first minister

Chapter 148 Is Xia Jingyun Crazy?

Chapter 148 Is Xia Jingyun Crazy?

There was no wind in Mingyu Tower, but it was brought by someone running wildly.

The Lu family was born as a military general, from an honorable family, and all the children of the Lu family needed to learn martial arts since childhood. Even Concubine Shu could play with a spear a few times. As the first son of the Lu family, Lu Fengze naturally had martial arts skills.

And it was this martial art that made him choose to fight without hesitation after seeing Xia Jingyun.

With a kick on the wooden floor, there was a muffled sound, and the whole person rushed towards Xia Jingyun like an arrow from the string.

The right arm was opened, raised high, and the right hand was quietly clenched into a fist. The whole body was like a bow, and it slammed down on Xia Jingyun's head.

If there is a disagreement, he directly strikes, without concealing when he strikes, and directly rushes towards the result of killing people, no matter whether the opponent is Defei's righteous brother, Yizhou Jieyuan, or a Shengdou commoner, he just cares whether he wants to kill or not!

How domineering!How powerful!
And this is the great confidence of the leader of the nobles, this is the monstrous power of the founding hereditary king of Great Britain!
But he forgot that his second brother was once so domineering, even more domineering than him.

But the result?

Xia Jingyun stopped in his tracks, turned around, and watched Lu Fengze's figure rapidly enlarge in his pupils, with his hands behind his back, without any panic, and he didn't even blink his eyes.

A muffled sound.

Lu Fengze took a few steps back, blood slowly oozing from his fist.

He didn't seem to notice it at all, like a bloodthirsty beast, staring at the simple and honest man who came out of the way.

At this time, his guard followed up, supported Lu Fengze and asked a question with concern, then stared at Chen Fugui as if he was looking at a dead person, "Don't worry, I will definitely not let you die so easily."

Chen Fugui looked calm, "My lord, what do you say?"

Xia Jingyun was even able to laugh, "They are going to kill us, what can we say?"

Chen Fugui nodded, looked at the guard opposite him who looked like Lian's son, stretched out his hand and gently hooked his fingers.

Those who are close to Zhu are red and those who are close to ink are black. After following Xia Jingyun for a long time, the honest farmer has begun to become a bit mean.

Lu Fengze said coldly: "Let go."

The guard rushed out, and Chen Fugui stepped forward to meet him.

Speaking of now, in fact, a very short time has passed. Seeing the Lu family successfully confronting Xia Jingyun, Shi Zijun silently retreated to the side, sitting on the mountain and watching the tigers fight leisurely.

Su Yuanshang, Gongsun Jing and others who heard the movement rushed out immediately, and their expressions changed suddenly when they saw the scene in front of them.

"Gao Yang, what's going on!"

Su Yuanshang quickly walked in front of Xia Jingyun, Xia Jingyun raised his chin toward the field, "Someone finds fault, so we have no choice but to accept it."

As the commotion grew louder, many people in the other boxes also opened the doors to watch.

Because Mingyu Tower has reserved window views for every private room, it happens to be in the shape of the word [口], with an open space flowing out of the middle, and there are some silk and bamboo orchestral performances from time to time to add interest, so the conflicts in the field are just right for everyone to have a panoramic view.

"Who is this, dare to play wild in Mingyulou?"

An old man was a little dizzy, and looked surprised at the two people who beat you back and forth in the field.

"Master Chen, take a closer look, that is the third son of the Duke of England!"

"Oh, it's him! No wonder no wonder."

"Hehe, I don't know who is so unlucky to actually annoy this little overlord."

"It should be said who is so arrogant that he dares to fight with him."

"Those who can go up to the third floor should have some status. Why do you look at this person so strangely?"

"The only ones who can wrestle with Young Master Lu are those few. As long as it's not for them, no matter who this person is, I'm afraid they will all suffer."

"It seems that today, another young man who doesn't know the heights of the heavens and the depths of the earth will be unlucky!"

Everyone was discussing naturally, and naturally they were very disapproving of Xia Jingyun, a guy who dared to fight with Mr. Lu San.

