Lawyer Luo’s live broadcast of popularization of the law, are you acting as a joke player?

Chapter 148 Lawyer Luo Traffic Accident?No!That is the crime of intentional rape!

Chapter 148 Lawyer Luo Traffic Accident?No!That is the crime of intentional rape!

【Extrajudicial lunatic Zhang San Pufa live broadcast room】

Luo Kai under the camera took a deep breath.

The computer next to him found several pictures of the injured:

The facial features are gone!
See you!

That was shocking, and I couldn't bear to watch it any longer.

Got caught under the car and was dragged for nearly 1 kilometer!
1 kilometers!
one kilometer! !
What is this concept?
It is estimated that the legendary 18-story hell torture is like this.

After doing something like driving drunk and hitting someone, if this woman said she didn't know what she was doing, it must be a lie!

but! !She still does it!
Through some details of the video, it is possible to discover the viciousness of the female suspect:

For example, if the female driver is on the phone, it can be inferred that she must know that there is another person hanging under her car!

For example, after such a big event, she seemed to be holding a phone to call her husband!
His husband still said it was all right? ? ! ! !
Excuse me! ?
You don't care if the face and facial features of the whole person are almost worn out, and the injury without an inch of good skin on the whole body is all right?
Although the sound is very small!

But it was captured in the video by the netizens present, and it can still be heard indistinctly.

Sure enough, things cluster together, and people are divided into groups!
Another example is that after being stopped, he can still take off the famous watch on his wrist with a calm face and no guilt.

Shouldn't normal people cry and collapse when they bump into people?

Because this is about to mean the ruin of the family!

Even if it wasn't for the fear and guilt of seeing bloody people of the same kind being hurt to such an extent.

Even if you think about the situation where you are about to be compensated and go bankrupt, you have to panic, and you have to be afraid to panic, okay!

The man is unmoved.

Hit someone after drunk driving.

Hit and run?
Does it matter after being stopped?
Knowing that it is illegal, but still insisting on doing it is outrageous, okay?
Luo Kai quickly tapped the table with his fingers.

Through the barrage of netizens...

He also indirectly knew the professional identity of the suspect.

"The suspect is a doctor, she should know how much harm this kind of behavior will cause to the victim, right?

Don't you have the most basic empathy and emotional fluctuations as a human being?This is outrageous?

Or is it that you are so used to seeing life and death that you are numb, and have become so indifferent to life? "

Luo Kai pressed his chug-chug temple with his hand, and his blood pressure was instantly raised by several points.

The behavior of this hit-and-runner is almost the same as the behavior of knowing the law and breaking the law in the lawyer industry.

They are all serious crimes.

Legally it is an aggravating circumstance.

The inquiry process of the computer on the table next to Luo Kai about the incident was heard by the help-seeker along with the video call.

This time, the seeker once again heard that his mother was treated like Ling Chi to death!
But the whole person is still trembling with anger!
Heart like a knife.


When she thought of the mother who was sleeping in the intensive care unit without an inch of good skin and was relying on various first aid equipment to maintain her life, she almost left her because of this, and her teeth itched with hatred.

"Lawyer Luo, help us poor people, can you give me some advice or popularize some knowledge about legal fees?
In order to save my mother, I have collected more than 40 yuan from my family, and my relatives and friends have borrowed nearly 30 yuan. Now my whole family really can’t come up with any more money!

If I take medical insurance, according to the hospital's regulations, my mother can only be reimbursed after she gets good medical treatment and is discharged from the hospital. Now the string is really tense, and it is almost broken! "

"I can't make any money myself, even if I sell me now, I can't get any money!"

The girl said this with sadness from her heart.

Now the money in the house is empty.

All of them were handed over to the hospital for medical expenses.

Among other things, even the various survival equipment equipped in the intensive care unit cost more than 5000 per day.

In addition, there are precious medicines, and the skin of the whole body has been destroyed...

The wound of this kind of wound has reached the limit of the human body.

A change of medicine is basically tens of thousands of yuan.

And it takes a few hours to change the medicine!

After spending so much, the real money can no longer come out.

You ask the other party's insurance company to bear it?

Isn't it reasonable to buy corresponding insurance as a luxury car?

Insurance companies also have to go through the process.

Generally, no advance payment will be made!

Therefore, in the early stage of medical treatment, it is generally covered by their own savings.

After the treatment is over, the total medical expenses and various expenses are calculated, and the insurance company will compensate later.

The family's finances are reaching their limits.

