Chapter 174
After sending Lan Qimei away, Xu Jichang thought about the mountain goods business, and wondered if he could consider expanding the scale.

Of course, he knows that expanding the scale is not a one-sentence matter. As the business gradually grows, channel issues will be put on the agenda.

At present, his channel is mainly Zhou Qing, but if he continues to grow, he must have more channels.

The power system that Zhou Qing belongs to is rich and powerful, and can eat the entire Lianhua Township, plus the mountain goods from Heixiazi's village.

But what if it's bigger?Relying on only one power system, can it still be able to eat by then?
This is a question that you must think about before expanding your business.

Xu Jichang thought seriously.

Before he knew it, he and Lan Qimei stood up together and walked outside the house.

I saw that in the yard outside the house, most of the snow had melted away, leaving only some in the corner still remaining.

Lan Qimei pointed to the black soil exposed beside the hardened road, and excitedly proposed her idea to Xu Jichang: "I want to plant two fruit trees in the yard, and we will eat together when the fruits are ripe."

Xu Jichang agreed with her suggestion: "It's too slow to grow four apricots and five pears by yourself. You can transplant two trees directly from outside."

"You can eat it directly in autumn."

"You're right, but it costs a lot of money to buy a grown tree."

"Thirty should be enough."

Xu Jichang said, took out two big unity cards from his pocket, and two five-yuan ones, and handed them to Lan Qimei, "I'll make up for you if you don't have enough, and keep the extra for yourself, and buy some makeup, powder, cream or something."

"How can I do that, I have to give you back the extra."

With her hands behind her back, Lan Qimei hurriedly shook her head and said that she was embarrassed to accept Xu Jichang's money.

Xu Jichang stretched out his arm, took her hand, and forced the money into her hand: "Just take it."

"Remember to buy two trees with better quality."


After explaining to Lan Qimei, Xu Jichang rode his bicycle to work, feeling the oncoming spring breeze along the way.

At this time, Teacher Zhongxiang's rich and powerful voice appeared in his mind involuntarily.

Spring is here, everything is recovering, and it's time for the little animals again...

cough cough...

What are you thinking about if you leave this alone?

Xu Jichang forced himself to put an end to the wild thoughts in his mind, and concentrated on riding his bicycle to work, and parked the bicycle in the carport and locked it.

"Chief Xu, are you coming to work?"

Only two steps away, he saw an aunt from the factory trade union waving to him enthusiastically.

Xu Jichang was a little puzzled, but he still responded: "Why, what's the matter?"

The other party didn't know him very well, but they were so enthusiastic when they met today, what's the matter?

Xu Jichang guessed uncertainly.

At this moment, the aunt walked over quickly and explained the reason to him: "That's right, Section Chief Xu, our factory is currently organizing a sorority meeting for young men and women workers."

"I see that you are young, promising, and single. Shouldn't you think about your personal issues?"

Hey, it turned out to be for this matter.

After hearing this, Xu Jichang smiled and declined: "Thank you and the factory for your concern about my personal problems. I haven't considered this aspect yet."

"I still want to focus more on work."

These days, public offices are full of enthusiastic aunts who take pride in matching young men and women for marriage.

The unit itself will also organize a sorority to provide opportunities for young men and women to meet each other.

Xu Jichang didn't get involved with this, after all, all the female employees who participated in the fraternity club had marriage as their ultimate goal, so it's easy to get into trouble when doing sex.

But my aunt felt a little unclear about his attitude: "There is no conflict between work and major life events. After solving major life events, there is no need to worry about work."

"No, no, I think it's too early for me to think about it."

"This time, I'm really bothering you. You came here to ask me."

Xu Jichang hurriedly shook his head, turned around and fled away after speaking, leaving the aunt standing in the same place continuing to be puzzled.

These days, most young men will get married and have children in a hurry after finishing their jobs.

However, this young and promising Section Chief Xu behaved differently from everyone else.

It's really weird...

The aunt murmured in her heart.

When he arrived at the office of the security office, Xu Jichang asked Li Wansi to make himself a pot of tea, lay comfortably on the armchair, read the documents for a while, and after finishing the documents, he assigned Li Wansi several material tasks according to the requirements of the superiors in the documents.

