first minister

Chapter 135 Su family, is it amazing?

Chapter 135 Su family, is it amazing?

There has never been a legend about the army in the rivers and lakes.

Whether it is a young hero, a hero or a heroine, for these handsome masters who consider themselves to be unrestrained and unrestrained, it is their political correctness to look down on these "court hawks".

For these soldiers who worked for the dog emperor, they only contempt but did not praise, let alone brag.

But when faced with it in reality, they all knew that they were absolutely invincible.

Bragging can never be taken as the truth, it is okay to lie to brothers, but you must not lie to yourself.

The might of the cavalry charging was like thunder and rolling. Just the rage that seemed to crush everything made these masters who had been recruited with a lot of money frightened.

And the blood-red ginger character, which seemed to be coagulated with the blood of endless enemies, made those with a little knowledge choose to retreat without hesitation.

"The idea is tricky!"


One person chose to move, and the killers who originally gathered because of profit also immediately chose to flee in all directions.

The dead body of my brother, and the huge sum of money that I will have to eat and drink for the rest of my life after I get it, are not as important as my own life.

But they were not as fast as galloping horses, and after fleeing like this, the Wudang Army, who could only make dumplings first because of the scuffle between the two sides, immediately separated out a part of the cavalry and chose to chase after them with almost instinctive fighting skills.

The legs control the horse under the crotch, stabilize the figure, and the bowstring is thumping, constantly reaping the lives of the fleeing enemies. This is the favorite and accustomed fighting method of the Wudang Army.

Regardless of where the blade is pointing or the arrow pointing at, whether it is the most elite frontier soldiers in Daliang, or these brave and ruthless Jianghu people, there is only one title: enemy.

This is the non-discriminatory treatment of the army.

It's a pity that the entrance of the canyon was blocked by a mess of stones and rolling logs. The Jianghu people could jump over it flexibly, but the horses of the cavalry didn't have that level of flexibility, so they could only stop regretfully.

The situation was reversed in an instant. Xia Jingyun lifted the curtain and walked down. Looking at the familiar figure sitting high on the horse, he rushed over with joy, bowed his head and bowed, "The grassroots have seen the general, and the style of the general is the same as before! Even better than the past! I can't help but sigh. Knowing thousands of people, it will never look like it. Hello, general!"

Seeing Xia Jingyun's behavior this time, Bai Yunbian, who was getting off the carriage, was stunned, and Su Yuanshang was stunned;
Chen Fugui was stunned when he came back with his gun, and Lu Yi who was wiping his knives was also stunned.

Jiang Yuhu looked down at him and gave him a cold look, "There's so much nonsense."

Xia Jingyun chuckled, turned to look at Su Yuanshang and the others, "Do you think I'm a little too excited?"

He looked upright, "This is not my flattery! This is my heartfelt respect for the imperial generals who have defended their home and country with illustrious military exploits, as a citizen of Great Xia; it is my admiration from the bottom of my heart for ordinary people who are brilliant and talented."

Jiang Yuhu gave him a blank look, and with his horse's belly clamped, he arrogantly went to the entrance and ordered the soldiers to count the battlefield.

Su Yuanshang looked at the back, and his eyes drifted over the big ginger flag again, his eyes suddenly showed surprise, "Gao Yang, is this the Jiang family jade tiger?"

Xia Jingyun smiled and nodded, "Mr. Su is indeed well-informed."

Su Yuanshang's eyes widened suddenly, his throat rolled, and he said in disbelief: "He came here to pick you up from Zhongjing?"

Xia Jingyun thought for a while, "Judging from this state, it should be about the same."

"Mother!" Su Yuanshang held his forehead, couldn't help feeling, and then laughed again, "I suddenly have more confidence in you. Oh no, I should have a lot more confidence!"

Xia Jingyun also smiled, and glanced at the guards of the Bai family who were silently collecting the corpses of his companions, his expression gradually became serious, and he sighed softly, but he didn't try to comfort and buy people's hearts, but asked Lu Yi to go over to comfort him on his behalf, and then got up and went to the entrance of the valley.

At the entrance, Jiang Yuhu watched him coming, and said calmly: "A lot of people have escaped."

