Ultraman: I'm just a scientist

Chapter 219 Victim Selection

Chapter 219 Victim Selection
Zollim the Behemoth is dead.

The root-originating body failed to "see" its appearance on the earth, and it saw that the half of the giant beast Zolim's body that failed to pass through the wormhole suddenly exploded, which must be caused by the explosion of the first half of his body.

It's just that the root cause of death doesn't know the cause of the death of the giant beast Zolim at all, and their eyes on the earth can't see anything, let alone a giant beast that entered the wormhole and destroyed it everywhere, even the wind direction hasn't changed .

Right now, on Earth.

Duanmuci is sitting in front of the window of the air base and looking at the sky.

"The spatial fluctuations in the sky suddenly became very intense just now."

Director Di frowned: "Is there a monster coming out?"

Duanmu Ci smiled and said: "Don't worry, you came out, but it has nothing to do with us."

What is the root cause death body, a powerful life?Or a race?Or a group of alien alliances?
Because the screenwriter didn't write it, no one knew about it at all.

The unknown is the strongest.

When everything is unknown, as long as they are strong enough, everyone will even think that their strength can match Noah's.

It's a pity that after the real debut, the force began to decline crazily.

No one can say for sure about this kind of thing.

Duan Muci suddenly said: "Hey, Director Di, your little belly is a little eye-catching?"

Director Di: "!!?"

Duanmuci said: "Are you interested in experiencing the diet sugar I researched?"

"Guaranteed not to bounce back!"

Director Di was helpless: "Didn't I hear that you are working on some high-tech project?"

"Why do you suddenly start diet pills?"

The last time he lay in the hospital of the air base for so long and was about to get an SVIP card, he felt vigilance from the heart and engraved into the soul for all the inventions of Duan Muci.

Duan Muci spread his hands: "Actually, the thing is like this."

"Recently, Fujimiya ran over again and said that the next prediction of his optical quantum computer Chrisis is that a huge monster as big as an asteroid will appear in the sky next."

"That monster is coming to hit the earth."

"As soon as I heard that this matter was so serious, I put down my work without hesitation on the spot and came to make preparations."

"This weight-loss drug is used to deal with monsters."

Director Di was surprised: "You gave me the medicine to deal with monsters?"

Duan Muci: "Why don't Director Di try the medicine for the monster first?"

Director Di: "Forget it, I'm still young, I don't want to go down so early."

"That's a pity."

You can say that the things made by Duanmu have serious negative effects, but you must not say that the technology is not strong enough.

Because this diet pill is a black technology.

The effect is that you can lose weight.

But not losing weight by reducing your dietary intake or anything, but actually losing weight.

It is a high technology with no side effects at all.

Seeing Director Di's reluctance to accept, Duanmuci didn't force it. Anyway, there are many people who are willing to accept it.

For example.

Chiba staff.

"Counselor Chiba, this is Director Di's weight-loss medicine, don't take it blindly!"

Originally, Staff Officer Chiba happily came to the command center to read the newspaper without moving anything, but Duanmuci suddenly said such a sentence.

Then he saw a glass of warm water and a small ball on the table.

"Weight loss pills?"

Staff Officer Chiba thought about Director Di's appearance, and said with a smile: "It's really time for him to lose weight, but not by diet pills, but by exercising more."

Duanmu Ci said with a smile: "Yes, I heard that this diet pill works very well and is very popular among modern people."

"It is said that it is a black technology to lose weight, and it will not affect your appetite. Even if you eat a lot, it will not affect the effect or anything."

"There are people who believe this kind of words."

"I heard that it is still the research of Alchemy Star."

"Alchemy Star?"

Hearing the previous words, Staff Officer Qianye didn't believe it at first.

However, this is the research of Alchemy Star!
After thinking about it, Staff Officer Qianye said: "This is the research of Alchemy Star, so it is not surprising that there are any exaggerated effects."

Duanmuci: "Anyway, I don't believe in other people's research, unless it is my own research, I have a little trust."

Staff Officer Qianye said with a smile: "If it was your research, Director Di probably wouldn't dare to use it."

I made a complaint, then looked at this small weight loss pill, and swallowed
"Isn't this thing expensive?"

Duan Muci spread his hands: "Sent by the Alchemy Star, no money, thanks to us for helping to take care of my dream."

"But my dream is also my student, so it's a bit too much to say to help take care of me."

Staff Officer Qianye said with a smile: "It's a bit too much."

"By the way, does this thing have my share?"

Duan Muci nodded: "Originally some were awarded to Da Heyuan by director Di, saying that he was a little fat and affected the image of the lightning team."

"I also said that Staff Officer Chiba looked more chubby and kinder, but it would not look good if she was thin."

Staff Officer Chiba: "..."

Although I feel that Director Tsui doesn't look like he would say such a thing.

But everyone has been with Duanmuci for a long time, and it is inevitable that they will be black, and maybe Director Di has changed his skin.

When Director Di said that he was skinny and ugly, Staff Officer Chiba was very angry.
"If you dare to arrange me, then I'll take his weight-loss pills! Let him exercise to lose weight, don't mess with these deceitful people!"

