Age: Passionate youth, starting from graduation assignment

Chapter 124 Zhu Wei, relieve Luo Shang lightly

Chapter 124 Zhu Wei, relieve Luo Shang lightly

She is quite courageous among girls, but she has never seen such a beast up close.

Going to the zoo as a kid doesn't count.Those ferocious beasts in the zoo were lazily looking for a corner to lie on their stomachs, without any energy, how could they compare with the wild wolves and blind bears that Xu Jichang beat today.

Xu Jichang saw Du Xiaojing's fear, so he pointed to the kitchen,

"Don't panic, I've already killed you."

"Go and boil water, as much as you can burn."

" are not injured, are you?"

Du Xiaojing said with concern while obeying.

"It's okay, I have a gun in my hand."

"Okay, it's good that you're fine."

Du Xiaojing was relieved, turned around and ran into the kitchen, filled the kettle with water and put it on the stove.

Boiling water is the task Du Xiaojing is most willing to take on now, because in this way he can avoid the two terrifying beasts in the yard.

In the yard, Xu Jichang drew out his dagger and began to deal with the wolf's fur.

When skinning any animal, the whole thing is important. Xu Jichang started from the wolf's belly, inserted the short knife in, and pulled it upside down, exposing the yellow-white layer of fat under the skin.

At this point, Xu Jichang put down the knife, inserted his hand between the fur and the fat layer, and slowly pulled the wolf fur to the sides with his fingers.

The strength is too weak, the connection between the animal's fur and the body is very tight, and it takes strength in the hand to pull it apart.

I don't believe the speed is too fast, it's easy to hurt the skin like that.

Especially when you first start picking the more fragile abdominal fur, you must be careful with your hands.

Just like this, Xu Jichang slowly peeled the wolf's skin out, just looking at the action, it was like peeling off the skin.

During the whole process, he tried to hold his breath as much as possible.

The smell of wild animals was so strong that even he, an old hunter, couldn't stand it.

When Xu Jichang peeled off the wolf skin intact, Du Xiaojing also finished boiling water, and came to him with two thermos bottles.

"Rinse the leather."

Xu Jichang took a bottle of hot water from Du Xiaojing and rinsed the lower part of the wolf skin.

Like him, Du Xiaojing washed the upper part of the wolf skin with boiling water.

This is a very important step. Its function is to wash off the residual fat and blood stains on the wolf skin, so as to prevent insects from growing behind.

After rinsing, Xu Jichang picked up the knife again and scraped off all the unwashed fat and blood clots on the inside of the leather.

At this point, a fresh and clean wolf skin was born in his hands.

Wide, strong and finished, this is definitely the perfect fur.

"so big."

Du Xiaojing looked at the wolf fur that Xu Jichang hung up to dry, and muttered to himself.

At first, she was suffocated by the smell of the wild wolf, but now that the smell has dissipated after several times of rinsing with boiling water, she regained consciousness and paid attention to the condition of the skin.

"What is this? The bear skin will be bigger later."

Xu Jichang said.

"Let's eat first? Let's deal with the bear skin later?"

When Du Xiaojing thought that Xu Jichang would definitely not be able to eat properly when he was hunting in the mountains, he thought of quickly making some delicious supplements for him.

Xu Jichang thought for a while and agreed: "It's fine, don't rush this moment."

After a while, Du Xiaojing brought freshly baked meals and put them on the dining table in the living room. There were three dishes in total, two meat and one vegetarian.

Xu Jichang could see that this was the weight of two people.

"Didn't you eat lunch?"

He put a piece of braised pork in the middle of the bowl.

"I didn't eat. I want to have lunch with you at noon today. I have been waiting until now when you didn't come back."

Du Xiaojing took two mouthfuls of rice, looked at Xu Jichang with clear eyes and said.

Xu Jichang felt a warm feeling in his heart, and gave her two pieces of braised pork: "Then you must be starving. Come, eat more."

Some people are looking forward to returning home by themselves, which is a very happy thing for anyone.

After eating, the two returned to the yard, still following the previous division of labor, Du Xiaojing boiled water, Xu Jichang was in charge of skinning.

This time it was the bear skin, which far surpassed the wild wolf skin just now in terms of size and preciousness.

Xu Jichang was also more prudent and careful when picking the skin, spending far more energy than just now.

Finally, when he was so busy until the sun was about to set, he peeled off a bear skin completely.

The wolf meat and bear meat were also chopped into pieces by him, and the four bear paws were cut off completely and put into the basin.

In order to prevent the birds from stealing food, he and Du Xiaojing moved all the chopped wolf and bear meat into the house.

Du Xiaojing bustled beside him, boiling water and rinsing the skins non-stop. By the time the moving was over, there was already a thin layer of sweat on his forehead.

"Is this the bear skin?"

