Lawyer Luo’s live broadcast of popularization of the law, are you acting as a joke player?

Chapter 104 Defendant Gold Medal Lawyer: The evidence provided by Lawyer Luo is fake, touch porcelai

Chapter 104 Defendant Gold Medal Lawyer: The evidence provided by Lawyer Luo is fake, touch porcelain?

Court for half an hour.

The number of people online watching the live trial officially exceeded 1 million.

Especially when it comes to the critical matrix.

The number of people entering the live broadcast room changes instantly:

"The Trojan horse background program implanted by the other party, who doesn't look very smart, even deleted Lawyer Luo's indictment and the defendant's statement of defense..."

"This Trojan horse program hurts me regardless of the enemy, it's outrageous, I laughed to death! Cover your face and laugh."

"Have you noticed a thing, we usually casually tell our friends what we want to buy, and when we pick up our mobile phone and browse the shopping software, we will be pushed similar items! Horrified jpg!"

"Hey, I'm a little scared when you say that. Is it possible that this phone can monitor every sentence we say in real time and then grab the key words?"

"Extrajudicial lunatic Zhang San: Good guy, it's back to work again! The next dock will be arranged!"

"I was still wondering how to demonstrate the violation of personal privacy in court, good guy, now I understand!

The computer is controlled by others, and you can delete whatever you want. If this is not called infringement, what is it?Do you want the computer to explode in minutes? "

"The rich man in the dock looks calm and composed, and so does the elderly lawyer. Aren't they afraid? Funny."

"Upstairs you are superficial, that is a gold medal barrister, I guess the other party already has a card in his hand..."

"Fight it, fight it, I like to see people with knowledge and culture tear it apart! It's boring, I want to see blood flow into rivers!"



in prison.

A group of people are sitting on a small horse to study law.

Everyone has an extremely correct attitude and a very high-spirited attitude towards learning.

Even people with gray hair are the same.

You ask if you don't study!
What should I do if I open and step on the sewing machine inside?
Do you still want to reduce your sentence?
Do you still want to take off the silver bracelet on your hand and return to society like an ordinary person?

Ordinary people study for the sake of learning.

But the people who step on the sewing machine are studying to reduce their sentences.

In this case, the ability and enthusiasm for learning are screaming.

reform through labor.

Let criminals reform themselves in labor.

The purpose of legal punishment is to bring about repentance.

So it is very important to get in touch with the news and the law.

There is a lawyer who is invited inside for a special shift, and is responsible for explaining the law to these people here.

Sending lawyers there on time to conduct legal education is something that every law firm will do in turn.

This is part of legal aid.

The lawyer looks at the big TV hanging on the wall.

Write a few big characters on the blackboard with the chalk in your hand.

Classes in the most primitive and simple way:
"According to relevant laws and regulations, violations of personal privacy, including selling or providing personal information to others, will be punished with a three-year term if the circumstances are serious, and a severe punishment of three to seven years will be imposed if the circumstances are particularly serious!
This process can be combined or fined separately! "

"This is a serious crime, everyone remember it clearly!"

"What if the company committed the crime?" asked a younger criminal.

"Let the boss of the company who has just come in and has been sentenced to 7 years speak for us about this issue!

I believe he will be more engraved in the company's punishment!The understanding is also extremely profound! "

This lawyer also watched the live broadcast of the trial between Luo Kai and the owner of the instant noodle company!

It's heartbreaking to kill.

But here!
The boss of the sauerkraut company quickly stood up: "If the company commits a crime, then a double punishment system will be implemented, both the company and the individual will be fined!
Punish the principals and executives of the company and fine the company!Answer finished! "

"Have you heard? These are the experiences accumulated by other people with actual prison terms! You must remember them well!"

"That's a good answer, please give me a round of applause!" The lawyer who came to teach legal knowledge was like a teacher.

The blue vests present applauded one after another.

Very warm.

Sauerkraut Company Boss: ...

I'm so worried!

But what about the shy and inexplicable pride?

An inexplicable sense of belonging...

Nostalgia for stepping on the sewing machine?

It is estimated that people who have not come in will not be able to understand this kind of complicated emotions!


In court!

The book~reporter~ found a lot of news about Bangchoyidao shopping software again.

or graduation thesis.

Whether it's a photo or a video with a negative introduction...

What's even more outrageous is the statement of defense written by the defendant's gang of shopping software gold medal barristers on the spot...

Open it on the computer and everything will be deleted.

Everyone present was silent for a while.

The judge lightly tapped the wooden hammer in his hand.

"The plaintiff has stated the facts of the case and claims, and provided evidence. Now it is up to the defendant to express his defense!"

The process that should go continues.

Mutual exchange.

You move me to block!

