I played the world alone

Chapter 427 Adventure 3-person group

Chapter 427 Adventure trio (two in one)

But before she finished speaking, Fryer looked at her seriously.

"No, you have to stop thinking like this! You have no idea what that witch means without personal experience..."

Now she couldn't even imagine how hellish the world would be if the demon had been successfully summoned and no angels had appeared to stop it.

Even though she misses that teacher a little, she doesn't want disaster in today's world.

What's more, just as the mysterious man said just now, the strength gap between the two sides is quite large, and Novia is definitely not his opponent.

And I am not willing to take risks for this.

"I understand……"

Although Novia felt a little pity, she still chose to obey the orders of her ancestors.

Flair's face softened slightly and he did not continue to blame this descendant for his eagerness for quick success. After all, he was still young and could learn slowly in the future.

Then he said: "I will go there in person tomorrow to see what's going on there."

"Novia, you are going too."

"I will obey your order, ancestor." Novia lowered her head and replied respectfully.

"We all know that this will be a big event for the church. It is expected that many wizards will come tomorrow. Be prepared. This may also be a good opportunity to promote our family."

Novia listened carefully to the teachings of her ancestors and kept nodding.

Under the moonlight outside the house, an owl was flying farther and farther. When it flew out of a shadow and flew out again, it had turned into a small bat, flying through the streets that gradually became brighter and livelier, until Flying over a hotel.

After hanging upside down on a balcony, his red eyes looked around.

This is where the clergy who will be taking action tomorrow live.

But it was obvious that even though it was late at night, most people were still awake, and many people were nervously gathering together to discuss tomorrow's action plan.

Lu Chen covered the entire hotel with his consciousness and easily heard their discussion.

Among them, there were many people who were afraid of the unknown creatures in the video, and they all prayed that tomorrow would be safe.

However, some people have raised their own doubts about the authenticity of the video.

Of course, these people are only a minority. After all, they know that there is no need for Sweet to deceive them.

Because of this, many people who feel scared are even planning to escape quietly!

"Demons are very terrifying, and they are definitely beyond our ability to deal with! We are just dying in vain here..."

They argued fiercely and even despaired of it.

It's a pity that Sweet has already set up a defense line here to prevent outsiders from entering and cut off their thoughts of escaping.

But at this moment, he suddenly felt that something strange seemed to be happening in the basement of the church.

It seemed like someone else had broken in.

It's just that they are not wizards or other guards, they seem more like irrelevant and boring guys who came here to explore.

"What are these guards in the empire doing? Are they really treating this place as a toilet, where anyone can poop?"

Lu Chen almost laughed out of anger.

It doesn't matter that those wizards have magic, and they can't demand anything, but why can these ordinary people come in casually?

This made him doubt the professionalism and responsibility of these people.

Especially when he observed over there, he found that the people responsible for staying behind were either taking a cigarette break or dozing off.

There didn't seem to be any concern that anyone would get in.

"Sweat would be so casual?"

Lu Chen expressed some doubts about this.

Even if these guards are very casual, he has been in contact with Sweet and is very strict, otherwise he would not be in his current position.

After careful observation, he suddenly realized something.

It turns out that Sweet has asked the wizard to set up various early warning magics near the basement, which will be triggered by anyone who dares to approach without permission.

The effect is that it will not only make a noise to attract the attention of the guards here, but also notify the wizard who set the magic, which is equivalent to calling for rescue. It will also temporarily trap the intruder so that he cannot escape before help arrives.

I have to admit that this is indeed a very complete defense method. If there are no accidents, basically no one will be able to break in.

No wonder these guards are so casual, they should have known about it for a long time.

They are standing here just in case.

But the problem is, an accident happened!

That is, Garnier and Novia broke into this place earlier.

For these two master wizards, these early warning spells are not particularly troublesome and can be solved with a little thinking.

But the problem lies here——

After these two people eliminated the early warning magic, they did not completely restore it!
  Maybe he didn't care, or maybe he didn't notice and left some loopholes that were not critical, which directly led to the current embarrassing situation.

Some brave ordinary people actually bypassed the guards outside and sneaked in!
  It is estimated that Sweet did not expect such a situation at the time. Otherwise, at least setting up a few infrared alarms or surveillance cameras here might be able to prevent this oolong.

Unfortunately, it was too late to say this at this time, as the three people had already broken in.

Just when Lu Chen was about to throw them out, he suddenly felt something in his heart.

"Perhaps... we can use them by the way?"

Otherwise, it would be boring to just follow the rules and exorcise demons.


"Hey, friends, where we are now is the entrance to the mysterious basement of this abandoned church!"

Norton, who has brown hair and blue eyes, held the camera with a selfie stick and carefully raised it above his head so that the camera could capture the surrounding situation.

One of the companions behind him was holding a flashlight, and the other was carrying a backpack and holding a tablet in his hand, responsible for shooting.

They are relatively famous anchors on YouTube recently, and their main focus is adventure-themed videos.

Having accidentally tried this subject before and made a lot of money, they suddenly felt that they might be able to make a fortune from this and become a well-known anchor!

Therefore, they are now paying attention to some ancient buildings with strange rumors.

This did give them some fame.

But this time, they set their sights on this new ancient building.

Giles heard the news from a friend and spent a small fortune on it.

But he felt it was well worth it! Because he heard that this was an officially certified "evil place" that the empire had sealed off and even summoned exorcists from many churches to exorcise demons!
  When they thought of this, they couldn't help but feel excited, as if their blood was boiling with excitement!

