first minister

Chapter 128 Weisi people, who am I going to return to?

Chapter 128 Weisi people, who am I going to return to?
Sujiawu, the top of the mountain.

The garden in the tomb.

Two old people sat in the flowerbed outside the yard, looking at the sky through the mountainside.

The old woman slowly embroidered flowers on a piece of ropa, and said softly, "I still think your decision this time is too hasty."

The words seemed a little careless, but for the old couple who spent a long time in the courtyard of the tomb, this speed of speech was the state they were most accustomed to now.

Mr. Su, who was half lying on the recliner, did not answer in a hurry, he gently picked up the kettle on the small clay stove next to him, and slowly poured it into the teapot.

The water vapor permeated his old face, making the future a bit blurred.

"Why do you say that?"

The old woman lowered her head and watched the stitches flying, "He is still too young after all. Besides, you have been away from the imperial court for many years, and you know little about Concubine De's character and strength. Now that she wants to marry Yan Yan, that means completely tying the Su family into a carriage. Shouldn't you be more cautious?"

Old Mr. Su watched silently in the teapot, flying up and down in the teacup like silver needles inlaid with gold and jade, and said slowly: "If you have something to say, just say it."

The two have been husband and wife for decades, of course he knows that these words are just a rumor thrown out.

He has proved his outstanding political wisdom and vision through decades of ups and downs and finally reached the top in his official career. His wife will never simply question the abilities of Xia Jingyun and the concubine De's faction.

The old woman sighed, "Husband."

Old Master Su's heart trembled secretly.

Just like being called by his parents by his first name often means that things are a bit serious, at an age where he has been together for decades and even kisses would make him sick for half a day, when he is called so tiresomely, he knows that his wife is going to talk about something serious.

"Do you still remember your ambition when you were an official?"

In one sentence, Mr. Su became silent.

As soon as this person gets old, he is afraid of recalling things, but he often likes to recall them.

I often sit at the entrance of the village or in the courtyard for half a day, slowly and carefully reviewing the past of my life.

Mr. Su, who is legendary throughout his life, is no exception. His eyes are blurred when he is said so.

The dense tea air rises, as if a young man with a rich spirit like jade has been transformed into a young man who climbs high and looks far away, with high spirits, and speaks with high spirits those bold words about the virtues of the emperor, the benefit of the world and the people, and the opening of a peaceful and prosperous age.

Time passed and the stars moved, and before he knew it, decades of time passed, and the young man had gray beard and hair, and was dying of old age.

After a long time, the old woman finally said slowly: "In these years, you have been concerned about your family and you have had occasional helpless things, but for the country and the people, you deserve the kindness of the king and the support of all officials. What you have done in your life is not ashamed of your original intention. But what if others don't think so?"

Mr. Su understood what Madam meant at the very beginning, and he didn't speak after hearing her explanation.

How can a talented young man have no ambition, but it depends on where this ambition is used.

The current situation in the world is in turmoil, just like a palace is on fire. If he is a great talent, he is not willing to be a paper poster, but simply adds a fire, directly burns down the palace, and starts a new stove.

As long as he is the one who wins in the end, from a utilitarian point of view, the Su family is indeed not at a loss.

But for Mr. Su, who has worked hard for the people all his life and worked hard to rejuvenate the Great Xia Dynasty, it is a very regrettable thing for him personally.

I'm sorry for spending most of my life worrying so much, I'm sorry for worrying about the country and people for most of my life, and I'm even more sorry for walking on eggshells for most of my life.

Madam's worry is not about the safety of the Su family.

Her heart is always tied to the young man in her memory who was happy, angry, sad and happy for the rise and fall of the country, and also always to the old man in front of her who has never changed her ambition throughout her life.

The Su family is not that important to her.

Mr. Su felt this love and warmth, drank his tea silently, and thought about his answer.

Silently, the black cat who didn't know where it ran ran to the side and rubbed its head against Mr. Su's calf.

Old Mr. Su lowered his head, reached out and untied a small black sachet from its back.

Inside the sachet was a sealed envelope.

Mr. Su checked the seal letter, opened it, and took out the letter paper inside.

The first thing that came into view was a line of small characters: Xia Jingyun bid farewell today, and presented Miss Wen in Changting, the record is as follows.

Old Mr. Su was half lying down, looking down.

Nothing to say about the background of the first paragraph.

After reading the second paragraph, he smiled slightly, "This Xia Jingyun's talent is indeed impressive, and he has a bit of the old man's demeanor."

Although the old woman didn't know what was written on the letter paper, she silently pursed her mouth and didn't reveal it.

But then, the expression on Mr. Su's face slowly froze, looking at that [Deng Si Lou Ye, there are people who go to the country and homesickness, worrying about slander and fearing ridicule, with desolate eyes, feeling extremely sad. ] for a while, dazed.

