I played the world alone

Chapter 452 Call the police!

Chapter 452 Call the police! (-in-)

Priscilla herself was startled, staring blankly at the missing half of her palm.

It's like his hands are embedded in the wall.

But he can sense the presence of the arm very strangely.

She subconsciously looked back uneasily, fearing that others would see something strange about her.

But just like before, no one noticed what was going on here.

She even noticed that someone glanced in her direction, but then looked away as if she hadn't seen him.

"This must be magic too..."

Thinking about it this way, it seems that no matter how incredible things happen in front of you, there is no need to be surprised.

She took a deep breath and went straight through without hesitation.

What surprised her was that on the other side of the wall was an old-style train platform. It seemed that all the decorations were in the style of the last century.

At this time, because the train has not arrived at the station, there are many passengers waiting on the platform.

She looked around curiously and saw many children about her age looking around excitedly and curiously. They must also be freshmen who came here for the first time like her.

However, there are some older ones among them, but all of them are minors.

What caught her attention the most was that there were some people wearing wizard robes like those in the movies.

Those are definitely freshmen who have already entered school, and their temperament looks different from them. They are extraordinarily mysterious and noble, which makes people yearn for them.

Of course there are other humanoid creatures that look very strange.

For example, there were some who were as tall as little giants, some who were as short as her waist, and there were even fantasy creatures like elves, which feasted her eyes, as if she had entered a movie in person.

If it weren't for her politeness and caution, she would have screamed with excitement.

And while she was observing them, those people were also observing these new arrivals.

Some people looked puzzled, as if they were wondering where such a large group of new wizards came from.

At this station alone, there are no less than thirty people!

So much so that this simple little station is a bit crowded, and the originally ample personal privacy space has been compressed.

Just when Priscilla was in a daze, she suddenly heard the tall and thin woman shout her name, and then she came to her senses and hurried over.

"Are these all freshmen this year? Like me?"

"Yes. You can try saying hello later and maybe make some new friends."

"But there are many people who don't have the same guide as you..." Pricia felt a little strange.

In other words, a large number of people don’t.

So much so that she felt like an immature child who needed to be taken to school by an adult, and she couldn't help but blush.

"Only some special children like you who cannot go to school alone without a guardian need a guide. This does not require shy children." The tall and thin woman said while scanning the surroundings sharply.

Perhaps because he was too powerful, some of the people he glanced at subconsciously avoided looking.

"What are you looking at? Looking for someone?" Pricia asked in confusion.

"Be wary of dark wizards." The woman shook her head, "Remember, if you encounter those guys wearing strange black hoods with weird smiles in the future, you should stay away immediately and don't try to get close."

"Those are dark wizards who are very dangerous and could kill you at any time."

"I know! Is Voldemort right?" Pricia's eyes lit up and she immediately said.

"Voldemort?" The tall and thin woman wondered for a moment, "What is that?"

Priscilla didn't expect that the other party didn't know, so she whispered: "He is the big villain in the Harry Potter movies..."

"Harry Potter..." the woman shook her head, "Although I don't know what you are talking about, there is no Voldemort here, and reality is not the dramatic plot in the movie. Once you die, you are really dead. !”

She has also seen some movies, even the recently released wizard movie, so she knows a little bit about it.

But if you confuse reality with movies and think that you can turn disaster into disaster, turn defeat into victory, or even come back from the dead like the protagonist in the movie, and become arrogant and careless, that is simply stupid!

Fortunately, Priscilla is very sensible, has recognized this, and accepts criticism humbly.

And children do forget quickly. They quickly forgot about this unpleasant little incident and started making friends with other children of the same age.

Afterwards, with the sound of an ancient "rumbling" steam train coming into the station, they were about to embark on a new and unknown journey!


But these are just the best results.

In fact, even though Lu Chen worked hard to distribute a lot of wizard seeds and admission notices, there were still some big surprises.

For example, in a police station right now.

Ron, a middle-aged and somewhat cunning police officer, was sitting behind the counter of the police station. While taking a sip of the freshly brewed coffee in his hand, he turned the chair at his feet and took a form and a form from the drawer at the back. Pen and paper.

When he turned back, he raised his eyes and glanced at the two people sitting opposite.

They are a young couple, probably in their thirties. Their clothes are a bit sophisticated but not too expensive. They must be from a good middle-class family.

There doesn't appear to be any trace of embarrassment from a fight.

Generally speaking, these people come to report crimes because they have financial problems.

He took a look and already knew it in his mind.

"Do you want to report a crime? Theft? Or fraud? Of course, if there are reasons for calling the police such as investment failure or stocks falling, you can turn around and leave now."

He handed the form to them with great tact.

"You can register here first."

But the couple was in no mood to do this and shouted loudly: "Mr. Police, our child is missing! At noon, we suspected that he had been abducted or even scammed! Please help us find it as soon as possible..."

"The child is missing? Abducted?!"

Ron was stunned and slowly sat up straight.

This problem is not small.

"How long have you been missing?"

"About...one morning. From breakfast this morning to noon today, we found out..." The mother, who still had the charm, covered her face and cried with some remorse.

Her father was holding her shoulders and comforting her with a sad look on his face.

Ron pondered for a moment: "Is it possible that he went to play with his friends?"

"No, no, no, we already called and asked before we came, and even the teachers at the school made sure that he didn't go to any friends."

