first minister

Chapter 168 Exploring the secrets, Xia Jingyun accepts the move

Chapter 168 Exploring the secrets, Xia Jingyun accepts the move
In the main hall of the Jiang Anhou Mansion, the lights were brightly lit.

After listening to Xu Dapeng's narration of the whole story, Xia Jingyun didn't agree directly, but pondered.

This pondering made Xu Dapeng rub his hands nervously, like a hopeful prisoner waiting for judgment, looking at him eagerly.

Xia Jingyun suddenly smiled, "Brother Bo Yi, you don't have to be so nervous. I'm Xie Yuan, the current branch of Sishui Prefecture. After enjoying the glory, I naturally have to take responsibility. Since this matter concerns the face of the entire Sishui Prefecture, I have no reason to stand idly by. I just thought about it, but I was thinking about some ways to break the situation."

Xu Dapeng was so excited that he almost cried out, but now that he has crossed the threshold of juren, his requirements for himself are different, so he held back, but he still said happily: "I knew that Brother Gao Yang is magnanimous, and he is definitely not the kind of person who is afraid of difficulties and retreats!"

Xia Jingyun raised his eyebrows and smiled, "It seems that many people say that about me!"

Xu Dapeng didn't deny it, "Those people don't have much contact with Brother Gao Yang, they don't know the inside story, they guess randomly, brother Gao Yang, don't blame them."

"How can I be angry about such a trivial matter, I really had a lot of things to do before, and I got away flawlessly, I hope Brother Bo Yi will forgive me."

"Brother Gao Yang, this is a serious word. You are the righteous brother of the Concubine De, and you are not on the same level as me. If you just talk about your consideration based on your own situation, it will be too biased."

"Haha! It seems that Brother Boyi's mouth can not only speak uprightly, but also solve people's worries!"

Xia Jingyun smiled and gave a thumbs up, "Why don't you stay here tonight, and I will go to the guild hall with you tomorrow?"

Xu Dapeng shook his head, "Xu Jiaoyu and the rest of the students are worried. I'd better send this good news back quickly so that everyone can sleep well. After this matter is over, I will have a banquet to celebrate with Brother Gao Yang!"

Xia Jingyun nodded with a smile, "That's fine. Then I'll arrange a carriage to take you back."

Xu Dapeng didn't hold back to refuse, let's not talk about the dignity of the carriage in the Hou's mansion, but it's freezing outside, he's not a fool, why bother to run around with the cold wind blowing.

After sending Xu Dapeng to the carriage in person, and watching the carriage disappear into the alley, Xia Jingyun turned around and walked back.

Su Yuanshang stepped out and said, "I feel a little strange about this matter. The Thirteen States Chaos is an old tradition. We have experienced it before, but this time, the time is wrong. Second, the other party went to Sishui State twice, and it feels like it is aimed at you."

Xia Jingyun said softly: "Mr. Su, if it were you, would you go?"

Su Yuanshang sighed and did not refute.

"It's their design, but it's an opportunity for us."

Xia Jingyun looked at Su Yuanshang with a smile, "Because I suddenly thought that this is also our chance to raise Wang Langzhong."

Su Yuanshang frowned and thought about it, and soon caught a clue in his heart, and his eyes gradually lit up, "It seems that I can really try it."

Xia Jingyun hummed, "Although I won't take the initiative to use the disciples to deliberately provoke troubles, but now that someone takes the initiative to provoke them, we will push the boat along the way, and it will be no problem after all."

Su Yuan couldn't help nodding, and his heart was a little bit excited, "I'm more familiar with the operation of the court than you. Let me sort it out and draw up a detailed plan."

"There is Mr. Lausu."

Communication with smart people is always so pleasant and transparent, Xia Jingyun cupped his hands, "I'll go to Mr. Bai's side."

Jiang'anhou's mansion has a plant that is not found in most mansions in the capital city: emerald bamboo.

It is a bit of nostalgia, and it is also a bit of tribute to Yun Qingzhu, the concubine of Defei.

Although it is already deep winter, these green bamboos still stubbornly left some leaves, adding a touch of gentle greenery to the solemn and heavy Zhongjing City, and at the same time adding a bit of soft swaying that is rarely seen in the north.

A bamboo shadow swayed gently with the wind under the light, and a man in green shirt walked out of the bamboo shadow like a fairy in the bamboo, and accompanied by guards, he knocked on the door of a small courtyard of guest rooms.

The guards at the edge of the white cloud came to open the door, and when they saw the face of the person coming, they saluted respectfully and got out of the way.

Xia Jingyun stepped in and knocked on the door of the back room.

Bai Yun looked at Xia Jingyun, with a bit of surprise in his eyes, and a bit of panic that was concealed, "Why are you here?"

Xia Jingyun sat down directly, "How did you go out to play today?"

"It's not bad! Zhongjing City is rich in products, there are many scholars from all walks of life, and the style of writing is flourishing. It's much better than following you."

After hearing this, Xia Jingyun looked at him and smiled without saying a word.

"What are you looking at me for? You don't believe me?"

"I know it all."

Bai Yun was stunned for a moment, his aura immediately weakened visibly like a deflated ball.

Seeing that Baiyun was a little sluggish, Xia Jingyun tried to persuade him: "Mr. Yuhu and I have also discussed it. Generals like him who are always victorious have said that victory or defeat is a common matter in military affairs. How can he be the only one to win others and not allow others to win against him."

"He is such a fool"

Bai Yunbian retorted subconsciously, then shook his head, "It's different, it's really different."

Xia Jingyun asked, "What's the difference?"

Bai Yunbian opened his mouth, but didn't speak, just shook his head, it seemed that he was really hit hard.

