Lawyer Luo’s live broadcast of popularization of the law, are you acting as a joke player?

Chapter 134 Judge Luo, You Defend Him!Hit him!You argue and I judge!Carry the accused away with joy!

Chapter 134 Judge Luo, You Defend Him!Hit him!You argue and I judge!Carry the accused away with joy!

It accounts for 75% of the market share, which is far more than 1/2 of the legal limit. Doesn't it constitute a monopoly?
good guy! !

I'm calling out good guy!

What a ridiculous defense is this?
The opponent is facing Lawyer Luo's attack!

The anti-monopoly exemption plot has been resorted to!
To use a popular example as a metaphor, it is like a mental patient beheaded someone, but it is not against the law!

Normal ordinary people get punished!
However, the mentally ill are a special case and can be exempted from punishment.

It seems that the other party has a deep understanding of the details of anti-monopoly!

But this rubbish company really has the nerve to lick its face and say...

Contribute to the society and let all consumers enjoy the convenience brought by technology?

Excuse me?

It's funny!

What are you talking about?

Don't you feel sick when you say such nonsense?

Don't feel sick?

Such nonsense, may I ask you to tell those takeaway riders who died suddenly, will they agree?

Tell those food delivery platform companies in the same industry that the combined share is only 25%, will they agree?
Tell it to the family members of the thousands of takeaway riders who are watching this scene, will you agree?

You don't want your face, do you?
Put gold on your face without any bottom line, right?

Mrs. b still needs to set up a memorial archway, right?

Use lies to hypnotize yourself into believing, right?

The judge tapped the wooden hammer in his hand!

"Defendant, your lawyer keeps saying that your company's monopoly agreement is to contribute to society and improve the efficiency of the whole society. Is there any evidence?"

Face the judge's questioning!
"We have the corresponding evidence!" Attorney Li, a gold medal lawyer, can only bite the bullet and say yes at such a critical time!

"If there is evidence, please present it in court! Prove that its monopoly agreement has benefited all consumers!"

The golden barrister gritted his teeth, and after a few conversations with the owner of the food delivery platform next to him.

Just log in to the internal management network of the food delivery platform quickly on the computer provided by the court!
Then I pulled out last year's financial report!
Attorney Li, the gold medal barrister, sent this financial report to the clerk, and the clerk also projected the financial report to the computer of the gold medal barrister!

Let everyone see his proof!
One of the various data in the food delivery platform's financial report is how many coupons have been distributed to the whole society...

"Your Honor, please see that our company released more than 30 billion coupons throughout last year, and the total value of the coupons has exceeded 200 billion!
This is enough to prove that our agreement benefits all consumers!
Therefore, it can be proved that although our side has an excessive market share, it belongs to the exemption situation of monopoly! "

After the golden barrister finished speaking, he wiped the cold sweat off his face with his hand!
He really is a witty bunch!
Under such a tense situation, he was able to come up with a decent reason to defend himself!

After I go back, I must ask the boss of the food delivery platform for a sum of money as legal fees!
Sitting on the takeaway platform in the dock, the boss is very satisfied with the performance of his dog legs!
It's really good to say!

Our company has issued so many coupons to the whole society!

May so many be blessed!
This is obviously an allergic plot in line with monopoly!
My company is a big drop of good people ah!

As for suing our company for 75% of the market share?

That's bullshit!

That's slander!

That's the jealous dog barking!

In the absence of a monopoly agreement, it does not constitute a monopoly behavior, so there is no need to declare a monopoly...

Totally reasonable!


And legal!
The more the boss of the food delivery platform company thinks about it, the more confident he feels!
The more I think about it, the more I think it should be so!
I am obviously a big good person?why am i here

Why sit in the dock?
The more I think about it, the more I feel wronged...

Then my legs trembled again inexplicably...

This kind of person's three views are already too heaven-defying!

It is beyond the comprehension of ordinary people!
After all, birth thinking is different from normal human thinking.

The judge did not listen to what the family said!

Now that the defendant made a rebuttal and presented evidence on the spot!
Then next...

"The plaintiff, in response to the rebuttal raised by the defendant, claims that the agreement provided by the defendant is not a monopoly agreement and does not belong to monopoly behavior. Do you have any objections?"

The judge quickly summed up the controversial and contradictory points!
After the plaintiff finished speaking, the defendant rebutted, and after the defendant finished refuting, the plaintiff rebutted again!
Well, a nesting doll among nesting dolls!

