No matter what they were thinking, the next second their eyes fell into darkness at the same time.

I don't know how long it took, but Su Man felt the pain in her chest. She suddenly opened her eyes and met Shen Yuanyang's dark eyes.

The man lowered his head and bent over. Su Man, who had sharp and sharp facial features, could clearly see the fine hair on it. Maybe he didn't expect Su Man to wake up suddenly. Before he could put away the worry on his face, Su Man immediately backed away when he saw it. .

Wasn't this man secretly kissing her while she was unconscious?
Su Man looked at the man opposite him suspiciously.

Shen Yuanyang naturally felt the eyes falling on him. He didn't know why he didn't dare to look directly at Su Man.

Thinking that now that this woman is awake, she will be distracted by the surrounding environment.

Who knew that Su Man suddenly said, "What were you doing just now?"

Seeing that he couldn't hide, Shen Yuanyang had no choice but to answer bravely.

"You just choked on water and fainted. I'm just giving you first aid."

The corner of Su Man's mouth twitched. Can this man be more careful if he finds a reason?It was obviously a secret kiss and frivolous, so why did he need first aid?
What first aid is needed for a loved one?

The system that sensed Su Man's thoughts looked at Su Man in its exclusive space and hesitated to remind her that they were really just giving her artificial respiration.

But thinking that Su Man had blocked it before, the system remained silent again.

Shen Yuanyang raised his thick black eyebrows when he saw the expression on Su Man's face that he was lying to her.

"Otherwise? You don't think I'm secretly kissing you, do you?"

Su Man was really convinced, this man dared to do it or not!
And what does it mean to kiss him and still look disgusted?
I originally wanted to argue with him a few more words, but my eyes suddenly stopped on an altar behind Shen Yuanyang.

The pattern on the altar was very familiar to Su Man.

The formation is correct!

Although she has never studied it, it doesn't mean she doesn't know it.

After coming to this world, she saw something related to her original world for the first time, and her attention was immediately drawn to it.

Ignoring her soaked clothes, she quickly walked to the edge of the altar.

Since it was a formation, she definitely couldn't go up rashly. She carefully observed to find the fluctuations in the formation, but after circling the entire altar, she could not find the source of spiritual power for the formation.

Could it be that she thought wrong?Isn't this a formation?

When he was frowning and thinking deeply, he noticed that Shen Yuanyang suddenly walked over behind him.

"What are you looking for?" the man asked as he walked towards the steps of the altar.

Su Man was so frightened that she quickly grabbed the man's arm.

She hissed in pain because she hurt her shoulder in her anxiety.

Shen Yuanyang was suddenly pulled by the woman and turned to look at her in confusion.

"what happened?"

Su Man endured the pain and said, "Don't go there."

After saying that, she let go of her hand and looked around, not far away from where she had just woken up, she saw the luminous pearl.

She walked back, picked up the night pearl, came to Shen Yuanyang again, held the night pearl and threw it towards the altar.

It was too late for Shen Yuanyang to stop it, so forget it, just break it.

Before he could close his mouth, he saw an astonishing sight.

I saw a circle of translucent ripples with a halo suddenly appearing on the altar that was calm just now.

what is that?Shen Yuanyang's eyes widened, looking at the sight in front of him that was beyond his comprehension.

Not only was an aqua-blue translucent cover surrounding the entire altar, but the night pearl that Su Man had just thrown over melted away the moment it touched the cover, as if sulfuric acid had been poured on it.

No, even sulfuric acid would leave traces of liquid, but the night pearl seemed to disappear out of thin air.

Everything happened before his eyes. After closing his eyes for a few seconds, he opened them again, but the light mask still hadn't disappeared.

Shen Yuanyang tried his best to keep his heartbeat steady. He took a deep breath, and then exhaled heavily. After a few times, his excitement returned to his usual calmness.

He looked intensely at the calm face of the woman next to him.

"What's going on? Do you know that mask?"

Su Man nodded, but didn't explain much.

She just looked at the formation activated by Ye Mingzhu, frowned, and confirmed that there was indeed a formation here, which was not something to be happy about. Although she knew the formation, they didn't know her!
His eyes fell on the stone table at the top of the altar. The box there was probably the key to saving his son.

After asking the system and getting a definite answer, she was even more speechless.

How could a place like this appear in a mortal world without demonic energy and spiritual energy?

This formation is obviously more than a defensive formation, otherwise Ye Mingzhu would not have disappeared directly just now.She doesn't know how to break the formation, how can she get in?

When Shen Yuanyang saw Su Man nodding, he wanted to ask something but held back. Su Man obviously had no intention of explaining to him, so he wouldn't waste his time trying to make people unhappy.

"Is this thing dangerous?" he asked in a different way.

Su Man nodded again when she heard this, glanced sideways at Shen Yuanyang, and sighed.

"Hey, it's not that I didn't tell you, it's that I don't know. I only know that this is a formation. Specifically, what level of formation it is, what type it is, and I don't even know how to break the formation."

Shen Yuanyang raised a smile when he heard this. Is she explaining to herself?