Looking at him, Xia Jingyun suddenly looked suspicious, "Is it because you have been hit so hard that you have no confidence? The number one son of Yunmengzhou, who is always shouting, don't bully the young and poor, has such a fragile heart? No way? No way?"

"how is this possible!"

Bai Yunbian, who was hardened by Xia Jingyun's aggressive method, said decisively: "I'm just thinking about how to win back!"

"It's not very simple. I'll help you find out the truth first, and then you can find another chance to step him back later!"

"Are you going to shoot?"

Bai Yunbian's expression changed, and he looked at Xia Jingyun in surprise.

Xia Jingyun smiled, "So, I came to ask you about the specific situation."


Bai Yunbian sighed faintly, and immediately remembered his stubbornness just now, and raised his momentum again, "That's how it happened."

Then he started to talk, from the moment he came to the Yunmengzhou Guild Hall, to when he saw the people from Guanglingzhou coming, he waited for others to watch.

He was proud and arrogant, and he didn't bother to emphasize such things as his rejection of Cheng Jiaoyu's suggestion to show his favor to Xia Jingyun, so he just said it calmly.

When what he said and what Xu Dapeng said just now began to overlap, Xia Jingyun didn't interrupt. Some things were verified from different angles, and often you can see some details that you usually don't notice.

"Wait, can you talk about the rules of the competition between you and him?"

"Wait a minute, it means that this round of poetry competition, he will come up with the title, and then you and he will each write poems according to this title?"

"Wait, in this round of your couplets, he is still the first to play the upper couplet. If you don't match, then you will lose directly? If you match, then you will play the upper couplet. He will come right?"

"You still don't listen! Why are you talking so much!"

Bai Yunbian looked at Xia Jingyun who kept asking for details with a little dissatisfaction, and felt that this dog was holding back bad water and was crazily sprinkling salt on his wound.

Xia Jingyun glanced at him speechlessly, "I don't need to ask a few more questions, how do I know you are such a waste!"

"Xia Gaoyang, do you think I dare not beat you!"

Bai Yunbian slapped the table and got up angrily.

The voice came out of the room clearly, and the book boy was startled with fright, and quickly looked at the guard at the side.

Unexpectedly, the guard and Chen Fugui stood guard at the door, one on the left and one on the right, acting as if they hadn't heard.

Xia Jingyun smiled calmly, "Don't worry, I'm not saying that you are useless, but that the other party is obviously helping behind the scenes to create momentum for him. You actually think that you are facing only one person. If this is not a waste, what is it?"

Bai Yunbian's eyes widened suddenly, and then he felt that it was too unbelievable.

"No, your guess is impossible at all. At that time, we were competing on the spot. Under the watchful eyes of everyone, he never discussed it with anyone from the beginning to the end. How could there be someone secretly supporting it? Moreover, these things were said on the spur of the moment. How could he have prepared in advance?"

Xia Jingyun smiled, "Then let me ask you, according to the rules of this big fight, if one party sets the project, can the other party be the first to choose the topic or take the lead in each item?"

"Yeah, isn't that fair?"

"If someone comes to challenge, will most of the challengers choose the project they are best at in order to seek stability?"

"Yes, but how does he know what project we have chosen so that he can prepare in advance?"

Xia Jingyun looked at the clear stupidity in Bai Yunbian's eyes speechlessly, you are also an eunuch after all, oh no, why are people from a family of officials and eunuchs so pure in their minds.

"If you think about it, Smash Bros. is limited to a matter of literati's taste, so what can there be? What can be used for competition is nothing more than writing essays and poems, writing poems and pairs, and then pairing it with some fun such as playing chess, throwing pots, and Shuanglu. Why can't you prepare in advance? You have set a project, and he can take the lead. Prepare two poems, a few pairs, and one or two essays in advance, which is enough to deal with it. Is it difficult?"

In Bai Yunbian's mind, he recalled the situation in the opponent's two matches today. It was really like what Xia Jingyun said. The opponent basically forced the opponent to surrender first, and the opponent had no chance to fight back.

This kind of situation that made him feel that he was completely crushed in terms of literary talent, so there is such a secret behind it?

As for those things such as orders and throwing pots, Xia Jingyun didn't need to mention anything, he could figure it out by himself.

For a son of an official who just wants to have fun, it's a daily routine, and it's quite normal to be good at it.


He suddenly shook his head again, "Although we conceded defeat in the two games today, before it was time to play Go, but I heard that he played a game with Baiyangzhou yesterday, and he was really good at Go. Can't we prepare for this kind of thing in advance?"

"You really treat the opponent as a worthless idiot?" Xia Jingyun smiled, "The opponent dares to operate this matter, they must have something to rely on, the hard power of Go, the mastery of these elegant tastes, it is their confidence, and then make up for the shortcomings of poetry, and finally use the rules, this is not easy to be invincible!"

He lightly tapped the table, "I asked Mr. Gongsun before I came here. Go is very popular in Guangling Prefecture. One of the two direct disciples of Mr. Wei, the great Go player, is from Guangling Prefecture. And this Shi Zixian, who happened to be worshiped by the other party, is very good at chess. Isn't it a matter of taking care of you young people?"

Bai Yunbian stared puzzled, "Then you still dare to go?"

Xia Jingyun raised his eyebrows proudly, with a playful smile, "Have you ever thought that my chess skills are even better?"

Bai Yunbian subconsciously wanted to say a few words, but immediately remembered Xia Jingyun's tough past, and held back the words.

 I finally went home at noon, and I started writing immediately, one chapter first, and there will be more later.Guaranteed more than [-] words today.

(End of this chapter)

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