I played the world alone

Chapter 461 Revealing identity!

Chapter 461 Revealing identity! (-in-)

Although Zhou Manyin has been in the shopping mall for a long time, this is his first time in love.

It is inevitable to be a little nervous.

Even when he was sitting in the car, he was still shaking subconsciously and kept reciting the lines of meeting him later.

I was so nervous that I felt like I was about to go to war.

But after she actually arrived here, the good psychological quality she had developed over so long allowed her to adapt quickly, at least she was not as nervous as before.

Luoluo greeted the neighbors generously, and by the way, he distributed prepared red envelopes to some children and gave some health care products to the elderly.

This move made all the uncles and aunties around them smile from ear to ear, praising this girl for being so good-looking and kind-hearted. She must be a good wife in the future!

"This is the first time I have seen such a beautiful female doll. She is even prettier than the stars on TV!"

"Yeah, oh, when I think of my niece, I'm embarrassed to take out my hand..."

"You are so generous. The red envelope you just gave to the child was filled with hundred-yuan bills..."

"Xiao Lu is really promising. He drives a good car and brings back such a beautiful girlfriend..."

The uncles and aunties were discussing excitedly.

Most of the people in this kind of old residential area know each other, and young people have gone out to work and make a living. Most of them are middle-aged and elderly people, and there is nothing new in talking about family members who are petty.

It's rare that something interesting comes along now, but you can't just have a good chat about it.

Lu Chen even had a premonition that in the next few days, these people would use his matter as a topic of after-dinner chat.

Fortunately, there was no malicious intent, so he didn't pay much attention.

I just asked the uncles and aunts to give way, and they had to go upstairs and go home.

But when they were going upstairs, some good-natured ladies laughed and asked loudly when they were going to get married. This made Zhou Manyin blush, and she held his hand tightly and followed him, even looking down in embarrassment. Look at people.

Fortunately, after going up to the second floor, the chatter and laughter became much quieter.

"Don't take it too seriously, they don't mean any harm."

Zhou Manyin has adapted a lot. Except for his cheeks being a little red, there is nothing unusual. He shakes his head: "It doesn't matter."

She looked around curiously.

This residential building must be more than twenty years old, and the surrounding decoration styles are very old.

There is no elevator, the iron handrails of the stairs are rusty, and although the floor can be seen to be cleaned frequently, the cement has cracked because of too much time.

The originally white walls have turned yellow, and there are still childish drawings or writings on some places on it, such as children's words such as so-and-so being stupid.

"Seeing this, I subconsciously remembered the place where my grandfather and I used to live." She smiled and said, "Although it is very shabby, it is also full of memories. Have you always lived here?"

"I've been living here since I was born." Lu Chen nodded, "Look over there, there are a few words written by me... I was even beaten by my mother at that time..."

"There used to be a chubby classmate living here, and I often borrowed snacks from him to eat, but he moved away after graduating from junior high school, and I haven't contacted him since..."

Zhou Manyin listened and watched with interest.

She was interested in every bit of his past.

Because that was the past that she had not been able to accompany and experience together with him.

At that time, this was still a family building of a nearby factory, and my father was a small leader there, who was roughly like a team leader. It was said that there was a chance he could be promoted to a higher level.

Unfortunately, in the 1990s, the factory failed to perform well and closed down. My parents found other jobs and could barely make ends meet. It was not until they worked to subsidize the family that things gradually improved.

While introducing it, he continued to walk up.

His home is on the fifth floor, No. 501.

But I originally wanted to give it a surprise, but what I didn’t expect was that I could see the door just as I reached the corner of the stairs. When I looked up, the door opened with a creak. A woman in her fifties and wearing an apron was holding a The garbage bag walked out of the room.

Zhou Manyin, who was sizing up his surroundings, turned around when he heard the reputation, and happened to meet the other person's eyes. He saw that the other person was obviously stunned for a moment, and then cast a surprised and strange look.

Then I heard Lu Chen next to me shout softly: "Mom..."

Zhou Manyin felt like he was struck by lightning instantly!

She froze in place. The meeting lines she had memorized in the car just now were completely forgotten by this sudden meeting. Her mind went blank, her heartbeat was beating so fast that it almost jumped out of her throat, and her face was even more... As red as anything.

If Lu Chen hadn't held her hand, she almost felt like she would faint.

