hasn't His Majesty come yet?

 There are more than 6000 words in two chapters, it is not too much for others to post three chapters.

  happy weekend!

(End of this chapter)

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