The father said immediately, and at the same time took out a folded paper from his pocket and put it in front of him.

"Besides, we have evidence, you can look at this."

"Well, let me take a look..." Ron took it and glanced at it carefully, "The admission notice?"

He raised his eyelids and glanced at the parents. Then he continued to look down.

But soon, his eyebrows wrinkled.

Because this is an incredible acceptance letter from the Magic Academy!

After reading it, he couldn't help but press his head, not knowing what to say.

The father also immediately added: "We have no intention of changing his school at all, and we have already checked and found that the school on this notice does not exist at all! This is a naked fraud!"

The more he spoke, the angrier he became, and he even slammed the table hard.

The sound attracted the attention of many other people in the police station, and they almost thought someone was making trouble here.

Fortunately, Ron raised his hand in time to signal, otherwise there would probably be trouble.

He frowned and looked back and forth at the notice.

"Wait, when did you get this thing?"

The mother was sobbing softly and said: "Just today at noon, when we went to see the child, we found that he had disappeared, and then we discovered this when we checked his room."

The father immediately responded: "We have every reason to suspect that this is a premeditated deception. Someone wants to abduct our child and harm him!"

"OKOK, I understand."

Although what the two said was a bit confusing, Ron already roughly understood it.

"Don't worry yet. I will record your information and someone will investigate soon. Please believe me, nothing will happen to your children and they will be found soon..."

After appeasing the two couples, he turned around and stood up, taking the registered form and the notice to the back office.

There was a chubby female police officer sitting in the office. She didn't raise her head when she heard his footsteps. She was always sitting in front of the computer, typing with her fingers flying, and she was very busy.

"Come and help me check, there is a missing child case here..."

As soon as Ron spoke, the female police officer took out a stack of at least a dozen pieces of paper from the drawer and slapped it on the table.

"That's all. This is the sixteenth."

"so much?!"

Ron was stunned for a moment, and then his heart skipped a beat as he seemed to realize something.

"Did they all receive admission notices from a strange magic academy, and then the children disappeared?"

"Almost all." The policewoman glanced at them and nodded.

Ron immediately realized that something was definitely wrong with this case and quickly reported it.

After a while, several police cars were dispatched at the door of the police station and began to investigate the various crime locations, that is, the rooms of all the missing children.

It's just that after checking around, I didn't find anything special.

He didn't even understand how the letter entered the child's room and how the child left the room.

Because no trace was found from the surveillance cameras at home or outside, not even extra fingerprints.

So much so that the investigation has completely reached a deadlock.

But at this time, Ron suddenly remembered the contents of the flyer.


"Could it be?"

Although this possibility is very low, it must be investigated anyway.

So in the end, all these cases were summed up, handed over to the Security Bureau, and presented in front of Sweet.


Sweet looked at the admission notice in his hand and felt a little confused.

"Bordeaux School of Magic?"

He thought for a moment, then made a phone call and asked his men to check the school.

It turns out, of course, that this school does not exist at all.

However, it is not completely non-existent. There are schools with duplicate names, but they are all serious teaching schools. They have nothing to do with wizards and magic, and they are not within the empire.

The admission notice has nothing to do with them.

I also asked the wizards in the Wizards Association.

It was also confirmed from them that this school does not exist in the wizarding circle.

There is not even a serious wizard school in the real world. All wizards basically rely on family inheritance!

If that were the case, then he would definitely regard this as the most despicable scam.

Maybe it's a trick created by those fanatic wizards themselves. At most, it's just a trick to deceive those who don't have wizard qualifications and fantasize about using magic.

However, the problem is that those children who received the notification letters really disappeared!

And his wizard actually detected traces of magic on this admission notice.

"So this is a scam involving wizards?"

"But what's the point of such a lie that can be exposed at a glance? What's their purpose in taking those children?"

Because all children with wizard qualifications must have been tested and basically accepted by the Wizards Association, with few exceptions.

Especially for the children who disappeared this time, after reviewing the records, it was determined that none of them had wizard qualifications.

He couldn't understand the motive.

At this time, one of his subordinates made a guess: "Could it be that some wizard had a sudden idea and wanted to benefit the public and share all his knowledge so he founded a school?"

Sweet was stunned for a moment and frowned: "Maybe..."

"Wait, but if a school is really going to open, there shouldn't be so few new students."

His heart moved, and he immediately ordered: "There shouldn't be so few admission notices! Immediately investigate who else has received the admission notices, and what is their current situation!"

With the cooperation of professional agents from the Security Bureau and wizards, as well as investigations from local police stations, the results were quickly obtained.

What shocked him was that the number of families surveyed so far who had received admission notices was no less than one hundred, and the number was slowly increasing with the deepening of the investigation and the statistical process of the Internet!

"There are so many?!"

He took a closer look at the current statistical results.

It was found that apart from those who reported missing, more than half of the families had indeed received the notice, and the parents and elders were very happy and happily sent their children to the magic academy!

Some of the remaining people sneered at this. After all, they had just been officially tested and found that they had no wizard qualifications, so they just threw it aside.

It was only when the police came to my door that I remembered that there was such a thing.

"So, they really believed the content here so easily?" Sweet was speechless.

"In fact, there are many people who just want to give it a try." The agent replied, "They like wizard culture very much, so after getting this thing, they thought it would not be a loss to give it a try anyway. Already..."

(End of this chapter)

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