Luo Kai was silent for a moment.

So he comforted the help-seeker through a video call: "How about this, little girl, don't panic, don't cry, I have already learned about your mother's situation.

All that needs to be done now is to raise medical expenses and subsequent litigation expenses! "

"For medical expenses, you can initiate personal crowdfunding. I will post your situation on my personal social media account to help you promote it."

"As for the lawyer's fee, I'll take this case! I will fight this lawsuit for your family for free, so don't go to any other lawyer.

Look at this, after the live broadcast is over, you can leave me a phone number, it would be even better if it is your father's phone number, and we will talk about specific details on the phone later. "

Luo Kai is a kind-hearted person.

Faced with such a tragic family situation for a little girl.

Although he accepted the case, he couldn't bear to charge any more fees.

The one who litigated for free, anyway, he didn't sue for free once or twice.

Looking at all the cases that Luo Kai has ever accepted, it can be seen that he only draws swords on the strong!

For the weak, he has an unparalleled compassion.

Although Luo Kai always said that this is the empathy and sympathy that ordinary people will burst out when facing things.

He was just an ordinary person who did what ordinary people should do.

As for the nickname given to him by the netizens, and the desire to praise him...

Luo Kai pushed it straight away.

Don't install any tags for me.

If you insist on labeling someone Luo as a saint, then it would be better to label me a stick!
Because the latter's reputation is at least a threat to those potential opponents!
It's a strong deterrent.

Good people are always restrained in doing things, but I, a wicked person, can do things without restrictions.

If I voluntarily abandon morality, you cannot kidnap me morally.

After all, there are too many things where good people are pointed at guns these days.

Making yourself extremely difficult to mess with is actually protecting yourself.


"Thank you so much, Lawyer Luo, I really don't know what to say, really!"

The girl sitting in the hospital corridor had a sore nose.

If Luo Kai was here, he would probably knock one.

Luo Kai shook his head to express his politeness.

At this time, a man with a vicissitudes of life walked in the aisle of the hospital.

He seemed to have heard that his daughter had found Luo Kai, a very famous lawyer on the Internet.

My daughter took the initiative to hand the phone to her father.

The father's eye circles are quite dark.

Half of the hair is directly gray in color.

"Are you that Lawyer Luo who is very famous on the Internet? I just can't believe it, it feels like I'm dreaming. Are you really willing to file a lawsuit for us for free and combine this case for free?
The day before my wife's accident, I deliberately pushed you to file a lawsuit with the food delivery platform company. "

This middle-aged man with half gray hair had trembling fingers.

It's like a person who died of a patient in the desert suddenly grasped the last straw to survive: "Are you the real Lawyer Luo? Don't lie to me, our family really has nothing, even if you want to lie I can't find anything to lie about..."

Middle-aged people who have been beaten by society for nearly half their lives always feel a little dazed and unbelievable.

In his opinion.

Do lawyers who help with litigation for free really exist?
I'm afraid it's not a liar, right?

Happiness came so suddenly that it was too unbelievable.

Not only to help them find ways to make up for medical expenses.

It also waives attorney fees.

What exactly are you drawing?
In terms of fame, Lawyer Luo's reputation is already well-known now.

If you have the energy to take on such a case, you might as well go for a PK with a big company...

After all, that reputation will be more violent.

The daughter next to him quickly said: "Dad, this is really Lawyer Luo!! It's true!"

Luo Kai touched his forehead: "Don't worry, I am indeed me, and I will not lie to you!
After all, there are nearly 1 million netizens witnessing it in the live broadcast room!

Under such circumstances, no one will break their promise! "

The half-white-haired middle-aged man took out his mobile phone and quickly searched!

After repeatedly comparing the photo with the person on the video call, I finally confirmed that it was Luo Kai!
Only then do I believe it.

"I'm sorry, Lawyer Luo, I just can't believe it a little bit. If you offend me, I'm here to apologize to you!"

Luo Kai waved his hand and didn't care: "It's okay, this is human nature, after all, there will be no pies in the sky!"

"Lawyer Na Luo, what kind of method do you think should be prosecuted for my wife's case? They all said to prosecute the crime of traffic accident, but I don't think this is right. The suffering my wife suffered is estimated to be 18 hells. The torture inside is just like this!"

This middle-aged man had consulted a lawyer and gained some preliminary understanding of his wife's case.

