Lawyer Luo’s live broadcast of popularization of the law, are you acting as a joke player?

Chapter 129 Killing Lawyer Luo with a dirty trick: I am invincible under the gold medal lawyer!1 for

Chapter 129 Killing Lawyer Luo with a dirty trick: I am invincible under the gold medal lawyer!One for one on top of the gold medal!

At the gate of the court!
The reporters who were not able to further interview the former richest man.

Surround Luo Kai, another important party in the case:
"Lawyer Luo, some netizens on the Internet said that your behavior of filing a lawsuit and becoming popular on the Internet can actually be copied.

Someone has followed your previous steps and directly reproduced it 1:1. It is said that they are going to sue a large company with hundreds of billions?Do you think this will work? "

"There are already anchors on the Internet who want to catch a wave of traffic, and want to learn from your special way of becoming popular all over the Internet.

However, it is said that the evidence submitted during the prosecution and the subject matter of the lawsuit were refuted, which is ridiculous. What do you think about this? "

"May I ask if Lawyer Luo will be proud of being able to send all the gold-medal barristers in and make such a heaven-defying achievement? Will you open a bottle of beer to celebrate when you go back tonight?"

The reporters waited eagerly for Luo Kai, the protagonist of this case, to speak.

Facing so many enthusiastic reporters, Luo Kai had to let them go aside before starting the interview.

After all, it is impossible to block the gate of the Court of Justice, right?

Luo Kai took a microphone from a reporter: "As you can see, I won these two lawsuits!

Both lawsuits were won, completely won, eh!The gold medal barrister of the defendant was sentenced to two years in prison, and this large company was also fined 300 billion yuan!
Such a result is even beyond my expectation, but it is also within the preset range.

As for pride, there is indeed a little bit. After all, as an ordinary person, he has won such a company with a market value close to one trillion yuan. It would be a lie if he said he was not proud.

I saw what netizens said on the Internet before, that I sent the former richest man to the dock, which is a plot that I dare not even write a cool article, but I tell everyone that this really happened! "

"...As you can see, me! And a trillion-dollar market value company! The two are not at the same level at all.

Comparing ants with the highest mountain in the world cannot describe the gap.

but! !Just me, an existence as insignificant as an ant, and an existence like mud, still defeated this company that was like a mountain that couldn't be seen at a glance! ! "

"This is the law, this is justice, please don't be afraid and powerless just because your opponent is a dragon!"

"I have done it, and so can all the friends here, what is lacking is the need to master some professional legal knowledge.

The law gives each of us ordinary people a weapon. When our legitimate interests are violated, please stand up and use it reasonably and legally!

Please bravely use the legal weapon and say damn it to those illegal acts! "

After Luo Kai finished speaking, the reporters applauded.

Of course, some of them laughed out loud.

It's kind.

The illusion that I can do it myself will fade away a lot after being severely beaten by the society.

But it does not prevent ordinary people from wishing that there are more such honest people around them.

Because the light they strive for will be evenly scattered on everyone's shoulders.

The reporters admired...

Lawyer Luo's speeches are always so contagious.

From the perspective of an ordinary person.

An ordinary person's perspective.

Come and let everyone know.


The legal weapon in our hands is so powerful?
Can we ordinary people do this when we suffer from illegal infringement?
It turns out that those so-called big companies with a market value of trillions are seemingly invincible dragons!

In front of the law, they will also be afraid and tremble.

You will be beaten and howl!
There was a reporter with a gleam in his eye.

Trying to get closer: "Lawyer Luo, there are a lot of good things on the Internet. Netizens have added a few more nicknames to you. You used to be a listed company's market capitalization killer and a prison ferryman. Now it seems that the most popular one is Luo Sheng!

Even the gold-medal barristers commented that you are invincible under the gold-medal barristers, and you can exchange 1 for 1 above the gold-medal barristers.

Luo Sheng!This is the title given by many netizens after you filed a lawsuit against your debut and overturned so many horrible existences. Do you have any thoughts on this nickname?Or do you want to reply to netizens? "


Luo Sheng?

When did I have this ability?
This is nothing more than obvious flattery.

If someone is not paying attention a little bit, he may have fallen into this trick.

After all, who wouldn't want to hear something nice.

Who wouldn't want to hear this kind of flattery?

But it's extraordinary.

Such a reputation is enough to crush a person to death!