My head was dizzy, and I subconsciously shouted: "Mom..."

When the voice came out, she suddenly reacted, her face turned even redder, and she almost didn't dare to raise her head to see anyone.

Lu Chen didn't expect her to be so direct, and his mother's reaction was even better. After being surprised for a moment, he immediately showed a bright smile. He didn't even bother to throw away the trash, and turned around and rushed back home, excited at the same time. The ground shouted loudly: "The child's father! Xiaochen has brought his wife back!"


Fortunately, the explanation is clear.

The two of them did not just go to get the certificate casually. At present, they are just boyfriend and girlfriend.

But my mother is obviously very satisfied with this daughter-in-law, and the more she looks at her, the more she likes her.

Even when the cut fruit was brought up, a pair of eyes with obvious crow's feet but with an unstoppable smile carefully looked at the restless Zhou Manyin, who almost dropped his head without looking at the road. He was obviously very satisfied.

Although she is a little older than her son, as the saying goes, it is not a problem for a female junior to hold gold bricks.

"Auntie, you don't have to be so polite. I...I'm here to help..."

Zhou Manyin wanted to show off her housework skills in front of her future mother-in-law, but unfortunately she was pushed back by Mother Lu.

"How can I let you do anything when you come to the house for the first time? You must be very tired after running on the highway for so long. Take a good rest! Xiaochen, come here first."

Entering the kitchen, my father hurried out to buy groceries because he hadn't prepared any food. There were only mother and son left in the kitchen.

"You bastard, you didn't tell me before you brought your wife back. We are not prepared at all."

She fumbled for a while: "No, you have to ask your dad to drop by the bank to withdraw some cash. You have to give a girl some red envelopes or something when she comes to visit you for the first time..."

"Don't be pretentious. What she values ​​​​is my character, not the external things." Lu Chen said with a smile, "Besides, she is rich, so she doesn't lack such red envelopes."

Mom's eyes widened: "Can it be the same? This is our intention! Let others know that we value her, otherwise sooner or later, you will be scared away by your emotional intelligence."

Unable to persuade him, Lu Chen stopped talking.

This is probably considered a tradition here.

After helping for a while, my mother kicked me out because she was disgusted with my clumsiness.

Back in the living room, Zhou Manyin was a little restless and didn't feel relieved until he came back.

"Auntie, what's your impression of me?" She quietly glanced in the direction of the kitchen and asked quietly like an underground party joint. "Don't worry, it's fine. If you dare to marry someone else, I won't marry you. If you dare to marry someone else, I'll break my legs." Lu Chen joked.

Zhou Manyin glared at him coquettishly, and then looked around with longing eyes.

This is the environment where he grew up.

"Which room is yours?"

"Let's go!" Lu Chen had this intention.


My parents had already eaten dinner, so this meal was specially prepared for the two of them.

My father is still the same as he remembers, looking like a veteran cadre, wearing a pair of reading glasses, a high-collar striped shirt, and a dark work uniform.

There are also more white strands in my hair. If you look closely, you do look a bit older than last year.

However, despite his serious expression, he was actually quite relaxed with Lu Chen. He would occasionally give him some personal money as pocket money when he was in school.

"You two are almost the same age. If you are stable, you can start thinking about marriage." The old father said surprisingly.

Zhou Manyin was eating his meal carefully, but when he heard these words, he couldn't help being frightened, and subconsciously turned to look at Lu Chen.

Although she had never had any yearning for marriage before, she felt that she could live well alone.

But now I can't help but feel a little hopeful, but also a little uneasy about the unknown.

Lu Chen shook her hand and smiled slightly.

"Don't worry, I will plan it carefully with her. After all, this is a major event in life and cannot be rushed."

Mom, on the other hand, kept looking at the two of them, the smile on her face unable to stop.

She had heard about it when she went downstairs to take out the trash. When her son came back, he was driving a luxury car!

She still doesn't know about her son's virtues. Based on the previous information, he is probably a girl.

This is really incredible. She is beautiful, rich, and gentle and intellectual after getting along with her just now. She is simply the most ideal daughter-in-law!

Listening to the congratulations and envy from other neighbors, she couldn't help but feel that she was much younger and her waist was straighter.

I don’t know how my son was deceived and he was willing to follow him back to his home?