Du Xiaojing went to visit her father, so all the current materials were handed over to Li Wansi.

After Xu Jichang explained to Li Wansi, he got up according to the usual practice and went to inspect the various guard posts of the Heavy Security Division.

Compared with the beginning, the heavy health department needs a lot more guards.

In addition to the configuration workshop and technical data storage room, facilities such as the canteen and warehouse of the logistics department of the factory have also been added...

Xu Jichang's inspection time also increased many times accordingly.

It wasn't until the sun was high that he ended his patrol and returned to the office from the outside.

But fortunately, nothing happened at each sentry position.

Peace and security is a blessing, if every day is as calm as today, it would be great.

When Xu Jichang sat on the armchair, he closed his eyes and thought comfortably.

In the end, within half a minute of relaxing, there was a hurried footsteps outside: "Mr. Xu, something happened in the configuration workshop."

Xu Jichang suddenly stood up from his chair: "What's the matter? Explain clearly."

"There was a woman crying over there, disrupting the production order."

The security officer said with a embarrassed look, "None of us can persuade her, so I hope you can go over and deal with it..."

Xu Jichang frowned: "You can't even handle a woman, what are you doing?"

"I'm sorry for the leader, the main... is that the woman is in a special situation."

The security officer said with shame on his face, "Her husband died at work, so it's not easy for us to deal with it..."

"Be more specific about the situation."

Xu Jichang's expression became even uglier after hearing this.

It is a difficult situation for all units to cause trouble.Because the family has indeed suffered huge losses, even if the means of asserting their rights and interests are more violent, the unit can only focus on being soft, and it is not easy to use strong means to deal with it.

"It's such a leader. Her man used to be a temporary worker in the configuration workshop. Later, he encountered a production accident and disappeared. You haven't come here at that time..."

On the way to the scene of the incident, the security officer introduced Xu Jichang as quickly as possible.

Xu Jichang did not speak, and listened carefully to what his subordinates said.

The woman who made the trouble was Qiu Yuechan. Her husband died in a production accident two years ago, and the factory compensated her family a sum of money according to regulations.

But Qiuyuechan's family was really in a difficult situation, and the money was not enough, so she asked for the top job.

The production department did not agree to her request, so disputes arose between those who came and went, and the two sides were at a stalemate.

Qiu Yuechan would come to the factory to cry twice from time to time, and the production office usually gave some money to settle things down.

The problem this time was that the production department didn't want to give the money anymore, so Qiu Yuechan just stayed and refused to leave, which affected the production work of the configuration workshop.

It turned out to be the case.

After hearing the whole story, Xu Jichang nodded solemnly: "I understand, this matter is indeed quite special."

After a while, Xu Jichang and the security officer arrived near the configuration workshop, and saw a large group of people gathered at the entrance and exit of the workshop, accompanied by discussions.

Xu Ji often yelled: "Go, go, do what you need to do."

"One by one, what are you doing around here?"

Of course, he didn't expect the crowd to disperse because of this, as long as they don't continue to block it like this.

The crowd turned their heads when they heard his voice.

"Hey, Section Chief Xu is here, everyone give way."

"It's sad to talk about Yuechan. I wonder if Section Chief Xu can solve it for her?"

"It's hard to say, it's not a trivial matter to take the top job, not to mention that the security department has no control over the production department."

The employees talked with each other one by one, and automatically made way for a passage.

Xu Jichang saw Qiu Yuechan, the person involved this time, from the passageway that was made out of the way of the crowd.

Unlike what he imagined, Qiu Yuechan was not lying on the ground and rolling around, but was kneeling quietly on the ground. Apart from the occasional sobs and raising her hands to wipe away her tears, there was no other movement.

The only shocking thing was her white filial piety dress, and a line of bright red characters on it: "I beg the leader, give me a way out."


Seeing this scene, Xu Ji touched his forehead with his hand.

I'm not afraid of those who make a lot of noise, but those who don't say anything.

Especially women, when they are in this state, their determination is often so strong that ten cows can't pull it back.

Xu Jichang thought of this, shook his head slightly, and walked up quickly.