Isn't this a good opportunity for them to rise?
  Although I dare not live broadcast openly, I just want to enter here to shoot a video before the official exorcism tomorrow, and record the true appearance.

Then we will take advantage of the big news about the official exorcism tomorrow and release the video in a high-profile way, cleverly borrowing a wave of popularity and traffic!

They can hardly imagine how high the views of their video will be, and how huge the benefits it will bring to them!

It is no exaggeration to say that this wave will allow them to join the ranks of major anchors, and their fans may exceed one million!

Seeing that the opportunity to turn over was right in front of them, it was no wonder that their hands were shaking slightly at the moment.

They had already investigated the situation here before coming, and by the way, they were still patiently squatting around after dark, observing the movements of the guards.

I originally thought that this would definitely be a tricky infiltration adventure, and I might have to pick the right time and sneak in quietly when they were changing shifts, but it turned out to be unexpectedly smooth.

The defense was so lax that the three of them, without professional training, could successfully sneak in just by bending down and using the shadows.

No surveillance cameras were found along the way.

However, instead of surprising them, this actually disappointed them.

Because this means that the imperial official does not seem to pay much attention to this place.

In other words, the official exorcism that was originally thought to be so grand may be just a small-scale activity, or even just a boring hoax.

Their good wishes to take advantage of this east wind suddenly came to nothing.

But since they were here anyway, they decided to finish filming this time and not let their pre-plan go to waste.

The flashlight's white light shines on the rock walls on both sides, and the dewdrops on the slightly moist moss seem to reflect the dim light.

The downward tunnel is so deep that the flashlight can't even see the end, only a blur of darkness.

I have to say, this does have a weird atmosphere like a haunted house.

That's how it's done in thrillers like that.

Maybe a murderer with a chainsaw will pop out at the end.

Subconsciously swallowing, Norton flicked his hair and continued in a deliberately low tone: "This is a new place we just learned about today. You may have already known it when you saw this video. This is a church. And the real 'Devil Sealed Place' officially recognized by the empire..."

He slowly explained the superficial contents he knew.

Although he didn't know the deeper details, the introduction to this video was more than enough.

"...Okay, then it will be up to me, Norton..."

He waved sideways, revealing two people waving from behind.

"It's Bob."

"Okomen..." The man with freckles holding the backpack was a little shy.

"OK, let our expedition trio decipher it for you!"

"Perhaps today we will have the opportunity to shoot real ghosts or even demons! Remember, we will not edit this video or add special effects like those bullshit fakers. You will not be able to shoot it in the next second. do not miss it!"

He licked his lips excitedly and waved for the two of them to follow.

"What we see now is the basement passage. It is very long and a little slippery underfoot. It may be the dew condensed by the temperature difference at night. We need to be careful..."

"Oh, you may not guess that this is an ancient building from more than five hundred years ago..."

The gaps between his words rarely exceed two seconds, so that the content of the video does not appear boring and quiet. The two companions behind him will also interject a sentence from time to time, and they will also chat about some weird rumors that suit the current atmosphere.

The matching is very tacit.

Soon, several people had reached the basement.

He raised his flashlight and looked around with the camera.

"Oh God, this place is very empty, haha. Who would have thought that there is such a wonderful space under the broken church above?"

"Wow, look here, there are a lot of strange patterns. Could this be some kind of evil symbol? To be honest, before I came here, I was still wondering if this was just a boring prank, but Now I kind of believe it.”

Norton described what he saw in a very exaggerated tone, and took the initiative to close the camera lens to the wall and look at the strange runes or totems on it.

"Does anyone know you? I can introduce it to you below the video. I think this is definitely a rare and good opportunity for those of us who like mysticism."

"Hey, look here Norton, there are a lot of books here! The original owner here must be a learned guy."

Norton turned around and walked over, and couldn't help but be surprised when he saw the bookshelf full of books.

He picked up a book casually, but the cover on it was damaged due to the passage of time, and then he took it off and dropped it to the ground.


It fell apart directly.

He immediately looked embarrassed and panicked.

"Damn it, this part has to be cut later!"

Otherwise, if someone discovers that he has damaged the cultural relics here, fines and compensation are probably inevitable.

"Put this book back and let's do it all over again..."

Returning to the previous action, this time he carefully picked up another book and read the contents by the light of the flashlight.

"It's a very old text. I even suspect that if I use a little force, the book will break into pieces. Everyone must pay attention to it in the future..."

He made a joke that was not funny. Fortunately, his companion next to him said again: "The text above seems to be introducing the matter of summoning demons."

"Incredible! All the patterns here seem to indicate that the original owner is trying to summon demons in some evil way!"

Norton pretended to be surprised and said: "For safety reasons, please forgive me for not being able to take pictures of the contents of these books, but as long as I stand here, I can feel a chill on my back, as if there is a ghost behind us..."

"Are these all true?"

He pretended to be serious: "I seem to understand now why the official and the church took the initiative to seal this place..."

"I don't know if this place will still exist tomorrow, but I hope our video can preserve this horrific scene as a memorial..."

"Look, there is a statue of an angel here..."

"very beautiful!"

Next to him, Bob shone the light of his flashlight on the small sculpture on the table.

"No, Bob, don't touch it..."

Norton was a little dissatisfied that the other party stole the spotlight, although he was indeed very interested in these and thought it was good material.

(End of this chapter)

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