Luo Kai nodded slightly: "I took a look at this case, after the cause and effect, 100% of the crime of traffic accident can be used, but the sentence of up to 7 years is not enough to outrage the common people!
This is not a crime of causing a traffic accident, but a crime of intentional rape!Of course, how to file a lawsuit can only be determined after I learn about it and look at the corresponding file investigation.

That's it, today's live broadcast is almost over, because there is something, netizens, we will see you later. "

Luo Kai quickly explained a few words to the netizens.

Countless netizens have posted that this Lawyer Luo is really reliable, and he is true to the truth among the words of praise.

Luo Kai quickly closed the live broadcast room.

Then according to the added contact information.

Called the past.

"Hey, that's right, it's me, I'm here to learn more about the details of the case and the injuries of the injured..."

"it is good……"

In the next half an hour, Luo Kai learned more details about the case over the phone.

The more you listen, the more angry you become, and the more you listen, the more your blood pressure becomes high.

Especially when the victim's family members passed on a few photos of the unconscious victim and the official preliminary investigation that the female driver drove on despite knowing that there was someone under her car...

Luo Kai first made sure that he would prosecute this suspect for intentional homicide.

The female driver deserves to be damned.

Luo Kai had a premonition.

About to be in court with my own hands, I will send this loser in and send her a death sentence.

The last lawyer Bellow sent to the guillotine...

Is the gym owner.

That buddy probably hasn't had the top 7 until now.

"That's fine, I'll donate 50 yuan first, and you guys put the money up first, don't delay the treatment!
As for your help information and donation methods, I will put it on my personal social media account to help you promote it. "

"Yeah, it's okay, you don't need to thank me..."

"... Tomorrow, after I go to review the questionnaires, I will go to the hospital to see the patients on the spot. It will be better to have an interview at that time. Just remember to prepare some corresponding evidence and the like..."

The family members of the victim holding the mobile phone watched the 50 received by the text message.

The father and daughter looked at each other in blank dismay.

I couldn't believe it all over my face.

at last……

This middle-aged man slapped himself hard twice: "Live Bodhisattva, Lawyer Luo should be enshrined and enjoy the incense of thousands of families. He is a living Bodhisattva!"

The daughter next to her rubbed her eyes and nodded affirmatively: "Lawyer Luo didn't do this behavior of donating money in the live broadcast room, but secretly donated in private!

And asked us not to say anything, this is different from those who spend money on the Internet to hype themselves up for fame! "

"Mom is saved!"



the other side.

Luo Kai put down the phone in his hand.

You asked Luo Kai why he didn’t allow the families of the victims to initiate crowdfunding through a fundraising software?
It was exposed some time ago: this software is operated as a company, and the company is said to charge 90% of the donation fee as a management fee...

Luo Kai resolutely rejected this crowdfunding method...

Luo Kai hopes that [-]% of his kindness and donations from netizens will be sent to the families of the victims.

Luo Kai stood up and walked away.

Holding a glass of boiled water in his hand.

Standing in front of the glass window and drawing the curtains.

Looking at the clear sky outside.

Thinking carefully about some of his recent cases.

The two cases of the food delivery platform company are expected to be sentenced in a few days.

If the judgment comes down, these two cases can basically come to an end (in the case that the defendant did not initiate the second trial!)

There are currently three cases that Luo Kai has taken over, those who are going to sue and those who are going to go to court:

One: The Sun Never Sets Museum is suing. In this case, Luo Kai is responding as the defendant's lawyer. The statement of defense must be submitted in advance, and the court should be formally opened after next Monday.Today is Sunday, so that means there are still 8 days left.

Two: In the case of non-refundable deposit for shared bicycles, the plaintiff group has been launched on the Internet. It has exceeded 3 people, which is almost the same number. It is time to file a case.

Three: The case of a female driver of a luxury car hitting and dragging someone, the case received in the live broadcast room, um, we will file a case together tomorrow.

"Tomorrow, two cases that have not yet been filed will be filed, one civil and one criminal!" Luo Kai quickly finished the inventory.

I already have a number in my heart.

Luo Kai pulled over the chair next to him and took a white A4 paper on the table.

Start writing the necessary materials such as the complaint.

Monday the next day.

Luo Kai came to the law firm.

I want a letter...

With this letter from the law firm.

Luo Kai can then go to the law enforcement point and ask for examination papers.

See some details of the case from an official perspective!
Traffic accident?

Up to seven years.

This is obviously an intentional x person!
And the methods are cruel.

Immediate execution of the highest death penalty!
I'm going to give this person away!
No one can stop Jesus from coming!
I said!
(End of this chapter)

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