Xia Jingyun narrowed his eyes slightly, and said with a smile: "After all, not just anyone can match the general's divine power."

Jiang Yuhu glanced at him, but didn't speak.

In front, the head of the Su family guard led several brothers over along the newly opened passage, and cupped his hands towards Xia Jingyun, "Young Master Xia, luckily, four killers have been killed!"

Fortunately not humiliated?

Xia Jingyun smiled coldly, turned and left.

The head guard knew he was wrong, so he didn't dare to say more, but the subordinates behind him quit and looked at Xia Jingyun's back.

"What do you mean?"

"We're working so hard here, you don't even have a word?"

Xia Jingyun, who hadn't planned to say more, suddenly turned around, his eyes shot out with a sensual light, "Say it again?"

After so many things, how many important people he has met, and even personally experienced bloody rebellion and fighting, Xia Jingyun's aura at this moment is no longer comparable to that of an ordinary scholar.

With the aura fully opened, the man suddenly felt frightened and shrank his neck.

But then he remembered that he was from the Su family, and the person in front of him was just an outsider from the Su family, at most he was appreciated by the eldest lady, so he had no fear, so he braved up and said: "In the first place, I will fight bloody battles, and people will be killed. It's fine if you don't thank me, but you still have a sneer on your face?"

Xia Jingyun almost laughed angrily, "Do you really think you are very honorable?"

He pointed to the boulders and logs still scattered in front of him, "Just these things stopped twenty of you, and it took half a cup of tea time!"

"On the way here, I look for you every day, and I look for you every day, just to confirm the route, confirm the distance, and make sure everything is safe."

"I believe in the promise you made while patting your chest, the promise made by the Patriarch of the Su family to me, and the ability of the soldiers of the Su family, but what about you?"

"Twenty people, just listening to the fighting inside, listening to the miserable howls inside, you can even watch dozens of masters besieging us like this, watching Mr. Bai's guards fall one after another, watching me even send two of my guards out to support, you are still standing here!"

"Is this how you protect? Is this what you promised me?"

"You fucking feel so proud! Where did you get your pride from? Who gave you face!"

The head of the Su family guard cupped his hands, "Master Xia, it's not that we are greedy for life and afraid of death, but the other party has killers hiding on the hillside, always ready to ambush with giant logs and rolling stones, we are helpless!"

"Isn't this fucking greedy for life and afraid of death?"

"Is there anyone else on the battlefield stretching their necks waiting for you to chop?"

Xia Jingyun hadn't spoken yet, and the Wudang Army on the side couldn't listen anymore, and they all spoke with contempt.

Xia Jingyun said coldly: "Whether it's a guard or a soldier, they are all well-organized teams with clear missions, and they should take obeying orders as their vocation. I am indeed not your clansman, nor is it someone you follow and admire, but do his mother's soldiers only fight what they want to fight? If you accept this task, shouldn't you do it well? Did ten of Mr. Bai's guards hesitate for a moment compared to dozens of people? You are the only ones who think quickly? Only you know the timing Potential? Is this the fucking wisdom brought to you by your rich background?"

"What disgusts me is that when General Jiang came with his army, when the other party was terrified and fled in embarrassment, when they were slaughtered by the Wudang army and only a dozen people were left, you didn't stop them all!"

"The most disgusting thing about you guys is that before such shit-like performance, you can still come up to ask for credit in front of the imposing Wudang soldiers and those bloody guards of Mr. Bai, and pay back your mother's life! I'm lucky that you didn't insult your uncle!"

"I give face to your Patriarch, face to your eldest lady, and I don't want to argue with you, yet you have the audacity to ask me what I mean? Is the meaning clear now? I just look down on you Su family's wretches!"

The chief guard of the Su family was scolded until his face was blue and red, but he couldn't help but get angry from his gut when he heard the last word, "Young Master Xia, you say I'll wait, I won't argue with you, but the Su family is not something you can insult!"

How dare you fucking talk back?

Xia Jingyun was even more angry, but the agreement between the Su family and him was unknown to outsiders. For a while, he hadn't figured out how to respond.

At this moment, a lazy voice sounded from the side, "The Su family? Is it amazing?"

(End of this chapter)

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