After finishing speaking, Staff Officer Chiba picked up the weight-loss pill and threw it into his mouth, then picked up the cup and took a sip of warm water to help him swallow it.

Duanmuci kept staring at him.

Seeing that he swallowed it completely, he came forward and asked, "How does it taste?"

Staff Officer Qianye said with a smile: "This is medicine, it doesn't have any taste."

Duanmuci: "Strictly speaking, this is a diet sugar, and the taste should be sweet."

Hearing Duanmuci's words, Staff Officer Qianye suddenly had an ominous premonition.

"Is this diet pill?"

Having already tricked Staff Qianye into swallowing it, Duanmuci didn't pretend anymore: "That's right, I made it!"

Staff Officer Chiba: "!!!"

He hurriedly rushed out of the command center, ran to the bathroom, and stretched out his hand to scratch his throat, trying to pull out the diet pill.

However, at this moment, Duanmu Ci quietly leaned over.

"You don't have to struggle any more. Even if my medicine doesn't melt in your mouth, it will disappear as soon as you swallow it, and then it will start to work."

"Counselor Chiba, do you feel your body is getting hot now?"

Hearing Duanmuci's words, Staff Officer Chiba suddenly felt that his body was indeed very hot!
"What exactly is going on?"

Duanmu Ci: "It's nothing, you'll shine again in a while!"

"The only side effect of losing weight may be to shine for three days in a row."

"However, for everyone who suffers from weight loss, it seems that it is not unacceptable to shine for three days?"

The excess "meat" didn't disappear out of thin air, but "evolved" into light, and then finally dissipated.

In a sense, Duanmuci used cascading flashes to beat the excess flesh on his body into light particles.

As a result, there was no need to turn on the lights in the command center that night. Staff Chiba was brighter than the lights, and he was the sun in everyone's hearts.

Commander Shishi was relatively silent and didn't speak. At the same time, he was glad that he was not fat, otherwise he might have to be the sun today.

Director Di and the others were even more distressed and did not dare to laugh.

Duanmu Ci sighed on the sidelines.

"For this great invention, at least I should be given a Nobel Prize?"

I wanted to laugh very much in my dream, but when I thought that the researcher of diet sugar actually had me in it, I didn't dare to laugh too much in my dream. I was afraid of being questioned, so I could only cover my mouth and laugh a few times.

In fact, it's not his fault.

In an absolute microcosmic sense, matter is still conserved.

Duanmuci even designed several ways to lose weight at the beginning, such as peeling.

Let a lot of excess material build up on the surface of the skin and then come off.

It's just that this proposal was rejected by me.

Because this "diet pill" was researched and mainly used to deal with that super-large monster at the celestial level.

If you "lose weight" in this way, these fallen debris may still fall to the earth and cause harm to everyone.

So in the end, after thinking about it, I thought of this slimming candy created by combining the previous Ultraman eating device.

Turn the excess matter into light, won't there be no excess matter falling to the earth?
At that time, I dreamed that I was simply a genius.

Until now I saw the glowing Chiba staff.

"Cough cough."

I Meng quietly approached Duanmuci and said, "Doctor, how can you trick Chief Chiba into doing this kind of experiment?"

Duanmuci: "There are not many fat people in our XIG."

I dreamed: "Ohehara is too!"

Duanmu gave a mysterious smile: "Very well, Daheyuan is our second experimental subject. If he asks, I'll tell you that you asked me to find him."

My dream widened my eyes: "!!!"

Duanmuci: "By the way, I remember that the Shimogong players of the Hercules team seem to be a little fat."

My dream hurriedly added: "He is strong and powerful, and he doesn't need to lose weight! And Da Heyuan is the same, there is no need to take such superfluous things as diet pills."

"Everyone in XIG doesn't use this, really!"

After hearing this, Duanmuci thought for a while, and suddenly smiled mysteriously: "I understand what you mean!"

the next day.

Duanmuci found Tregia.

"Tregear, have you thought about a question?"

"You are training so strong now, but your real physical fitness data stays at a level just before the Ultra Brothers."

"Do you know why?"

In fact, weight is also a very important attribute in Ultraman battles.

Because an excellent fighter can always use the impact force of his body to attack the enemy with the overall "strength".

Tregchia's ability to be so strong is not actually due to how strong his physical fitness is, but the main reason is that he is really strong in weight, and with this physical fitness, he is even stronger.

However, what Duan Muci said is also true. Tregchia feels that he has gained a lot of weight and his muscles have become thicker, but he has not grown much in physical fitness.

"do not know."

Duanmu Ci said with a smile: "Because Ultraman's energy has never been linked to his body shape."

"Now here is an opportunity for you to lose weight back to the original handsome boy, and at the same time, your energy will be greatly improved. Do you want to do it?"

Tregear heard such a good thing?
He nodded on the spot: "To be honest, I also feel that being too strong recently affects my fighting skills."

Then, he became the second victim of "diet pills".

(End of this chapter)

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