Age: Passionate youth, starting from graduation assignment

Chapter 107 Su Jingshu Tossing and Turning

Chapter 107 Su Jingshu Tossing and Turning

"Success, let's talk again."

After finishing speaking, Xu Ji often ran his fingers across Su Jingshu's tender little hand.


Su Jingshu felt a numbness spread from the back of her hand all over her body, she couldn't help but hummed softly, and closed her eyes slightly.

When she opened her eyes again, there was something wrong with the way she looked at Xu Jichang, the eyes were moist and wet.

Intellectuals read a lot, but it doesn't mean they don't have emotions and desires.

Her tone of voice also became more tender: "Tell me about what happened after you went to work, I'm quite willing to listen."

"Okay, let me tell you about how I solved the fertilizer theft case after I went to work..."

Xu Jichang spoke eloquently, telling his story of solving the case very vividly, and Su Jingshu listened to it so that the whole person was immersed in it.

"You are really good. You have caught so many thieves who stole state property by yourself."

Su Jingshu sighed, "I still want to hear if there are any other stories."

Well, since she said that I want more, then tell her the story of catching the secret agent as well.

"After catching the thief, I caught the spies again, and I caught two of them. I handed over a total of two guns and a radio station..."

"Ah, to catch the spies, or to carry weapons?"

Su Jingshu said in surprise, she listened more intently, and more admiration for Xu Jichang appeared in her expression.

After Xu Jichang finished speaking, she immediately praised again and again: "In such an emergency situation, you can still think of a way to pull the switch to lure them out."

"You are really very capable."

"Then why don't you give me some water."

Xu Jichang laughed, and after speaking, he picked up the teacup and shook it gently.

Su Jingshu immediately reached out to pick up the teacup: "Mmm, that's it."

After going to the kitchen to pour water, she put the teacup back in front of Xu Jichang: "Be careful it's hot."

Xu Jichang didn't say anything, but when Su Jingshu finished putting down the teacup and turned her back to him, he stood up and stretched out a pair of arms, passing under the armpit to hug her.

"Ah, Xiao Xu, this is..."

Su Jingshu stretched out her hand, trying to break Xu Jichang's hand away, but her whole body was limp and unable to do so.

"I'll just hug for a while."

"Then, let's hug for a while then."

Su Jingshu replied with a trembling voice.

She was really ashamed to be hugged by Xu Jichang in such a posture.

At this moment, her heart was beating thumpingly, she was worried about what Xu Jichang would do in the future, but also seemed to be hiding some kind of anticipation.

In the living room, the air was unusually quiet and gradually became warmer. Xu Jichang just hugged Su Jingshu without speaking, and after a while, he really let go.


Su Jingshu didn't expect him to keep his word, so she let go. After taking a breath, she couldn't tell whether she was relaxed or lost.

As a result, when she was about to leave and sat down across the table, Xu Jichang held her hand: "Jingshu."

"What's wrong? Hey...Xiao Xu..."

Su Jingshu turned her head, and before she could see Xu Jichang's face clearly, he stretched out his arms around his waist and hugged her in his arms.

Now, the two of them are stuck together tightly.

Su Jingshu could even feel Xu Jichang's well-defined muscle lines through the sweat vest.

She wanted to stretch out her hand to push it lightly, but her hand was limp and weak, but after she stretched it out, it turned into an ambiguous movement of pressing on Xu Jichang's abdominal muscles.

"Xiao Xu... We, our age gap is so big, yes, there will be no results..."

Su Jingshu didn't dare to look directly at Xu Jichang, she put her incomparably pretty face on his chest and said.

"You're only 30, what are you afraid of?"

After Xu Jichang finished speaking, he stretched out his other big hand to her.

After a while, Su Jingshu became a little dizzy under the mischief of his big hand, and her eyes began to blur.

She had also been moved by Xu Jichang for a long time, and those words just now were just the last struggle in her own heart.

This kind of struggle is as fragile as a balloon full of water, it bursts with a light poke, and when the water inside overflows, it turns into infinite softness.

Su Jingshu just leaned on Xu Jichang's body like this, her mouth was slightly opened, as if she couldn't breathe, she put her hands on his back, she let her actions go, her mouth was still very contradictory: " are only 18, regardless of my age... I am enough to be your aunt."

"I just like a little aunt like you."

Xu Jichang said, breathing lightly on her snowy neck, "Haven't you heard that around 30 is the most beautiful age for a woman."

"You, where did you learn this from...?"

Su Jingshu's Xuejing had never been treated like this before. Under the excitement, she lost her usually ingenious and knowledgeable thinking, her hands even hugged Xu Jichang tightly, and her whole body trembled uncontrollably.


After a long time, Xu Jichang reluctantly let go of Su Jingshu, and after making an appointment with her tomorrow, he left the family home.

After returning to the hostel, Xu Jichang fetched a basin of hot water, washed his face and feet, and went to bed.

Early the next morning, he went to the appointment on time and came to Su Jingshu's house. Before leaving, he did not forget to bring the information of Du Xiaojing's father.

"You're here."

After Su Jingshu saw Xu Jichang, recalling the intimacy between the two last night, she pursed her lips and said unnaturally.

"Come and see you, and ask you something by the way."

Xu Jichang walked towards the sofa with her, and said.

"What's the matter? Tell me and see if I know."

"I want to inquire about my whereabouts."

After sitting down on the sofa, Xu Jichang took out the information written by Du Xiaojing himself and handed it to Su Jingshu.

"Are you looking for Mr. Du?"

Su Jingshu said, "I have heard some news about his whereabouts."

"I guess I'm looking. Can you give me the news?"

"Yes, but the situation I have so far is rather vague. I only know that he is in Ji Province. I will help you inquire later, and I will tell you as soon as I have the situation."

"Okay, I'll wait until you find out the result before leaving. By the way, what time did you go to bed last night?"

When Xu Jichang said this, he showed interest, and his eyes fell on Su Jingshu's face.

Su Jingshu felt shy when Xu Jichang looked at her, and it was even more difficult to say the answer to the question.

Because after Xu Jichang left last night, she felt that her heart was rippling like a lake blown by the wind.

Especially when it rained again in the middle of the night, she felt that the sound of the dripping rain outside the window was like falling on the tip of her heart, tickling her.

Every time she closes her eyes, she will think back to the scene with Xu Jichang before, she really tosses and turns.

After finally falling asleep in the early hours of the morning, she dreamed of Xu Jichang again.

When she woke up from the dream, she felt a strange feeling all over her body, and she couldn't hold anything in her heart except Xu Jichang.

(End of this chapter)

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