I played the world alone

Chapter 171 A Despicable Deception

Chapter 171 A Despicable Deception
Rouji came to the entrance of the museum and checked that there were no signs of intrusion.

After confirming that it was correct, he nodded with confidence, opened the door, and checked the situation inside the house.

Again no issues.

He only took a second look at the white snake.

It's a little strange that this thing was particularly amazing when I saw it last night, and it feels very valuable.But when I looked at it again today, I felt that it was nothing more than that, not much different from the snakes next to it.

"It's a pity... It seems that I was too tired to look at it yesterday."

He shook his head and looked away.

But then there was another thing that was more of a headache.

Last night, I spent almost all night talking with that collector about wizards, but I still haven't decided on it, so I can only say that I will try it first.

Looking around at the familiar collections, he couldn't help but sigh.

"Maybe if I make money, my reputation will be rotten..."

Field showed pain on his face and squeezed the center of his brows.

But at this moment, there was a lot of movement outside the house, as if many people ran over together.

He hurried to the door to check, but he saw the collector, Mr. Tony followed by many young men and women who looked like students, and many reporters holding cameras, he couldn't help but feel astonished.

"Oh, Mr. Field, I'm glad we're seeing each other again so soon."

Mr. Tony didn't care about his astonishment at all. On the contrary, he opened his arms very enthusiastically and walked forward to hug him.

It seems that the two people are not the buyers and sellers who were still arguing fiercely yesterday, but old friends who have a very good relationship.

Field didn't react at all, he was hugged passively, and then he saw the other party enthusiastically greeted the group of people like a master and walked towards buying tickets, but ignored him.

"Wait...Mr. Tony! These...wait..." Field tried to catch up, but was so crowded by this group of people that he almost couldn't even get in the door, and his glasses almost fell to the ground and were crushed, let alone blocked them.

He didn't quite understand what this guy wanted to do, and why he didn't follow what was agreed yesterday.Didn't even mention it to him in advance.

At this moment, the Mr. Collector is very "skilled" introducing the collection here to everyone, but this introduction is completely wrong.

"Yes, that tree, yes, is the one in front of you. It was once planted by a great mage himself, and there are still some traces of spells on it..."

"Oh, look at that bird, it's the carrier pigeon used by wizards to deliver letters..."

"But aren't owls delivering letters in movies?"

"Well... that's fake, kid. Who has actually seen a wizard in real life?"

He chuckled.

"But I think the ones here are fake!"

Several young people suddenly shouted.

"How can these things be wizard's supplies? They will break if you touch them, and many of them are wholesale goods from those cheap factories! Shit, you are deceiving us! I want to complain!"

"No, no, no, the reporters are broadcasting in real time now, you can't talk nonsense." Tony showed a little flustered.

When they heard that it was a live broadcast, those people seemed to be even more energetic. They made a lot of noise and rudely grabbed the collections next to them, which made Field feel so distressed that he was about to bleed.

Squeezing two steps forward, he was about to make a sound to stop him, but was grabbed by Tony, exposing him to everyone's eyes.

"Wait, I'm just here to help, this is the owner of this museum."

In an instant, several cameras were aimed at the bewildered Field.


Before he could reply, he was suffocated by the questioning and flashing lights that almost rushed to his face.

"Mr. Field, are these really things left by wizards?"

"We are professional media, you must tell us the truth!"

"No...I think this..." Field stammered and wanted to explain, but before he could speak, he was interrupted by Tony.

Tony clapped his hands suddenly, took out his mobile phone from his pocket, and shouted excitedly: "Everyone, I have evidence! It was Mr. Field who told me last night..."

Field froze for a moment, suddenly thought of something, his face changed suddenly, and he was about to stop it.

At this moment, Tony pressed the button, and in the next second, a slightly electronic sound that seemed to be recorded on the phone came out.

"Pretend the stuff in the museum to be about wizards..."

"Get hot? Of course..."

The sound was intermittent, as if the signal was not very good, but it sounded obviously his voice, and it couldn't be faked.

Tony hastily turned off the recording, as if it was really just an accident.

In an instant, everyone around was in an uproar, looking at Field with an extremely bad face in disbelief.

"Mr. Field, do you have any explanation for this?"

"You treat everyone else as idiots, and you think you can easily take advantage of this to make a profit?"

"How could such a ridiculous thing happen! It's unreasonable! We're going to sue you for fraud!"

Field waved his hands anxiously: "No, no, it's all fake! I didn't cheat..."

At this moment, Tony took two steps forward and patted him on the shoulder with regret.

"It's all right, Mr. Field. Just admit it, it's not such a serious matter. At most, it's just a complete ruin of the museum's reputation, but I will try my best to help you preserve the things here."


Field was almost out of breath, and looked at the kind-looking collector in disbelief.

It's not the first time the two have cooperated, but they never expected that the other party would use such a dirty and despicable method!

You don't need to think about it to know that all the people here are deliberately invited by the other party, just to find fault.

As long as the pictures taken are true, it is enough to completely discredit his museum or even close down.

At that time, the other party can directly buy it at a lower price...

Looking at the smile on the opponent's face, he really wanted to punch him right now.

But it is estimated that it is not just money, it may also have to be imprisoned!
Looking at the aggressive eyes around him, he felt a sense of fear in his heart.

He is now in a dead end.

There is only one option to admit defeat, otherwise there will be no money left.

Of course, there is another way, which is to prove that these are indeed the collections of wizards.

But this is also completely impossible.

He knew that these collections had nothing to do with wizards, they were all things he had collected hard from all over the world.

Several young people are still relentlessly finding fault.

At this moment, they had already walked to the snake specimens, and looked at the snakes through the glass.

"Look, these snakes are so fake, they can't be made of rubber!"

"You are not allowed to insult my collection!" Field's chest heaved violently.

"If you have the ability, you can prove that these are all related to wizards, otherwise everything here is fake!"

The other person also laughed mockingly: "If you can prove it, I will swallow this snake alive on the spot!"

He pointed to the nearest white snake.

(End of this chapter)

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