first minister

Chapter 152

Chapter 152
"Your Majesty, Jin Zhong is back."

In the imperial study room, Emperor Chongning's personal eunuch reported softly.

Emperor Chongning heard the difference in the words, and frowned, "Let him in."

Soon Jin Zhong walked in small steps and came to Emperor Chongning, sneaking a peek at the Empress Concubine De was there, his heart sank.

"Jin Zhong, where is the person I asked you to announce?"

"Return to Your Majesty! Mr. Xia, Mr. Xia, he stated the reason, and would like to ask you not to enter the palace for now."

Emperor Chongning frowned immediately, and Gujing's calm expression made it hard to see that he was calm.

Concubine De gently stroked Emperor Chongning's arm, silently calming the possible anger in Emperor Chongning's heart.

In front of Concubine De, Jin Zhong plucked up his courage and explained: "Your Majesty, Mr. Xia said that he was kidnapped by the captain of Jingzhao Mansion and taken away from Wuhuada in Mingyu Tower under the watchful eyes of everyone. "

"That's why he dared to ask Your Majesty to forgive him, and he will enter the palace to plead guilty after the matter is found out."

He took out a piece of paper from his bosom, and raised his hands high, "Young Master Xia has another poem to express his will, and I asked my maidservant to forward it to His Majesty."

Emperor Chongning nodded towards the personal eunuch, and the other party stepped forward and brought the paper over.

Emperor Chongning took a look, his eyes suddenly froze.

"Come here! Duke Xuanying!"

The personal eunuch reminded in a low voice, "Your Majesty, it's so late now, isn't it?"

"Why is it so late! My loyal minister, the loyal minister of the country, is still locked up in a prison for no apparent reason! I'm not asleep yet! It's too late for him to enter the palace. Is it the emperor, or is he the emperor?"

Emperor Chongning firmly grasped the knife that Xia Jingyun handed over, and even cut it.

In a word, everyone, including Concubine De, was so frightened that they immediately knelt on the ground.

Only Concubine De dared to raise her head and said softly, "Your Majesty calm down."

British government, Lu Fengze returned home.

The butler thoughtfully brought a bowl of hot tea, "My lord, the master is waiting for you in the study."

Lv Fengze was so angry that he picked up the tea and took a sip, then threw the precious teacup on the ground angrily, and walked towards the study angrily.

The Duke of England, a distinguished family with hundreds of years of history, is very strict with rules. Even though Lu Fengze, as the eldest son of the eldest son, was furious again at the moment, he did not dare to make a mistake. He stopped obediently at the door, knocked on the door, and waited for a promise before he dared to open the door and enter.

British Duke Lu Rusong sat behind the desk, looked at his son's expression, "What's wrong?"

Lu Fengze exhaled two streams of turbid air from his nostrils, like an angry bull, and said in a muffled voice, "I was plotted against."

Lu Rusong said indifferently: "I told you before I went, it's nothing to be a gun for someone, it's just a well-known exchange of benefits."

Lu Fengze shook his head and said: "It's not Shi Zijun, my boy knows that he just wants me to deal with that Xia Jingyun, my boy was tricked by Xia Jingyun."

"Xia Jingyun?" Lu Rusong quickly searched in his mind, and finally remembered, "Is that the brother-in-law that Concubine De recognized in Sishui Prefecture?"

"Yes, father. When the child sees him, he is so angry that he thinks of his second brother's death. Without Shi Zijun saying much, the child wants to beat him hard to vent his hatred!"

Lu Rusong thought about it, but this is not a big deal.

After the incident in Sishui Prefecture, Concubine De gradually revealed her desire to compete for that position.

Beat Xia Jingyun, as long as he doesn't lose arms or legs and endanger his life, the Lu family is powerful, and His Majesty will not pursue it too much. By the way, it can also increase the momentum of the Lu family for him, so that some people who try to lick Defei's stinky feet will weigh in.

So, he calmly said: "Then how did Xia Jingyun plot against you? Tell me in detail."

Lu Fengze explained the situation in detail, and when he heard that Qin Sichao was there and Xia Jingyun refused Qin Sichao's peace offer, Lu Rusong narrowed his eyes, feeling something was wrong, but he didn't interrupt.

When Lu Fengze said that Xia Jingyun was being imprisoned in Jingzhao Mansion, Lu Rusong even nodded slightly, "You have done a good job on this point, and you have a reason, even in the court, you have something to say."

He wondered: "It's not very good, how can it be called being tricked by him?"

When Lu Fengze spoke, he suddenly felt a little scared, looked up at his father, and lowered his tone, "Then, someone came from the palace."

Lu Rusong frowned, "Concubine De's person?"

"No, it's His Majesty's person who came to Xuan Xia Jingyun to enter the palace to have an audience."

Lu Rusong's complexion suddenly changed, and his heart suddenly became horrified.

His Lu family is a big tree with deep roots and great influence, but the person in that position is after all someone he can't afford to mess with.