He thought of the cautiousness and worry about gains and losses on his way to officialdom, and the pain and confusion when he was briefly frustrated.
Going to the country and cherishing the hometown, worrying about slander and fear of ridicule.

Only those who have experienced ups and downs can truly experience the feeling of desolation and sadness.

"It melts the emotion into the scene and touches the hearts of the people!"

The next period of spring was bright and joyful, which aroused his happy years again, but as he got old, he was not so excited about those cheerful things.

"My husband! I have tried to seek the heart of the benevolent people of the past, or the difference between the two. What's the matter? Don't be happy with things, don't be sad with yourself; if you live in a high temple, you worry about your people;

As if struck by lightning, Mr. Su stared blankly at these lines of ink, especially at the two sentences.

【Worry about the world's worries first, and enjoy the world's joy later】

His hands trembled slightly, it was obviously a few pages of paper that were light and fluffy, but they seemed to weigh a thousand pounds!

It is clearly a sentence, fourteen characters, but it seems to have written all his life's spirit and ambition!
Because that is the cry and original intention of countless people who are loyal to the emperor and patriotic, and have the world in their hearts!

"Worry about the world's worries first, and enjoy the world's joys later."

He murmured, and then laughed, "Weiss, who am I to return!"
Sujiawu, the residence of Su Yuanshang.

An old man came out from the backyard.

Two women hurriedly gathered around, one was older and the other was not middle-aged, but they both looked concerned.

"How is it, old man/father?"

The old man who just visited his son shook his head, "This child, hey!"

There was a long, complicated sigh, and a long silence.

It seems to be regretting the years when Su Yuanshang studied hard in the cold window;
It seems to be lamenting his past sleepless efforts;
It also seems to be summarizing the persuasion that has gone on and on and on over the past few days.

In fact, they understood Su Yuanshang in their hearts. He was in his prime, and when his bright future came to an end, how would he spend such a long life? If it were them, it would be even more difficult for them to accept.

But at the same time, they still had a glimmer of hope.

Life is still long, why can't you cheer up?
The official path is cut off, is there no other way out if you don't become an official?

At worst, working hard at home and studying, a harmonious husband and wife, raising children, and a full house of children and grandchildren in the future, this is not in vain!

But now, this glimmer of hope is so tiny that it is nothing more than a dream.

A burst of hurried footsteps woke up the three people standing silently in the room.

The steward of the mansion came in a hurry, "Old Master, Old Madam, Madam, Missy is here."

The combination of these titles, combined with the behavior of the steward, seems a bit weird.

But in Sujiawu in these years, it will not cause any misunderstanding.

Because the eldest lady without any additional titles is just referring to that one accurately, and the other eldest ladies should already be called elder sisters.

Mrs. Su's complexion turned slightly pale, "Isn't it here to let us move?"

This was her biggest worry these days besides worrying about her husband. She didn't even think about the unreasonableness in it, and greeted her out in fear.

Su Yanyan nodded slightly to the three of them, then said, "I want to see Uncle Yuan Shang."

Mrs. Su bit her head and said: "So that Missy can know that my husband has been quite depressed these days, drinking too much all day long, I'm afraid he will offend Missy."

Su Yuanshang's mother on the side also echoed: "Missy is a body of a thousand gold, condescending to come here, I'm afraid Yuanshang can't afford it!"

Su Yanyan said lightly: "It's okay."

Now that the conversation has come to this point, everyone can't say much, so they can only lead Su Yanyan over in fear.

He not only prayed that Su Yuanshang would not offend the next Patriarch too much, but also fantasized about the miracle that Su Yanyan could cheer Su Yuanshang up.

Following the crowd towards the backyard, Su Yanyan's personal servant girl looked at her young lady's back, quite helplessly.

I heard that this person rescued him from the clan, he didn't want to serve the clan, but he was drunk all day long, that Mr. Xia came to persuade him several times before, but it was useless, why did Miss come here to ask for trouble!

This shouldn't be something that the eldest lady should worry about!
Not to mention everyone's complicated thoughts, Su Yanyan came to the backyard accompanied by the guards and Su Yuanshang's family, and smelled alcohol.

As they got closer, the smell of alcohol became stronger.

When I came to a room and opened the door, the tangy smell of alcohol came to my face accompanied by the heat from the earth dragon in the room.

"Husband, the eldest lady is here!"

Madam Su quickly stepped forward and reminded anxiously.

Su Yuanshang leaned on the couch, looked at Su Yanyan, but cupped his hands symbolically, and didn't sit up straight.

"Miss is busy with work, if you want me to move, just send a steward to notify me, and I will be powerless to resist."

"If you come to persuade me to do something else, Missy can save some effort, please go back."

When everyone heard this, their faces turned pale with fright.

Unexpectedly, Su Yanyan did not get angry, "I just came to show you an article."

(End of this chapter)

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