But that's how it is in the debate session, there is coming and going, there is offense and defense!
But it must be based on one foundation, that is, to produce evidence!
The evidence speaks!

Evidence is king!

Bring out the evidence!

It has to be provable and reasonable!

The reason just mentioned by the gold medal barrister, Lawyer Li, is outrageous!

Although it can be dragged...

A little out of the way...

But the evidence presented is quite weak...

The entire defense process was like pulling two irreconcilable things together abruptly.

Luo Kai saw that everyone present was looking at him!

Luo Kai still has a smile on the corner of his mouth that everything is under my control!
I saw him slightly bent over, and moved the chair sitting under his buttocks!
Approaching the microphone: "Your Honor, the first requirement for the exemption of a monopoly agreement is that it will not seriously restrict competition in the relevant market, which is the core thing!
As for the latter sentence, it is incidental to enable consumers to share the resulting benefits! "

"The plaintiff deviated from the core meaning of the explanation, took it out of context, and only intercepted the second half of the unimportant sentence to defend itself. This is too ridiculous and generous!"

"And in this case, distributing coupons to consumers indiscriminately is the voluntary behavior of the defendant company, which is the way of business operation!
The defendant is an Internet company, which burned money crazily in the early stage of operation to seize market share. This is your company's commercial behavior!
It cannot become a situation in which all consumers share the benefits in this case!It cannot be an excuse for food delivery platform companies to squeeze food delivery riders through monopoly agreements!

May I ask if the defendant did not have this monopoly agreement with the riders, wouldn't you just not spend money to attract customers and not issue coupons?I can't see it.

What the defendant's lawyer defended just now is simply confusing black and white, and it is not enough to be believed and adopted!

The defendant’s monopoly agreement does not fall under special exemptions and therefore constitutes a monopoly,”

Luo Kai restated the relevant legal provisions in court, and then put the case in and explained it...

The students in the spectators also came back to the taste!
To be honest, some people who are not firm may be led astray when the golden barrister talks about legal provisions and presents evidence!

Some netizens even watched the live trial and listed how many coupons they got last year...

Some netizens are not so hostile to this food delivery platform company anymore!

After all, it is soft to take people, but short to eat people!
The coupons sent to consumers really do exist!
According to what the defendant's lawyer said, ordinary consumers can share the benefits...

But is this really right?

Netizens always find it weird, but they can't tell what's weird!
Even those law students who were on the sidelines thought it seemed counter-logic!

Not to mention the netizens watching the trial online.

But where is the logical problem, and I can't point it out if there is a problem!
Now, after Luo Kai tapped gently!

Everyone felt suddenly enlightened in an instant!
Good guy, it turned out that the defendant's lawyer took it out of context!
Ignore the most important and core things of the internal and external conditions in the legal provisions!
Then just splicing up the unimportant things...

This ability to reverse right and wrong!

Sure enough, he is worthy of being a gold medal barrister!

The ups and downs of the lips can turn black and white!
The food delivery platform company that has done all the evil things is described abruptly as a good company that allows every consumer to get a share of benefits...

tsk tsk!
This means!
This speaks volumes!

What ordinary people are most afraid of encountering is this kind of lie that has several truths mixed with a lie, and then uses evidence to illustrate the lie!

In addition, this person is a lawyer who is familiar with the legal provisions and so on!
Quickly pick out the legal provisions that are beneficial to you, and ignore the unfavorable legal provisions!

This kind of way of avoiding the heavy and taking the light, moving flowers and trees
As an ordinary person, at some point, he will really get caught up in this kind of lie!


The three judges whispered to each other!

Then the presiding judge tapped the wooden hammer in his hand!

"The defendant stated that its company's agreement is a special case of monopoly immunity, and this defense is not accepted.

From the perspective of ordinary people, the share of the defendant company is 75%, which belongs to the subject certification of a monopoly company. Does the defendant have any rebuttals at the focus of this debate? "

Face the judge's questioning!
Attorney Li, the gold medal barrister in the dock, wants to say something.

But looking at the shocking market share of more than 75% on the next screen...

This is an objective fact!

In what defense?
Defend with your head?
Even if you want to talk about a reason, you can't find one, okay?

Because that's what objective facts are like!