This woman is not irritating all the time, she is quite good when she behaves well.

He looked at the altar for a long time, then looked around.

This is an empty cave like a cave, with an altar in the middle and a pool behind it. The two of them were washed to the edge of the pool by the current just now.

He woke up a little earlier than Su Man. After holding Su Man and sitting in a clean place, he found that the woman didn't wake up, so he could only take first aid measures quickly.

Now it seems obvious that the cave is somewhere under the sea.

Putting aside the formation the woman just mentioned, he was not interested in what was inside the mask. He came here to find an exit. The altar in the mask was clearly visible, and it didn't look like there was an exit.

Shen Yuanyang gave up the formation, but Su Man still observed the light mask and recalled whether similar formations had appeared in her memory.

It's a pity that she didn't think about whether she had seen it before because her head hurt.

He scratched his head in frustration, then looked back to see that Shen Yuanyang had reached the position opposite the altar at some point.

As Su Man walked towards him, she asked the system in her mind.

"If I can't break the formation, I can't get in. How can I save people? By the way, how long do we have left?"

[Host, the system doesn’t understand the formation either, and there are still 5 hours left. 】

Su Man had basically understood the concept of time in the past few days, and she was relieved to hear that there were still five hours left.

"Then there's no way to break the formation?"

[It’s not like there’s no way. 】

"You can tell me! Are you hesitating there because you want to negotiate terms with me?"

[Of course not, host. The only way the system can think of is for you to restore your memory. After restoring your memory, you can easily handle this formation yourself. 】

"What are you talking about? Recovering memory? Have I lost my memory? Are you stupid? I didn't lie to that man when I lost my memory. Don't you know how I came to this world?"

The system was silent again, it had forgotten that the current host did not know that it had lost its memory.

When Su Man saw that the system was silent, she didn't ask any more questions. At this time, she had already walked to Shen Yuanyang and looked for the exit with him.

Unfortunately, after an hour, the two returned without success.

Return to the altar.

"What should we do now?" Su Man couldn't think of a solution and could only look at Shen Yuanyang.

Shen Yuanyang thought for a while, walked back to the edge of the pool, squatted down, and saw that there were indeed many stones on the edge of the pool and in the pool, so he waved to Su Man.

"No matter what the formation you are talking about is, it consumes energy if it wants to work, so let's see how long this energy can last."

Su Man didn't understand or not, but when she saw Shen Yuanyang picking up stones, she guessed Shen Yuanyang's intention with a flash of her eyes.

Just because she guessed it, the corners of her mouth twitched slightly.

Is this man kidding?

A stone-throwing formation?

Wouldn't it be embarrassing if someone you knew saw me doing something like this?

I guess my friends and relatives thought there was something wrong with my brain.

She looked at the man with sympathy in her eyes, opened her mouth and wanted to forget it, there was no way the stone could break the formation, it was all in vain.But after watching Shen Yuanyang for a while, he had already used the clothes he took off to transport a lot of stones to the edge of the formation.

After all, she didn't say anything offensive. Instead, she gritted her teeth and glared at the man's back. She also knelt down to help pick up the stones.

The two of them quickly transported a lot of stones together.

"Let's do this for now, come here and give it a try." Shen Yuanyang said and stopped, called Su Man and started trying.

Throwing the stone over, the light shield showed a layer of aqua ripples just like before, and then the stone melted away.

Shen Yuanyang was not discouraged, not even showing a trace of expression on his tough face.

He picked up the stone and continued throwing it.

When Su Man wanted to be with him, Shen Yuanyang suddenly reached out and pulled Su Man.

"Don't stretch your arms. You sit aside and I'll do it myself."

Su Man was a little speechless as the man pushed her aside and sat down.

Should she thank this man for his thoughtfulness?
After Shen Yuanyang took care of Su Man, he continued to throw stones. When the stone was about to fall to the bottom, the aqua blue halo finally changed.

"Am I right? Is the color a little lighter than before?" Shen Yuanyang turned around and asked Su Man.

Su Man was in a daze when she heard Shen Yuanyang's words and looked towards the formation.

Shen Yuanyang quickly threw another piece over.

This time Su Man saw the aqua-blue halo, and she stared at the formation, which was indeed much lighter, and fell into self-doubt.

Can stones break the formation?

is it possible?

Is this world too fantasy or is her memory confused?

"Is it lighter than before?" Shen Yuanyang asked again.

Su Man didn't stay in a daze after hearing this. She stood up a little excitedly and walked to Shen Yuanyang and nodded.

"It's really faded. I'll help you to make it faster."

She said and knelt down again and picked up a stone.

Shen Yuanyang snatched it away.

"Listen to the doctor."

The second time he pushed Su Man aside and asked her to sit and rest.

Because the results have been achieved, even though they are minimal, there is finally some hope.

Shen Yuanyang then moved and threw stones, and was very busy.

Su Man felt bored at first, but then she unknowingly bent her legs, wrapped her arms around her legs, rested her chin on her knees, and just looked at Shen Yuanyang who was busy and serious.

