I played the world alone

Chapter 439 That’s a devil

Chapter 439 That’s a devil (two in one)

To put it simply, a large number of dark wizards suddenly appeared in the magical world. They controlled a lot of evil and weird black magic, which caught ordinary wizards off guard, and many people died in one fell swoop.

Then the wizard police were dispatched urgently, but it didn't have much effect. Instead, many of them were ambushed and killed. The order of the entire magical world was disrupted.

Later, more and more people became dark wizards, and recently even several schools have fallen.

Unfortunately, they happened to be studying magic in school at that time, and suffered a terrible collective curse. It was said that the recipients would be attacked by demons and die within a certain period of time.

Although they have not seen it with their own eyes, they know that many people have died from this in recent times, and the death condition is very miserable, as if they have been eaten by wild beasts, with bloody flesh and blood.

Fortunately, just before the dark wizard invaded the school, they used teleportation magic to leave in time without receiving any harm.

So I don’t know what’s going on in the magical world now.

And they are even more worried about what happened to their current curse, and whether it will appear in this Muggle world to kill them.

Judging from past experience, it is useless no matter where you hide. The devil can always accurately find and take away lives as if it has a full field of vision.

Otherwise, the two of them would not be as cowardly as they are now.

"Well, are you done?"

Lu Chen tapped his pen lightly, looked away from the paper in his hand, and looked at the two boys kneeling in front of him.

"Say... it's over." The two of them answered carefully.

"We already know that we are sick, but the devil is really likely to appear and kill us, and anyone who stays with us may be killed. Please leave as soon as possible!"

Brother Garden, with his swollen face and pimples, begged with tears in his eyes.

He was really scared and convinced.

The person in front of them couldn't be scolded or beaten, and they were still facing the threat of curses. They almost felt desperate.

My younger brother Meg also tried to persuade: "We will definitely go to your clinic for treatment tomorrow, and we will take the medicine obediently and not resist, but it is really dangerous here..."

"I'm sorry, but please forgive me for refusing."

Lu Chen closed the notebook in his hand with a "pop" sound and smiled slightly.

"The patients' mental hallucinations have reached this point. It is very likely that hallucinations will lead to some self-harm. It is necessary for me to help you recognize those hallucinations and let you recognize the reality."


The two brothers were speechless.

Why doesn’t this person make sense at all?

Just thinking about his crappy treatment!

How can you cure a ghost when your life is about to die?

"We are really not kidding! If you stay here, you will die!" The grumpy Garden couldn't help it, jumped up and screamed.

However, this courage immediately disappeared from the heart after the other party's indifferent eyes met, and he quickly knelt down with a "pop", not daring to raise his head.

"I'm not kidding either."

Lu Chen snapped his fingers: "Today I will help you recognize the illusion."

At this moment, my brother Meg suddenly shouted in despair: "The curse has begun to take effect! We are all going to die!"

Look at the current situation. The doors have been destroyed, the most basic sealing environment has failed, and the rest of the defensive magic has not been left.

And all the magic in their hands failed for some reason, none of them could be used, and the precious wands became decorations.

The only adult in front of me was unlucky enough to be a paranoid ordinary person who only wanted to treat their mental illness and insisted on saying that magic did not exist!

As for the enemy, it is a legendary demon. Even many long-famous wizards are said to have been killed by it instantly. So far, there is not even a single survivor.

As long as it appears, it means the coming of death and fear, which can make everyone tremble. It is a real nightmare and one of the most terrifying black magic known so far!

The two are not at the same level at all!

"Damn it! We are all going to die today!"

"Suicide note! I have to write a suicide note quickly..."

The elder brother didn't care about arguing with the doctor at this moment. He quickly took a pen and paper from the table and began to rack his brains to write down his gratitude to his parents and asked them not to investigate the cause of their death.

Lu Chen walked up to them casually and took a look: "They are downstairs, aren't they? Won't this curse kill them?"

"Based on the known circumstances, it shouldn't be the case. Only if the demon is seen killing someone, will it kill the witnesses. Those who haven't seen it can survive."

The younger brother explained in a low voice, while taking out a few adult magazines from the hidden depths of the cabinet, and was worrying about what to do with them.

At the same time, she seemed a little distressed. It was probably a treasure that she had treasured for a long time.

"Your fantasy is quite rich in details." Lu Chen joked casually.

Garden, who was still trying to be articulate, didn't dare to refute, and could only mutter in a low voice: "You can be tough now, and you will regret it when the devil comes out."

In fact, Lu Chen was really curious about what the demons summoned by magic in this world looked like.

Gradually, the two brothers seemed to be so nervous that they couldn't breathe. They didn't care about the things in their hands and began to squat down and tremble.

Lu Chen suddenly felt something in his heart and looked somewhere in the sky.

A few seconds later, a faint mist floated into the room from nowhere, and the surrounding walls and lights seemed to disappear.

It was as if they were suddenly teleported from their home into a strange and dark forest.

The two brothers hugged each other tightly, with fear on their faces.

Suddenly, Garden saw a long, dark, twisted arm that looked like it was made of petroleum or burned, smelly plastic stretching out from the mist, stretching straight towards them.

The palms are very broad, and the nails are sharp and blue. Just looking at them has a strong visual impact. People have no doubt that they can crush a person's head in an instant, or take out a person's internal organs!

"Come...come! We are going to die!"

The two of them suddenly screamed and almost wet their pants.

However, at this moment, a hand suddenly stretched out from the side and directly grabbed the demon's arm.

The demon seemed stunned for a moment, not expecting that someone would dare to grab its arm. Then the black flesh on the arm slowly moved, as if it was trying hard to break free from the hand.

I just tried to break free several times in succession, but all failed.

Garden's eyes suddenly widened and he looked at this astonishing scene with a blank expression.

