Ultraman: I'm just a scientist

Chapter 513 Planet Pedan’s plan

Chapter 513 Planet Pedan’s plan

Duanmu gave them the opportunity to take advantage of this energy and dragged everyone in Xio to conduct many experiments.

To be sure, the experimental results are good, because everyone at Xio couldn't hide the joy in their eyes when they came out.

But it's also certain that the process of experimentation can be a bit cruel.

Because no one comes out with a normal attitude.

Having weak feet is already the lowest possible negative state.

After everyone left, Yabuki asked: "Do you think the current technology is enough?"

Duanmuci replied: "Technology is always enough, and what is not enough is always the people who control technology."

Yabuki Yue: "So, are you sure they can deal with Jinguqiao now?"

That's right.

The problem lies again with the cosmic black market.

Of course, it's not that the cosmic black market has sold some dangerous monster again.

After all, not everyone is so wealthy and can always afford to buy monsters.

Instead, some people from the Pedan Planet are planning to sell the renovated Golden Ancient Bridge on the black market of the universe.

The Universe Black Market is just a trading platform for the multiverse. There are basically no restrictions on all trading activities here. He can naturally sell if he wants.

But the problem is that if they sell super robots like Jin Guqiao at a low price, they will suffer a lot, and the price will definitely not be lowered.

But recently, the Zarab star who has been the most bullied has already bought a monster. Although the other bullies have money, they are not enough to buy a Jinguqiao.

Moreover, the most important thing about buying Jingu Bridge is not the use issue at all, but the maintenance issue.

Jingu Bridge is the technology of Pedan Star. They only sell machines, but they don't say they want to buy technology. If there is any damage during the battle, you will definitely have to ask them to repair it.

This process has to be ripped off again.

It is not as easy to use as other biological weapons. Even if it is injured, it can be recovered by feeding it delicious food and drink. It has no technical content.

Moreover, Jin Guqiao himself is a robot, and there is no such thing as loyalty.

If one day we meet a Pedan star and the other party wants to take the Jingu Bridge back, it is just a matter of a few orders.

No one can tolerate this kind of thing.

Even if it’s expensive, it’s not safe.

Therefore, although this improved Jingu Bridge is very strong, it is difficult to find a market.

The Pedan star also had a headache about this.

He sincerely wanted to sell Jingu Bridge.

Firstly, scientific research requires a lot of funds. Not everyone can be like Duanmu Ci, who can use energy to create items. Normal scientists spend too much money on research.

What Peidan Planet lacks the most is scientists, and unlike the Kingdom of Light, it does not have a large amount of resources to provide scientists with research.

So although they have strong combat capabilities, they are really short of money.

Very short of money.

So this time selling Jinguqiao is also sincere.

Of course, in addition to selling money, there is another important point.

The Pedan people have been silent for too long.

Jin Guqiao used to be a monster that could suppress Severn, but later it became increasingly out of step with the times. It seemed that just any cat or dog could take care of Jin Guqiao.

Originally, Jin Guqiao was a super powerful monster alongside Zeton, but now he has become an ordinary monster that anyone can come and try. Is this okay?

Moreover, the Pedan people could not accept that their technology had such no status in the universe, so the Golden Ancient Bridge for sale came into being.

It is equipped with the latest technology of Pedan Star, and the metal used in the universe is also the toughest grade.

It can be said that all the data that can be stacked are stacked to the extreme.

They are not profiteers, these are really powerful robots.

But no one bought it.


I don’t know who had a bad idea. It happened that there was an Ultraman who was particularly active right now, so why not let Jin Guqiao try to fight that Ultraman.

If you can win.

By then, no matter how many problems Jingu Bridge has, there will still be people willing to pay.

This idea is correct.

At least that's how it seems on the surface.

But the man was talking about Ax.

And the earth that Aix now protects.

Everyone knows that there is a Hikali on this earth besides X.

Hikari is not a new Ultraman like X, but a veteran warrior with a long reputation, whose strength cannot be overshadowed.

Knowing all this, you still dare to recommend the Pedan people to come to Earth. It’s hard to say what their intentions are.

The Pedan people also know that there is a Hikari on that earth, but now he really needs a chance to break the barrier.

In fact, in their minds, of course they have to win if they can win, but if they really can't win, then it doesn't matter if they lose. The key is to lose beautifully.

After all these years, how many monsters have been able to defeat Ultraman?

There are more monsters defeated by Ultraman. Even so, many monsters have become famous.

So, as long as you can play well.

The Pedan people are very confident about this.

Jin Guqiao is a very powerful monster no matter how powerful the Ultraman over there is, he cannot easily defeat it.

Moreover, even if he really wants to lose, Jin Guqiao must stand at attention before falling down and maintain enough grace!

In this way, with everyone satisfied, Jin Guqiao took over the mission to Earth.

As the true controller of the black market in the universe, Duanmuci naturally knew everything.

If this were the Jingu Bridge thousands of years ago, Xio today would definitely be able to kill it easily.

But this new Jinguqiao Duanmuci also sent a robot to investigate, and its data is really high.

As expected of a professional Jinguqiao manufacturer, they have not lagged behind in this period of time, and can even be said to have surpassed it a little bit.

This is something that Earth’s technology cannot achieve.

The technology Duanmu gave them is of course much higher than the Jingu Bridge, but if it is used directly, the technology on the earth will go crazy.

No one can predict what the consequences will be.

The two summarized for a long time before deciding to control the technology within a certain range. With such technology, it is not completely impossible to defeat Jin Guqiao.

At the same time, they are all within the scope of earth's technology and will not cause the scientific system to collapse.

"But in the final analysis, it still depends on Ax's strength, doesn't it?"

Yabuki Yue said: "Even if Aix can't stand it, I can still play."

Duanmu Ci complained speechlessly: "The effect when you play is still the same?"

"How long has it been since you updated the version? The weapons you use are still the same as in the past. Times have changed a long time ago. Now your knight's sword probably can't even break armor."

Yabuki Yue: "Don't underestimate me. I've been training hard during this period, and my fighting spirit has become much stronger. With just Jin Guqiao, I still have a chance of winning."

Duanmuci: "Okay, let's do a simulation."

Hikari's strength has indeed improved during this period, but it is true that he has not really fought for many years. This time he has to face the highest technological crystallization of Pedan Star.

No one is sure whether he will become the second hothead in the late season.


After a simulated battle.

Hikari failed to score in seven out of ten games.

There were three more wins, but the wins were pretty ugly and it would have been better not to play. . .

(End of this chapter)

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