If she hadn't pinched herself secretly, she would have thought she was dreaming.

After finishing the meal, Lu Chen briefly explained to his elders that in addition to visiting them, he also had to do some work.

The second elder also understood and just suggested that Zhou Manyin should stay here and the two of them take her to have fun here and treat it as a relaxing trip.

After all, although the economy here is not very developed, there are many green mountains and green waters, as well as several 5A-level scenic spots and some ancient buildings. There are many tourists every year, and locals do not need tickets to enter.

After some discussion, Lu Chen and Zhou Manyin also agreed to come down.

Because the place she was going to next was an ancient tomb, she was not only not interested but also a little scared, so she had better not force it.

But the real key is another thing.

After everything was packed, Lu Chen called out his mother who was still in the room making the bed for them. Together with his father, the four of them sat in the living room together and listened to what he said about the next important things.

"Are you going to announce that you have a child?" My mother moved her eyes around the two of them very suspiciously, especially on Zhou Manyin's belly.

Lu Chen shook his head: "Mom, now is not the time to joke. You must have heard about the recent news about the appearance of many extraordinary beings outside."

"Of course I heard about it, we two are not old antiques isolated from the world." Mom said angrily, "Speaking of which, someone in Lao Li's family downstairs seemed to have awakened superpowers, but they were soon captured by the government officials. If I take him away, I heard that he will be an iron rice bowl from now on."

"There's nothing to envy about this." Dad adjusted his glasses and frowned. "This thing all depends on luck, and there are only a few of them. There are probably only a few thousand in the country. We little people can just live our lives well." ”

"Actually, Man Yin is also a person with superpowers." Lu Chen said suddenly.

"Ah?!" The second elder was stunned and looked at Zhou Manyin with a slightly red face and nodded slowly with some surprise.

Although this ability is a bit useless, apart from being a bit novel at first, it is basically of no use. It probably just saves the money of a laser surgery.

But looking at Mother Lu's reaction just now, it might be a bonus. Although she didn't quite understand why Lu Chen brought it up at this time, she still admitted it.

Then Lu Chen pointed at himself: "Me too."

"But he's not a superpower, but a legendary immortal cultivator."


This time, not only the two elders, but also Zhou Manyin turned around in shock.

This was really the first time she heard about this!

"I'm sorry I didn't say it before. It was also because of my commitment to my sect and because I was worried about whether it would disturb your peaceful life." Lu Chen met their shocked gazes.

"But now as the immortal sect gradually enters the world, more and more people know about the existence of immortal cultivators. I think there is no need to continue to hide it."

"And as spiritual energy recovers in the future, more extraordinary beings may appear, and the danger will increase dramatically. Your safety must also be considered."

Next, he began to tell a story that he had already conceived.

He was ready to rot in his stomach and not tell anyone about the system, so the reason why he could become an immortal cultivator was because of a chance encounter when he was a child, giving a meat bun to an old beggar.

The result was the same as in that kind of movie. The other party was a secretive old man who cultivated immortality. Not only did he accept him as his disciple, he also taught him many skills.

These words sounded so outrageous that the second elder couldn't help but wonder if his son was suffering from hysteria.

It wasn't until they saw Lu Chen conjuring a flying sword, flying around the room quickly and landing on his head, that they opened their mouths in shock and finally started to believe it.

"It's unbelievable. Is there smoke coming out of the ancestral grave of my old Lu family? A cultivator of immortality actually appeared?!" Dad could no longer hold back his original serious expression, and even had some strange suspicions.

Zhou Manyin's expression was much more complicated because she thought of many things she had experienced before.

"I was in the gym before..."

"Well, that can be considered as my sect is recruiting apprentices." Lu Chen recalled it and nodded.

"Then what happened at the Taoist temple before..."

"Yes, one of my senior brothers is responsible for that." Lu Chen simply admitted it. Anyway, there are no outsiders here.

"No wonder...no wonder the government let go of so many big companies and chose us." Only then did Zhou Manyin realize that he had felt a little too lucky before.

According to normal procedures, even if it is an external tender, it will not be their turn at all.

Thinking of this, she couldn't help but hold his hand tightly and whispered.

"Next time... at least let me know what you have done for me, okay? I don't want to accept your kindness for granted without knowing it, but I want to do something for you."

(End of this chapter)

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