But he has seen big wind and waves after all, this matter is still a trivial matter to him, and he calmed down quickly, "Then what? The cooked duck flew away, Xia Jingyun entered the palace arrogantly, and your bamboo basket fetched water in vain, and you feel aggrieved? Is this the kindness?"

Looking at his father's appearance, Lu Fengze suddenly regretted his trip today, and whispered: "He didn't enter the palace."


The well-informed British prince was stunned and blinked, "What did you say?"

"Baby said, he didn't enter the palace."

Lu Rusong's eyes widened, "Where did he get the courage? Your Majesty summoned him, so he won't enter the palace?"

Lu Fengze nodded again and again, "The boy is also so puzzled, but not only did he not enter the palace, he also wrote a poem and handed it to the father-in-law, and then went directly to the prison and sat down."

"This kid, he deliberately wants to make things bigger!"

Old foxes like Lu Rusong naturally saw through Xia Jingyun's thoughts at a glance, "What poem did he write?"

Lv Fengze is a vulgar martial artist, a dandy, he was furious because of his incompetence at the time, but he really didn't pay attention, so he shook his head, "I didn't see it."

Lu Rusong didn't care about it, and pondered for a while, "He has a beautiful idea, the key is that His Majesty will not pursue it. He is an outsider who has just arrived, and he wants His Majesty to favor him? It's lucky to ignore his crime of violating the sacred order!"

He tapped on the table lightly, "Don't worry, the old man made a note overnight and handed it over, pleading guilty to His Majesty, saying that you have acted mischievously, and offered to give His Majesty a step up, and then I will play with you again, and you will be beaten, and the matter will be over."

Lu Fengze nodded again and again, "Father is wise! If there is no father in charge, the child will really be at a loss!"

Lu Rusong stroked his beard with some complacency, "You guys still need a lot of hard work, so that we can continue to support the future of our Lu family and keep our wealth forever."

Tuk Tuk Tuk!
There was a quick knock on the door, "Master!"

Lu Rusong raised his chin, Lu Fengze went to open the door, the butler hurried in, Lu Rusong, who had always been very disciplined, frowned and said, "It's so late at night, so flustered, what a shame!"

The steward didn't care about pleading guilty, and hurriedly said: "Master, there are people from the palace, and Master Xuan will enter the palace immediately to have an audience!"

Lu Rusong stiffened his beard-twisting hand in triumph, and said in a panic, "What time is it?"

The steward was also a little scared, "It's the first hour of the day."

"No need to panic! No need to panic!"

Lu Rusong stood up and spoke calmly, but when he stepped out of the study, he tripped over the threshold and almost fell down, which betrayed his true heart.

In the main hall of the Lu family, a small yellow door sat and waited.

Lu Rusong walked over with a smile, "I'll trouble you, father-in-law, to go there yourself."

In front of the top dignitaries like Lu Rusong, these servants in the palace didn't dare to make a gesture at all, they stood up quickly and respectfully said they didn't dare.

"Your Majesty called me, and the servants also obeyed the orders. Please don't blame the Duke."

"What is the father-in-law talking about, how can the old man blame it! Let's invite you now?"

"My lord please first."

"You're welcome, let's go together!"

Lu Rusong had a kind face, which flattered the little Huangmen, and felt that the British Duke was not as domineering as the rumors said!

"Elder-in-law, what is the reason for His Majesty's call this time?"

"The servants don't know either, they are just ordered to invite the Duke."

"Eunuch is a celebrity around His Majesty, my daughter is in the palace, please take care of me a lot!"

Xiao Huangmen was so frightened that he pissed, and stopped in his tracks, "I dare not accept the words of the Duke of the country, this servant is killing me!"

"Eunuch, can you tell me a little bit, no matter inside or outside the palace, my Lu family has generous rewards."

As he spoke, the steward beside him had skillfully stuffed a bank note into Xiao Huangmen's hand.

"For the 5000 taels of silver, let's express our thanks first."

Xiao Huangmen swallowed his saliva, thought about what would happen to him if he refused again, and saw that the night was dark and he was still in Lu's house, so he calmed down, gritted his teeth and said in a low voice: "Your Majesty said, I am the emperor, or he is the emperor."

As if struck by lightning, Lu Rusong froze on the spot.

In this cold night of the twelfth lunar month, fine beads of sweat oozed from his forehead!

"Your Majesty, the details of what happened tonight have been found out."

In the imperial study room, the head of the Black Ice Terrace handed over a booklet to Emperor Chongning.

As a secret service agency directly under the imperial power, it only took a short time for Heibingtai to find out the situation of Mingyulou tonight after receiving the order.

Those two didn't avoid people at all, and it was very convenient to investigate, and Heibingtai had its own channels and informants, and even the conversation between the two was written verbatim in the booklet.

Emperor Chongning took it and looked at it carefully.

After reading it, he put down the book without feeling angry or angry, "Go on."

As soon as the head of the Black Ice Terrace left, the personal eunuch came to report, "Your Majesty, the Duke of England has arrived."

(End of this chapter)

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