Following two muffled grunts, Chen Fugui and the guards of Third Young Master Lu retreated respectively, Chen Fugui retreated three steps, and Third Young Master Lu's guards retreated six steps.

The corner of Chen Fugui's mouth curled into a smile, full of fighting spirit, "Come again!"

The guard's face was gloomy. He was considered a well-known player in the world, but he didn't expect to stumble at the hands of an unknown man.

Just when he was about to rush up again to regain the face of one of the leaders of the Lu family's guards, a figure quickly walked into the field, and then came to Lu Fengze.

Between the power struggle and his loyalty to his empress, Gongsun Jing finally chose the public heart.

"Third son, this is the younger brother of Concubine De, Xieyuan of Sishui Prefecture. It's all a misunderstanding, and everyone agrees to make peace."

A loud slap was directly slapped on the face of the concubine's chief manager, Lu Fengze's face was full of ferocity, "What are you, you dare to speak in front of me! If you don't get lost, I'll kill you together!"

"Mr. Gongsun, come down."

Just when Gongsun Jing covered his face in astonishment, his face was flushed from humiliation, and he was squeezed to the point of neither advancing nor retreating, Xia Jingyun spoke.

Then he looked at Gongsun Jing who was back in front of him, patted him on the shoulder, and comforted him: "There is no need to waste your words, some people are like this, just like a mad dog, inhumane."


There was an instant uproar in the arena, and everyone around the audience looked at each other, how dare he scold the third son of the Lu family like that?

So what if it's Concubine De's brother-in-law, Concubine De probably wouldn't dare to scold him like that!
This is the end of the feud!
Gongsun Jing felt relieved at first and retreated, but immediately felt helpless and anxious again, why don't you wink!
With regard to this scene, swallow your anger a little bit, bow your head, and expose this matter, and then discuss it in the long run!
What are you doing to add fuel to the fire at this time!

Xia Jingyun seemed to hear his inner voice, and said softly: "Mr. Gongsun, it is true that peace is the most important thing, but it is not like you. Peace is not something you ask for, it is something you fight for."

He patted Gongsunjing's shoulder again, "Wait, I'll ask him to apologize to you personally."

Gongsun Jing was taken aback for a moment, while Lu Fengze on the opposite side seemed to have just recovered from the curse, but his expression was much calmer, but the ferocity in his eyes became more intense.

Hearing Xia Jingyun's words, he grinned grimly, "At first I just wanted to beat you up to vent my anger, but now, I really want to play you to death!"

He turned his head and looked at the waiter of Mingyu Tower not far away, who was watching his eyes, nose, nose and heart, "There is a fight here, why don't you report it to the police immediately?"

The boy was dumbfounded.

Everyone present was also stunned for a moment, but Su Yuanshang frowned suddenly, and walked over to look at Xia Jingyun, "The Lu family is very powerful in the court. If they enter the Yamen, there is no guarantee that he will not collude with him to frame you openly."

Xia Jingyun smiled, "It's okay."

He looked at Lu Fengze, "I've heard that the Lu family in the capital city is the head of the nobles, with power all over the world, intricately intertwined, and the capital will tremble three times if you stomp your feet, but."

He smiled contemptuously, "I don't believe it."

After finishing speaking, he also looked at the boys, "Quickly go to the police! Let me see what the Lu family is capable of!"

The boys were stunned, they had rarely encountered such a situation in Mingyu Tower.

At this moment, a crisp female voice came from above the fourth floor, which sounded like a maid, "Since both of you are willing to report to the officials, Mingyulou will not interfere in this matter."

The boy immediately turned around and left.

Xia Jingyun shrugged, "Should I still beat him? If I don't want to beat him, I'll go to a latrine first."

Everyone: .
Seeing Xia Jingyun's figure meandering towards the hut, they looked at each other in blank dismay, no longer knowing whether it should be said that Xia Jingyun was naturally courageous or ignorant and fearless.

After a while, Xia Jingyun came out shaking his hands, smiled at the audience around him, and flicked his fingers, "This is the water for washing hands, it hasn't been wiped dry, everyone, please don't get me wrong."