With such a grand name, if he did something wrong in the next period of time.

At that time, everyone's malice will be able to overwhelm this famous person.

The backlash of traffic.

to kill.

After Luo Kai heard this, he immediately became alert!

I'm afraid someone is secretly planning to mess with him!
Using his good reputation and the teasing jokes of countless netizens, he praised Luo Kai highly.

Then, at a certain link, he fell to the ground violently, and his reputation would be shattered by then.

How high you hold, how hard you fall.

This method can be called killing without blood.

It's so cloudy!

This trick is too vicious.

It's hard to guard against!

But it didn't work for me Luo SB:

"Luo Sheng? This is obviously a joke from netizens. I'm just an ordinary person. At most, I want to know a little more about the law!
I know that most of the netizens say this word to ridicule Zhuifeng.

It's just that I've fought a few lawsuits, and I'm far from reaching the level of transcendence and holiness. I'm not worthy of this title. Really, I'm really just an ordinary person, without superhuman powers, and I even have enough reasons to suspect that this is against me. My praise! "

When Luo Kai said this, he looked sharply at the reporter who raised the question: "So I ask everyone here not to make jokes about this kind of thing, if it is intentional flattery, I will collect evidence to sue the other party for defamation! After all, this is false information!"

Ah this?

In the eyes of netizens, Luo Kai is quite gentle.

After all, some netizens used his video materials to make ghost and animal videos before.

Luo Kai just smiled after seeing it.

Not to mention suing for portrait rights or something.

Not even a black face.

He even thoughtfully popularized knowledge about portrait rights to netizens.

But for such a gentle person, when he heard the word Luo Sheng.

He lost his temper directly and claimed that he would sue the person who said this word.

The journalists present are engaged in the news industry.

Ordinary people may not be familiar with this kind of killing technique, but those in the industry are simply not too familiar with this method.

Most of the people present looked at the reporter who raised this question with inexplicable eyes.

How much did you charge?

With no conscience?

This reporter also seemed to feel that if his scheme was exposed, he might be beaten if he stayed here!
If Luo Kai turns back, he will sue...

Cowardly!Hurry up and run away.

"Everyone knows that I am currently involved in lawsuits. If nothing else, I have at least three cases to deal with. As for which opponent, whether it is intentional or careless, I don't know!
So I am here to ask all my friends on the Internet to just watch the development of things quietly like this. The next case that is about to go to court will be won or lost. Take the legal basis as the criterion and the factual basis as the starting point. Believe in the law and justice ! "

Although Luo Kai didn't name them.

But which of the reporters present didn't know who Lawyer Luo's next opponent was?
Takeaway platform?

A shared bicycle company that does not refund the deposit?
Or the Museum on which the sun never sets?
After thinking about it, they all showed such expressions.

you know.

I know.

Everyone understands!

But don't say it.

Afterwards, Luo Kai briefly spoke to the reporters.

Just turn away.

These reporters looked at this 1.9-meter figure.

All eyes are filled with admiration.

Is such a person who is neither arrogant nor impetuous really a young man?
Not to mention the dismantling of the murder plot just now.

Just talk about the case that was sentenced today!
Putting themselves in their shoes, they thought that if they were Lawyer Luo, they would feel inexplicably as if they were the hero of the novel:
You are a newcomer who has just joined the job and just left the status of a trainee lawyer!

Because the giant company, Bangchoyidao, a shopping software, falsely advertises you, and wants to use your time and favors!

It's like walking the dog, making you yearn for unattainable, crazy overdraft of your relationships.

Faced with such commonplace false propaganda and deceiving consumers, you are angry and sued!Take it to court!

Directly sue an industry leader like Bangchoyidao shopping software company!
Sue a trillion-dollar company with a golden barrister.

Sue the former richest man!
Send so many outrageous existences to the dock.

And it won!

Both cases won!

Win cleanly and without sloppiness!

Send in the top gold medal barristers who are as rare as giant pandas in the legal industry!
Let a company with a market value of trillions like a giant dragon bend his proud waist, bow his head and sing conquest, and be fined 300 billion.

Let the former richest man run away in fear, and when he meets you in the future, he will subconsciously give way.

In the process, you directly wiped out this trillion-dollar company with a lawsuit, and evaporated 2.5% of its market value!
Let the market value of 2 billion evaporate directly!
This amount is like letting a large company ranked lower in the world's top 500 evaporate directly in place.

