I played the world alone

Chapter 197 Scared crazy

Chapter 197 Scared crazy

It was the same as what Lu Chen thought.

When Ahu, who had recovered from a long illness, appeared at the banquet, almost everyone in Xujia Village was shocked!
"you you you……"

One person was still eating Hesai into his mouth with his front feet. When he heard the movement behind him, he subconsciously glanced back, and immediately opened his mouth wide. He didn't respond when the food in his mouth fell to the ground.

After being stunned for a while, he shouted in horror: "Isn't you Ah Hu? I remember you have been lying on the bed for several years! Could it be that you are already dead? I saw a ghost in broad daylight?!"

"Yes... yes!"

He suddenly lost his mind and looked back at the delicious food on the table.

"I just said how can there be such a good thing in this world. It turns out that I'm dead... Are these the last meal before going on the road?"

"I...I have to eat more quickly! I'll be a hungry ghost if I wait any longer!"

"Silly boy! What are you talking about!"

Xu Guang, who was angry and funny, directly punched this guy on the shoulder.

"Look carefully, this is a living person! Our Ah Hu is already alive! He has recovered from his illness!"

The rest of the people also gradually reacted, and they were all in disbelief.

"How is it possible! Didn't many doctors come to see it at that time and said there was no way?"

"Hehe, you would never have imagined it! It's Mr. Xu Xian, Mr. Xu, who has superb medical skills. With that silver needle, he cured my son's illness with just a few strokes!"

Xu Guang showed off very proudly, pushing aside the crowd and taking a seat for Ah Hu.

"Son, eat quickly! Mr. Xu Xian provided all the banquets. We must remember this kindness in the future, and we must never forget it!"

Ahu nodded heavily, and then, like a starved ghost reincarnated, he quickly grabbed two chicken legs and gnawed them quickly.

The energy spent lying on the hospital bed for these years has tortured him to the point where he is almost out of shape and skinny. Although the accumulation of spiritual energy just now has revived his vitality, after all, he cannot be created out of nothing, and these nutrients urgently need to be replenished.

At this moment, the desire for food has exploded, making him eat big mouthfuls, not at all like a weak person who just recovered from a serious illness.

"Xu Xian can still heal illnesses?"

"Really! And it can cure Ahu's illness?!"

Many villagers are suspicious.

"Of course it's true!" Xu Guang was so angry that he blew his beard and stared, questioning him, but now that Xu Xian is the reincarnated benefactor of his family, how can he allow doubts.

"I, Xu Guang, dare to pledge my life!"

And at this moment, someone shouted loudly.

"Hey, Xu Xian is here!"

"Master Xu Xian is here!"

Everyone including Xu Guang immediately turned around and saw Xu Xian was walking slowly, some impatient people immediately went up to meet him.

"Master Xu Xian, is what Xu Guang said true?"

"Ah Hu's illness was really cured by you?"

Lu Chen smiled slightly.

"Of course it's true. No, I happen to have some medical skills. I dare not say that I can cure all diseases, but at least this level of minor illness is enough."


Everyone took a deep breath.

This is no ordinary boast.

They all knew how serious Ahu's disease was.

Can this be considered a minor illness?
Is there any serious illness under the sun that day?
At this moment, they all reacted somewhat.

"Is it true, don't you know if you try it?"

And Lu Chen also guessed what they were thinking, and raised his hand to signal: "Fathers and folks, I announce that I can help treat all members of the Xu clan for free. But after all, I have limited energy alone, so please take care of minor disasters and illnesses. I want to treat those poor people who are seriously ill first."

And the patriarch also stood up at this moment, and used his majesty to shout back the crowded crowd.

"That's enough! Mr. Xu Xian invited us to dinner, gave us money back, and now he is also treating our illnesses. This is a very good man! It is not an exaggeration to say that he is the reincarnation of a Bodhisattva! If any of you dare to complain, be careful that I will make things difficult for you!"

The other clan elders were short-handed, so they naturally stood firmly on Lu Chen's side at the moment.

Not to mention that they are old and have no minor ailments. If the other party is really a genius doctor, wouldn't it be good to let the other party see it?

There are more and more people.


noon the next day.

In Yuhang County, a gossip suddenly spread among the market.

And spread more and more widely.

In the inn, a few porters who had just had time to rest for a while were chatting while drinking and eating peanuts.

"Have you heard? Xu Family Village seems to have a genius doctor. No matter what the disease is, as long as he holds the silver needle and inserts it, the disease can be cured!"

"Really? Isn't that a lie?"

"You are outdated in this news. I heard that the man seems to be called Xu Xian. His ancestors were the personal physicians of Emperor Taizu of the Ming Dynasty. He was rewarded with ten thousand taels of gold. He returned to Xu's Village after resigning from his old age."

"Ten thousand taels of gold?! So much?!"

"Hey, I think it's just too much! You don't know, Xujia Village has a banquet today, and there is too much meat to eat..."

Xiao Er, who was cleaning the table, pricked up his ears to listen, and suddenly saw Master Fa Hai coming down from the stairs holding a Zen stick, and hurried up to greet him warmly.

"Master Fa Hai, would you like some vegetarian dishes?"

"Okay, just two dishes." Fa Hai nodded, then walked to an empty table and sat down.

The porters who were in the middle of a lively exchange glanced at him when they heard the sound, and suddenly one of them saw the cassock and seemed to think of something, and said mysteriously: "Oh, yes, have you heard that? The tofu seller Zhang and the steamed stuffed bun seller in the next street yesterday morning seemed to be crazy."

"Crazy? Who said that?"

"Hey, the commotion in the middle of the night was so loud that half the street could be heard." The man sneered, "It seems that both of them dreamed of a golden Buddha, and the two of them were crushed under the Buddha statue, unable to move, almost out of breath!"

"Even when they woke up, they saw that everyone around them was still like a Buddha statue in a dream. They were so frightened that they would kneel and kowtow to everyone they saw."

"Later, their family members tied them up and sent them to a temple on a nearby mountain. The abbot of the temple said that because his words and deeds offended the Buddha, he had to spend three days and three nights in the temple, reciting Buddhist scriptures every day, until the Buddha forgave him."

"Huh, this Buddha is really stingy. Isn't it said in the legend that he can cut meat and feed it to eagles?" Another person picked up a peanut with chopsticks and threw it into his mouth, muttering, "How can you be so ruthless in just a few words?"

"Shh! Don't speak ill, maybe you'll have nightmares tonight." The others hurriedly patted him on the shoulder, indicating that there was an old monk present.

At this time, Xiao Er brought two dishes from the back kitchen and put them in front of Fa Hai.

"Don't worry about it, those idiots like to talk nonsense after a tiring day after work. If you want me to say, the scariest thing is the haunting of female ghosts by the West Lake last night."

Fa Hai raised his head, but before he could speak, the porters next to him asked with dissatisfaction a step ahead.

"Why are you slandering people indiscriminately, my brother? We brothers never talk nonsense! Tell me, how scary can that Raoshi child ghost be? Many people saw Zhang and Liu nearly going crazy yesterday!"

Xiao Er wasn't timid either, just as the store wasn't busy at this time, he simply sat down, posing like a storyteller.

"Hey, let me tell you, it's scary..."

(End of this chapter)

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