I played the world alone

Chapter 186 Gathering Materials

Chapter 186 Gathering Materials
If it is gold, then Xu Xun may have to think of a way, and if necessary, he must apply to the higher authorities for funding.

But this is only 1 taels of silver and he can make the decision himself.

Departmental funding is more than adequate.

As for losing money?No way.

Even if these scales are only put up for auction, the price will definitely not stop there!
Even if this new hope of material science is doubled, some people will rush to buy it!
The part of the empire on which the sun never sets is now hidden as a treasure. Up to now, all kinds of secrets about wizards have been revealed one after another, but no news about it has been revealed, as if there is no such thing at all.

It is enough to show how much the imperial officials attach importance to this thing.

Lu Chen pondered for a while: "Okay, I can tell you the truth. At present, there are three pieces sold by the senior brother, and the other two pieces are currently hanging in the treasure pavilion of the teacher's gate. I can come forward and take pictures of them all. As for the price, it is the same as before."

"Are there only three pieces?" Xu Xun sighed regretfully, "Then I'll trouble you. Also, I don't know what standard of silver the senior brother needs?"

Lu Chen made an estimate: "The early and mid-Ming Dynasty is fine."

"Ming Dynasty..." Xu Xun nodded thoughtfully.

"Okay, I will deal with it as soon as possible, and I can hand it over to you tomorrow morning at the latest."

Just as he was about to hang up the phone, Lu Chen suddenly remembered that there was one more thing to do, and immediately interrupted: "By the way, Minister Xu, I have another thing to ask for your help."

"Because some larger beasts have been raised in the division recently and have a greater demand for food, so I would like to ask you to help prepare as much food as possible, rice, vegetables, wine, etc. As for the meat, I have already stored it here, so there is no need for it."

"As compensation, I will not receive additional compensation for improving radio gymnastics."

"Food?" Xu Xun only thought for a moment before agreeing, "No problem. Is about 50 tons of rice and the corresponding dishes enough?"

Lu Chen made some calculations and agreed.

"Should be enough for now."

"Well, these will be delivered to you tomorrow morning together with the money." Xu Xun agreed very readily.

This is the self-confidence that has the support of the whole country behind it.

Lu Chen didn't doubt his ability, but he estimated the time himself. The next flashback should be tomorrow afternoon, and the time is completely in time.

After hanging up the phone, Lu Chen didn't stay idle, and immediately began to search for the image of Fa Hai in various film and television dramas, intending to use it as a reference.

Unfortunately, I happened to see Zhao Wenzhuo's version of Dawei Tianlong, and I was immediately shocked.

It's a pity that this image is too masculine and not suitable.

In the end, he still referred to the image of the elderly Fahai in the classic "Legend of the New White Snake".

This looks more virtuous and respectable, and it is easy to convince people. After putting on cassocks, holding a Zen staff and a golden bowl, the aura will suddenly come up. Going to the relatively backward era of ancient times, this appearance alone may be able to deceive many people.

And he quickly scanned the plot and found a loophole.

"It's a pity that Taoist priests don't have many roles in this plot, and they still appear as villains. I guess it's not appropriate."

After thinking about it, he decided not to intervene.

At best, it would be harmless to omit this plot.

The matter of cultivating immortals can be left to modern times and then acted out slowly. The key is to give priority to acting out the storyline.

After determining the image, he immediately went to the online store to search for related items.

It doesn't need to be of good quality, just the kind of cheap wholesale goods. The key is that the location is close, so it is convenient for him to come and pick up the goods.

Soon, he found several suitable shops, and after some inquiries, he finally confirmed a shop that was not too far from here, only a few tens of kilometers away.

The golden bowl, the staff, and even various Buddhist robes and Buddhist beads are all available, just go and get them.

After solving this, he also contacted the merchant who sold the sword again.

This time, I bought two hundred wholesale cheap mass-produced swords in one go.

The merchants were so happy that they kissed each other.

The other party simply cleared more than half of his inventory, he is definitely a big customer!

After replenishing these supplies, Lu Chen took a taxi to pick up the couriers one by one. After collecting all the supplies, it was almost night.

Instead of going back in a hurry, he turned into a bat and flew over a large reservoir in a nearby mountain area.

I found a relatively secluded place, and after using my spiritual sense to confirm that there was no one or a monitor, I turned into a human form and inserted my hand into the water.

Then open the storage space!

A large amount of water began to be absorbed quickly, and the vacuum in a small area almost caused a small vortex in an instant, and waves of water beat and rolled, as if a strong wind had blown by.

But if you look closely, you will find that the nearby leaves are not shaking very much.

Looking at the speed of this collection, Lu Chen nodded with satisfaction.

This is the fastest way to collect water resources that he just thought of.

At least save money and time to buy bottled water.

At the same time, the little water he absorbed would not have any impact on the environment here.

After he finished absorbing it for a few ten minutes, the water level here didn't seem to have changed much, and it was basically invisible.

And his storage space has already filled nearly half of the water resources.

"Now it's time to flood the golden mountains."

Then he soared into the air, turned into a bat and flew towards the distant urban area.

All we had to do was wait for news from Xu Xun.


On the other hand, Xu Xun asked some experts to search for historical materials about the Ming Dynasty while making Ming Dynasty standard silver ingots overnight.

Especially some special characters who might appear at that time, such as cultivating Taoism and immortality.

"This information is very important, it will help us investigate the specific origin of the cultivator."

Xu Xun ordered.

"The other party only accepts the gold and silver standard of the Ming Dynasty, which means that they are probably from that era, and they have entered the fairy gate before the end of the Ming Dynasty. They have not experienced the Qing Dynasty later, which makes the habits formed when they were young more deeply ingrained."

Yan Wenle, one of the assistant investigators, immediately raised his hand.

"Boss, I know a qualified person."


"Zhang Sanfeng!" Yan Wenle said excitedly.

"The true legend is still the most powerful of the Wudang sect! Could it be him?"

"Him?" Xu Xun was startled, and recalled it carefully. It seems that it is true, and it has been mentioned in some classic movies.

But to be honest, Zhang Sanfeng seemed to be over a hundred years old when he became famous at the time, not quite like the middle-aged man he saw before.

And there is no obvious trace of the Wudang faction.

"But no matter what, contact me immediately and go to Wudang Mountain to inquire about the situation. It's best to find traces of their ancestors writing books and biography."

Now as long as there is a relationship, you can't let it go easily.

After all, even cultivating immortals has become a reality, maybe it is really possible?
 Thanks to "Book Friends 20200319111957343" for the reward of 2 starting coins, and thanks to "Talking Farewell" for the reward of 2 starting coins, thank you for your support!

(End of this chapter)

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