But the Golden Lawyer opened his mouth, and said bravely: "Please look at it, your honor. For the sake of a company's control over its own money, for the gradually increasing market share, the company strives for profits and market share. It's in nature..."

However, before he could finish his sophistry, the judge hit the wooden hammer in his hand heavily:
"I asked whether the defendant's company's market share exceeded 1/2 of the statutory share, and I didn't ask you anything else!

As for the pursuit of market share by enterprises, it is not within the scope of consideration in this case!Ask the defendant to answer the things related to this case, don't look around and talk about him! "

The judge's words were quite harsh!

Those who are a little more sensible should have heard it!

Of course the gold medal barrister heard it too!

But what can he do?
He can only bite the bullet and say this!
Can only sophistry!
If he didn't say that, the boss next to him would probably be able to fire him after the game!

Then he took back the shares in his hand...

A golden barrister is like a master chef!
If you want him to cook a table of good dishes, you must at least give him the raw materials!
If you give him the stinky stone of the water channel, even if he tries his best, he still can't taste the food...

After all, in the court, facts are the criterion and evidence is the starting point to speak!

If the facts are not enough, no matter how extravagant the talk is, it is useless!

The judge continued:

"As for the second point of contention, the defendant did not give a legally justifiable defense, so let's look at the third point of contention!"

When the judge said this, his voice raised a level: "The defendant's food delivery platform, can you explain why you haven't filed a declaration after three years when the market share has exceeded the statutory 50%?"

"This is already a case involving violations of the law, and it has lasted for more than three years. During such a long time, there has been enough time for you to file a declaration, but the defendant has not done anything. I hope you can give a Legal and reasonable!"

The judge angrily reprimanded the defendant in court!
You broke the law, you know?
Do not follow the procedure!

Do not follow the law!
If there is no sufficient reason, even if the defendant is talking about breaking the sky, then the official intervention in the implementation of the anti-monopoly investigation is also in the process of course!

Who is not reporting?
Then punish!
Criminal law waiter!
Is it a corporate decision?
Then it's corporate crime!

Implement double penalty system!
The company is fined in cash!
Also, the main responsible persons of the company, such as the board of directors, the board of supervisors, and shareholders with relatively high shareholdings must be sent in together!
Yay bah, it's against you!

Dare to violate the legal order?


Do not declare?
Three more years! ?

Have you eaten the gall of a leopard?

The judge scolded in court!

This attitude is as it should be!

As a judge, when facing all kinds of sophistry, finding all kinds of reasons to justify himself, to obstruct the criminals of the normal court procedure!
Can you not be angry?

When the defendant is facing the judge's questioning!

"That's what we thought didn't constitute a monopolistic behavior, and we didn't do it because we didn't get punished..." Attorney Li, the gold medal lawyer, faltered!
After the judge heard this.

The whole person was overjoyed!

What do you think you think?

Why don't you go to heaven?

You can't be too self-centered!

This is a court, so don't make excuses with speculative words like this. You have to speak with evidence and facts.

Damn such a big company, such a big golden barrister...

What do you think you think?
Come on, show the way you just quoted the legal provisions with words, and prove it!
Take out the look that I am a good person just now?

Cowardly this minute?

Why are you panicking this minute?
Hemming and hawing this minute?

The judge tapped the wooden hammer in his hand: "Plaintiff, do you have anything else to say?"

Speaking of this is almost a sign that the case is almost over!
The trial is almost over, and it's coming to an end!
The presiding judge looked at Luo Kai.

It seems to be full of deep meaning...

Lawyer Luo, hurry up and defend him!Hit him, I'll judge him after he's speechless!

That's probably what it means...

Whoa, whoa, whoa!
The judge also saw the latest trending news, okay?
Seeing those takeaway riders who were exhausted by the algorithm of this takeaway platform...

I also saw the family members of the victim ask for money, but they were told arrogantly that everything was done according to the law, and they only gave 2000 at most...

The riders are all dead!
Working hard for a food delivery platform company, but in the end you get 2000 yuan?

Excuse me?

Send Hanako?
As a person, the most basic and simple concept of justice is still there!
Luo Kai glanced at the defendant and took a deep breath!

Then make a final statement: "In this case..."

 Great additions to the readers of Ali 368, the big brother of this book!Hurry up, readers, say something excellent and gimmicky, so I can use it as a title (hug readers)

(End of this chapter)

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