Seeing Xu Jichang's huge skin drying in the yard, she gasped, "I can't imagine how you knocked down such a big bear when you were on the mountain..."

"Hitting a bear requires a bit of technique, and speed, accuracy, and ruthlessness are indispensable."

Xu Jichang chuckled and said, "Burn some more hot water, let's take a bath after eating."



The hot water in the kitchen boiled, and bursts of steam came out of the spout of the kettle, making continuous noises.

Du Xiaojing, who had just finished dinner, walked quickly to the kitchen, poured all the boiling water into a thermos bottle, and carried it to the bathroom in front of his house, while Xu Jichang stayed in the room, using a knife to saw the nails on the bear's paw, so as not to be disturbed later. Be careful to scratch people.

At this time, the gate of the nearby yard was pushed open, and it was Zhu Chen who came home.

Today is the weekend, but as the newly appointed head of the art troupe, she still went to the practice room to train by herself, and even guided two girls who also came to train on the weekend.

"Xiaojing, have you seen Jichang come back?"

As soon as he entered the door, Zhu Chen became concerned about Xu Jichang's situation.

Ever since she heard Xu Jichang talk about hunting in the mountains in the morning, she has always remembered him in her heart.

"I'm back, busy in his own room. What do you want from him?"

Du Xiaojing stopped, and answered with a hot water bottle.

"Oh, is he okay?"

"Don't worry, he hasn't hurt a single hair. By the way, he told you to go hunting this morning?"

"Yes, I met him riding out this morning, and he told me. Are you going to take a bath now?"

Hearing that Xu Jichang was fine, Zhu Chen finally let go of his hanging heart, stretched out his hand to brush his hair wet with fragrant sweat, and asked Du Xiaojing who was standing in front of the bathroom door.

"Yeah, I just finished boiling the water. If you need it, you can wash it with me."

"Really? Thank you then, I'll boil the water first."

Feeling overjoyed, Zhu Chen walked to his room, intending to take out the stove and light a fire in the courtyard.

After a while, she also boiled two bottles of hot water, and she waited for Du Xiaojing to wash herself.

At this time, Xu Jichang was the first to enter the bathroom with clothes and towels. After washing, it was Du Xiaojing's turn.

When Du Xiaojing came out after washing, it was Zhu Chen.

Zhu Chen moved his bathtub into the bathroom through the wooden door on the side of the yard, and went back to bring a thermos bottle. He first put cold water in the bathtub, and then poured hot water into it.

In the steamy bathroom, Zhu Chen took off his coat first, then lightly untied Luo Shang, stretched his hand into the basin, and tested the water temperature.

Not hot or cold, just right.

Zhu Chen stepped into the bathtub with one beautiful leg first, and then stepped in with the other leg.

Picking up a handful of hot water and pouring it on his chest, Zhu Chen felt extremely comfortable.

It’s great to have a bathroom. You can take a shower whenever you want.You don't have to rely on the bath ticket issued by your unit to go to the bathhouse once a month like other people.


After taking a shower, Zhu Chen put on thin clothes, intending to open the door leading to the side of the yard, and go back to his room directly.

But when she thought about it again, she felt that it was already dark now, and the temperature outside had dropped, and it was easy to get sick if the cold and the heat were hedged.

Why don't you say hello first and go out from Du Xiaojing's room?
Anyway, we are all girls, and we won't be embarrassed when we see each other out of the bath.

Zhu Chen thought to himself, reached out and knocked on the door leading to the side of Du Xiaojing's bedroom: "Xiaojing, I want to go out from your bedroom, is it convenient for you?"

"Come on. If you are not in a hurry to go back to the house, let's talk together."

Du Xiaojing's response came from the room.


Zhu Chen felt relieved and quickly dried his hair with a towel to prevent water from dripping onto the floor later.


Zhu Chen pushed open the bathroom door, walked through the bedroom to the living room of Du Xiaojing's house, and found that Xu Jichang, who had just taken a shower, was also here, wearing home clothes, sitting on a chair talking to Du Xiaojing.

This was a bit beyond her expectation, she thought that Du Xiaojing was the only one in the room, and Xu Jichang had already finished washing, so he would come out wearing thin clothes.

As a result, Xu Jichang didn't leave, which made the frivolous Zhu Chen feel very embarrassed, and his face quickly turned red.

At this moment, Du Xiaojing sensed Zhu Chen's strangeness, stood up and wanted to go back to the bedroom to get her some thicker clothes to put on.

"No need, Xiaojing."

Zhu Chen said hastily, after sneaking a second glance to confirm that Xu Jichang was as unscathed as Du Xiaojing said, he never dared to look him in the face again.

Moreover, there was a throbbing in her heart, feeling that Xu Jichang seemed to pay more attention to herself today than usual.

Zhu Chen's feeling is not wrong, Xu Jichang did look at her twice more today than before.