Beside Qiu Yuechan, several security officers who were trying to persuade him saw him and came forward to welcome him.

"I'm sorry Section Chief Xu, we failed to do a good job, so we have to trouble you to come here in person."

A veteran security officer led the apology.

Xu Jichang waved his hands to show that it was all right, and led them to Qiu Yuechan.

"This lesbian, what do you want to report?"

Xu Jichang had already heard the ins and outs from his subordinates, but he still knelt down in front of Qiu Yuechan and asked him patiently.

Qiu Yuechan still lowered her head: "You are the leader, right?"

"I'm the leader, tell me."

Xu Jichang nodded.

He knows that when many people report a situation, they are only willing to communicate with their leaders because they think that is more effective.

"My name is Qiu Yuechan, my man, he... woo woo woo..."

Qiu Yuechan raised her head, reported her family background to Xu Jichang, and burst into tears before saying a word.

Looking up, Xu Jichang could see her face clearly.

Her skin is as white as cream, and her appearance is as beautiful as a fairy. She is really a great beauty.

Coupled with the sadness between the eyebrows and eyes, it really added a bit of fatal attraction to her.

No wonder there are so many people watching...

Now in her body, I can be regarded as understanding what a widow is pretty and filial.

While persuading Qiu Yuechan not to cry, Xu Jichang thought to himself.

Under his persuasion, Qiu Yuechan's crying gradually slowed down, and she began to talk intermittently about her husband.

The situation is similar to what the security officer said before. Her husband died in a production accident, and her family conditions are difficult.

Xu Jichang listened silently, and finally spoke sympathetically,

"I heard everything you said. Indeed, your situation is very special, and it deserves our serious treatment and resolution."

"Now please stand up first, let's find a place to sit and discuss how to solve this matter together."

Qiu Yuechan couldn't believe it, and her beautiful eyes widened: she also met other leaders in the factory during the two years of reporting the situation.

The others are very impatient with her, let alone willing to find a place to sit together and discuss issues.

Now that Xu Jichang showed such an attitude, it was beyond her expectation.

"Let's go, if you don't say anything, I will take it as your agreement."

Xu Jichang stood up first and said.

"Woooo...thank you, leader."

Qiu Yuechan sobbed softly, then knelt down and stood up, and walked forward with Xu Jichang.

Behind the two, came the sighs of employees.

"Section Chief Xu is really a leader who is willing to do things. When other people encounter this kind of thing, who doesn't hide away?"

"Isn't that right? If you become a section chief at a young age, you must be outstanding."

"I hope Qiu Yuechan's problem can be solved! We are also very sad to see it."

The workers whispered to each other and dispersed after a while.

In the factory area, Xu Jichang led Qiu Yuechan for a long walk, and finally entered the meeting room of the security department.

"Sit down and talk."

Xu Jichang pointed to the chair and said, made himself and Qiu Yuechan each a cup of tea, and sat down first.

Qiu Yuechan was a little timid, she didn't dare to sit down until he sat down.

"Your core appeal is to get the top job, right?"

When she sat down, Xu Jichang asked straight to the point.

"Hmm, yes."

Qiu Yuechan sobbed and said, "Our family is very difficult, and my mother-in-law and I both have rural household registrations. If we can't hold the post, we can only return to the production team."

Oh...that's how it is.

After hearing what Qiu Yuechan said, Xu Jichang understood the reason for her appeal.

Not only are the living conditions in the countryside harder than in the city, but the two women are also vulnerable to being bullied if they stay in the village.

Not to mention that their family does not have a strong labor force at present, and once they return home, they will not be able to earn work points, and there is a high probability that they will not have enough food to eat.

Xu Jichang wondered if he should do something for Qiu Yuechan.

Not only out of sympathy, um, but also because of her pretty face...

"Wipe your eyes first."

Xu Jichang said unhurriedly, "Let me think about it, how to deal with your situation according to the regulations is more appropriate."

"Well...thank you, leader."

Qiu Yuechan wiped away the tears from her beautiful eyes with the sleeves of her mourning clothes, fixed her gaze on Xu Jichang, and regarded him as the hope of life.

(End of this chapter)

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