Courts are supposed to be a place for reasoning.

If you have a reason, present evidence and tell the truth.

Based on law.

Take the facts as the yardstick.

The law gives you justice.

Those present looked at the dock.

The golden barrister sitting in the dock glanced at the boss next to him who seemed to be wandering away.

He turned his head without leaving a trace, cleared his throat, and began to refute:
"First of all, we do not recognize the evidence provided by the plaintiff, and question the legality and probative force of this evidence!"

The gold medal barrister has seen too many scenes.

He has taken too many cases like this before.

You don't even need to type a draft on paper, just dictate directly:

"This evidence is a computer, and the Trojan horse virus in the computer that the plaintiff said was delivered by us!
This is hilarious and nonsense in my opinion! "

"Everyone has seen the Trojan horse virus, it exists, but who wrote the program behind the Trojan horse? Who sent it? There are big doubts!"

"Fang Luo Kai, the plaintiff, keeps claiming that I, the defendant, helped the shopping software company install this Trojan horse program in his computer! Real-time control and real-time deletion of evidence!"

"In my opinion, it is even more ridiculous, because there is no direct evidence pointing to the personnel of our company!
There is no evidence to prove that this kind of behavior is what our company did! "

"Therefore, there is a phenomenon that the evidence chain is insufficient and the evidence chain is broken!"

"To make a digression, before I can prove who launched this Trojan background program, I can even make an assumption that this program was made by the plaintiff himself and placed on the computer in order to hype it up to our company..."

"After all, there are so many such things every year. I have taken no less than 10 cases before, which are similar to Pengci..."

The rebuttal of the golden barrister can be summed up as...

Luo Kai, you said that our company installed a Trojan horse program in your computer.

But your current evidence only proves that there is a Trojan horse in your computer.

Who is delivering the Trojan software?

Is there any evidence?

Is there proof?

Point it out?

Not at all.

You ask me why the Trojan background program just scans the words and pictures related to the shopping software?
These are all configurable.

I even suspect that this virus is made by you yourself and touches our company...

Good guy, you deserve to be a golden barrister.

You can change a thing from bad to good with just a touch of lip service!

From black to white.

Very strong.

Even backfired.

Made a hypothesis in court...

Said it was made by the plaintiff...

After doing all this, the golden law is like doing a trivial thing.

There was no surprise in his eyes.

You have three tips.

It's not too much for me to play 4 and 3, right?

Come on, let me see how you will deal with it next...

A young man surnamed Luo.


After the three judges heard it, they briefly communicated.

And summed up by a judge:

"Plaintiff, in response to the rebuttal raised by the defendant, can you provide relative evidence to prove that this matter is related to the defendant company!?

Was it someone from the defendant company? "

The judge pointed out the focus of the dispute.

Luo Kai saw the round returned to his hands.

Of course there is no reason to let go.

This is also a pit.

Luo Kai dug it in advance.

Want me to give evidence?
no problem.

I'll go straight to something more ruthless.

The smile on Luo Kai's face remained unchanged, and he looked at the golden barrister: "For the defendant's rebuttal, of course we can present corresponding evidence!

If there are witnesses to testify, how do you explain it to the defendant? "

Luo Kai turned his head to the judge: "Your Majesty, I don't know if the suspect xx in this case can be summoned in court now. This person was originally a person in charge of the technology department of the shopping software company Bangchouyidao!"

"If my guess is correct, the person who hacked into my computer without anyone knowing it should be the person who installed the Trojan horse software!
He has been under investigation for the past few days, and the judge can summon him in court to inquire about what exactly happened! "

Oh open!

Go straight to the witness?

The judge glanced at the defendant.

The golden barrister's expression remained the same.

Not too much expression.

It seemed that his face was paralyzed.

It's just that there is a little more caution in his eyes.

This little lawyer surnamed Luo seems to be difficult to deal with.

The average lawyer may play the cards all at once.

But this little lawyer is still holding back.

There is a set!
There is a set!
It seems to be a little more serious.

The judge nodded and said, "Witness xx is called!"

Countless netizens watched in the front row.

How will the witness (suspect) play this time?
What will be said.

This is a very important thing.

"Witness xx, male, was originally the person in charge of the technical department of the Bangchoyidao shopping software company, is his identity correct?"

Judges follow the procedure for simple identity verification.

The programmer who was summoned.

Wearing plastic handcuffs, I am a little embarrassed now.

His expression was a little flustered.

His current identity is both a suspect and a witness...

A few things came out within 24 hours of the investigation.

What he said counts.

For this case, it is almost fatal.

Whoever wins or loses depends on what he says next.

 The liver explosion is over, and the liver will continue tomorrow morning!Ask for the first order!
(End of this chapter)

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