She was born very dignified and beautiful, and now she has just taken a shower, the flush on her face caused by the heat is in stark contrast to the white and delicate skin on her chest, which makes people have to look at her.

As for her three-thousand black hair that is still slightly damp, and her body that is only wearing thin clothes, it is even more charming.

With a beating heart, Zhu Chen went back to his room, changed his clothes and went out, walking towards Du Xiaojing.

I just agreed to talk to her here, if I don't come, it will seem deliberate.

Well, what is Xu Jichang drying in that yard?
When passing through the middle of the yard here, Zhu Chen noticed two wild animal skins drying in the side yard.

She didn't notice it when she came home just now because of the angle, but now she saw it and was surprised.

Either of these two leather sheets is bigger than a human bed.Especially the big one, it feels as big as the roof of my bedroom.

What kind of animal skin is this?

Looking at the wet animal skin, Zhu Chen was amazed and curious.

"Sell most of the wolf and bear meat, and share the rest with Zhu Chen."

When she entered the room, she heard Xu Jichang making assignments.

It turned out that what Xu Ji often dried in the yard was wolf and bear skins.

He is really powerful, he went hunting in the mountains, and he was able to harvest such a beast, and he was not injured at all.

Zhu Chen admired in his heart, walked into the living room and took the words: "Jichang, it's hard work for you to go hunting in the mountains, how can I have the nerve to ask for your things."

"You're welcome, we're not outsiders, so there's nothing embarrassing about taking some home to eat."


After Xu Jichang's division, Zhu Wei and Du Xiaojing each got five catties of wolf meat and five catties of bear meat.

As for the wolf meat, Xu Jichang told them to store it first and eat it when it was colder, so as to keep out the cold.

Zhu Chen and Du Xiaojing obediently agreed, and the next day they cut off two taels of bear meat and cooked it on their own stove.

When the cooked bear meat entered the mouth, Zhu Chen finally felt it with his taste buds, what is the delicacy of mountains and seas.

It is smooth but not greasy, and the meat is rich in fragrance. Zhu Chen swore that this is the meat he has eaten in this life.

At the same time, Zhu Chen imagined in his mind a picture of Xu Jichang's heroic appearance when he was hunting.

Thinking about it, she felt her heart flutter, and there were ripples in her heart that could not be calmed down...

That afternoon, when he was off work, Xu Jichang invited Zhou Qing to his home, and showed him the animal meat he had harvested, as well as the eight four-leaf ginseng he had collected.

He collected a total of nine ginsengs this time, and the five leaves that exceeded five taels would naturally not be sold, and he collected them in the space together with the six leaves he picked earlier.

What I showed Zhou Qing today were the remaining eight four leaves.

"What a beautiful ginseng, let's weigh it first."

"You can also set a price for wolf meat and bear meat. I'll see if the price is right."

Xu Jichang thought to himself, and offered a price: "Wolf meat costs [-] yuan a catty, and bear meat costs [-] yuan a catty."

It's not that he has a dark heart, it's that the truth is worth so much.


Seeing this, Zhou Qing sucked his teeth and fell into hesitation.

He originally wanted to buy it back to give benefits to the employees, but the price Xu Jichang offered was really unexpected to him.

But thinking quietly, he still agreed: "Let's weigh it, buy some good things to go back, and the workers will work harder when they work."

"It is a blessing for the comrades in the power supply station to have a leader like Director Zhou."

Xu Jichang smiled, thinking that Zhou Qing and his company are really rich and powerful.

Regardless of whether he hesitated or not, in short, he really bought it in the end.Putting it on other county-owned state-owned enterprises, even the leaders might not be able to afford it.

"The bear meat is 420 catties in total, and the wolf meat is 50 catties in total. The ginseng is 28 taels, which is the old price from last time."

"In addition, give me 500 catties of food stamps and 200 industrial coupons. Among them, 100 catties of food stamps and 80 industrial coupons are counted on ginseng."

After Xu Jichang spent a long time weighing it, he said to Zhou Qing.

"Oh, the weight is so heavy."

Zhou Qing said, "I bought all the ginseng, and the bear meat and wolf meat will be picked up by our unit's logistics staff with money and tickets."

"Okay, remember to send two more people, or you won't be able to move back."

Xu Jichang said, taking a thick stack of banknotes and vouchers from Zhou Qing.

After counting the money and tickets, he raised the corner of his mouth slightly, and asked Zhou Qing a question seemingly casually: "Director Zhou, I'm afraid you didn't just buy the ginseng for your own family this time, did you?"

Zhou Qing is very wealthy, but he doesn't have enough money to buy nearly 30 ginseng at one go. He must have bought part of it for others this time.

Since Xu Jichang was doing business, he naturally had to find out the general situation of the counterparty.

(End of this chapter)

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