At the same time, he slowly turned his head stiffly and looked at the owner of that hand, who was the psychiatrist. I just heard the other party say slowly and unhurriedly: "Didn't your parents teach you not to enter other people's homes without permission?"

"What's more, you are wearing some weird clothes and your body is painted black. It shows that you may have extremely serious psychological problems and need to be treated properly."

"Wait doctor, this is a demon..."

My younger brother Meg couldn't help but make a sound. He looked at the devil's hand that was still struggling after being grabbed but couldn't get rid of it and seemed to be going crazy gradually.

According to legend, doesn’t this thing kill anyone it sees? Why can't you get even one hand free now?

Are you still being lectured by this weirdo psychiatrist like a patient? !

Is he dreaming or has the world gone crazy?

"Really?" Lu Chen looked back, "But I only saw a bad guy who deliberately wanted to bully you. I understand, were you bullied in school? That's why you had such serious problems. mental illness……"

"Is this guy one of the bullies?"

If what he said was true, they might still be moved by it, but now they have no words to reply.

Seeing their hesitating, Lu Chen couldn't help but shook his head regretfully: "Forget it, let me help today. Come out! I will discipline you on behalf of your parents today."

As he said that, he pulled hard.

The devil's hand was pulled out like a carrot.

Immediately, a shrill scream came from the mist.

In the next second, I saw the fog disappearing quickly as if it was escaping, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

The two brothers stared blankly at the remaining half of the doctor's arm, which was rapidly drying and dissipating, with disbelief on their faces.

"Run... run?"

The most terrifying black magic curse in the wizarding world was actually solved just like that?

Immediately, they looked at the doctor, and their eyes were completely different, with more fear and awe.

Even the demon was beaten away, how terrifying the strength of the man in front of him would be!

Compared to them, Lu Chen was thinking carefully about what he just said.

"It's different from what I saw in the previous small worlds, but the essence should be similar. They are all products of pollution. If the strength of this thing is divided by the level of immortal cultivation, it is probably around the peak of foundation building."

"Although I can slap it to death, its body surface is covered with a layer of contaminated aura, and its body is rotten like liquid, making it difficult for it to cause damage whether it is magic or sword damage. "

"It's very troublesome for these wizards who can only recite spells."

"If I hadn't been here tonight, these two boys would have died."

At this time, he suddenly heard Garden next to him ask in a cautious and awe-inspiring tone: "You...what is your identity?"

Lu Chen looked back, saw the expressions of the two people, and smiled lightly: "I'm just an ordinary psychiatrist."

The two of them were not fools, so there was no way they would believe such words, but no one dared to tell the truth.

This big boss must have his own reasons for hiding his identity. To put it bluntly, they are not giving him face. If the other party kills them all to hide the information, they will not be able to cry.

"Okay, now your problem has been solved, and you probably won't get sick again in the future."

Lu Chen clapped his hands, patted down all the black powder in his hands, and then sat aside.

"But as a responsible psychiatrist, I feel a little uneasy when I heard that there are probably many people who have the same symptoms."

"Can you enter that magical world again? I also want to go in and treat more patients."

The two brothers were a little worried that if this person went in, they would treat those respected wizards and teachers as crazy, but they did not dare to refuse, so they could only say honestly: "We used to use teleportation magic to communicate."

"This kind of magic requires the coordinates of both locations to be set."

"But when we came out last time, we found that we couldn't go back. It's probably that the other end has been destroyed."

Lu Chen nodded slightly: "Then do you know other ways to communicate?"

The two brothers looked at each other and nodded: "Really speaking, we also know other students, and they should have a way to communicate with them."

"But they were also cursed when they escaped from the school before, and they might also be attacked..."

"Take me to see them tomorrow." Lu Chen interrupted before they finished speaking.

"I will help solve their illnesses."

The tone was very confident and certain, as if the black magic that was a fatal crisis in their eyes was just a toy in front of them.

If it had been before, they would have thought this man was an arrogant Muggle.

But now, they really believe it.


The next morning.

Under the leadership of the two brothers, Lu Chen met another wizard student, an ordinary girl with braids and glasses.

The meeting place was the other party's home, a small single-family house in the suburbs.

"Please come in, my parents are not here. You are free to do as you like." The girl has an East Asian face. She looks very quiet and introverted, and she speaks in a soft voice.

However, judging from the dark circles under his eyes and his haggard appearance, he has been affected by the curse these days, and his sleep is not stable.

As he entered, Garden explained the situation of the other party to him in a low voice.

This girl's name is Liu Huili, and she is a student in the same grade as them.

However, unlike the two Garden brothers, the other two are from a magic family, and they are also the children who have received admission letters from owls. They will study in the magic school completely every semester.

Therefore, after being attacked by the dark wizard this time, the other family suffered the greatest harm.

For example, her parents have not returned yet, and there is no letter saying they are safe. Her life or death is uncertain.

After pouring tea for several people, Liu Huili glanced at them, and finally landed on Lu Chen, a little confused: "Is he the person you said on the phone that you can help me solve the curse?"

"That's right!" Garden nodded repeatedly, "We already had a curse yesterday, but he actually stopped it! We are living well now, so you must be able to do the same!"

The girl looked at the mysterious master curiously.

It's just that in terms of appearance and temperament, he is an ordinary person who can be seen everywhere, and he can't even be considered a wizard.

Lu Chen suddenly moistened his throat and said without any doubt: "As for the wizard you mentioned, I believe it is a mental illness caused by collective hallucination..."

"But it's not a big problem. I will try my best to help you get treatment and get back to normal."

Liu Huili had a look of astonishment on her face. If the two Garden brothers hadn't tried their best to give her hints with their glances, she would have doubted whether this person was here to cause trouble.

(End of this chapter)

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