This man was actually not as unbearable as she thought.

Is there something attractive about working seriously?

Su Man was stunned for a moment when she realized what she was thinking, and quickly shook her head to clear her mind.

This man is a scumbag!
How could she be deceived by the little advantages he showed.

There is a wife and a son at home, but they dare to have an outer room outside!

In their demon world, it doesn't matter how many Taoist companions a man or a woman has, but her father and mother have set an example for her. Love is a matter for two people, and no third person can be allowed to interfere. One person's heart is only so big, and it has already lived. If you lose one person, how can there be room for others!
What can be distinguished is not a big heart, but a lack of love.

Even though she has never loved before, she understands this truth deeply.

But the man in front of him has himself and a son, but he is still playing around with women, so no matter how good he behaves, he can't hide the fact that he is a scumbag!
Don't think she doesn't know that this world is monogamous!
Having an extramarital affair is called cheating in this world, and an extramarital affair is like a mistress, who is spurned and looked down upon by others.

Just when Su Man was wandering in the sky and not knowing where her thoughts were flying, the altar suddenly shone brightly, and the dazzling aqua-blue light suddenly became countless times as bright as before, and disappeared in a flash.

Su Man's eyes were dazzled by the light, and she came to her senses. She looked up and found that the formation mask had disappeared.

This,,, actually allowed him to do it?
When she goes back and tells people, no one will believe her!

Ordinary stones with no offensive power can actually break the formation!

Seeing that Shen Yuanyang broke the formation and was about to walk towards the altar, Su Man quickly spoke up to stop him.

"Wait a minute. I don't know if there is any formation ahead. You can try it with a stone."

Shen Yuanyang paused as he stepped out, and his eyebrows arched on his face with his back to Su Man.

This woman was caring about him, which made people feel inexplicably happy.

The moment he turned back, he had already put away his smile.

"Okay." He replied lightly to Su Man. He walked back and bent down to pick up a few smaller stones, and then continued to throw them towards the altar.

Every time he threw a piece, he walked a few steps forward, walked to the place where the stone fell, and then continued to throw it forward.

Soon, Shen Yuanyang walked to the stone table in the middle of the altar.

Su Man also followed at this time.

With a delighted smile on her face, she reached out to get the wooden box on the table.

Shen Yuanyang reached out and held her hand.

Su Man frowned and looked at him. Shen Yuanyang did not reprimand this time, but explained to her in a soft voice.

"I don't know if there is any danger here. Have you forgotten what you just said so quickly? Wait for me to try first."

He didn't let go of Su Man's hand, but used his other hand to hold stones and throw them towards the box.

The stone hit the wooden box without any obstruction, then bounced up and fell onto the stone table.

Both of them breathed a sigh of relief at the same time.

Only then did Su Man reach out for the wooden box with confidence. After picking up the wooden box with one hand, she realized that Shen Yuanyang was still holding her hand.

She struggled slightly, and Shen Yuanyang let go of her hand as if he had just discovered it.

Su Man raised her eyes and glanced at him. She didn't hesitate. She spent a long time just for this antidote. She was quite curious about what was in the wooden box, was it an antidote?

It seemed wrong to think that such a place was just for hiding an antidote pill, but she didn't think too much because she was anxious.

The moment the wooden box was opened, a black insect rushed out of the wooden box. The speed was so fast that Su Man didn't take any precautions. She only felt a pain on her wrist. The black insect had already penetrated along the bite wound. The body disappeared.

When Su Man opened the wooden box, Shen Yuanyang felt a black shadow flash before his eyes. It really flashed by, so fast that he could only see an afterimage with his naked eyes.

He frowned, thinking that he was dazzled, and his eyes fell on the wooden box. The wooden box was as big as a palm and contained only one pill that exuded a burst of fragrance.

It tastes good, but is it a pill?
Shen Yuanyang was a little speechless. He thought there would be something like a treasure map inside.



"Put it away first."

After Shen Yuanyang finished speaking, he noticed that Su Man was motionless, and then he realized something was wrong.

"what happened?"

Looking back at Su Man, she saw that her face was pale and her lips were actually a little dark.

Shen Yuanyang was anxious.

"What's the matter? Talk!"

Su Man still kept her movements motionless.

Shen Yuanyang stared closely at Su Man's eyes. He remembered that Su Man could only move her eyes last time, and he thought it would be the same this time.

"Are you having a relapse? If so, just blink."

It's a pity that Su Man still didn't react at all. It would be fine if she fainted, but Su Man clearly had her eyes open at this moment.

Shen Yuanyang felt like he was going crazy.

He saw that Su Man's lips were darker than before, and he broke into a cold sweat.

Telling himself to be steady at this time and not to rush, he carefully observed Su Man's expression, and then found that Su Man's eyes were looking at the wooden box in her hand.

Shen Yuanyang turned his head and looked at the wooden box again. The moment he looked at it, his peripheral vision finally caught two drops of blood that had not yet dried up on Su Man's wrist.

It's the last day~
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Finally, I wish all my babies a happy holiday in advance~

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