Everyone held their foreheads silently, completely speechless, and they were still in the mood to joke at this moment, it was amazing.

"Both, can I have a word?"

At this moment, a gentle voice sounded, and a man in white with a jade pendant on his waist slowly walked into the arena.

"Who? Are you so courageous? How dare you come forward?"

Master Chen is still old-eyed and dizzy, looking at the field with empty eyes.

"It's Mr. Qin!"

"Wow! I'm so lucky to meet Mr. Qin today!"

"XXXX has seen Mr. Qin!"

As soon as the young man showed up, he instantly turned the tense scene into his "fan meeting", but the arrogant Lu Fengze didn't say anything, Xia Jingyun turned to look at Gongsun Jing.

Gongsun Jing took the initiative to explain: "Young master, this is the head of the four young masters in Beijing, the son of Prime Minister Qin, Qin Sichao, known as Young Master Yu."

Xia Jingyun raised his eyebrows, "Shouldn't Mr. Yu be Jiang Yuhu?"

"Master Yuhu, everyone calls him Mr. Tiger."

Gongsun Jing, with half of his face swollen, twitched his lips, "What's more, Mr. Yuhu is outstanding. He thinks that they are all trash. He doesn't recognize this name. In fact, there are only three of the four masters in Beijing."

Xia Jingyun nodded knowingly, and saw Qin Sichao bowed his hands to everyone politely, then came to Xia Jingyun on his own initiative, and bowed, "Young Master Xia, in the next Qin Sichao, he has a little reputation in Beijing. Today, I would like to reconcile the two of you. What do you want?"

As soon as these words came out, Shi Zijun bowed his head in resentment, Lu Fengze shook his hands speechlessly, and Gongsun Jing also heaved a long sigh of relief.

But no one expected that Xia Jingyun, who returned the gift first, straightened his waist and looked at Qin Sichao calmly, "Dare to ask Mr. Qin, can you guarantee that you will be present every time we have conflicts in the future?"

Qin Sichao shook his head.

"Then can you guarantee that Mr. Lu will not try to take revenge on me?"

Qin Sichao shook his head again.

"Then can you reconcile the fundamental conflict between this Mr. Lu and the people behind him, and me and the people behind me?"

Qin Sichao shook his head again.

Xia Jingyun stopped talking and just stared at Qin Sichao.

It seems to be saying: This is not okay, and that is not okay, so why are you mediating?
Qin Sichao smiled gently, "Young Master Xia's words are incisive and unique, and they directly hit the root of the problem. It made me suddenly realize my selfishness, and also understand the greed in my heart that I want to use the two of you to win people's hearts and make my name bigger. I am really ashamed."

He bowed deeply, "I have been taught."

Xia Jingyun hastily replied, "That's too serious."

"That being the case, I will not bother you two."

After speaking, Qin Sichao retreated to the room.

Everyone was dumbfounded. What is the situation? Mr. Qin came out to mediate, but Mr. Xia refused?
Could it be that he really lost his mind and went crazy?

Both Lv Fengze and Shi Zijun were overjoyed, they only felt that there was a turning point in the future.

Ding Ding Deng!
There was a sound of hurried footsteps, and a man dressed as a military officer rushed up, with a big knife hanging from his waist, and in the field of vision, "Who is causing trouble?"

Lu Fengze stepped out and said first: "Responding to my lord's words, I will drink here, and when I meet this person, he will order the guards to injure the villain. The wound is here. Please examine the lord, and bring this lunatic to justice!"

After speaking, he stretched out his right hand, with brown blood condensed on the back of his hand.

The captain of Jingzhao Prefecture, who is in charge of the general security force in the entire Gyeonggi area, was startled when he saw the person in front of him, and subconsciously wanted to salute respectfully, but was immediately reminded by Lu Fengze with his eyes, and when he heard this, he immediately stood up like a mirror, pretending to be upright,

"At the feet of the Son of Heaven, there is such a thing! It is really audacious! Come on, arrest this person immediately, and if there is any resistance, you will be killed!"

 Accept the monthly pass that is about to expire!

(End of this chapter)

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