You who have accomplished such a feat.

There is no pride in being interviewed.

I just said modestly that this is what I should do!

Even if it is someone else who has justice in his heart, when he encounters such injustice, he will stand up and say a word to help when he sees injustice. This is what the ancestor religion gave us.

This kind of people.

May I ask if he is the hero of Shuangwen?
Can reporters not like such a humble person?

I would like to ask, can ordinary people control such a righteous person, can they control their unconscious affection?

May I ask that such a person who strives for light for every ordinary person, the light won will eventually be evenly scattered on every ordinary person. For such a person, who would not like it?

Such courage.

Such boldness!

this means.

opponents of this level.

It made countless people's scalps tingle just thinking about it.

Really fierce!
Too fierce!
Anyway, if you put yourself in the shoes of the reporter, these journalists will substitute their own perspectives, and they can be sure that they will never be able to do it.

Among other things, even the simplest ex-richest man invited him to work for this trillion-dollar company...

The annual salary is not to mention tens of millions, even if it is millions, even if it is 30, the monthly salary is almost 2 a month. Faced with such conditions, these reporters cannot resist!

Life has smoothed the edges and corners of every ordinary person.

But that didn't stop them from looking up at the sun in the sky.

Although it is dazzling and dazzling, it is also very warm.

That is light.

That's the law!

That's justice!


The headquarters building of the food delivery platform.

Sitting in the conference room and watching the interview after the verdict, lawyer Li, a gold medal lawyer, frowned tightly.

Several shareholders with large shares present also looked over.

The boss of the food delivery platform twisted the cigar in the ashtray with his hands: "This is the surprise you gave us? Find someone to kill him!?"

"But it seems that your plan failed to be perfectly realized, and was even countered by the opponent!"

"Lawyer Li, we now have great doubts about your methods and professional behavior. Your moves don't seem to be clever? And they don't work either!"

Faced with doubts from the boss of the food delivery platform.

Attorney Li's eyes twitched slightly.

This insidious move could be seen by this young man?
What the hell!
Is this boy surnamed Luo really a young man?
Does he really have no vanity?

Even if it is a scheming person, in the face of other people's praise, a deep person will at least drift away.

Why is this kid surnamed Luo.

So stable?
Steady as an old dog?

And he also saw through the conspiracy on the spot!
It's as if there is an old soul in his 60s living in his body!
And this soul is still the kind that has been in lawsuits for 60 years.

It's simply a monster to the extreme.

Attorney Li, a golden barrister, thinks back to when he was the same age!
If he had achieved such an achievement, he would have raised his tail to the sky long ago.

Being obedient and active is like a moth to a flame, falling into a conspiracy.

Give me a big compliment!

Praise fiercely!

Human beings are always open to words of praise.

But Lawyer Luo surnamed Luo.

What they did was simply counterintuitive.

In any case, oil and salt do not enter, right?

Lawyer Li, a gold medal barrister, kept his face unchanged: "This is just a trick before the trial, and it's just a random trick of mine.

It's better if it works, you can lay a mine for him, if it doesn't work, it doesn't matter, we won't lose anything at all! "

Good guy.

Obviously, the insidious trick that I had painstakingly thought of was cracked!
Still holding on here.

But none of the people present was going to expose him.

After all, they are teammates.

People are tough.


"This time, I asked everyone to use the funds reserved by the company in advance, and bought the stocks in the hands of retail investors of the shopping software, and after the verdict just came out, the stock of this company rose by more than ten percent in an instant. point!"

"I believe that the assets in everyone's hands have increased by tens of millions at the lowest, right? I believe that this income can calm all shareholders. After having such a large income, I believe everyone is willing to pay dividends for this quarter." Get out, right?"

"Our company uses funds to help you make money, so shareholders, shouldn't you make concessions when the time is right?"

The shareholders present have just taken advantage of it.

How could it be possible to say no?
So they all said...

Dividends for the second quarter can be temporarily dispensed with...

The boss of the food delivery company didn't say much during the process.

But the look of satisfaction in his eyes couldn't be hidden no matter what.

My company does not support idlers.

This golden barrister, Lawyer Li...

Can help people make money.

Business is strong.

Very good.

Not bad.

It would be great if I want to play against that little lawyer surnamed Luo in court.

 Thanks to the readers with the tail number 0438 for their great rewards!Hug your thighs!

(End of this chapter)

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